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+[[!meta title="Anarchist Cybernetics"]]
+* https://lra.le.ac.uk/bitstream/2381/37597/1/2016swanntrphd.pdf
+* https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/phir/staff/thomas-swann/
+* https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.686573
+* https://lra.le.ac.uk/handle/2381/37597
+* https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/12/1642612/-Anti-Capitalist-Meetup-Swann-s-Way-anarchist-cybernetics-amp-organizational-dynamics-in-politics
+## Excerpts
+ goals. The metaphor of a dance with complexity echoes the way Ashby describes the
+ process of control as being similar to a fencer facing an opponent. ‘(I)f a fencer faces an
+ opponent who has various modes of attack available,’ he writes, ‘the fencer must be
+ provided with at least an equal number of modes of defence’ ([1958] 2003, p. 356; see
+ also Ashby, 1962)). Control and regulation are processes of responding to the
+ unpredictable moves of another dancer (again, the complexity can be threatening or, in
+ the case of a dance or in fencing, it can be more of a friendly game or a negotiation). 11
+ Control is not something enacted by an entity, be it an individual or a group, over an
+ [...]
+ Self-organisation is a sticky concept for cybernetics. Ashby, for example, argues that it
+ cannot exist. He bases his argument on the second-order cybernetic position that
+ viability or effectiveness is always determined as such by an observer of a system. Self-
+ organisation suggests that a system responds effectively by itself to complexity. Along
+ these lines, self-organisation is not a property of the system itself but of the observation
+ (1962; see also von Foerster, [1960] 2003; Duda, 2012, p. 89). While this may apply to
+ mathematical, biological and engineering applications of cybernetics, it is
+ fundamentally at odds with organisational cybernetics and the cybernetics of social and
+ political organisation more generally. A more fitting account of self-organisation, one
+ that is applicable to both the cybernetic need for control and the specific nature of social
+ and political organisations, is the more common one of a group of people deciding
+ amongst themselves, to achieve some goal(s). Stewart Umpleby (1987) highlights this
+ simple definition by contrasting two situations:
+ A teacher can organize a class into groups by assigning each child to a specific group and
+ [...]
+ One of the core ideas in cybernetic thought when it comes to communication is that of
+ feedback. Beer in fact highlights feedback as ‘the most important concept of all’ ([1981]
+ 1994, p. 32). Feedback explains how information, 12 from the environment but also the
+ internal workings of the organisation itself, plays a role in how the various parts of the
+ organisation operate autonomously. Beer is keen to stress that feedback does not mean
+ what it is commonly thought to mean, i.e. a response to something. Instead, feedback
+ refers to the way in which information about the changes a part of an organisation or
+ system faces are used to help that part maintain an agreed level of operation or to work
+ towards an agreed goal. Information coming into an operating unit of an organisation or
+ system about what is happening, both internally and externally, allows it to direct its
+ [...]
+ account of the free market as a tool for allowing order to emerge from chaos (Cooper,
+ 2011; see also Gilbert, 2005). Hayek was of course one of the key architects of the
+ theories that supported neoliberalism and, in a sad irony, was involved in advising the
+ dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet that had toppled the government of Salvador Allende
+ in Chile that Beer had become so invested in (Harvey, 2005). While complexity has
+ been discussed thus far in relation to the potential for self-organisation in a way that
+ may well run parallel to radically political accounts (see also Maeckelbergh, 2009, pp.
+ 203-210; Purkis, 2004, pp. 51-52), it is important to note that there is a competing
+ narrative around complexity theory, one that takes it in a dramatically different
+ direction.
+ Autonomy and ideas of self-organisation and horizontality, too, have been subject to
+ [...]
+ This initial affinity between anarchism and organisational cybernetics comes through in
+ how Kropotkin characterises centralised, top-down forms of government as being not
+ only politically and morally objectionable but at the same time ineffectual. Kropotkin
+ writes (1927, pp. 76-7) that ‘in all production there arise daily thousands of difficulties
+ which no government can solve or foresee.’ Against the plans of those socialists who
+ wish to use the state to manage this complexity, ‘the governmentalists’ to use
+ McEwan’s term, he argues that ‘production and exchange represented an undertaking so
+ complicated that the plans of the state socialists, which lead inevitably to a party
+ directorship, would prove to be absolutely ineffective as soon as they were applied to
+ life.’ 21 As an alternative to centralised attempts at attenuating variety in society (which
+ would lead to an oppression of individuals’ right to live their lives as they see fit) and
+ amplifying variety in the state as an organising body (resulting in a massive
+ bureaucracy), Kropotkin proposes that the workers themselves and their unions
+ administer production in an autonomous manner. 22 As political science scholar Marius
+ [...]
+ 22
+ An alternative approach to anarchism and cybernetics that focuses on feedback loops can be found in
+ Roel van Duijn’s Message of a Wise Kabouter (1972). In a conversation I had with van Duijn in 2013 he
+ suggested that he had come to cybernetics as a result of discussions between himself and Murray
+ Bookchin in the 1960s. Bookchin does use the term ‘cybernetics’ but does so to refer to high-technology
+ and links it to a centralised, authoritarian corporate state (e.g. 1985), so it seems that he had not engaged
+ with the cybernetics of Wiener and Beer. Van Duijn may have been put onto cybernetics through reading
+ [...]
+ John Duda (2013, p. 64) describes the approach to anarchism of McEwan as ‘a shift
+ away from a moral vision of anarchism, outraged at the scandal of domination’ towards
+ a paradigm focussed on the ‘superior productivity of anarchist organisational
+ methodology’, but I would suggest that it in fact tries to show that anarchism trumps
+ top-down government on both counts, without prioritising one over the other. Indeed,
+ the fact that it is present in Kropotkin’s work supports the view that it is not a shift that
+ took place in light of anarchist engagements with cybernetics but is a dual-perspective
+ that is present in at least some forms of anarchism from relatively early in the canon.
+ This could be thought of as ‘the two sides of the anarchist coin’. On the one hand there
+ is the ethical and political concern for autonomy, while on the other there is the
+ functional concern for effective organisation.
+ The connections between anarchism and cybernetics were also picked up on by one of
+ [...]
+ While this is framed within a typically-hierarchical organisational structure with an
+ executive and a receptionist, the point Pask is getting at is that the hierarchy is also one
+ of levels of language. The highest level in the hierarchy involves a metalanguage that is
+ used to talk about lower levels, which too have a metalanguage to talk about levels
+ lower than them. Although this is clearly a hierarchy such that a level thrice removed
+ from the top, for example, would have difficulty communicating directly with the top
+ and vice versa given the difference in languages, Pask is very clear that this describes a
+ [...]
+ She goes so far as to point out that System Five in the VSM, the part of the organisation
+ involved in defining the identity and overall goals of the organisation, can be ‘just a
+ routine or an activity’ and ‘does not necessarily need to be an extra set of people’ (2013,
+ p. 12; see also 1999).
+ McEwan follows Pask’s account by making explicit the distinction between the two
+ [...]
+ command such that each level is subordinate to the levels above it and where the top
+ level has overall control over decision making in the organisation. Functional
+ hierarchy, however, applies to an organisation where ‘there are two or more levels of
+ information structure operating in the system’ (McEwan, [1963] 1987, p. 44).
+ [...]
+ the working groups consider their activities and adjust them if necessary in line with the
+ decided-upon goals of the organisation. Crucially, for an anarchist cybernetics and
+ VSM, everyone involved in the working groups can, potentially, be involved in the
+ General Assemblies and so in these System Three discussions. The same individuals
+ step out of their functional role as working group members and into that of reflecting on
+ their practice within working groups. System Four involves the same individuals again,
+ and also in the General Assemblies, reflecting on the activities of the working groups
+ and the organisation as a whole as well as its overall strategy in relation to events in the
+ outside world. Adjustments to both tactics and strategy can be made in light of changes
+ [...]
+ Elsewhere, Bakunin similarly argues that ‘all organizations must proceed by way of
+ federation from the base to the summit, from the commune to the coordinating
+ association of the country or nation’ (1971b: 82-83, italics in original). Here we have a
+ picture of a federated form of organisation in which smaller local organisations, free
+ associations or cooperatives, link up with one another at the level of the commune.
+ Communes then link up in a regional council and so on to the level of an international
+ council. This too is reflective of the recursivity that is essential to the VSM: any viable
+ system is itself a part of another viable system and has within it multiple viable systems.
+ Not only does the decision-making structure of an anarchist federation relate favourably
+ to that of organisational cybernetics, but so too does the very principle of federated
+ organisation, something Wiener in fact hints at (1961, p. 155) and of which Beer is
+ sometimes quite explicit in his support (see Medina, 2011, pp. 159-160).
+ McEwan, in his Anarchy article, makes this link between this syndicalist model of
+ [...]
+ Importantly, this is not enough for an anarchist version of cybernetics. A more explicitly
+ ethical and political autonomy, which values autonomy as an individual and collective
+ good over-and-above its role within organisational structure, needs to be introduced.
+ This brings into play a crucial distinction between the firm, as Beer conceives of it, and
+ radical left and anarchist organisation. While the firm may be viable on cybernetic
+ terms by including a functional autonomy, whereby individual operating units have
+ some scope for self-organisation and independent decision making, it will be shown that
+ radical left and anarchist organisation must combine this cybernetic demand with the
+ ethical and political demand that values individual and collective autonomy in and of
+ itself. The two sides of the anarchist coin, as I have described them above, must be
+ brought together. For now it is enough to note that while Beer’s work focusses on the
+ firm and, one can argue, takes that as a model of social organisation in general, an
+ anarchist cybernetics highlights a distinction that must be made between the firm, which
+ takes as a necessary condition autonomy as a function, and radical left and anarchist
+ [...]
+ Thinking about cybernetics and organisation along these lines, the work of science and
+ technology studies scholar Andrew Pickering (2010) becomes extremely important.
+ Rather than being focussed on representing an external reality with accuracy,
+ Pickering’s cybernetics is instead involved in performance. Performance is understood
+ as the actions we undertake in the world that demand a pragmatic and constructed
+ knowledge as opposed to a detailed representation of reality. 24 He describes this as a
+ ‘performative epistemology’: ‘a vision of knowledge as part of performance rather than
+ 24
+ This owes something of a debt to the American Pragmatism of Pierce, Dewey and others, although this
+ [...]
+ as an external control of it’ (ibid., p. 25, italics in original). The cybernetician, therefore,
+ is not engaged in unpacking and describing a reality (be it a machine, an animal, a
+ human being or a social phenomenon) but in facilitating performances or practices that
+ he or she is a part of. Cybernetics, in this regard, is committed to action and not simply
+ theorising about the nature of knowledge. This is evident in the work of Beer who, as I
+ have shown in the second chapter, was throughout his life heavily involved in practicing
+ cybernetics. Pickering highlights the fact that the very definition of cybernetics as
+ steering shows this connection with performance and practice (ibid., p. 30). It is a
+ science not of representing the objective mechanisms of control and communication but
+ of doing control and communication.
+ Interestingly, this turn towards science as performance in fact brings to the fore another
+ [...]
+ He also speaks of the importance of ‘radical transformation and listening’ (2010, pp. 42-
+ 43). While many more could be added, these seven goals (mutual respect, cooperation,
+ egalitarian decision-making, promotion of radical democratic vision, deconstruction of
+ borders, radical transformation and listening) will serve to demonstrate how a virtuous
+ anarchist mode of research can be conceived. In order to act virtuously as an anarchist, a
+ researcher must act so as to embody these goals. The researcher should aim to: (1) be
+ respectful of participants in research; (2) encourage cooperation in the research on the
+ part of the participants; (3) engage in egalitarian relationships with the participants; (4)
+ promote the radical democratic ideal of anarchism; (5) conduct the research in a
+ borderless fashion; (6) be radically transformative (i.e. live as radically transformed);
+ and (7) listen to participants. It should be noted that according to the prefigurative virtue
+ ethics outlined by Franks, these virtues and goals are negotiable and specific to
+ [...]
+ While it is not the focus of cybernetics, such an ethical approach can also be seen in the
+ work of von Foerster. In line with the second-order cybernetic concern for the
+ researcher as ‘a person who considers oneself to be a participant actor in the drama of
+ mutual interaction of the give and take in the circularity of human relations’ ([1991]
+ 2003, p. 289), von Foerster frames ethics as an understanding of the norms that govern
+ the practices we engage in. Rather than seeing scientific research as a practice involving
+ truth, von Foerster recasts it as involving trust, understanding, responsibility, reaching
+ out for the other and ‘a conspiracy, whose customs, rules, and regulations we are now
+ inventing’ (ibid., p. 294). 27 On this understanding, an ethics of research is
+ fundamentally an ethics of co-producing knowledge and von Foerster’s account of
+ second-order cybernetics links up well with the anarchist research ethics defined by
+ [...]
+ who wish to hinder and frustrate the movement with invaluable information about how
+ practices are organised. Franks (1992) warns that ‘the social sciences are the third
+ section of the intelligence gathering services. […] The state's liberal surveillance wing,
+ sociology, informs on what working class people are thinking and doing.’ He goes on to
+ say that sociologists aim to show ‘when working class people's actions and attitudes are
+ showing signs of becoming a threat to the stability of [the ruling] class’s dominant
+ position.’ This is a rather dramatic and perhaps unfair characterisation, but in general
+ concerns related to research as surveillance are warranted. There is a serious risk
+ [...]
+ associated with anarchist research that detailed information about successful anarchist
+ organising would be at the same time a guide to countering such organising. This is
+ perhaps especially true in the case of the research carried out here as this could provide
+ detailed information on the organisational dynamics of radical left groups and their
+ communication practices, and would allow security services to disrupt organisation and
+ communications at key points. In writing this thesis, care has therefore been taken to
+ reduce the risk of it being useful to those wishing to disrupt the movement. I have
+ allowed activists to review the transcripts of their interviews and highlight any details
+ that they would prefer to not be included or that they would prefer not attributed to
+ them.
+ This anarchist, prefigurative research ethics has much in common with ethics of care in
+ [...]
+ levels of an organisation is through the notions of tactics and strategy. Beer does just
+ this when he suggests that Systems One and Two are involved in tactics while System
+ Three is involved in strategy (ibid., p. 360; see also, e.g. Pickering, 2010, p. 245). This
+ is, I would argue, misleading as for Beer Systems Three and Four operate along similar
+ lines but with System Three focused on the internal environment and what happens at
+ Systems One and Two while System Four is focused on the external environment and
+ the potential future of the organisation. I want to think, therefore, of Systems Three and
+ [...]
+ important tactically to what radical left groups and activists do. In a social centre I used
+ to frequent there was a small model of a kitchen sink with written on it: ‘First the
+ washing up, then the revolution’. 41 The tactical repertoire of radical left groups includes
+ all this and more.
+ How does this distinction between tactics and strategy operate in anarchist organisation,
+ [...]
+ As an extension of the tactics-strategy dichotomy presented above, this suggests the role
+ of a third element of the politics of radical left groups and movements, what I want here
+ to refer to as ‘grand strategy’. The term ‘grand strategy’ was coined by American
+ military theorist John Boyd during the Cold War. 45 Boyd defines grand strategy as
+ pursuing ‘the national goal’ and amplifying ‘our spirit and strength (while undermining
+ and isolating our adversaries)’ (2005, slide 140). The notion of a ‘national goal’ is of
+ course very specific to a state-centred geo-political project such as a war and is certainly
+ at extreme odds with anarchism’s anti-militarism and anti-nationalism. Indeed, even the
+ idea of competition contained in Boyd’s definition of grand strategy is antithetical to the
+ relationships of mutual aid and cooperation. While ideas such as these are common in
+ some business and management accounts of strategy (see, e.g. Carter, Clegg and
+ [...]
+ Hopefully, I have shown that the answer to both of these has to be negative. For Beer,
+ organisational cybernetics is about defining the necessary and sufficient conditions,
+ based on the need to handle complexity, for viable organisation. This does not need to
+ result in a centralised, bureaucratic and authoritarian structure but can be grounded in
+ one that relies on autonomy. By formulating an anarchist cybernetics, I want to show
+ that while Beer maintains the basic structure of capitalist enterprise, with a middle
+ management layer and a senior executive level at the top, these are not necessary for
+ viability. This is the core difference between Beer’s cybernetics and the anarchist
+ cybernetics I am arguing for here. To give Beer the credit he is due, his account of how
+ organisations should determine goals does touch on non-hierarchical processes, as
+ Pickering argues (2010: 272). Anarchist cybernetics shows how tactics, strategy and
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+[[!meta title="The Counterrevolution"]]
+* [The Counterrevolution](http://bernardharcourt.com/the-counterrevolution/).
+* By Bernard E. Harcourt.
+## Index
+[[!toc startlevel=2 levels=4]]
+## Genealogy
+### Mass-scale warfare
+* MAD
+* Massive retaliation
+* Game theory
+* Systems analisys
+* Nuclear war
+### Counterinsurgency
+* Modern warfare
+* Unconventional, counter-guerrila
+* Special Ops
+* Surgical operations
+### Mao's “Eight Points of Attention” plus two principles
+1. Talk to people politely.
+2. Observe fair dealing in all business transactions.
+3. Return everything borrowed from the people.
+4. Pay for anything damaged.
+5. Do not beat or scold the people.
+6. Do not damage crops.
+7. Do not molest women.
+8. Do not ill-treat prisoners-of-war.
+ Two other principles were central to Mao’s revolutionary doctrine: first, the
+ importance of having a unified political and military power structure that
+ consolidated, in the same hands, political and military considerations; and
+ second, the importance of psychological warfare. More specifically, as Paret
+ explained, “proper psychological measures could create and maintain ideological
+ cohesion among fighters and their civilian supporters.” 7
+### Paret's (1960) tasks of “counterguerrilla action”
+1. The military defeat of the guerrilla forces.
+2. The separation of the guerrilla from the population.
+3. The reestablishment of governmental authority and the development of a viable social order.
+### Petraeus: 3 key pillars
+1. "The first is that the most important struggle is over the population."
