AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-17Merge remote-tracking branch 'shared/master' into upstreamHEADmasterSilvio Rhatto
2015-12-01join case statements in init.ppvarac
2015-12-01[refactor] Dont use case statement in resource defvarac
2015-12-01linted init.ppvarac
2015-12-01[deprec] Use @ in front of erb tags in debian master.cfvarac
2015-09-09make default value for alias_maps optionalelijah
2015-08-14documented facter version issue for wheezy hosts in README.mdvarac
2015-08-14renamed README -> README.mdvarac
2015-04-17Add GPLv3 licenseMicah Anderson
2015-03-17Merge branch 'fix_satellite_class' into 'master'Jerome Charaoui
2015-03-11Merge branch 'smtp_auth'Gabriel Filion
2015-03-11small typo in smtp_auth exampleGabriel Filion
2015-03-08lint smtp_auth (spacing style)Gabriel Filion
2015-03-08fix smtp_auth requirements in commentGabriel Filion
2015-03-05fix postfix::satellite classvarac
2015-03-05use stdlib file_line instead of deprecated line from common modulevarac
2015-03-04linted smtp_auth.ppvarac
2015-03-04added smtp_auth.ppvarac
2015-03-02Merge branch 'fix-module_dir-usage' into 'master'Jerome Charaoui
2015-02-28Fix usage of the common::module_dir.intrigeri
2015-02-20Merge branch 'master' into 'master'Micah
2015-02-20lint templates/master.cf.debian-8.erbJerome Charaoui
2015-02-20fix module dependency comment in transport and virtualJerome Charaoui
2015-02-20rename jessie master.cf template to use version integerJerome Charaoui
2015-02-20Merge branch 'master' of https://git-ipuppet.immerda.ch/module-postfixJerome Charaoui
2015-02-20convert to file resources to stdlib's file_lineJerome Charaoui
2014-11-28Add Debian jessie template, is unchanged from earlier versionJerome Charaoui
2014-07-09properly finish the lsb transition and remove very old templatesmh
2014-07-09get rid off lsb factsmh
2014-05-02firma and gpg_mailgate on wheezy's mater.cfSilvio Rhatto
2014-01-07Updating schleuder config at wheezy's master.cfSilvio Rhatto
2014-01-05Removing unused parameter smtpd_bind_address from wheezy's master.cfSilvio Rhatto
2014-01-05Upgrade dovecot configuration for wheezySilvio Rhatto
2013-08-04Using gpg_mailgate userSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-04Ading use_gpg_mailgate class parameterSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-04Adding gpg-mailgate support on squeezeSilvio Rhatto
2013-05-20mention the url to the issue about the services' init scriptGabriel Filion
2013-05-20debian's service provider has some issues if the script is absent, we can wor...mh
2013-04-23README: add note about the need to set a global Exec path (#3807)Micah Anderson
2013-04-23README: add postfix::disable and fix section headersMicah Anderson
2013-04-23setting package correctly to absentmh
2013-04-23add disable classmh
2013-04-23Update README to be more fully fleshed outMicah Anderson
2013-04-13Syntax fixSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-27Switching to site_postfix conventionSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-25Fixing missing delimiterSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-25Switching to parametrized classesSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-21Removing path from postfix::configSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-21Updating header_checks_snippet to use concatSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-21Merge branch 'master' of ssh://labs.riseup.net/shared-postfixSilvio Rhatto