+2. "Allegiance of the masses can only be secured
+ by separating the small revolutionary minority from the passive majority, and by
+ isolating, containing, and ultimately eliminating the active minority. In his
+ accompanying guidelines,"
+3. "Success turns on collecting information on
+ everyone in the population. Total information is essential to properly distinguish
+ friend from foe and then extract the revolutionary minority. It is intelligence—
+ total information awareness—that renders the counterinsurgency possible."
+## Excerpts
+### Torture
+ In Modern Warfare, Trinquier quietly but resolutely condoned torture. The
+ interrogations and related tasks were considered police work, as opposed to
+ military operations, but they had the exact same mission: the complete
+ destruction of the insurgent group. Discussing the typical interrogation of a
+ detainee, captured and suspected of belonging to a terrorist organization,
+ Trinquier wrote: “No lawyer is present for such an interrogation. If the prisoner
+ gives the information requested, the examination is quickly terminated; if not,
+ specialists must force his secret from him. Then, as a soldier, he must face the
+ suffering, and perhaps the death, he has heretofore managed to avoid.” Trinquier
+ described specialists forcing secrets out of suspects using scientific methods that
+ did not injure the “integrity of individuals,” but it was clear what those
+ “scientific” methods entailed. 4 As the war correspondent Bernard Fall suggests,
+ the political situation in Algeria offered Trinquier the opportunity to develop “a
+ Cartesian rationale” to justify the use of torture in modern warfare. 5
+ Similarly minded commanders championed the use of torture, indefinite
+ detention, and summary executions. They made no bones about it.
+ [...]
+ In his autobiographical account published in 2001, Services Spéciaux. Algérie
+ 1955–1957, General Paul Aussaresses admits to the brutal methods that were the
+ cornerstone of his military strategy. 6 He makes clear that his approach to
+ counterinsurgency rested on a three-pronged strategy, which included first,
+ intelligence work; second, torture; and third, summary executions. The
+ intelligence function was primordial because the insurgents’ strategy in Algeria
+ was to infiltrate and integrate the population, to blend in perfectly, and then
+ gradually to involve the population in the struggle. To combat this insurgent
+ strategy required intelligence—the only way to sort the dangerous
+ revolutionaries from the passive masses—and then, violent repression. “The first
+ step was to dispatch the clean-up teams, of which I was a part,” Aussaresses
+ writes. “Rebel leaders had to be identified, neutralized, and eliminated discreetly.
+ By seeking information on FLN leaders I would automatically be able to capture
+ the rebels and make them talk.” 7
+ The rebels were made to talk by means of torture. Aussaresses firmly
+ believed that torture was the best way to extract information. It also served to
+ terrorize the radical minority and, in the process, to reduce it. The practice of
+ torture was “widely used in Algeria,” Aussaresses acknowledges. Not on every
+ prisoner, though; many spoke freely. “It was only when a prisoner refused to talk
+ or denied the obvious that torture was used.” 8
+ Aussaresses claims he was introduced to torture in Algeria by the policemen
+ there, who used it regularly. But it quickly became routine to him. “Without any
+ hesitation,” he writes, “the policemen showed me the technique used for
+ ‘extreme’ interrogations: first, a beating, which in most cases was enough; then
+ other means, such as electric shocks, known as the famous ‘gégène’; and finally
+ water.” Aussaresses explains: “Torture by electric shock was made possible by
+ generators used to power field radio transmitters, which were extremely
+ common in Algeria. Electrodes were attached to the prisoner’s ears or testicles,
+ then electric charges of varying intensity were turned on. This was apparently a
+ well-known procedure and I assumed that the policemen at Philippeville [in
+ Algeria] had not invented it.” 9 (Similar methods had, in fact, been used earlier in
+ Indochina.)
+ Aussaresses could not have been more clear:
+ The methods I used were always the same: beatings, electric shocks, and, in particular, water
+ torture, which was the most dangerous technique for the prisoner. It never lasted for more than one
+ hour and the suspects would speak in the hope of saving their own lives. They would therefore
+ either talk quickly or never.
+ The French historian Benjamin Stora confirms the generalized use of torture.
+ He reports that in the Battle of Algiers, under the commanding officer, General
+ Jacques Massu, the paratroopers conducted massive arrests and “practiced
+ torture” using “electrodes […] dunking in bathtubs, beatings.” General Massu
+ himself would later acknowledge the use of torture. In a rebuttal he wrote in
+ 1971 to the film The Battle of Algiers, Massu described torture as “a cruel
+ necessity.” 10 According to Aussaresses, torture was condoned at the highest
+ levels of the French government. “Regarding the use of torture,” Aussaresses
+ [...]
+ For Aussaresses, as for Roger Trinquier, torture and disappearances were
+ simply an inevitable byproduct of an insurgency—inevitable on both sides of the
+ struggle. Because terrorism was inscribed in revolutionary strategy, it had to be
+ used in its repression as well. In a fascinating televised debate in 1970 with the
+ FLN leader and producer of The Battle of Algiers, Saadi Yacef, Trinquier
+ confidently asserted that torture was simply a necessary and inevitable part of
+ modern warfare. Torture will take place. Insurgents know it. In fact, they
+ anticipate it. The passage is striking:
+ I have to tell you. Whether you’re for or against torture, it makes no difference. Torture is a
+ weapon that will be used in every insurgent war. One has to know that… One has to know that in
+ an insurgency, you are going to be tortured.
+ And you have to mount a subversive organization in light of that and in function of torture. It is
+ not a question of being for or against torture. You have to know that all arrested prisoners in an
+ insurgency will speak—unless they commit suicide. Their confession will always be obtained. So a
+ subversive organization must be mounted in function of that, so that a prisoner who speaks does
+ not give away the whole organization.16
+ “Torture?” asks the lieutenant aide de camp in Henri Alleg’s 1958 exposé
+ The Question. “You don’t make war with choirboys.” 18 Alleg, a French
+ journalist and director of the Alger républicain newspaper, was himself detained
+ and tortured by French paratroopers in Algiers. His book describes the
+ experience in detail, and in his account, torture was the inevitable product of
+ colonization and the anticolonial struggle. As Jean-Paul Sartre writes in his
+ [...]
+ In an arresting part of The Battle of Algiers it becomes clear that many of the
+ French officers who tortured suspected FLN members had themselves, as
+ members of the French Resistance, been victims of torture at the hands of the
+ Gestapo. It is a shocking moment. We know, of course, that abuse often begets
+ abuse; but nevertheless, one would have hoped that a victim of torture would
+ recoil from administering it to others. Instead, as Trinquier suggests, torture
+ became normalized in Algeria. This is, as Sartre describes it, the “terrible truth”:
+ “If fifteen years are enough to transform victims into executioners, then this
+ behavior is not more than a matter of opportunity and occasion. Anybody, at any
+ time, may equally find himself victim or executioner.” 20
+### Misc
+ The central tenet of counterinsurgency theory is that populations—originally
+ colonial populations, but now all populations, including our own—are made up
+ of a small active minority of insurgents, a small group of those opposed to the
+ insurgency, and a large passive majority that can be swayed one way or the other.
+ The principal objective of counterinsurgency is to gain the allegiance of that
+ passive majority. And its defining feature is that counterinsurgency is not just a
+ military strategy, but more importantly a political technique. Warfare, it turns
+ out, is political.
+ On the basis of these tenets, counterinsurgency theorists developed and
+ refined over several decades three core strategies. First, obtain total information:
+ every communication, all personal data, all metadata of everyone in the
+ population must be collected and analyzed. Not just the active minority, but
+ everyone in the population. Total information awareness is necessary to
+ distinguish between friend and foe, and then to cull the dangerous minority from
+ the docile majority. Second, eradicate the active minority: once the dangerous
+ minority has been identified, it must be separated from the general population
+ [...]
+ and eliminated by any means possible—it must be isolated, contained, and
+ ultimately eradicated. Third, gain the allegiance of the general population:
+ everything must be done to win the hearts and minds of the passive majority. It is
+ their allegiance and loyalty, and passivity in the end, that matter most.
+ Counterinsurgency warfare has become our new governing paradigm in the
+ [...]
+ imagination. It drives our foreign affairs and now our domestic policy as well.
+ But it was not always that way. For most of the twentieth century, we
+ governed ourselves differently in the United States: our political imagination
+ was dominated by the massive battlefields of the Marne, of Verdun, by the
+ Blitzkrieg and the fire-bombing of Dresden—and by the use of the atomic bomb.
+ [...]
+ warfare.
+ Yet the transition from large-scale battlefield warfare to anticolonial struggles
+ and the Cold War in the 1950s, and to the war against terrorism since 9/11, has
+ brought about a historic transformation in our political imagination and in the
+ way that we govern ourselves. In contrast to the earlier sweeping military
+ paradigm, we now engage in surgical microstrategies of counterinsurgency
+ abroad and at home. This style of warfare—the very opposite of large-scale
+ battlefield wars like World War I or II—involves total surveillance, surgical
+ operations, targeted strikes to eliminate small enclaves, psychological tactics,
+ and political techniques to gain the trust of the people. The primary target is no
+ longer a regular army, so much as it is the entire population. It involves a new
+ [...]
+ The result is radical. We are now witnessing the triumph of a counterinsurgency
+ model of government on American soil in the absence of an insurgency, or
+ uprising, or revolution. The perfected logic of counterinsurgency now applies
+ regardless of whether there is a domestic insurrection. We now face a
+ counterinsurgency without insurgency. A counterrevolution without revolution.
+ The pure form of counterrevolution, without a revolution, as a simple modality
+ of governing at home—what could be called “The Counterrevolution.”
+ Counterinsurgency practices were already being deployed domestically in the
+ [...]
+ new internal enemies. It is vital that we come to grips with this new mode of
+ governing and recognize its unique dangers, that we see the increasingly
+ widespread domestication of counterinsurgency strategies and the new
+ technologies of digital surveillance, drones, and hypermilitarized police for what
+ they are: a counterrevolution without a revolution. We are facing something
+ radical, new, and dangerous. It has been long in the making, historically. It is
+ time to identify and expose it.
+ [...]
+ so on. I argued that we have become an “expository society” where we
+ increasingly exhibit ourselves online, and in the process, freely give away our
+ most personal and private data. No longer an Orwellian or a panoptic society
+ characterized by a powerful central government forcibly surveilling its citizens
+ from on high, ours is fueled by our own pleasures, proclivities, joys, and
+ narcissism. And even when we try to resist these temptations, we have
+ practically no choice but to use the Internet and shed our digital traces.
+ I had not fully grasped, though, the relation of our new expository society to
+ [...]
+ strikes, indefinite detention, or our new hypermilitarized police force at home.
+ But as the fog lifts from 9/11, the full picture becomes clear. The expository
+ society is merely the first prong of The Counterrevolution. And only by tying
+ together our digital exposure with our new mode of counterinsurgency
+ governance can we begin to grasp the whole architecture of our contemporary
+ political condition. And only by grasping the full implications of this new mode
+ of governing—The Counterrevolution—will we be able to effectively resist it
+ and overcome.
+ [...]
+ approach targeting small revolutionary insurgencies and what were mostly
+ Communist uprisings. Variously called “unconventional,” “antiguerrilla” or
+ “counterguerrilla,” “irregular,” “sublimited,” “counterrevolutionary,” or simply
+ “modern” warfare, this burgeoning domain of military strategy flourished during
+ France’s wars in Indochina and Algeria, Britain’s wars in Malaya and Palestine,
+ and America’s war in Vietnam. It too was nourished by the RAND Corporation,
+ which was one of the first to see the potential of what the French commander
+ Roger Trinquier called “modern warfare” or the “French view of
+ counterinsurgency.” It offered, in the words of one of its leading students, the
+ historian Peter Paret, a vital counterweight “at the opposite end of the spectrum
+ from rockets and the hydrogen bomb.” 2
+ Like nuclear-weapon strategy, the counterinsurgency model grew out of a
+ [...]
+ from rockets and the hydrogen bomb.” 2
+ Like nuclear-weapon strategy, the counterinsurgency model grew out of a
+ combination of strategic game theory and systems theorizing; but unlike nuclear
+ strategy, which was primarily a response to the Soviet Union, it developed more
+ in response to another formidable game theorist, Mao Zedong. The formative
+ moment for counterinsurgency theory was not the nuclear confrontation that
+ characterized the Cuban Missile Crisis, but the earlier Chinese Civil War that led
+ to Mao’s victory in 1949—essentially, when Mao turned guerrilla tactics into a
+ revolutionary war that overthrew a political regime. The central methods and
+ practices of counterinsurgency warfare were honed in response to Mao’s
+ strategies and the ensuing anticolonial struggles in Southeast Asia, the Middle
+ East, and North Africa that imitated Mao’s approach. 3 Those struggles for
+ independence were the breeding soil for the development and perfection of
+ unconventional warfare.
+ By the turn of the twentieth century, when President George W. Bush would
+ [...]
+ genealogies. One leads to British colonial rule in India and Southeast Asia, to the
+ insurgencies there, and to the eventual British redeployment and modernization
+ of counterinsurgency strategies in Northern Ireland and Britain at the height of
+ the Irish Republican Army’s independence struggles. This first genealogy draws
+ heavily on the writings of the British counterinsurgency theorist Sir Robert
+ Thompson, the chief architect of Great Britain’s antiguerrilla strategies in
+ Malaya from 1948 to 1959. Another genealogy traces back to the American
+ colonial experience in the Philippines at the beginning of the twentieth century.
+ Others lead back to Trotsky and Lenin in Russia, to Lawrence of Arabia during
+ the Arab Revolt, or even to the Spanish uprising against Napoleon—all
+ mentioned, at least briefly, in General Petraeus’s counterinsurgency field
+ manual. Alternative genealogies reach back to the political theories of
+ Montesquieu or John Stuart Mill, while some go even further to antiquity and to
+ the works of Polybius, Herodotus, and Tacitus. 1
+ But the most direct antecedent of counterinsurgency warfare as embraced by
+ the United States after 9/11 was the French military response in the late 1950s
+ and 1960s to the anticolonial wars in Indochina and Algeria. This genealogy
+ passes through three important figures—the historian Peter Paret and the French
+ commanders David Galula and Roger Trinquier—and, through them, it traces
+ back to Mao Zedong. It is Mao’s idea of the political nature of
+ counterinsurgency that would prove so influential in the United States. Mao
+ politicized warfare in a manner that would come back to haunt us today. The
+ French connection also laid the seeds of a tension between brutality and legality
+ that would plague counterinsurgency practices to the present—at least, until the
+ United States discovered, or rediscovered, a way to resolve the tension by
+ legalizing the brutality.
+ [...]
+ A founding principle of revolutionary insurgency—what Paret referred to as
+ “the principal lesson” that Mao taught—was that “an inferior force could
+ outpoint a modern army so long as it succeeded in gaining at least the tacit
+ support of the population in the contested area.” 4 The core idea was that the
+ military battle was less decisive than the political struggle over the loyalty and
+ allegiance of the masses: the war is fought over the population or, in Mao’s
+ words, “The army cannot exist without the people.” 5
+ As a result of this interdependence, the insurgents had to treat the general
+ population well to gain its support. On this basis Mao formulated early on, in
+ 1928, his “Eight Points of Attention” for army personnel:
+ 1. Talk to people politely.
+ 2. Observe fair dealing in all business transactions.
+ 3. Return everything borrowed from the people.
+ 4. Pay for anything damaged.
+ 5. Do not beat or scold the people.
+ 6. Do not damage crops.
+ 7. Do not molest women.
+ 8. Do not ill-treat prisoners-of-war. 6
+ Two other principles were central to Mao’s revolutionary doctrine: first, the
+ importance of having a unified political and military power structure that
+ consolidated, in the same hands, political and military considerations; and
+ second, the importance of psychological warfare. More specifically, as Paret
+ explained, “proper psychological measures could create and maintain ideological
+ cohesion among fighters and their civilian supporters.” 7
+ Revolutionary warfare, in Paret’s view, boiled down to a simple equation:
+ [...]
+ the population.” 10
+ Of course, neither Paret nor other strategists were so naïve as to think that
+ Mao invented guerrilla warfare. Paret spent much of his research tracing the
+ antecedents and earlier experiments with insurgent and counterinsurgency
+ warfare. “Civilians taking up arms and fighting as irregulars are as old as war,”
+ Paret emphasized. Caesar had to deal with them in Gaul and Germania, the
+ British in the American colonies or in South Africa with the Boers, Napoleon in
+ Spain, and on and on. In fact, as Paret stressed, the very term “guerrilla”
+ originated in the Spanish peasant resistance to Napoleon after the Spanish
+ monarchy had fallen between 1808 and 1813. Paret developed case studies of the
+ [...]
+ But for purposes of describing the “guerre révolutionnaire” of the 1960s, the
+ most pertinent and timely objects of study were Mao Zedong and the Chinese
+ revolution. And on the basis of that particular conception of revolutionary war,
+ Paret set forth a model of counterrevolutionary warfare. Drawing principally on
+ French military practitioners and theorists, Paret delineated a three-pronged
+ strategy focused on a mixture of intelligence gathering, psychological warfare on
+ both the population and the subversives, and severe treatment of the rebels. In
+ Guerrillas in the 1960’s, Paret reduced the tasks of “counterguerrilla action” to
+ the following:
+ 1. The military defeat of the guerrilla forces.
+ 2. The separation of the guerrilla from the population.
+ 3. The reestablishment of governmental authority and the development of a
+ viable social order. 12
+ [...]
+ interact.” 13
+ So the central task, according to Paret, was to attack the rebel’s popular
+ support so that he would “lose his hold over the people, and be isolated from
+ them.” There were different ways to accomplish this, from widely publicized
+ military defeats and sophisticated psychological warfare to the resettlement of
+ populations—in addition to other more coercive measures. But one rose above
+ the others for Paret: to encourage the people to form progovernment militias and
+ fight against the guerrillas. This approach had the most potential, Paret observes:
+ “Once a substantial number of members of a community commit violence on
+ [...]
+ In sum, the French model of
+ counterrevolutionary warfare, in Paret’s view, had to be understood as the
+ inverse of revolutionary warfare.
+ [...]
+ The main sources for Paret’s synthesis were the writings and practices of French
+ commanders on the ground, especially Roger Trinquier and David Galula,
+ though there were others as well. 15 Trinquier, one of the first French
+ commanders to theorize modern warfare based on his firsthand experience, had a
+ [...]
+ persisting in repeating its efforts.” Trinquier argues that this new form of modern
+ warfare called for “an interlocking system of actions—political, economic,
+ psychological, military,” grounded on “Countrywide Intelligence.” As Trinquier
+ emphasizes, “since modern warfare asserts its presence on the totality of the
+ population, we have to be everywhere informed.” Informed, in order to know and
+ target the population and wipe out the insurgency. 17
+ The other leading counterinsurgency theorist, also with deep firsthand
+ [...]
+ time.’” 19
+ From Mao, Galula drew the central lesson that societies were divided into
+ three groups and that the key to victory was to isolate and eradicate the active
+ minority in order to gain the allegiance of the masses. Galula emphasizes in
+ Counterinsurgency Warfare that the central strategy of counterinsurgency theory
+ “simply expresses the basic tenet of the exercise of political power”:
+ In any situation, whatever the cause, there will be an active minority for the cause, a neutral
+ majority, and an active minority against the cause.
+ [...]
+ time.’” 19
+ From Mao, Galula drew the central lesson that societies were divided into
+ three groups and that the key to victory was to isolate and eradicate the active
+ minority in order to gain the allegiance of the masses. Galula emphasizes in
+ Counterinsurgency Warfare that the central strategy of counterinsurgency theory
+ “simply expresses the basic tenet of the exercise of political power”:
+ In any situation, whatever the cause, there will be an active minority for the cause, a neutral
+ majority, and an active minority against the cause.
+ The technique of power consists in relying on the favorable minority in order to rally the neutral
+ majority and to neutralize or eliminate the hostile minority.20
+ The battle was over the general population, Galula emphasized in his
+ Counterinsurgency Warfare, and this tenet represented the key political
+ dimension of a new warfare strategy.
+ [...]
+ US general David Petraeus picked up right where David Galula and Peter Paret
+ left off. Widely recognized as the leading American thinker and practitioner of
+ counterinsurgency theory—eventually responsible for all coalition troops in Iraq
+ and the architect of the troop surge of 2007—General Petraeus would refine
+ [...]
+ On this political foundation, General Petraeus’s manual establishes three key
+ pillars—what might be called counterinsurgency’s core principles.
+ The first is that the most important struggle is over the population. In a short
+ set of guidelines that accompanies his field manual, General Petraeus
+ emphasizes: “The decisive terrain is the human terrain. The people are the center
+ [...]
+ The main battle, then, is over the populace.
+ The second principle is that the allegiance of the masses can only be secured
+ by separating the small revolutionary minority from the passive majority, and by
+ isolating, containing, and ultimately eliminating the active minority. In his
+ accompanying guidelines, General Petraeus emphasizes: “Seek out and eliminate
+ those who threaten the population. Don’t let them intimidate the innocent. Target
+ the whole network, not just individuals.” 25
+ The third core principle is that success turns on collecting information on
+ everyone in the population. Total information is essential to properly distinguish
+ friend from foe and then extract the revolutionary minority. It is intelligence—
+ total information awareness—that renders the counterinsurgency possible. It is
+ [...]
+ paraphrasing the French commander, underscores the primacy of political factors
+ in counterinsurgency. “General Chang Ting-chen of Mao Zedong’s central
+ committee once stated that revolutionary war was 80 percent political action and
+ only 20 percent military,” the manual reads. Then it warns: “At the beginning of
+ a COIN operation, military actions may appear predominant as security forces
+ conduct operations to secure the populace and kill or capture insurgents;
+ however, political objectives must guide the military’s approach.” 27
+ Chapter Two opens with an epigraph from David Galula’s book: “Essential
+ [...]
+ General David Petraeus learned, but more importantly popularized, Mao
+ Zedong’s central lesson: counterinsurgency warfare is political. It is a strategy
+ for winning over the people. It is a strategy for governing. And it is quite telling
+ that a work so indebted to Mao and midcentury French colonial thinkers would
+ become so influential post-9/11. Petraeus’s manual contained a roadmap for a
+ new paradigm of governing. As the fog lifts from 9/11, it is becoming
+ increasingly clear what lasting impact Mao had on our government of self and
+ others today.
+ [...]
+ D eveloped by military commanders and strategists over decades of anticolonial
+ wars, counterinsurgency warfare was refined, deployed, and tested in the years
+ following 9/11. Since then, the modern warfare paradigm has been distilled into
+ a concise three-pronged strategy:
+ 1. Bulk-collect all intelligence about everyone in the population—every
+ piece of data and metadata available. (total information awareness)
+ [...]
+ 2. Identify and eradicate the revolutionary minority. Total information about
+ everyone makes it possible to discriminate between friend and foe. Once
+ suspicion attaches, individuals must be treated severely to extract all
+ possible information, with enhanced interrogation techniques if
+ necessary; and if they are revealed to belong to the active minority, they
+ must be disposed of through detention, rendition, deportation, or drone
+ strike—in other words, targeted assassination. Unlike conventional
+ soldiers from the past, these insurgents are dangerous because of their
+ [...]
+ 3. Pacify the masses. The population must be distracted, entertained,
+ satisfied, occupied, and most importantly, neutralized, or deradicalized if
+ necessary, in order to ensure that the vast preponderance of ordinary
+ individuals remain just that—ordinary. This third prong reflects the
+ “population-centric” dimension of counterinsurgency theory. Remember,
+ in this new way of seeing, the population is the battlefield. Its hearts and
+ minds must be assured. In the digital age, this can be achieved, first, by
+ targeting enhanced content (such as sermons by moderate imams) to
+ deradicalize susceptible persons—in other words, by deploying new
+ digital techniques of psychological warfare and propaganda. Second, by
+ providing just the bare minimum in terms of welfare and humanitarian
+ assistance—like rebuilding schools, distributing some cash, and
+ bolstering certain government institutions. As General Petraeus’s field
+### Torture and surveilance
+ intelligence gathering. Top secret information obtained by one agency was
+ silo’ed from others, making it impossible to aggregate intelligence and obtain a
+ full picture of the security threats. The CIA knew that two of the 9/11 hijackers
+ were on American soil in San Diego, but didn’t share the information with the
+ FBI, who were actively trying to track them down. 1 September 11 was a
+ crippling intelligence failure, and in the immediacy of that failure many in
+ President George W. Bush’s administration felt the need to do something radical.
+ Greater sharing of intelligence, naturally. But much more as well. Two main
+ solutions were devised, or revived: total surveillance and tortured interrogations.
+ They represent the first prong of the counterinsurgency approach.
+ In effect, 9/11 set the stage both for total NSA surveillance and torture as
+ forms of total information awareness. The former functioned at the most virtual
+ or ethereal, or “digital” level, by creating the material for data-mining and
+ analysis. The latter operated at the most bodily or physical, or “analog” level,
+ obtaining information directly from suspects and detainees in Iraq, Pakistan,
+ Afghanistan, and elsewhere. But both satisfied the same goal: total information
+ awareness, the first tactic of counterinsurgency warfare.
+ What is clear, though—as I document in Exposed—is that the myriad NSA,
+ FBI, CIA, and allied intelligence agencies produce total information, the first
+ and most important prong of the counterinsurgency paradigm. Most important,
+ because both of the other prongs depend on it. As the RAND Corporation notes
+ in its lengthy 519-page report on the current state of counterinsurgency theory
+ and practice, “Effective governance depends on knowing the population,
+ demographically and individually.” The RAND report reminds us that this
+ insight is not novel or new. The report then returns, pointedly for us, to Algeria
+ and the French commander, David Galula: “Galula, in Counterinsurgency
+ Warfare, argued that ‘control of the population begins with a thorough census.
+ Every inhabitant must be registered and given a foolproof identity card.’” 5
+ [...]
+ Today, that identity card is an IP address, a mobile phone, a digital device, facial
+ recognition, and all our digital stamps. These new digital technologies have
+ made everyone virtually transparent. And with our new ethos of selfies, tweets,
+ Facebook, and Internet surfing, everyone is now exposed.
+Enhanced interrogation:
+ Second, tortured interrogation. The dual personality of counterinsurgency
+ warfare is nowhere more evident than in the intensive use of torture for
+ information gathering by the United States immediately after 9/11. Fulfilling the
+ first task of counterinsurgency theory—total surveillance—this practice married
+ the most extreme form of brutality associated with modern warfare to the
+ formality of legal process and the rule of law. The combination of inhumanity
+ and legality was spectacular.
+ In the days following 9/11, many in the Bush administration felt there was
+ only one immediate way to address the information shortfall, namely, to engage
+ in “enhanced interrogation” of captured suspected terrorists—another
+ euphemism for torture. Of course, torture of captured suspects would not fix the
+ problem of silo’ed information, but they thought it would at least provide
+ immediate information of any pending attacks. One could say that the United
+ States turned to torture because many in the administration believed the country
+ did not have adequate intelligence capabilities, lacking the spy network or even
+ the language abilities to infiltrate and conduct regular espionage on
+ organizations like Al Qaeda. 6
+ The tortured interrogations combined the extremes of brutality with the
+Getting information or "truth" was not the only, perhaps not the main point
+of torture sessions, and maybe not as well the main point for mass surveillance:
+ Even the more ordinary instances of “enhanced interrogation” were
+ harrowing—and so often administered, according to the Senate report, after the
+ interrogators believed there was no more information to be had, sometimes even
+ before the detainee had the opportunity to speak.
+Torture template:
+ Ramzi bin al-Shibh was subjected to this type of treatment immediately upon
+ arrival in detention, even before being interrogated or given an opportunity to
+ cooperate—in what would become a “template” for other detainees. Bin al-
+ Shibh was subjected first to “sensory dislocation” including “shaving bin al-
+ Shibh’s head and face, exposing him to loud noise in a white room with white
+ lights, keeping him ‘unclothed and subjected to uncomfortably cool
+ temperatures,’ and shackling him ‘hand and foot with arms outstretched over his
+ head (with his feet firmly on the floor and not allowed to support his weight with
+ his arms).’” Following that, the interrogation would include “attention grasp,
+ walling, the facial hold, the facial slap… the abdominal slap, cramped
+ confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation beyond 72 hours,
+ and the waterboard, as appropriate to [bin al-Shibh’s] level of resistance.” 8 This
+ template would be used on others—and served as a warning to all.
+ The more extreme forms of torture were also accompanied by the promise of
+"Bigeard shrimp":
+ The more extreme forms of torture were also accompanied by the promise of
+ life-long solitary confinement or, in the case of death, cremation.
+ Counterinsurgency torture in the past had often been linked to summary
+ disappearances and executions. Under the Bush administration, it was tied to
+ what one might call virtual disappearances.
+ During the Algerian war, as noted already, the widespread use of brutal
+ interrogation techniques meant that those who had been victimized—both the
+ guilty and innocent—became dangerous in the eyes of the French military
+ leadership. FLN members needed to be silenced, forever; but so did others who
+ might be radicalized by the waterboarding or gégène. In Algeria, a simple
+ solution was devised: the tortured would be thrown out from helicopters into the
+ Mediterranean. They became les crevettes de Bigeard, after the notorious French
+ general in Algeria, Marcel Bigeard: “Bigeard’s shrimp,” dumped into the sea,
+ their feet in poured concrete—a technique the French military had apparently
+ experimented with earlier in Indochina.
+ [...]
+ The CIA would devise a different solution in 2002: either torture the suspect
+ accidentally to death and then cremate his body to avoid detection, or torture the
+ suspect to the extreme and then ensure that he would never again talk to another
+ human being. Abu Zubaydah received the latter treatment. Zubaydah had first
+ been seized and interrogated at length by the FBI, had provided useful
+ information, and was placed in isolation for forty-seven days, the FBI believing
+ that he had no more valuable information. Then the CIA took over, believing he
+ might still be a source. 10 The CIA turned to its more extreme forms of torture—
+ utilizing all ten of its most brutal techniques—but, as a CIA cable from the
+ interrogation team, dated July 15, 2002, records, they realized beforehand that it
+ would either have to cover up the torture if death ensued or ensure that
+ Zubaydah would never talk to another human being again in his lifetime.
+ According to the Senate report, “the cable stated that if Abu Zubaydah were to
+ die during the interrogation, he would be cremated. The interrogation team
+ closed the cable by stating: ‘regardless which [disposition] option we follow
+ however, and especially in light of the planned psychological pressure
+ techniques to be implemented, we need to get reasonable assurances that [Abu
+ Zubaydah] will remain in isolation and incommunicado for the remainder of his
+ life.’” 11 In response to this request for assurance, a cable from the CIA station
+ gave the interrogation team those assurances, noting that “it was correct in its
+ ‘understanding that the interrogation process takes precedence over preventative
+ medical procedures,’” and then adding in the cable:
+ routines were approved at the uppermost level of the US government, by the
+ president of the United States and his closest advisers. These practices were put
+ in place, designed carefully and legally—very legalistically, in fact—to be used
+ on suspected enemies. They were not an aberration. There are, to be sure, long
+ histories written of rogue intelligence services using unauthorized techniques;
+ there is a lengthy record, as well, of CIA ingenuity and creativity in this domain,
+ including, among other examples, the 1963 KUBARK Counterintelligence
+ Interrogation manual. 13 But after 9/11, the blueprint was drawn at the White
+ House and the Pentagon, and it became official US policy—deliberate, debated,
+ well-thought-out, and adopted as legal measures.
+ [...]
+ The Janus face of torture was its formal legality amidst its shocking brutality.
+ Many of the country’s best lawyers and legal scholars, professors at top-ranked
+ law schools, top government attorneys, and later federal judges would pore over
+ statutes and case law to find legal maneuvers to permit torture. The felt need to
+ legitimate and legalize the brutality—and of course, to protect the officials and
+ operatives from later litigation—was remarkable.
+ The documents known collectively as the “torture memos” fell into two
+ categories: first, those legal memos regarding whether the Guantánamo detainees
+ were entitled to POW status under the Geneva Conventions (GPW), written
+ between September 25, 2001, and August 1, 2002; and second, starting in
+ August 2002, the legal memos regarding whether the “enhanced interrogation
+ techniques” envisaged by the CIA amounted to torture prohibited under
+ international law.
+How torture was defined to allow torture to happen:
+ As Jay Bybee, then at the Office of Legal Counsel and now a
+ federal judge, wrote in his August 1, 2002, memo:
+ We conclude that torture as defined in and proscribed by [18 US Code] Sections 2340-2340A,
+ covers only extreme acts. Severe pain is generally of the kind difficult for the victim to endure.
+ Where the pain is physical, it must be of an intensity akin to that which accompanies serious
+ physical injury such as death or organ failure. Severe mental pain requires suffering not just at the
+ moment of infliction but also requires lasting psychological harm, such as seen in mental disorders
+ like post-traumatic stress disorder. […] Because the acts inflicting torture are extreme, there is
+ significant range of acts that though they might constitute cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment
+ or punishment fail to rise to the level of torture.22
+ This definition of torture was so demanding that it excluded the brutal
+ practices that the United States was using. It set the federal legal standard,
+ essentially, at death or organ failure.
+ [...]
+ them 26 —and then, effectively, judicial opinions. The executive branch became a
+ minijudiciary, with no effective oversight or judicial review. And in the end, it
+ worked. The men who wrote these memos have never been prosecuted nor
+ seriously taken to task, as a legal matter, for their actions. The American people
+ allowed a quasi-judiciary to function autonomously, during and after. These self-
+ appointed judges wrote the legal briefs, rendered judgment, and wrote the
+ judicial opinions that legitimized these brutal counterinsurgency practices. In the
+ process, they rendered the counterinsurgency fully legal. They inscribed torture
+ within the fabric of law.
+ One could go further. The torture memos accomplished a new resolution of
+ the tension between brutality and legality, one that we had not witnessed
+ previously in history. It was an audacious quasi-judicial legality that had rarely
+ been seen before. And by legalizing torture in that way, the Bush administration
+ provided a legal infrastructure for counterinsurgency-as-governance more
+ broadly.
+ [...]
+ And through this process of legalization, these broader torturous practices
+ spilled over into the second prong of counterinsurgency: the eradication of an
+ active minority. Torture began to function as a way to isolate, punish, and
+ eliminate those suspected of being insurgents.
+Bare existence, indefinite detention, incommunication:
+ The indefinite detention and brutal ordinary measures served as a way to
+ eliminate these men—captured in the field or traded for reward monies, almost
+ like slaves from yonder. The incommunicado confinement itself satisfied the
+ second prong of counterinsurgency theory. 5 But somehow it also reached further
+ than mere detention, approximating a form of disappearance or virtual death.
+ The conditions these men found themselves in were so extreme, it is almost as if
+ they were as good as dead.
+ Reading Slahi’s numbing descriptions, one cannot help but agree with the
+ philosopher Giorgio Agamben that these men at Guantánamo were, in his words,
+ no more than “bare life.” 6 Agamben’s concept of bare existence captures well
+ the dimensions of dehumanization and degradation that characterized their lives:
+ the camp inmates were reduced to nothing more than bare animal existence.
+ They were no longer human, but things that lived. The indefinite detention and
+ torture at Guantánamo achieved an utter denial of their humanity.
+ Every aspect of their treatment at black sites and detention facilities
+### Drone strikes
+ This debate between more population-centric proponents and more enemy-
+ centric advocates of counterinsurgency should sound familiar. It replays the
+ controversy over the use of torture or other contested methods within the
+ counterinsurgency paradigm. It replicates the strategic debates between the
+ ruthless and the more decent. It rehearses the tensions between Roger Trinquier
+ and David Galula.
+ Yet just as torture is central to certain versions of modern warfare, the drone
+ strike too is just as important to certain variations of the counterinsurgency
+ approach. Drone strikes, in effect, can serve practically all the functions of the
+ second prong of counterinsurgency warfare. Drone strikes eliminate the
+ identified active minority. They instill terror among everyone living near the
+ active minority, dissuading them and anyone else who might contemplate joining
+ the revolutionaries. They project power and infinite capability. They show who
+ has technological superiority. As one Air Force officer says, “The real advantage
+ of unmanned aerial systems is that they allow you to project power without
+ projecting vulnerability.” 18 By terrifying and projecting power, drones dissuade
+ the population from joining the insurgents.
+ [...]
+ Covered extensively by the news media,
+ drone attacks are popularly believed to have caused even more civilian casualties
+ than is actually the case. The persistence of these attacks on Pakistani territory
+ offends people’s deepest sensibilities, alienates them from their government, and
+ contributes to Pakistan’s instability.” 19
+ In July 2016, the Obama administration released a report estimating the
+ [...]
+ Those in the affected countries typically receive far higher casualty reports.
+ The Pakistan press, for instance, reported that there are about 50 civilians killed
+ for every militant assassinated, resulting in a hit rate of about 2 percent. As
+ Kilcullen and Exum argue, regardless of the exact number, “every one of these
+ dead noncombatants represents an alienated family, a new desire for revenge,
+ and more recruits for a militant movement that has grown exponentially even as
+ drone strikes have increased.” 25
+ To those living in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and
+ neighboring countries, the Predator drones are terrifying. But again—and this is
+ precisely the central tension at the heart of counterinsurgency theory—the terror
+ may be a productive tool for modern warfare. It may dissuade people from
+ joining the active minority. It may convince some insurgents to abandon their
+ efforts. Terror, as we have seen, is by no means antithetical to the
+ counterinsurgency paradigm. Some would argue it is a necessary means.
+ Drones are by no means a flawless weapons system even for their proponents.
+ [...]
+ Regarding the first question, a drone should be understood as a blended
+ weapons system, one that ultimately functions at several levels. It shares
+ characteristics of the German V-2 missile, to be sure, but also the French
+ guillotine and American lethal injection. It combines safety for the attacker, with
+ relatively precise but rapid death, and a certain anesthetizing effect—as well as,
+ of course, utter terror. For the country administering the drone attack, it is
+ perfectly secure. There is no risk of domestic casualties. In its rapid and
+ apparently surgical death, it can be portrayed, like the guillotine, as almost
+ humane. And drones have had a numbing effect on popular opinion precisely
+ because of their purported precision and hygiene—like lethal injection has done,
+ for the most part, in the death-penalty context. Plus, drones are practically
+ invisible and out of sight—again, for the country using them—though, again,
+ terrifying for the targeted communities.
+ [...]
+ Chamayou’s second question is, perhaps, the most important. This new
+ weapons system has changed the US government’s relationship to its own
+ citizens. There is no better evidence of this than the deliberate, targeted drone
+ killing of US and allied nation citizens abroad—as we will see. 32
+ [...]
+ An analogy from the death penalty may be helpful. There too, the means
+ employed affect the ethical dimensions of the practice itself. The gas chamber
+ and the electric chair—both used in the United States even after the Holocaust—
+ became fraught with meaning. Their symbolism soured public opinion on the
+ death penalty. By contrast, the clinical or medical nature of lethal injection at
+ first reduced the political controversy surrounding executions. Only over time,
+ with botched lethal injections and questions surrounding the drug cocktails and
+ their true effects, have there been more questions raised. But it has taken time for
+ the negative publicity to catch up with lethal injection. Drones, at this point,
+ remain far less fraught than conventional targeted assassinations.
+### Winning hearts and minds
+ hearts and minds of the general population to stem the flow of new recruits to
+ the active minority and to seize the upper hand in the struggle. This goal can be
+ achieved by actively winning the allegiance of the population, or by pacifying an
+ already passive population, or even simply by distracting the masses. The bar,
+ ultimately, is low since, on the counterinsurgency view, the people are mostly
+ passive. As Roger Trinquier noted in 1961, “Experience has demonstrated that it
+ is by no means necessary to enjoy the sympathy of the majority of the people to
+ obtain their backing; most are amorphous, indifferent.” Or, as General Petraeus’s
+ manual states, the vast majority is “neutral” and “passive”; it represents an
+ “uncommitted middle” with “passive supporters of both sides.” 1 The third prong,
+ then, is aimed mostly at assuaging, pacifying perhaps, or merely distracting the
+ indifferent masses.
+ [...] the third prong has translated, principally, into three tactics: investments in
+ infrastructure, new forms of digital propaganda, and generalized terror. [...]
+ Undergirding them both, though, is the third tactic, the threat of
+ generalized terror, that serves as a foundational method and looming constant.
+ [...]
+ In How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything, Rosa
+ Brooks writes that since 9/11 we have witnessed the expansion of the military
+ and its encroachment on civilian affairs. “We’ve seen,” in her words, “the steady
+ militarization of US foreign policy as our military has been assigned many of the
+ tasks once given to civilian institutions.” Brooks warns us of a new world where
+ “the boundaries between war and nonwar, military and nonmilitary have
+ eroded.”
+ [...]
+ We are indeed facing, as Brooks powerfully demonstrates, a new world of an
+ ever-encroaching military. But what this reveals, more than anything, is the rise
+ of the counterinsurgency paradigm of government. It is the model of
+ counterinsurgency warfare—of Galula’s early turn to building schools and health
+ facilities, to focusing on the hearts and minds of the general population—that
+ has pushed the military into these traditionally civilian domains, including total
+ surveillance, rule-of-law projects, artificial intelligence, entertainment, etc. In
+ effect, it is the counterinsurgency paradigm of government that has become
+ everything, and everything that has become counterinsurgency. The blurring of
+ boundaries between war and peaceful governance is not merely the contingent
+ result of 9/11, it is instead the culmination of a long and deliberate process of
+ modernizing warfare.
+Providing the basic needs:
+ Providing basic necessities, labeled “essential services” in the field manual, is
+ a key counterinsurgency practice. It consists primarily of ensuring that there is
+ “food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical treatment” for the general
+ population. General Petraeus’s manual explains the rationale in very simple
+ terms: “People pursue essential needs until they are met, at any cost and from
+ any source. People support the source that meets their needs. If it is an insurgent
+ source, the population is likely to support the insurgency. If the [host nation]
+ government provides reliable essential services, the population is more likely to
+ support it. Commanders therefore identify who provides essential services to
+ each group within the population.” 5
+That, in most cases, involve funneling american taxpayer's money to enrich corporations
+with "insane profit margins" for rebuilding countries along with US guidelines. See
+Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine for more details.
+ A second approach to securing the neutrality of the majority is more
+ psychological. In the early days of modern warfare, examples of this approach
+ included measures such as the resettlement of populations, in the words of
+ counterinsurgency experts, “to control them better and to block the insurgents’
+ support.” This is what the British did in Malaya, and the French in Algeria.
+ Other examples included basic propaganda campaigns. 16
+ As time has gone by, new digital technologies have enabled new forms of
+ psychological counterinsurgency warfare. One of the newest involves digital
+ propaganda, reflected most recently in the Center for Global Engagement set up
+ under the Obama administration in early 2016. Created with the objective to
+ prevent the radicalization of vulnerable youth, the center adopted strategies
+ pioneered by the giants of Silicon Valley—Google, Amazon, Netflix—and was
+ originally funded at the level of about $20 million. It targeted susceptible
+ persons suspected of easier radicalization and sent them enhanced and improved
+ third-party content in order to try to dissuade them, subliminally, from
+ radicalizing or joining ISIS. In the words of an investigative journalist, “The
+ Obama administration is launching a stealth anti-Islamic State messaging
+ campaign, delivered by proxies and targeted to individual would-be extremists,
+ the same way Amazon or Google sends you shopping suggestions based on your
+ online browsing history.” 17
+Terror e tortura:
+ The third set of measures was even more basic: terror. The most formidable way
+ to win hearts and minds is to terrorize the local population to make sure they do
+ not sympathize with or aid the active minority.
+ [...]
+ The brutality of counterinsurgency serves, of course, to gather information
+ and eradicate the revolutionary minority. But it also aims higher and reaches
+ further: its ambition, as General Aussaresses recognized well, is to terrorize the
+ insurgents, to scare them to death, and to frighten the local population in order to
+ prevent them from joining the insurgent faction. Today, the use of unusually
+ brutal torture, the targeted drone assassination of high-value suspects, and the
+ indefinite detention under solitary conditions aim not only to eviscerate the
+ enemy, but also to warn others, strike fear, and win their submission and
+ obedience. Drones and indefinite detention crush those they touch, and strike
+ [...] Terror, in the end, is a key component of the third core strategy of
+ counterinsurgency.
+Torture and civilization:
+ Since antiquity, terror has served to demarcate the civilized from the
+ barbarian, to distinguish the free citizen from the enslaved. The free male in
+ ancient Greece had the privilege of swearing an oath to the gods, of testifying on
+ his word. The slave, by contrast, could only give testimony under torture.
+ Torture, in this sense, defined freedom and citizenship by demeaning and
+ marking—by imposing stigmata—on those who could be tortured. It served to
+ demarcate the weak. It marked the vulnerable. And it also, paradoxically, served
+ to delineate the “more civilized.” This is perhaps the greatest paradox of the
+ brutality of counterinsurgency: to be civilized is to torture judiciously. This
+ paradox was born in antiquity, but it journeys on.
+ [...]
+ The judicious administration of terror is the hallmark of civilization. To be
+ civilized is to terrorize properly, judiciously, with restraint, according to the
+ rules. Only the barbarians tortured savagely, viciously, unrestrainedly. The
+ civilized, by contrast, knew how and when to tame torture, how to rein it terror,
+ to apply it with judgment and discretion. Compared to the barbarians—the
+ beheadings of ISIS is a modern case on point—we are tame and judicious, even
+ when we torture, not like those barbarians. And since 9/11, the judicious use of
+ terror has been a key US strategy. In the end, terror functions in myriad ways to
+ win the hearts and minds of the masses under the counterinsurgency paradigm of
+ governing.
+Terror in many levels of governing:
+ Now, terror is not an unprecedented component of governing, even if its role
+ in the counterinsurgency model may be uniquely constitutive. It has been with us
+ since slavery in antiquity, through the many inquisitions, to the internment and
+ concentration camps of modern history. And there too, in each of its
+ manifestations, it functioned at multiple levels to bolster different modes of
+ governing. Looking back through history, terror has done a lot of work. Today as
+ well. And to see all that terror achieves today—above and beyond the three
+ prongs of counterinsurgency theory—it is useful to look back through history
+ and recall its different functions and the work it has done. The reflections today
+ are stunning.
+Torture and truth:
+ The first episode reaches back to antiquity, but represents a recurring theme
+ throughout history: terror has often served to manufacture its own truth—
+ especially in terms of its efficacy. “They all talk.” [...]
+ [...]
+ Trying to convince a suspect that he will talk, telling him that he will—this is,
+ of course, a psychological technique, but it is more than that. It is also a firm
+ belief of counterinsurgency theorists outside the interrogation room. Roger
+ [...]
+ Manufacturing truth: that is, perhaps, the first major function of terror. It is
+ the power of terror, especially in the face of ordinary men and women, of
+ humans, all too human. It has been that way since the inquisitions of the Middle
+ Ages, and before, since antiquity. On this score, little has changed.
+ In her book on slavery in Greek antiquity, Torture and Truth, Page duBois
+ argues that the idea of truth dominant today in Western thought is indissolubly
+ tied to the practice of torture, while torture itself is deeply connected to the will
+ to discover something that is always beyond our grasp. As a result, society after
+ society returns to torture, in almost an eternal recurrence, to seek out the truth
+ that is always beyond our reach. In ancient times, duBois shows, torture
+ functioned as the metaphorical touchstone of truth and as a means to establish a
+ social hierarchy. In duBois’s words, “the desire to create an other and the desire
+ to extract truth are inseparable, in that the other, because she or he is an other, is
+ constituted as a source of truth.” Truth, in sum, is always “inextricably linked
+ with the practice of torture.” 4
+ [...]
+ Truth, duBois argues, “resides in the slave body.” 5
+ [...]
+ Even more, terror produced social difference and hierarchy. The limits on
+ torture in ancient societies served to define what it meant to be among those who
+ could be tortured—what it meant to be a slave or to be free. In ancient times, the
+ testimony of a slave could only be elicited, and only became admissible in
+ litigation, under torture. Only free male citizens could take an oath or resolve a
+ controversy by sermon. The rules about who could be tortured in ancient times
+ did not just regulate the victims of torture, the rules themselves were constitutive
+ of what it meant to be a slave. The laws demarcated and defined freedom itself
+ —what it looked like, what it entailed.
+ Sophocles’s tragedy Oedipus Rex has captured our imagination for centuries
+ on questions of fate and power. But it is perhaps on the question of terror and
+ truth that the play turns. At the climax of Sophocles’s tragedy—at the pivotal
+ moment when truth finally emerges for all to see and to recognize—there is a
+ scene of terror. The shepherd slave who held the knowledge of Oedipus’s
+ ancestry is threatened with torture. And that threat of torture alone—at the
+ culmination of a whole series of unsuccessful inquiries—produces the truth:
+ torture provokes the shepherd’s confession and that allows Oedipus to recognize
+ his fate. But more than that, torture reaffirms the social order in Thebes—a
+ social order where gods rule, oracles tell truth, prophets divine, fateful kings
+ govern, and slaves serve. It is, ultimately, the right to terrorize that reveals
+ Oedipus’s power and the shepherd’s place in society.
+ [...]
+ In a similar way, terror today produces its own truth—about the effectiveness
+ of torture in eliciting truth, about its effectiveness in subjugating the insurgents,
+ about the justness of counterinsurgency.
+ [...]
+ Second, terror—or more specifically the regulatory framework that surrounds
+ terror—legitimizes the practices of terror itself. This may sound paradoxical or
+ circular—but it has often been true in history. The structures that frame and
+ regulate the administration of terrorizing practices have the effect, unexpectedly,
+ [...] The extreme nature of torture, once brought within the fabric of the law,
+ concentrated power in the hands of those
+ who had the knowledge and skill, the techne, to master the brutality. The
+ Justinian codification served as a model to later codifications during the early
+ Middle Ages and to the practices of the Inquisition.
+ Extreme practices call for expert oversight and enable a concentration of
+ [...]
+ Torture was brought into the fabric of the law and rarified at the
+ same time. The rarefication in the Medieval Period served a political end: to
+ make torture even more foreboding. Had torture become too generalized or too
+ frequent, it might have lost its exceptionality and terrorizing effect.
+ Torture was rarely applied, and, as one historian notes, inflicted with “the
+ [...]
+ The rarity achieved by the limited use and legal regulation of torture in the
+ Medieval Period served to ensure its persistence and role as a social
+ epistemological device—as a producer of truths, especially truth about itself.
+ Centuries later, the Bush administration and its top lawyers re-created a legal
+ architecture surrounding the use of torture.
+ [...]
+ Third, the legal regulation of terror also legitimizes the larger political regime.
+ [...]
+ It may seem surprising or paradoxical that the antebellum courts would
+ protect a slave accused of poisoning her master. But there is an explanation: the
+ intricate legal framework surrounding the criminalization and punishment of
+ errant slaves during the antebellum period served to maintain and stabilize
+ chattel slavery in the South—it served to equilibrate the political economy of
+ slavery. It served to balance interests in such a way that neither the slave owners
+ nor the slaves would push the whole system of slavery into disarray. And the
+ courts and politicians carefully handled this delicate balance.
+ [...]
+ In fact, the financial loss associated with the execution of a slave was viewed
+ as the only way to guarantee that owners made sure their slaves received a fair
+ trial. During the 1842–1843 legislative session, the general assembly passed a
+ [...]
+ These complex negotiations over the criminal rules accompanied the
+ practices of slavery in Alabama—a form of terror—and served to legitimize the
+ larger political economy of chattel slavery. They offered stability to the slave
+ economy by making the different participants in the criminal process and in
+ slavery—the slave owners, the foremen, the magistrates, and the public at large
+ —more confident in the whole enterprise. The extensive legal regulation of the
+ torture of slaves was not about justifying torture, nor about resolving
+ philosophical or ethical questions. Instead, it served to strike a balance and
+ stabilize the institution of slavery.
+ [...]
+ Fourth, the ability to terrorize—and to get away with it—has a powerful effect
+ on others. The audacity and the mastery impress the general masses. Something
+ about winning or beating others seduces the population. People like winners, and
+ winning is inscribed in terrorizing others.
+ Fifth, and relatedly, terror is gendered, which also tends to reinforce the power
+ and appeal of the more brutal counterinsurgency practices. Brutality is most
+ often associated with the dominant half of the couple, the one who controls, and
+ however much we might protest, this tends to strengthen the attraction.
+ Terror works in other ways as well, and many other historical episodes could
+ shed light on the complex functioning of terror today—of what Adriana
+ Cavarero refers to as “horrorism.” 45 Terror, for instance, operates to control and
+ manage one’s comrades. It can serve to keep the counterrevolutionary minority
+ in check. The willingness to engage in extreme forms of brutality, in senseless
+ violence, in irrational excess signals one’s own ruthlessness to one’s peers or
+ inferiors. It can frighten and discipline both inferiors and superiors. It
+ demonstrates one’s willingness to be cruel—which can be productive, in fact
+ necessary, to a counterinsurgency.
+Counterinsurgency goes domestic:
+ The operations of COINTELPRO—the Counter Intelligence Program
+ developed by the FBI in the 1950s to disrupt the American Communist Party,
+ and extended into the 1960s to eradicate the Black Panthers—took precisely the
+ form of counterinsurgency warfare. The notorious August 1967 directive of FBI
+ director J. Edgar Hoover to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise
+ neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and
+ groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters”; 16 the
+ police raids on Black Panther headquarters in 1968 and 1969; the summary
+ execution of the charismatic chairman of the Chicago Black Panther Party, Fred
+ Hampton; the first SWAT operations carried out against the Panthers in Los
+ Angeles—these all had the trappings of modern warfare.
+ Hoover’s FBI targeted the Panthers in a manner that drew on the foundational
+ principles of counterinsurgency: first, to collect as much intelligence on the
+ Black Panther Party as possible through the use of FBI informants and total
+ surveillance; second, to isolate the Panthers from their communities by making
+ their lives individually so burdened with surveillance and so difficult that they
+ were forced to separate themselves from their friends and family members; third,
+ to turn the Panther movement into one that was perceived, by the general
+ population, as a radicalized extremist organization, as a way to delegitimize the
+ Panthers and reduce their appeal and influence; and ultimately, to eliminate and
+ eradicate them, initially through police arrests, then through criminal
+ prosecutions (for instance, of the New York 21) and justified homicides [...]
+ and ultimately by fomenting conflict and divisiveness within the party
+ [...]
+ The linchpin of a domesticated counterinsurgency is to bring total
+ information awareness home. Just as it was developed abroad, it is total
+ surveillance alone that makes it possible to distinguish the active minority on
+ domestic soil from the passive masses of Americans. A fully transparent
+ population is the first requisite of the counterinsurgency method. In General
+ Petraeus’s field manual, it received a full chapter early on, “Intelligence in
+ Counterinsurgency,” with a pithy and poignant epigraph: “Everything good that
+ happens seems to come from good intelligence.” And as the manual began, so it
+ ended, with the following simple mantra: “The ultimate success or failure of the
+ [counterinsurgency] mission depends on the effectiveness of the intelligence effort."
+ [...]
+ American is a potential insurgent.
+ Constant vigilance of the American population is necessary—hand in hand
+ with the appearance of trust. Appearances are vital. A domesticated
+ counterinsurgency must suspect everyone in the population, but not let it be
+ known. This posture, developed in counterinsurgency theory decades ago, was at
+ the core of the paradigm. David Galula had refined it to a witty statement he
+ would tell his soldiers in Algeria: “One cannot catch a fly with vinegar. My rules
+ are: outwardly you must treat every civilian as a friend; inwardly you must
+ consider him as a rebel ally until you have positive proof to the contrary.” 2 This
+ mantra has become the rule today—at home.
+ [...]
+ In Exposed, I proposed a new way to understand how power circulates in the
+ digital age and, especially, a new way to comprehend our willingness to expose
+ ourselves to private corporations and the government alike. The metaphors
+ commonly used to describe our digital condition, such as the “surveillance
+ state,” Michel Foucault’s panopticon prison, or even George Orwell’s Big
+ Brother, are inadequate, I argued there. In the new digital age we are not forcibly
+ imprisoned in panoptic cells. There is no “telescreen” anchored to the wall of our
+ apartments by the state. No one is trying to crush our passions, or wear us down
+ into submission with the smell of boiled cabbage and old rag mats, coarse soap,
+ and blunt razors. The goal is not to displace our pleasures with hatred—with
+ “hate” sessions, “hate songs,” “hate weeks.” Today, instead, we interact by
+ means of “likes,” “shares,” “favorites,” “friending,” and “following.” We
+ gleefully hang smart TVs on the wall that record everything we say and all our
+ preferences. The drab uniforms and grim grayness of Orwell’s 1984 have been
+ replaced by the iPhone 5c in its radiant pink, yellow, blue, and green. “Colorful
+ through and through,” its marketing slogan promises, and the desire for color-
+ filled objects—for the sensual swoosh of a sent e-mail, the seductive click of the
+ iPhone camera “shutter,” and the “likes,” clicks, and hearts that can be earned by
+ sharing—seduce us into delivering ourselves to the surveillance technologies.
+ And as the monitoring and marketing of our private lives changes who we
+ sharing—seduce us into delivering ourselves to the surveillance technologies.
+ And as the monitoring and marketing of our private lives changes who we
+ are, power circulates in a new way. Orwell depicted the perfect totalitarian
+ society. Guy Debord described ours rather as a society of the spectacle, in which
+ the image makers shape how we understand the world and ourselves. Michel
+ Foucault spoke instead of “the punitive society” or what he called
+ “panopticism,” drawing on Jeremy Bentham’s design of the panoptic prison.
+ Gilles Deleuze went somewhat further and described what he called “societies of
+ control.” But in our digital age, total surveillance has become inextricably linked
+ with pleasure. We live in a society of exposure and exhibition, an expository
+ society.
+ [...]
+ And that’s what happened: taxpayers would pay the telecoms to hold the data
+ for the government. So, before, AT&T surreptitiously provided our private
+ personal digital data to the intelligence services free of charge. Now, American
+ taxpayers will pay them to collect and hold on to the data for when the
+ intelligence services need them. A neoliberal win-win solution for everyone—
+ except, of course, the ordinary, tax-paying citizen who wants a modicum of
+ privacy or protection from the counterinsurgency.
+ [...]
+ In my previous book, however, I failed to fully grasp how our expository
+ society fits with the other features of our contemporary political condition—
+ from torture, to Guantánamo, to drone strikes, to digital propaganda. In part, I
+ could not get past the sharp contrast between the fluidity of our digital surfing
+ and surveillance on the one hand, and the physicality of our military
+ interventions and use of torture on the other. To be sure, I recognized the deadly
+ reach of metadata and reiterated those ominous words of General Michael
+ Hayden, former director of both the NSA and the CIA: “We kill people based on
+ metadata.” 20 And I traced the haunting convergence of our digital existence and
+ of correctional supervision: the way in which the Apple Watch begins to
+ function like an electronic bracelet, seamlessly caging us into a steel mesh of
+ digital traces. But I was incapable then of fully understanding the bond between
+ digital exposure and analog torture.
+ It is now clear, though, that the expository society fits seamlessly within our
+ new paradigm of governing. The expository society is precisely what allows the
+ counterinsurgency strategies to be applied so impeccably “at home” to the very
+ people who invented modern warfare. The advent of the expository society, as
+ well as the specific NSA surveillance programs, makes domestic total
+ information awareness possible, and in turn lays the groundwork for the other
+ two prongs of counterinsurgency in the domestic context.
+ [...]
+ This idea of an occupied territory, of a colony within a nation, resonates
+ perfectly with what we have witnessed in terms of the domestication of the
+ counterinsurgency. I would just push the logic further: we have not simply
+ created an internal colony, we have turned the nation itself into a colony. We
+ govern ourselves through modern counterinsurgency warfare as if the entire
+ United States was now a colonial dominion like Algeria, Malaya, or Vietnam.
+ [...]
+ These incidents—large and small, but all devastating for those targeted—also
+ serve another objective of the domesticated counterinsurgency: to make the rest
+ of us feel safe and secure, to allow us to continue our lives unaffected, to avoid
+ disrupting our consumption and enjoyment. They serve to reassure, and also, in
+ demonizing a phantom minority, to bring us all together against the specter of
+ the frightening and dangerous other. It makes us believe that there would be,
+ lurking in the quiet suburbs of Dallas or Miami, dangerous insurgents—were it
+ not for our government. And these effects feed into the third prong of a
+ [...]
+ We had seen earlier, within counterinsurgency theory, similar debates
+ between population-centric and enemy-centric theorists. The enemy-centric
+ approach tended to be the more brutal, but more focused. The population-centric
+ favored the more legal and social-investment approaches. I argued then that they
+ were just two facets of the same paradigm.
+ Here the debate is between population-and/or-enemy-centric theories versus
+ individual-centric theory. But here too, I would argue, this is a false dichotomy.
+ Again, these are just two facets of the same thing: a counterinsurgency paradigm
+ of warfare with three core strategies. Like the population-and/or-enemy-centric
+ theories, individual-centric theory naturally entails both incapacitating the
+ individual terrorist or insurgent—eliminating him and all of the active minority
+ —and preventing or deterring his substitution or replacement.
+ [...]
+ But rather than buy into this dichotomy of counterinsurgency and leaner
+ antiterrorism, what history shows instead is a growing convergence of the two
+ models in the United States since the 1960s. Counterinsurgency and domestic
+ antiterrorism efforts, entwined from the start, have converged over time. The
+ individual incapacitation strategy meshes perfectly into the counterinsurgency
+ approach. And it leads seamlessly from the domestication of the second prong of
+ counterinsurgency to the domestication of the third.
+### Distraction and diversion
+ these dreadful episodes—in the waterboarding and targeted assassinations
+ abroad or in the militarization of our police forces, in the infiltration of Muslim
+ mosques and student groups or in the constant collection of our personal data at
+ home. Many of us have no firsthand experience of these terrifying practices. Few
+ of us actually read the full Senate torture report, and even fewer track drone
+ strikes. Some of us do not even want to know of their existence. Most of us are
+ blissfully ignorant—at least most of the time—of these counterinsurgency
+ practices at home or abroad, and are consumed instead by the seductive
+ distractions of our digital age.
+ And that’s the way it is supposed to be. As counterinsurgency is
+ domesticated, it is our hearts and minds that are daily being assuaged, numbed,
+ pacified—and blissfully satisfied. We, the vast majority of us, are reassured
+ daily: there are threats everywhere and color-coded terror alerts, but
+ counterinsurgency strategies are protecting us. We are made to feel that
+ everything’s under control, that the threat is exterior, that we can continue with
+ our daily existence. Even more, that these counterinsurgency strategies will
+ prevail. That our government is stronger and better equipped, prepared to do
+ everything necessary to win, and will win. That the guardians are protecting us.
+ The effort to win the hearts and minds of the passive American majority is
+ the third aspect of the domestication of counterinsurgency practices—perhaps
+ the most crucial component of all. And it is accomplished through a remarkable
+ mixture of distraction, entertainment, pleasure, propaganda, and advertising—
+ now rendered all so much more effective thanks to our rich digital world. In
+ Rome, after the Republic, this was known as “bread and circus” for the masses.
+ Today, it’s more like Facebook and Pokémon GO.
+ We saw earlier how the expository society entices us to share all our personal
+ data and how this feeds into the first prong of counterinsurgency—total
+ information awareness. There is a flip side to this phenomenon: keeping us
+ distracted. The exposure is so pleasurable and engaging that we are mostly kept
+ content, with little need for a coordinated top-down effort to do so. We are
+ entranced—absorbed in a fantastic world of digitally enhanced reality that is
+ totally consuming, engrossing, and captivating. We are no longer being rendered
+ docile in a disciplinarian way, as Michel Foucault argued in Discipline and
+ Punish. We are past notions of docility. We are actively entranced—not
+ passively, not in a docile way. We are actively clicking and swiping, jumping
+ from one screen to another, checking one platform then another to find the next
+ fix—Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and on and on.
+ Winning over and assuaging the passive majority might be accomplished—
+ indeed, has been accomplished in the past—through traditional propaganda, such
+ as broadcast misinformation about the insurgent minority, and through the top-
+ down provision of entertainment to keep us from thinking about politics. The
+ new digital world we live in has rendered these older strategies obsolete. As the
+ counterinsurgency’s mandate to pacify the masses has been turned on the
+ American people, the third prong of modern warfare looks and works differently
+ than it did in previous times and in other places.
+ Things have changed. Just a few years ago, our politicians still had to tell us
+ [...]
+ Pokémon GO has already run its course, but that is to be expected. Another
+ digital obsession will follow. These platforms are supposed to capture all of our
+ attention for a while, to captivate us, to distract us—and simultaneously to make
+ us expose ourselves and everything around us. This is the symbiosis between the
+ third and first prongs of the domesticated counterinsurgency: while it pacifies us,
+ a game like Pokémon GO taps into all our personal information and captures all
+ our data. At first, the game required that players share all their personal contacts.
+ Although that was eventually dropped, the game collects all our GPS locations,
+ captures all the video of our surroundings in perfectly GPS-coded data, and
+ tracks us wherever we are. Plus, even though it is free, many players are buying
+ add-ons and in the process sharing their consumption and financial data. The
+ more we play, the more we are distracted and pacified, and the more we reveal
+ about ourselves.
+ [...]
+ The distractions are everywhere: e-mail notifications, texts, bings and pings,
+ new snapchats and instagrams. The entertainment is everywhere as well: free
+ Wi-Fi at Starbucks and McDonald’s, and now on New York City streets, that
+ allow us to stream music videos and watch YouTube videos. And of course, the
+ advertising is everywhere, trying to make us consume more, buy online,
+ subscribe, and believe. Believe not only that we need to buy the recommended
+ book or watch the suggested Netflix, but also believe that we are secure and safe,
+ protected by the most powerful intelligence agencies and most tenacious military
+ force. Believe that we can continue to mind our own business—and remain
+ distracted and absorbed in the digital world—because our government is
+ watching out for us.
+ The fact is, the domestication of counterinsurgency has coincided with the
+ explosion of this digital world and its distractions. There is a real qualitative
+ difference between the immediate post–9/11 period and today. One that is
+ feeding directly into the third strategy of modern warfare.
+ Meanwhile, for the more vulnerable—those who are more likely to veer
+ astray and perhaps sympathize with the purported internal enemy—the same
+ digital technologies target them for enhanced propaganda. The Global
+ Engagement Center, or its equivalents, will profile them and send improved
+ content from more moderate voices. The very same methods developed by the
+ most tech-savvy retailers and digital advertisers—by Google and Amazon—are
+ deployed to predict, identify, enhance, and target our own citizens.
+ were before or that we are experiencing a waning of civil and political
+ engagement. While I agree that the growing capacity of the state and
+ corporations to monitor citizens may well threaten the private sphere, I am not
+ convinced that this is producing new apathy or passivity or docility among
+ citizens, so much as a new form of entrancement. The point is, we were once
+ kept apathetic through other means, but are now kept apathetic through digital
+ distractions.
+Voting turnout and Trump election:
+ The voting patterns of American registered voters has remained constant—
+ and apathetic—for at least fifty years. Even in the most important presidential
+ elections, voter turnout in this country over the past fifty years or more has
+ pretty much fluctuated between 50 percent and 63 percent. By any measure,
+ American democracy has been pretty docile for a long time. In fact, if you look
+ over the longer term, turnout has been essentially constant since the 1920s and
+ the extension of the suffrage to women. Of course, turnout to vote is not the only
+ measure of democratic participation, but it is one quantifiable measure. And
+ electoral voting is one of the more reliable longitudinal measures of civic
+ participation. But our record, in the United States, is not impressive.
+ [...]
+ Despite all this, over 62 million people voted for Donald Trump, resulting in
+ his Electoral College victory. And it was by no means an unusual election. Voter
+ turnout in 2016 was typical for this country. About 60.2 percent of the
+ approximately 231 million eligible voters turned out to vote, representing about
+ 139 million votes case. That number is consonant with historical turnout in this
+ country, almost squarely between voter turnout in 2012 (58.6 percent) and in
+ 2008 (61.6 percent), but still above most presidential election year turnouts since
+ 1972. 16 In all categories of white voters, Trump prevailed.
+ [...]
+ The cable news network CNN captured this best in a pithy lead to a story titled
+ “Trump: The Social Media President?”: “FDR was the first ‘radio’ president.
+ JFK emerged as the first ‘television’ president. Barack Obama broke through as
+ the first ‘Internet’ president. Next up? Prepare to meet Donald Trump, possibly
+ the first ‘social media’ and ‘reality TV’ president.” 10
+ [...]
+ This new mode of existence and digital consumption pleases and distracts the
+ majority of Americans. The old-fashioned TV has now been enhanced and
+ augmented, displaced by social media on digital devices of all sorts and sizes—
+ from the Apple Watch and tablet, through the MacBook Air and Mac Pro, to the
+ giant screen TV and even the Jumbotron. And all of it serves to pacify the
+ masses and ensure that they do not have the time or attention span to question
+ the domestication of the counterinsurgency.
+ And, then, it all feeds back into total information awareness. Hand in hand,
+ government agencies, social media, Silicon Valley, and large retailers and
+ corporations have created a mesmerizing new digital age that simultaneously
+ makes us expose ourselves and everything we do to government surveillance and
+ that serves to distract and entertain us. All kinds of social media and reality TV
+ consume and divert our attention, making us give our data away for free. A
+ profusion of addictive digital platforms—from Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter, to
+ YouTube and Netflix, Amazon Prime, Instagram, and Snapchat, and now
+ Pokémon GO—distract us into exposing all our most private information, in
+ order to feed the new algorithms of commerce and intelligence services: to
+ profile us for both watch lists and commercial advertising.
+This is compatible with Shoshana Zuboff's Dispossession Cycle:
+ This third aspect of counterinsurgency’s domestication is perhaps the most
+ important, because it targets the most prized military and political objective: the
+ general masses. And today, in the expository society, the new algorithms and
+ digital-advertising methods have propelled the manipulation and propaganda to
+ new heights. We are being encouraged by government and enticed by
+ multination corporations and social media to expose and express ourselves as
+ much as possible, leaving digital traces that permit both government and
+ corporations to profile us and then try to shape us accordingly. To make model
+ citizens out of us all—which means docile, entranced consumers. The governing
+ paradigm here is to frenetically encourage digital activity—which in one sense is
+ the opposite of docility—in order to then channel that activity in the right
+ direction: consumption, political passivity, and avoiding the radical extremes.
+ What we are witnessing is a new form of digital entrancement that shapes us
+ as subjects, blunts our criticality, distracts us, and pacifies us. We spend so much
+ time on our phones and devices, we barely have any time left for school or work,
+ let alone political activism. In the end, the proper way to think about this all is
+ not through the lens of docility, but through the framework of entrancement. It is
+ crucial to understand this in the proper way, because breaking this very
+ entrancement is key to seeing how counterinsurgency governance operates more
+ broadly. Also, because the focus on docility—along an older register of
+ discipline—is likely to lead us into an outdated focus on top-down propaganda.
+### Counterrevolution
+ The paradigm was refined
+ and systematized, and has now reached a new stage: the complete and systematic
+ domestication of counterinsurgency against a home population where there is no
+ real insurgency or active minority. This new stage is what I call “The
+ Counterrevolution.”
+ The Counterrevolution is a new paradigm of governing our own citizens at
+ home, modeled on colonial counterinsurgency warfare, despite the absence of
+ any domestic uprising. It is aimed not against a rebel minority—since none
+ really exists in the United States—but instead it creates the illusion of an active
+ minority which it can then deploy to target particular groups and communities,
+ and govern the entire American population on the basis of a counterinsurgency
+ warfare model. It operates through the three main strategies at the heart of
+ modern warfare, which, as applied to the American people, can be recapitulated
+ as follows:
+ 1. Total information awareness of the entire American population…: [by the]
+ [...] “counterrevolutionary minority.”
+ [...]
+ 2. … in order to extract an active minority at home…
+Shock and Awe:
+ 3. … and win the hearts and minds of Americans: Meanwhile, the
+ counterrevolutionary minority works to pacify and assuage the general
+ population in order to ensure that the vast majority of Americans remain
+ just that: ordinary consuming Americans. They encourage and promote a
+ rich new digital environment filled with YouTube, Netflix, Amazon
+ Prime, tweets, Facebook posts, instagrams, snapchats, and reality TV that
+ consume attention while digitally gathering personal data—and at times,
+ pushing enhanced content. They direct digital propaganda to susceptible
+ users. And they shock and awe the masses with their willingness to
+ torture suspected terrorists or kill their own citizens abroad. In the end,
+ entertaining, distracting, entrancing, and assuaging the general population
+ is the key to success—our new form of bread and circus.
+The "new shape" of the State (and it's partners), as a "loose network":
+ These three key strategies now guide governance at home, as they do military
+ and foreign affairs abroad. What has emerged today is a new and different art of
+ governing. It forms a coherent whole with, at its center, a security apparatus
+ composed of White House, Pentagon, and intelligence officials, high-ranking
+ congressional members, FISC judges, security and Internet leaders, police
+ intelligence divisions, social-media companies, Silicon Valley executives, and
+ multinational corporations. This loose network, which collaborates at times and
+ competes at others, exerts control by collecting and mining our digital data. Data
+ control has become the primary battlefield, and data, the primary resource—
+ perhaps the most important primary resource in the United States today.
+ [...]
+ This new mode of governing has no time horizon. It has no sunset provision. And it is
+ marked by a tyrannous logic of violence. [...] It is part and parcel of the new
+ paradigm of governing that reconciles brutality with legality.
+The unprecedented, self-fulfilling profecy:
+ We govern ourselves
+ differently in the United States now: no longer through sweeping social
+ programs like the New Deal or the War on Poverty, but through surgical
+ counterinsurgency strategies against a phantom opponent. The intensity of the
+ domestication now is unprecedented.
+ [...]
+ Counterinsurgency, with its tripartite scheme (active minority, passive masses,
+ counterrevolutionary minority) and its tripartite strategy (total awareness,
+ eliminate the active minority, pacify the masses) is a deeply counterproductive
+ self-fulfilling prophecy that radicalizes individuals against the United States.
+ [...]
+ “The Islamic State has called it ‘the blessed ban’ because it
+ supports the Islamic State’s position that America hates Islam. The clause in the
+ order that gives Christians preferential treatment will be seen as confirming the
+ Islamic State’s apocalyptic narrative that Islam is in a fight to the death against
+ the Christian crusaders. The images of Muslim visitors being turned away at
+ American airports will only inflame those who seek to do us harm.” 6
+ [...]
+ We are headed not, as Kant would have it, toward perpetual peace, but
+ instead, sounding the refrain of Nietzsche’s eternal return, toward an endless
+ state of counterinsurgency warfare.
+### Not exactly a state of exception, but of legality
+ West more broadly, in a “state of exception” characterized by suspended legality.
+ In this view, our political leaders have placed a temporary hold on the rule of
+ law, with the tacit understanding that they will resume their adherence to liberal
+ legal values when the political situation stabilizes. Some commentators go
+ further, arguing that we have now entered a “permanent state of exception.”
+ This view, however, misperceives one particular tactic of counterinsurgency
+ —namely, the state of emergency—for the broader rationality of our new
+ political regime. It fails to capture the larger ambition of our new mode of
+ governing. The fact is, our government does everything possible to legalize its
+ counterinsurgency measures and to place them solidly within the rule of law—
+ through endless consultations with government lawyers, hypertechnical legal
+ arguments, and lengthy legal memos. The idea is not to put law on hold, not
+ even temporarily. It is not to create an exception, literally or figuratively. On the
+ contrary, the central animating idea is to turn the counterinsurgency model into a
+ fully legal strategy. So, the governing paradigm is not one of exceptionality, but
+ of counterinsurgency and legality.
+ [...]
+ The logic today is based on a model of
+ counterinsurgency warfare with, at its heart, the resolution of that central tension
+ between brutality and legality. The counterrevolutionary model has resolved the
+ inherited tension and legalized the brutality.
+ [...]
+ Agamben’s idea of a permanent state of exception pushes this
+ further, but simultaneously undermines the defining element of the exception,
+ since it becomes the rule. For the most part, though, the state of exception is
+ presented as aberrational but temporary.
+ [...]
+ The problem with the state-of-exception view is that it mistakes tactics for
+ the overarching logic of our new paradigm of governing and, in the process, fails
+ to see the broader framework of The Counterrevolution. The state-of-exception
+ framework rests on an illusory dichotomy between rule and exception, a myth
+ that idealizes and reifies the rule of law. The point is, the use of torture at CIA
+ black sites and the bulk collection of American telephony metadata were not
+ exceptions to the rule of law, but were rendered fully legalized and regulated
+ practices—firmly embedded in a web of legal memos, preauthorized formalities,
+ and judicial or quasi-judicial oversight. In this sense, hardly anything that
+ occurred was outside or exceptional to the law, or could not be brought back in.
+ The Counterrevolution, unlike the state of exception, does not function on a
+ binary logic of rule and exception, but on a fully coherent systematic logic of
+ counterinsurgency that is pervasive, expansive, and permanent. It does not have
+ limits or boundaries. It does not exist in a space outside the rule of law. It is all
+ encompassing, systematic, and legalized.
+ Of course, the rhetoric of “exception” is extremely useful to The
+ Counterrevolution. “States of emergency” are often deployed to seize control
+ over a crisis and to accelerate the three prongs of counterinsurgency.
+ [...]
+ The ultimate exercise of power, Foucault argued, is precisely to transform
+ ambiguities about illegalisms into conduct that is “illegal.”
+ [...]
+ During the ancien régime, Foucault argues, the popular and the privileged
+ classes worked together to evade royal regulations, fees, and impositions.
+ Illegalisms were widespread throughout the eighteenth century and well
+ distributed across the different strata of society
+ [...]
+ As wealth became increasingly mobile after the French Revolution, new
+ forms of wealth accumulation—of moveable goods, stocks, and supplies as
+ opposed to landed wealth—exposed massive amounts of chattel property to the
+ workers who came in direct contact with this new commercial wealth. The
+ accumulation of wealth began to make popular illegalisms less useful—even
+ dangerous—to the interests of the privileged. The commercial class seized the
+ mechanisms of criminal justice to put an end to these popular illegalisms
+ [...] The privileged seized the administrative and
+ police apparatus of the late eighteenth century to crack down on popular
+ illegalisms.
+ [...]
+ They effectively turned popular illegalisms into
+ illegalities, and, in the process, created the notion of the criminal as social
+ enemy—Foucault even talks here of creating an “internal enemy.”
+ [...]
+ In The Counterrevolution—by contrast to the bourgeois revolutions of the
+ early nineteenth century—the process is turned on its head. Illegalisms and
+ illegalities are inverted. Rather than the privileged turning popular illegalisms
+ into illegalities, the guardians are turning their own illegalisms into legalities.
+ [...] The strategy here is to paper one’s way into the legal realm through elaborate
+ memorandums and advice letters that justify the use of enhanced interrogation or the
+ assassination of American citizens abroad.
+ [...]
+ On the one hand, there is a strict division of responsibilities: the intelligence
+ agencies and the military determine all the facts outside the scope of the legal
+ memorandum. [...] Everything is compartmentalized.
+ [...]
+ On the other hand, the memo authorizes: it allows the political authority to
+ function within the bounds of the law. It sanitizes the political decision. It cleans
+ the hands of the military and political leaders. It produces legalities.
+A circular, feedback loop:
+ None of this violates the rule of law or transgresses the boundaries of legal
+ liberalism. Instead, the change was rendered “legal.” If this feels circular, it is
+ because it is: there is a constant feedback effect in play here. The
+ counterinsurgency practices were rendered legal, and simultaneously justice was
+ made to conform to the counterinsurgency paradigm. The result of the feedback
+ loop was constantly new and evolving meanings of due process. And however
+ rogue they may feel, they had gone through the correct procedural steps of due
+ process to render them fully lawful and fully compliant with the rule of law.
+ [...]
+ “Abnormal,” in 1975, Foucault explored how the clash between the juridical
+ power to punish and the psychiatric thirst for knowledge produced new medical
+ diagnoses that then did work.
+ [...]
+ In his 1978 lecture on the invention of the notion of dangerousness in French
+ psychiatry, Foucault showed how the idea of future dangerousness emerged from
+ the gaps and tensions in nineteenth-century law. 37
+ [...]
+ There are surely gaps here too in The Counterrevolution—tensions between
+ rule-boundedness on the one hand and a violent warfare model on the other.
+ Those tensions give momentum to the pendulum swings of brutality that are then
+ resolved by bureaucratic legal memos.
+### System analysis and Operations Research
+ The RAND Corporation played a seminal role in the development of
+ counterinsurgency practices in the United States and championed for decades—
+ and still does—a systems-analytic approach that has come to dominate military
+ strategy. Under its influence, The Counterrevolution has evolved into a logical
+ and coherent system that regulates and adjusts itself, a fully reasoned and
+ comprehensive approach.
+ [...]
+ Systems analysis was often confused with OR, but it was distinct in several
+ regards. OR tended to have more elaborate mathematical models and solved
+ lower-level problems; in systems analysis, by contrast, the pure mathematical
+ computation was generally applied only to subparts of the overall problem.
+ Moreover, SA took on larger strategic questions that implicated choices between
+ major policy options. In this sense, SA was, from its inception, in the words of
+ one study, “less quantitative in method and more oriented toward the analysis of
+ broad strategic and policy questions, […] particularly […] seeking to clarify
+ choice under conditions of great uncertainty.” 5
+ [...]
+ As this definition made clear, there were two meanings of the term system in
+ systems analysis: first, there was the idea that the world is made up of systems,
+ with internal objectives, that need to be analyzed separately from each other in
+ order to maximize their efficiency. Along this first meaning, the analysis would
+ focus on a particular figurative or metaphorical system—such as a weapons
+ system, a social system, or, in the case of early counterinsurgency, a colonial
+ system. Second, there was the notion of systematicity that involved a particular
+ type of method—one that began by collecting a set of promising alternatives,
+ constructing a model, and using a defined criterion.
+ [...]
+ This method of systems analysis became influential in government and
+ eventually began to dominate governmental logics starting in 1961 when Robert
+ McNamara acceded to the Pentagon under President John F. Kennedy.
+ [...]
+ According to its proponents, systems analysis
+ would allow policy makers to put aside partisan politics, personal preferences,
+ and subjective values. It would pave the way to objectivity and truth. As RAND
+ expert and future secretary of defense James R. Schlesinger explained:
+ “[Systems analysis] eliminates the purely subjective approach on the part of
+ devotees of a program and forces them to change their lines of argument. They
+ must talk about reality rather than morality.” 13 With systems analysis,
+ Schlesinger argued, there was no longer any need for politics or value
+ judgments. The right answer would emerge from the machine-model that
+ independently evaluated cost and effectiveness. All that was needed was a
+ narrow and precise objective and good criteria. The model would then spit out
+ the most effective strategy.
+ [...]
+ Counterinsurgency theory blossomed at precisely the moment that systems
+ analysis was, with RAND’s backing, gaining influence in the Pentagon and at
+ the White House. The historian Peter Paret pinpoints this moment, in fact, to the
+ very first year of the Kennedy administration: “In 1961, the Cuban revolution
+ combined with the deteriorating Western position in Southeast Asia
+ [...]
+ It convened, as mentioned earlier, the seminal
+ counterinsurgency symposium in April 1962, where RAND analysts discovered
+ David Galula and commissioned him to write his memoirs. RAND would
+ publish his memoirs as a confidential classified report in 1963 under the title
+ [...]
+ Counterinsurgency theory blossomed at precisely the moment that systems
+ analysis was, with RAND’s backing, gaining influence in the Pentagon and at
+ the White House. The historian Peter Paret pinpoints this moment, in fact, to the
+ very first year of the Kennedy administration: “In 1961, the Cuban revolution
+ combined with the deteriorating Western position in Southeast Asia to shift
+ [...]
+ One recent episode regarding interrogation
+ methods is telling. It involved the evaluation of different tactics to obtain
+ information from informants, ranging from truth serums to sensory overload to
+ torture. These alternatives were apparently compared and evaluated using a SA
+ approach at a workshop convened by RAND, the CIA, and the American
+ Psychological Association (APA). Again, the details are difficult to ascertain
+ fully, but the approach seemed highly systems-analytic.
+ [...] a series of workshops on “The Science of Deception”
+ [...]
+ More specifically, according to this source, the workshops probed and
+ compared different strategies to elicit information. The systems-analytic
+ approach is reflected by the set of questions that the participants addressed: How
+ important are differential power and status between witness and officer? What
+ pharmacological agents are known to affect apparent truth-telling behavior?
+ What are sensory overloads on the maintenance of deceptive behaviors? How
+ might we overload the system or overwhelm the senses and see how it affects
+ deceptive behaviors? These questions were approached from a range of
+ disciplines. The workshops were attended by “research psychologists,
+ psychiatrists, neurologists who study various aspects of deception and
+ representatives from the CIA, FBI and Department of Defense with interests in
+ intelligence operations. In addition, representatives from the White House Office
+ of Science and Technology Policy and the Science and Technology Directorate
+ of the Department of Homeland Security were present.” 31
+ [...]
+ And in effect, from a counterinsurgency perspective, these various tactics—
+ truth serums, sensory overloads, torture—are simply promising alternatives that
+ need to be studied, modeled, and compared to determine which ones are superior
+ at achieving the objective of the security system. Nothing is off limits.
+ Everything is fungible. The only question is systematic effectiveness. This is the
+ systems-analytic approach: not piecemeal, but systematic.
+ Incidentally, a few years later, Gerwehr apparently went to Guantánamo, but
+ refused to participate in any interrogation because the CIA was not using video
+ cameras to record the interrogations. Following that, in the fall of 2006 and in
+ 2007, Gerwehr made several calls to human-rights advocacy groups and
+ reporters to discuss what he knew. A few months later, in 2008, Gerwehr died of
+ a motorcycle accident on Sunset Boulevard. 32 He was forty years old.
+ [...]
+ Sometimes, depending on the practitioner, the analysis favored torture or summary
+ execution; at other times, it leaned toward more “decent” tactics. But these
+ variations must now be understood as internal to the system. Under President
+ Bush’s administration, the emphasis was on torture, indefinite detention, and
+ illicit eavesdropping; under President Obama’s, it was on drone strikes and total
+ surveillance; in the first months of the Trump presidency, on special operations,
+ drones, the Muslim ban, and building the wall. What unites these different
+ strategies is counterinsurgency’s coherence as a system—a system in which
+ brutal violence is heart and center. That violence is not aberrational or rogue. It
+ is to be expected. It is internal to the system. Even torture and assassination are
+ merely variations of the counterinsurgency logic.
+ Counterinsurgency abroad and at home has been legalized and systematized. It
+ has become our governing paradigm “in any situation,” and today “simply
+ expresses the basic tenet of the exercise of political power.” It has no sunset
+ provision. It is ruthless, game theoretic, systematic—and legal. And with all of
+ the possible tactics at the government’s disposal—from total surveillance to
+ indefinite detention and solitary confinement, to drones and robot-bombs, even
+ to states of exception and emergency powers—this new mode of governing has
+ never been more dangerous.
+ In sum, The Counterrevolution is our new form of tyranny.
diff --git a/books/sociology/jogos-homens.md b/books/sociology/jogos-homens.md
index 105b13c..dee1c44 100644
--- a/books/sociology/jogos-homens.md
+++ b/books/sociology/jogos-homens.md
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Original:
## Índice
+* Jogo, noção de totalidade fechada, preciosa inovação num mundo incerto, 10; noção complexa, 11.
* Regras versus sem regras (jogos de imitação por exemplo), 28.
* Regras das regras: jogos como atividades: 1. livres; 2; delimitadas; 3.
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ Original:
## Azar e a matemática
Os jogos de competição conduzem ao desporto, os jogos de imitação e de ilusão
- prefiguram as religiões do espectáculo. Os jogos de azar e de cominação
+ prefiguram as religiões do espectáculo. Os jogos de azar e de combinação
estiveram na origem de vários desenvolvimentos das matemáticas, do cálculo de
probabilidades à topologia.
@@ -195,7 +197,7 @@ Foi lendo mais ou menos o seguinte trecho que me veio a ideia de que pode haver
alguma articulação -- que aliás é um dos sentidos da palavra jogo, "o mecanismo
ter jogo" -- entre os conceitos de máquina, sistema e jogo:
- Qualquer instituição funciona, em parte, como um jogo, de al forma que se
+ Qualquer instituição funciona, em parte, como um jogo, de tal forma que se
apresenta também como um jogo que foi necessário instaurar, baseado em novos
princípios e que ocupou o lugar reservado a um jogo antigo. Esse jogo singular
responde a outras necessidades, favorece certas normas e legislações, exige
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c1c5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/sociology/ruptura.md
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+[[!meta title="Ruptura"]]
+## Trechos
+ Os únicos que se sustentam são aqueles que não fingem mais governar nada, mas
+ que usam o poder simplesmente para fornecer a parcelas da população o gosto
+ drogado da autorização da violência contra os vulneráveis.
+ -- 11
+ Só governos fracos são violentos. Eles têm de vigiar todos os poros, pois
+ sabem que seu fim pode vir de qualquer lugar. Governos fortes são magnânimos,
+ porque vislumbram tranquila- mente sua perpetuação. O que se contrapõe a nós é
+ fraco e desesperado. Ele cairá. É hora de fazê-lo cair.
+ -- 13
+ Generais e almirantes tomam o poder. Eles exterminam seus predecessores de
+ esquerda, exilam os opositores, aprisionam os intelectuais dissidentes, sufocam
+ os sindicatos, controlam a imprensa e paralisam toda atividade política. Mas,
+ nesta variante do fascismo de mercado, os che- fes militares tomam distância
+ das decisões eco- nômicas. Eles não planificam a economia nem aceitam suborno.
+ Eles confiam toda a economia a fanáticos religiosos – fanáticos cuja religião é
+ o laissez-faire do mercado (...) Então o relógio da história anda para trás. O
+ mercado é liberado e a massa monetária estritamente controlada. Os créditos de
+ ajuda social são cortados, os trabalha- dores devem aceitar qualquer coisa ou
+ morrer de fome (...) A inflação baixa reduz-se a quase nada (...) A liberdade
+ política estando fora de circula- ção, as desigualdades de rendimentos, consumo
+ e riqueza tendem a crescer.
+ É evidente que as elucubrações de Samuelson a respeito do “fascismo de mercado”
+ se inspiravam no Chile da ditadura de Augusto Pinochet (1973- 1990). Esse
+ regime sucedeu um governo que ten- tava construir o socialismo pela via
+ eleitoral e foi derrubado por uma articulação envolvendo a social- -democracia
+ cristã, grupos terroristas neofascistas, entidades patronais e Washington, num
+ processo que culminou no bombardeio do Palácio de La Moneda em 11 de setembro
+ de 1973. A partir daí, Pinochet aniquilou a oposição com uma brutali- dade
+ poucas vezes vista. O Estado chileno torturou cerca de 30 mil opositores, em
+ centros espalhados por todo o território nacional, e assassinou milhares
+ de pessoas. Apenas assim foi possível impor à população as políticas dos
+ fanáticos do laissez-faire. Iniciava-se o experimento neoliberal imposto pelos
+ Chicago boys. Após o golpe, esse grupo de econo- mistas, ligados ao teórico e
+ guru Milton Friedman, ocuparia todos os espaços do Estado ditatorial, dos
+ ministérios à presidência do Banco Central.
+ No mesmo momento em que o neoliberalismo aparecia como modelo de gestão social
+ nas democracias liberais do Reino Unido de Margaret Thatcher e dos EUA de
+ Ronald Reagan, a ditadura chilena explicitava a linha de fuga para a qual o
+ capitalismo mundial se encaminhava. Essa junção de brutalidade política e
+ neoliberalismo econômico, aplicada inicialmente no Chile, agora se mostra como
+ a tendência generalizada do capitalismo atual e tem no Brasil seu mais recente
+ laboratório. Tal processo ocorre precisamente no momento em que a farsa da
+ livre concorrência foi definitivamente rasgada pelo retorno a práticas de
+ acumulação primitiva, fazendo com que até mesmo a democracia
+ liberal-parlamentar tenda a ser descartada – especialmente aqui, na periferia
+ do capitalismo.
+ [...]
+ Por isso, segundo Hayek, o único regime totalitário que a América do Sul
+ conheceu até os anos 1980 não teria sido o Brasil dos militares, a Argentina de
+ Videla ou o Chile de Pinochet, mas o governo da Unidade Popular de Allende. A
+ tese implícita era de que um modo de vida e de produção não baseado na
+ propriedade privada dos meios de produção seria a definição mesma de
+ totalitarismo. Mas esse conceito liberal de liberdade só poderia se impor à
+ base de choques. Afinal, as sociedades não aceitam sem resistência limitar seus
+ desejos e sua inquietude à liberdade de empreender (reservada para alguns). A
+ experiência histórica das lutas por liberdade revela justamente a insistência
+ em livrar a atividade da submissão à forma do trabalho, da ânsia pela igualdade
+ radical e pelo fim da naturalização da exploração, da vontade de liberação do
+ mundo das coisas dos contratos de propriedade. Sendo assim, apenas uma fina
+ engenharia social, que envolveria todas as instâncias do governo e do capital e
+ que mobilizaria tanto o soldado de baixa patente como o burocrata do primeiro
+ escalão, seria capaz de neutralizar esses desejos, criando uma homofonia
+ social. Embora paradoxal, a liberdade de empreender exige “mais” e não “menos”
+ Estado, que se impõe na forma de repressão sanguinária e vigilância constante.
+ [...]
+ A aproximação entre Hayek e o principal jurista do Terceiro Reich, Carl
+ Schmitt, não deixa dúvida sobre sua concepção de democracia.
+ [...]
+ O autoritarismo, portanto, não é um acidente do capitalismo e não é a antítese
+ da democracia burguesa. Ele é parte constitutiva desse modo de gestão de
+ populações. Afinal, foi no esteio da belle époque das grandes potências
+ ocidentais que se consumou o holocausto dos povos coloniais, primeiro
+ laboratório do caos.
+ -- 17-25
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+[[!meta title="The Sociology of Secrecy and of Secret Societies"]]
+By Georg Simmel:
+* [Original article](http://doi.org/10.1086/211418).
+* [Full text](https://brocku.ca/MeadProject/Simmel/Simmel_1906.html).
+* [Comments and references](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociological_aspects_of_secrecy).
+## Excerpts
+ [...]
+ All relationships of people to each other rest, as a matter of
+ course, upon the precondition that they know something about
+ each other. The merchant knows that his correspondent wants
+ [...]
+ rough and ready way, to the degree necessary in order that the
+ needed kinds of intercourse may proceed. That we shall know
+ with whom we have to do, is the first precondition of having
+ anything to do with another. The customary reciprocal ptresenta-
+ [...]
+ reciprocally recognized. Their necessity is usually observed only
+ when they happen to be wanted. It would be a profitable
+ scientific labor to investigate the sort and degree of reciprocal
+ apprehension which is needed for the various relationships
+ between human beings. It would be worth while to know
+ how the general psychological presumptions with which each
+ approaches each are interwoven with the special experiences
+ with reference to the individual who is in juxtaposition with us;
+ how in many ranges of association the reciprocal apprehension
+ does or does not need to be equal, or may or may not be permitted
+ to be equal; how conventional relationships are determined in
+ their development only through that reciprocal or unilateral
+ knowledge developing with reference to the other party. The
+ investigation should finally proceed in the opposite direction;
+ [...]
+ given by the total relationship of the knower to the known.
+ Since one never can absolutely know another, as this would mean
+ knowledge of every particular thought and feeling; since we
+ must rather form a conception of a personal unity out of the
+ fragments of another person in which alone he is accessible to
+ us, the unity so formed necessarily depends upon that portion of
+ the other which our standpoint toward him permits us to see.
+ [...]
+ on the other hand the actual reciprocity of the individuals is based
+ tupon the picture which they derive of each other. Here we have
+ one of the deep circuits of the intellectual life, inasmuch as one
+ element presupposes a second, but the second presupposes the
+ first. While this is a fallacy within narrow ranges, and thus
+ [...]
+ or by dissimulation he may deceive us as to the truth. No other
+ object of knowledge can thus of its own initiative, either
+ enlighten us with reference to itself or conceal itself, as a human
+ being can. No other knowable object modifies its conduct from
+ consideration of its being understood or misunderstood. 'Tlhis
+ [...]
+ in misconception about the true intention of the person who
+ tells the lie. Veracity and mendacity are thus of the most far-
+ reaching significance for the relations of persons with each
+ other. Sociological structures are most characteristically dif-
+ ferentiated by the measure of mendacity that is operative in
+ them. To begin with, in very simple relationships a lie is
+ much more harmless foir the persistence of the group than
+ in complex associations. Primitive man, living in communities
+ of restricted extent, providing for his needs by his own produc-
+ tion or by direct co-operation, limiting his spiritual interests to
+ personal experience or to simple tradition, surveys and controls
+ the material of his existence more easily and completely than the
+ man of higher culture. In the latter case life rests upon a thou-
+ sand presuppositions which the individual can never trace back
+ to their origins, and verify; but which he must accept upon faith
+ and belief. In a much wider degree than people are accustomed
+ the economic system
+ to realize, modern civilized life -from
+ which is constantly becoming more and more a credit-economy,
+ [...]
+ to the pursuit of science, in which the majority of investigators
+ must use countless results obtained by others, and not directly
+ subject to verification- depends upon faith in the honor of
+ others. We rest our most serious decisions upon a complicated
+ system of conceptions, the majority of which presuppose con-
+ fidence that we have nlot been deceived. Hence prevarication in
+ modern circumstances becomes something much more devasta-
+ ting, something placing the foundations of life much more in
+ jeopardy, than was earlier the case. If lying appeared today
+ among us as a sin as permissible as among the Greek divinities,
+ the Hebrew patriarchs, or the South Sea Islanders; if the
+ extremne severity of the moral law did not veto it, the progressive
+ upbuilding of modern life would be simply impossible, since
+ modern life is, in a much wider than the economic sense, a
+ "credit-economy." This relationship of the times recurs in the
+ case of differences of other dimensions. The farther third per-
+ sons are located from the center of our personality, the easier can
+ we adjust ourselves practically, but also subjectively, to their lack
+ of integrity. On the other hand, if the few persons in our imme-
+ dia<te environment lie to us, life becomes intolerable. This
+ [...]
+ in the majority as compared with the liar who gets his advantage
+ from the lie. Consequently that enlightenment which aims at
+ elimination of the element of deception from social life is always
+ of a democratic character.
+ Human intercourse rests normally upon the condition that
+ [...]
+ development may gain vitality by alternate concession and resist-
+ ance. Relationships of an intimate character, the formal vehicle
+ of which is psycho-physical proximity, lose the charm, and even
+ the content, of their intimacy, unless the proximity includes, at
+ the same time and alternately, distance and intermission. Finally
+ -and
+ this is the matter with which we are now concerned -the
+ reciprocal knowledge, which is the positive condition of social
+ relationships, is not the sole condition. On the contrary, such as
+ those relationships are, they actually presuppose also a certain
+ [...]
+ By virtue of the situation just noticed, that antecedent or
+ consequent form of knowledge with reference to an individual-
+ viz., confidence in him, evidently one of the most important syn-
+ thetic forces within society -gains
+ a peculiar evolution. Confi-
+ dence, as the hypothesis of future conduct, which is sure enough
+ to become the basis of practical action, is, as hypothesis, a mediate
+ condition between knowing and not knowing another person.
+ The possession of full knowledge does away with the need o,f
+ trusting, while complete absence of knowledge makes trust evi-
+ dentlv impossible.' Whatever quantities of knowing and not
+ knowing must comnimingle, in order to make possible the detailed
+ practical decision based upon confidence, will be determined by
+ the historic epoch, the ranges of interests, and the individuals.
+ [...]
+ what is not forbidden is permitted, and, what is not permitted is
+ forbidden. Accordingly, the relationships of men are differen-
+ tiated by the question of knowledge with reference to each other:
+ what is not concealed may be known, and what is not revealed
+ may yet not be known. The last determination corresponds to the
+ otherwise effective consciousness that an ideal sphere surrounds
+ every human being, different in various directionsi and toward
+ different persons; a sphere varying in extent, into which one may
+ not venture to penetrate without disturbing the personal value of
+ the individual. Honor locates such an area. Language indi-
+ cates very nicely an invasion of this sort by such phrases as
+ "coming too near" (zu nahe treten). The radius of that sphere,
+ so to speak, marks the distance which a stranger may not cross
+ without infringing up,on another's honor. Another sphere of
+ like form corresponds to that which we designate as the "signifi-
+ cance" (Bedeutung) of another personality. Towards the
+ "significant" man there exists an inner compulsion to keep one's
+ [...]
+ signifies violation of the ego, at its center. Discretion is nothing
+ other than the sense of justice with respect to the sphere of the
+ intimate contents of life. Of co-urse, this sense is various in its
+ [...]
+ voluntarily reveal to us-must
+ necessity. But in finer and less simple form, in fragmentary
+ passages of association and in unuttered revelations, all commerce
+ of men with each other rests upon the condition that each knows
+ something more of the other than the latter voluntarily reveals
+ to him; and in many respects this is of a sort the knowledge of
+ which, if possible, would have been prevented by the party so
+ revealed. While this, judged as an individual affair, may count
+ as indiscretion, although in the social sense it is necessary as a
+ [...]
+ voluntarily reveal to us-must
+ necessity. But in finer and less simple form, in fragmentary
+ passages of association and in unuttered revelations, all commerce
+ of men with each other rests upon the condition that each knows
+ something more of the other than the latter voluntarily reveals
+ to him; and in many respects this is of a sort the knowledge of
+ which, if possible, would have been prevented by the party so
+ revealed. While this, judged as an individual affair, may count
+ as indiscretion, although in the social sense it is necessary as a
+ condition for the existing closeness and vitality of the inter-
+ change, yet the legal boundary of this invasion upon the spiritual
+ private property of another is extremely difficult to draw. In
+ general, men credit themselves with the right to know everything
+ which, without application of external illegal means, through
+ purely psychological observation and reflection, it is possible to
+ ascertain. In point of fact, however, indiscretion exercised in
+ this way may be quite as violent, and morally quite as unjusti-
+ fiable, as listening at keyholes and prying into the letters of
+ [...]
+ strangers. To anyone with fine psychological perceptions, men
+ betray themselves and their inmost thoughts and characteristics
+ in countless fashions, not only in spite of efforts not to' do so, but
+ often for the very reason that they anxiously attempt to guard
+ themselves. The greedy spying upon every unguarded word;
+ the boring persistence of inquiry as to the meaning of every slight
+ action, or tone of voice; what may be inferred from. such and
+ such expressions; what the blush at the mention of a given name
+ may betray-all this does, not overstep the boundary o'f external
+ discretion; it is entirely the labor of one's own mind, and there-
+ fore apparently within the unquestionable rights of the agent.
+ This is all the more the case, since such misuse of psychological
+ superiority oiften occurs as a purely involuntary procedure. Very
+ often it is impossible for us to, restrain our interpretation of
+ another, our theory of his subjective characteristics and inten-
+ tions. However positively an honorable person may forbid him-
+ [...]
+ so unavoidable, the division line between the permitted and the
+ non-permitted is the more indefinite. To what extent discretion
+ must restrain itself from mental handling " of all that which is its
+ own," to what extent the interests of intercourse, the reciprocal
+ interdependence of the members of the same group, limits this
+ duty of discretion - this is a question for the answer to, which
+ neither moral tact, nor survey of the o'bj ective relationships and
+ their demands, can alone be sufficient, since both factors must
+ rather always work together. The nicety and complexity of this
+ question throw it back in a much higher degree upon the respon-
+ sibility of the individual for decision, without final recourse to
+ any authoritative general norm, than is the case in connection
+ with a question of private property in the material sense.
+ In contrast with this preliminary form, or this attachment of
+ [...]
+ quently friendship, in which this intensity, but also this
+ inequality of devotion, is lacking, may more easily attach the
+ whole person to the whole person, may more easily break up
+ the reserves of the soul, not indeed by so impulsive a process,
+ but throoughout a wider area and during a longer succession.
+ This complete intimacy of confidence probably becomes, with
+ the changing differentiation of men, more and more difficult.
+ Perhaps the modern man has too much to conceal to make a
+ friendship in the ancient sense possible; perhaps personalities
+ also, except in very early years, are too peculiarly individualized
+ for the complete reciprocality of understanding, to which
+ always so much divination and productive phantasy are essen-
+ tial. It appears that, for this reason, the mo,dern type of
+ feeling inclines more to differentiated friendships; that is, to
+ those which have their territory only upon one side of the person-
+ ality at a time, and in which the rest of the personality plays no
+ part. Thus a quite special type of friendship emerges. For our
+ problem, namely, the degree of intrusion or of reserve within the
+ friendly relationship, this type is of the highest significance.
+ [...]
+ must come sooner or later.
+ In marriage, as in free relationships of analogous types, the
+ temptation is very natural to open oneself to the other at the
+ outset without limit; to abandon the last reserve of the soul
+ equally with those of the body, and thus to. lose oneself completely
+ in another. This, however, usually threatens the future of the
+ relationship. Only those people can without danger give them-
+ selves entirely to each other who canntot possibly give themselves
+ entirely, because the wealth of their soul rests in constant pro-
+ gressive development, which follows every devotion immediately
+ with the growth of new treasures. Complete devotion is safe
+ only in the case of those people who, have an inexhaustible fund
+ of latent spiritual riches, and therefore can no more alienate them
+ in a single confidence than a tree can give up the fruits of next
+ year by letting go what it produces at the present moment. The
+ case is quite different, however, with those people who, so to
+ speak, draw from their capital all their betrayals of feeling and
+ [...]
+ intensity so soon as it is confronted by a purpose of discovery.
+ Thereupon follows that purposeful concealment, that aggressive
+ defense, so to speak, against the other party, which we call
+ secrecy in the most real sense. Secrecy in this sense- i. e., whichi
+ is effective through negative or positive means of concealment
+ is one of the greatest accomplishments of humanity. In contrast
+ with the juvenile condition in which every mental picture is at
+ [...]
+ by the fact that what was formerly putblic passes under the pro-
+ tection of secrecy, and that, on the contrary, what was formerly
+ secret ceases to require such protection and proclaims itself. This
+ is analogous with that other evolution o,f mind in which move-
+ ments at first executed consciously become unconsciously me-
+ chanical, and, on the other hand, what was unconscious and
+ instinctive rises into the light of consciousness.
+ How this
+ development is distributed over the various formations of private
+ [...]
+ essential and significant. The natural impulse to idealization, and
+ the natural timidity of men, operate to one and the samne end in
+ the presence of secrecy; viz., to heighten it by phantasy, and to
+ distinguish it by a degree of attention that published reality could
+ not command.
+ Singularly enough, these attractions of secrecy enter into
+ [...]
+ not command.
+ Singularly enough, these attractions of secrecy enter into
+ combination with those of its logical opposite; viz., treason or
+ betrayal of secrets, which are evidently no less sociological in
+ their nature. Secrecy involves a tension which, at the moment of
+ revelation, finds its release. This constitutes the climax in the
+ development of the secret; in it the whole charm of secrecy con-
+ centrates and rises to its highest pitch - just as the moment of the
+ disappearance of an object brings out the feeling of its value in
+ the most intense degree. The sense of power connected with
+ possession of money is most comnpletely and greedily concentrated
+ for the soul of the spendthrift at the moment at which this power
+ slips from his hands. Secrecy also is sustained by the conscious-
+ [...]
+ 466
+ ness that it might be exploited, and therefore confers power to
+ modify fo,rtunes, to produce surprises, joys, and calamities, even
+ if the latter be only misfortunes to ourselves. Hence the possi-
+ bility and the temptation of treachery plays around the secret, and
+ the external danger off being discovered is interwoven with the
+ internal danger of self-discovery, which has the fascination of the
+ brink o,f a precipice. Secrecy sets barriers between men, but at
+ the same time offers the seductive temptation to break through the
+ barriers by gossip or confession. This temptation accompanies
+ the psychical life of the secret like an overtone. Hence the socio-
+ logical significance of the secret, its practical measure, and the
+ mode o,f its workings must be found in the capacity or the inclina-
+ tion of the initiated to, keep the secret to' himself, or in his resist-
+ ance or weakness relative to the temptation to, betrayal. From the
+ play of these two interests, in concealment and in revelation,
+ spring shadings and fortunes of human reciprocities throughout
+ their whole range. If, according to our previous analysis, every
+ human relationship has, as one of its traits, the degree of secrecy
+ within or around it, it follows that the further development of the
+ relationship in this respect depends on the combining proportions
+ of the retentive and the communicative energies -the
+ former
+ sustained by the practical interest and the formal attractiveness
+ of secrecy as such, the latter by inability to, endture longer the
+ tension of reticence, and by the superiority which is latent, so to
+ speak, in secrecy, but which is actualized for the feelings only at
+ the moment o'f revelation, and o'ften also, on the other hand, by
+ the joy of confession, which may contain that s,ense o,f power in
+ negative and perverted form, as self-abasement and contrition.
+ All these factors, which determine the sociological role of
+ [...]
+ too great temptation to disclose what might otherwise be hidden.
+ But in this case there is no need of secrecy in a high degree,
+ because this social formation usually tends to level its members,
+ and every peculiarity of being, acting, or possessing the persist-
+ ence of which requires secrecy is abhorrent to it. That all this
+ changes to its opposite in case of large widening of the circle is
+ a matter-of-course. In this connection, as in so many other par-
+ ticulars, the facts of monetary relationships reveal most distinctly
+ the specific traits of the large circle. Since transfers of economic
+ values have occurred principally by means of money, an otherwise
+ unattainable secrecy is possible in such transactions. Three pecu-
+ liarities of the money form of values are here important: first,
+ its compressibility, by virtue of which it is possible to, make a man
+ rich by slipping into his hand a check without attracting attention;
+ second, its abstractness and absence of qualitative character, in
+ consequence of which numberless sorts of acquisitions and trans-
+ fers of possessions may be covered up and guarded from publicity
+ in a fashion impossible so long as values could be possessed only
+ as extended, tangible objects; third, its long-distance effective-
+ ness, by virtue of which we may invest it in the most widely
+ removed and constantly changing values, and thus withdraw it
+ utterly from the view of our nearest neighbors. These facilities
+ of dissimulation which inhere in the degree of extension in the
+ use of money, and which disclose their dangers particularly in
+ dealings with foreign money, have called forth, as protective pro-
+ visions, publicity of the financial operations of corporations.
+ This points to a closer definition of the formula of evolution dis-
+ cussed above; viz., that throughout the form of secrecy there
+ occurs a permanent in- and out-flow of content, in which what is
+ originally open becomes secret, and what was originally concealed
+ throws off its mystery. Thus we might arrive at the paradoxical
+ idea that, under otherwise like circumstances, human associations
+ require a definite ratio of secrecy which merely changes its
+ [...]
+ this exchange it keeps its quantum unvaried. We may even fill
+ out this general scheme somewhat more exactly. It appears that
+ with increasing telic characteristics of culture the affairs of
+ people at large become more and more public, those of individuals
+ more and more secret. In less developed conditions, as observed
+ above, the circumstances of individual persons cannot protect
+ themselves in the same degree from reciprocal prying and inter-
+ fering as within modern types of life, particularly those that have
+ developed in large cities, where we find a quite new degree of
+ reserve and discretion. On the other hand, the public function-
+ aries in undeveloped states envelop themselves in a mystical
+ authority, while in maturer and wider relations, through exten-
+ sion of the range of their prerogatives, through the objectivity of
+ their technique, through the distance that separates them from
+ most of the individuals, a security and a dignity accrue to them
+ which are compatible with publicity of their behavior. That
+ earlier secrecy of public functions, however, betrayed its essential
+ [...]
+ Footnote 2 This counter-movement occurs also in the reverse direction.
+ It has been
+ observed, in connection with the history of the English court, that the actual
+ court cabals, the secret whisperings, the organized intrigues, do not spring up
+ under despotism, but only after the king has constitutional advisers, when the
+ government is to that extent a system open to view. After that time-
+ and this
+ applies especially since Edward II-the
+ king begins to form an unofficial, and
+ at the same time subterranean, circle of advisers, in contrast with the ministers
+ somehow forced upon him. This body brings into existence, within itself, and
+ through endeavors to join it, a chain of concealments and conspiracies.
+ [...]
+ have thought possible. Accordingly, politics, administration,
+ justice, have lost their secrecy and inaccessibility in precisely the
+ degree in which the individual has gained possibility of more com-
+ plete privacy, since modern- life has elaborated a technique for
+ isolation of the affairs of individuals, within the crowded condi-
+ tions of great cities, possible in former times only by means of
+ spatial separation.
+ To what extent this development is to be regarded as advan-
+ tageous depends upon social standards of value. Democracies are
+ bound to regard publicity as the condition desirable in itself.
+ This follows from the fundamental idea that each should be
+ informed about all the relationships and occurrences with which
+ he is concerned, since this is a condition of his doing his part with
+ reference to them, and every community of knowledge contains
+ also the psychological stimulation to community of action. It is
+ immaterial whether this conclusion is entirely binding. If an
+ objective controlling structure has been built up, beyond the
+ individual interests, but nevertheless to their advantage, such
+ a structure may very well, by virtue of its formal inde-
+ pendence, have a rightful claim to carry on a certain amount
+ of secret functioning without prejudice to its public char-
+ acter, so far as real consideration of the interests of all is con-
+ cerned. A logical connection, therefore, which would necessitate
+ the judgment of superior worth in favor of the condition of pub-
+ licity, does not exist. On the other hand, the universal scheme of
+ cultural differentiation puts in an appearance here: that which
+ pertains to the public becomes more public, that which belongs to
+ the individual becomes more private. Moreover, this historical
+ development brings o-ut the deeper real significance: that which
+ in its nature is public, wvhich in its content concerns all, becomes
+ also externally, in its sociological form, more and more public;
+ while that which in its inmost nature refers to the self alone-
+ also, gain
+ that is, the centripetal affairs of the individual -must
+ in so-ciological position a more and more private character, a
+ more decisive possibility of remaining secret.
+ While secrecy, therefore, is a sociological ordination which
+ [...]
+ As a general proposition, the secret society
+ emerges everywhere as correlate of despotism and of police con-
+ trol. It acts as protection alike of defense and of offense against
+ the violent pressure of central powers. This is true, not alone in
+ political relations, but in the same way within the church, the
+ school, and the family.
+ [...]
+ Thus the secret society
+ cotinterbalances the separatistic factor which is peculiar to, every
+ secret by the very fact that it is society.
+ [...]
+ lating will; for growth from within, constructive purposefulness.
+ This rationalistic factor in their upbuilding cannot express itself
+ more distinctly than in their carefully considered and clear-cut
+ architecture. I cite as example the structure of the Czechic secret
+ order, Omlaidina, which was organized on the model of a group
+ of the Carbonari, and became known in consequence of a judicial
+ process in I893. The leaders of the Omladina are divided into
+ "thumbs" and "fingers." In secret session a "thumb" is chosen
+ by the members. He selects four "fingers." The latter then
+ choose another " thumb," and this second " thumb " presents himn-
+ self to the first "thumb." The second "thumb" proceeds to
+ choose four more "fingers"; these, another "thumb;" and so
+ the articulation continues. The first " thumb " knows all the
+ other " thumbs," but the remaining " thumbs " do not know each
+ other. Of the "fingers" only those four know each other who
+ are subordinate to one and the same "thumb." All transactions
+ [...]
+ of the Omladina are conducted by the first "thumb," the " dicta-
+ tor." He informs the other "thumbs" of all proposed under-
+ takings. The "thumbs" then issue orders to their respective
+ subordinates, the "fingers." The latter in turn instruct the mem-
+ bers of the Omnladina assigned to each. The circumstance that
+ the secret society must be built up, from its base by calculation and
+ conscious volition evidently affords free play for the peculiar
+ passion which is the natural accompaniment of such arbitrary
+ processes of construction, such foreordaining programs. All
+ schematology - of science, of conduct, of society - contains a
+ reserved power of compulsion. It subjects a material which is
+ outside of thought to a form which thought has cast. If this is
+ true of all attempts to organize groups according to a priori prin-
+ ciples, it is true in the highest degree of the secret society, which
+ does not grow, which is built by design, which has to reckon with
+ a smaller quantum of ready-made building material than any
+ despotic or socialistic scheme. Joined to the interest in making
+ [...]
+ The secret society must seek to create among the cate-
+ gories peculiar to itself, a species of life-totality. Around the
+ nucleus of purposes which the society strongly emphasizes, it
+ therefore builds a structure of formulas, like a body around a
+ soul, and places both alike under the protection of secrecy, because
+ only so can a harmonious whole come into, being, in which one
+ part supports the other. That in this scheme secrecy of the
+ external is strongly accentuated, is necessary, because secrecy is
+ not so much a matter of course with reference to these super-
+ ficialities, and not so directly demanded as in the case of the real
+ interests of the society. This is not greatly different from the
+ situation in military organizations and religious communities.
+ The reason why, in both, schematism, the body of forms, the fixa-
+ tion of behavior, occupies so large space, is that, 'as a general pro-
+ position, both the military and the religious career demand the
+ wvhole man; that is, each of them projects the whole life upon a
+ special plane; each composes a variety of energies and interests,
+ from a particular point of view, into a correlated unity. The
+ secret society usually tries to do the same.
+ [...]
+ The secret society must seek to create among the cate-
+ gories peculiar to itself, a species of life-totality. Around the
+ nucleus of purposes which the society strongly emphasizes, it
+ therefore builds a structure of formulas, like a body around a
+ soul, and places both alike under the protection of secrecy, because
+ only so can a harmonious whole come into, being, in which one
+ part supports the other. That in this scheme secrecy of the
+ external is strongly accentuated, is necessary, because secrecy is
+ not so much a matter of course with reference to these super-
+ ficialities, and not so directly demanded as in the case of the real
+ interests of the society. This is not greatly different from the
+ situation in military organizations and religious communities.
+ The reason why, in both, schematism, the body of forms, the fixa-
+ tion of behavior, occupies so large space, is that, 'as a general pro-
+ position, both the military and the religious career demand the
+ wvhole man; that is, each of them projects the whole life upon a
+ special plane; each composes a variety of energies and interests,
+ from a particular point of view, into a correlated unity. The
+ secret society usually tries to do the same. One of its essential
+ characteristics is that, even when it takes hold of individuals only
+ [...]
+Counterpart of the official world, detachment from larger structures in
+which it's contained (the next level of recursion):
+ Moreover, through such formalism,
+ just as through the hierarchical structure above discussed, the
+ secret society constitutes itself a sort of counterpart of the official
+ world with which it places itself in antithesis. Here we have a
+ case of the universally emerging sociological norm; viz., struc-
+ tures, which place themselves in opposition to and detachment
+ from larger structures in which they are actually contained,
+ nevertheless repeat in themselves the forms of the greater struc-
+ tures. Only a structure that in some way can count as a whole
+ is in a situation to hold its elements firmly together. It borrows
+ the sort of organic completeness, by virtue of which its members
+ are actually the channels of a unifying life-stream, from that
+ greater whole to which its individual members were already
+ adapted, and to which it can most easily offer a parallel by means
+ of this very imitation.
+ -- 482
+Freedom and law from the inside:
+ In exercise of this freedom a territory is occupied to which the norms of the
+ surrounding society do not apply. The nature of the secret
+ society as such is autonomy. It is, however, of a sort which
+ approaches anarchy. Withdrawal from the bonds of unity which
+ procure general coh,erence very easily has as consequences for the
+ secret society a condition of being without roots, an absence of
+ firm touch with life (Lebensgefiihl), and of restraining reserva-
+ tions. The fixedness and detail of the ritual serve in part to
+ counterbalance this deficit. Here also is manifest how much men
+ need a settled proportion between freedom and law; and, further-
+ more, in case the relative quantities of the two are not prescribed
+ for him from a single source, how he attempts to reinforce the
+ given quantum of the one by a quantum of the other derived from
+ any source whatsoever, until such settled proportion is reached.
+ -- 482
+Existem a partir de sociedes públicas e de forma exclusiva::
+ The secret society, on the other hand, is a secondary structure;
+ i. e., it arises always only within an already complete society.
+ [...]
+ That they can build them selves up with such characteristics is possible, however, only
+ under the presupposition of an already existing society. The
+ secret society sets itself as a special society in antithesis with the
+ wider association included within the greater society. This anti-
+ thesis, whatever its purpose, is at all events intended in the spirit
+ of exclusion. Even the secret society which proposes only to
+ render the whole community a definite service in a completely
+ unselfish spirit, and to dissolve itself after performing the service,
+ obviously regards its temporary detachment from that totality as
+ the unavoidable technique for its purpose. Accordingly, none of
+ the narrower groups which are circumscribed by larger groiups
+ are compelled by their sociological constellation to insist so
+ strongly as the secret society upon their formal self-sufficiency.
+ Their secret encircles them like a boundary, beyond which there is
+ nothing but the materially, o,r at least formally, antithetic, which
+ therefore shuts up the society within itself as a complete unity.
+ In the groupings of every other sort, the content of the group-
+ This significance of secret associations, as intensification of
+ sociological exclusiveness in general, appears in a very striking
+ way in political aristocracies. Among the requisites of aristo-
+ cratic control secrecy has always had a place. It makes use of
+ the psychological fact that the unknown as such appears terrible,
+ powerful, and threatening. In the first place, it employs this fact
+ in seeking to conceal the numerical insignificance of the govern-
+ ing class. In Sparta the number of warriors was kept so, far as
+ [...]
+ On the other hand, the democratic principle is
+ bound up with the principle of publicity, and, to the same end, the
+ tendency toward general and fundamental laws. The latter relate
+ to an unlimited number of subjects, and are thus in their nature
+ public. Conversely, the employment of secrecy within the aristo-
+ cratic regime is only the extreme exaggeration of that social
+ exclusion and exemption for the sake of which aristocracies are
+ wont to oppose general, fundamentally sanctioned laws.
+ In case the notion of the aristocratic passes over from the
+Freedom, obedience and centralization:
+ To this result not merely the correlation of demand
+ from freedom and for union contributes, as we have observed it
+ in case of the severity of the ritual, and in the present instance it
+ binds together the extremes of the two tendencies. The excess of
+ freedom, which such societies possessed with reference to all
+ otherwise valid norms, had to be offset, for the sake of the
+ equilibrium of interests, by a similar excess olf submissiveness
+ and resigning of the individual will. More essential, however.
+ was probably the necessity of centralization, which is the con-
+ dition of existence for the secret society, and especially when,
+ like the criminal band, it lives off the surrounding society,
+ when it mingles with this society in many radiations and
+ actions, and when it is seriously threatened with treachery
+ and diversion of interests the moment the most invariable
+ attachment to one center ceases to prevail. It is conseqeuntly
+ typical that the secret society is exposed to peculiar dangers,
+ especially when, for any reasons whatever, it does not develop
+ a powerfully unifying authority. The Waldenses were in
+ nature not a secret society. They became a secret society in
+ the thirteenth century only, in consequence of the external pres-
+ sure, which made it necessary to keep themselves from view. It
+ became impossible, for that reason, to hold regular assemblages,
+ and this in turn caused loss of unity in doctrine. There arose a
+ number of branches, with isolated life and development, fre-
+ quently in a hostile attitude toward each other. They went into
+ decline because they lacked the necessary and reinforcing attri-
+ bute of the secret society, viz., constantly efficient centralization.
+ Nevertheless, responsibility
+ is quite as immediately joined with the ego - philosophically, too,
+ the whole responsibility problem is merely a detail of the problem
+ of the ego - in the fact that removing the marks of identity of
+ the person has, for the naive understanding in question, the effect
+ of abolishing responsibility. Political finesse makes no less use of
+ this correlation. In the American House of Representatives the
+ real conclusions are reached in the standing,committees, and they
+ are almost always ratified by the House. The transactions of
+ these committies, however, are secret, and the most important
+ portion of legislative activity is thus concealed from public view.
+ This being the case, the political responsibility of the repre-
+ sentatives seems to be largely wiped out, since no one can be
+ made responsible for proceedings that cannot be observed. Since
+ the shares of the individual persons in the transactions remain
+ hidden, the acts of committees and of the House seem to be those
+ of a super-individual authority. The irresponsibility is here also
+ the consequence or the symbol of the same intensified sociological
+ de-individualization which goes with the secrecy of group-action.
+ In all directorates, faculties, committees, boards of trustees, etc.,
+ whose transactions are secret, the same thing holds. The indi-
+ vidual disappears as a person in the anonymous member of the
+ ring, so to speak, and with him the responsibility, which has no
+ hold upon him. in his intangible special character.
+ Finally, this one-sided intensification of universal sociological
+ -- 496-497
+ [...]
+Danger for the rest of society and the existing oficial and central power:
+ Wherever there is an attempt to realize
+ strong centralization, especially of a political type, special organi-
+ zations of the elements are abhorred, purely as such, entirely apart
+ from their content and purposes. As mere unities, so to speak,
+ they engage in competition with the central principle.
+ [...]
+ Accordingly, the secret society seems to be dangerous simply
+ because it is secret. Since it cannot be surely known that any
+ special organization whatever may not some day turn its legally
+ accumulated powers to some undesired end, and since on that
+ account there is suspicion in principle on the part of central
+ powers toward organizations of subjects, it follows that, in the
+ case of organizations which are secret in principle, the suspicion
+ that their secrecy conceals dangers is all the more natural.
+ [...]
+ Thus the secret society, purely on the ground of its secrecy, appears
+ dangerously related to conspiracy against existing powers.
+ [...]
+ The secret association is in such bad repute as enemy of central powers that,
+ conversely, every politically disapproved association must be
+ accused of such hostility!
+ -- 497-498