path: root/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/armrc.erb b/templates/armrc.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf80d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/armrc.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Startup options
+startup.controlPassword <%= control_password %>
+startup.interface.port 9051
+startup.interface.socket /var/run/tor/control
+startup.blindModeEnabled false N3
+startup.dataDirectory ~/.arm
+# Seconds between querying information
+queries.resourceUsage.rate 5
+queries.connections.minRate 5
+queries.refreshRate.rate 5
+# allows individual panels to be included/excluded true true true true true true
+# Read the proc contents directly instead of calling ps, netstat, and other
+# resolvers. This provides very sizable performance benefits (around 90%
+# faster lookups) but this is only available on Linux.
+queries.useProc true
+# Renders the interface with color if set and the terminal supports it
+features.colorInterface true
+# Replaces all colored content (ie, anything that isn't white) with this
+# color. Valid options are:
+# none, red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, magenta, black, white
+features.colorOverride none
+# If arm is attached to an arm started tor instance when it shuts down then
+# offers to shut down tor too if true, otherwise skips this prompt.
+features.offerTorShutdownOnQuit false
+# Includes unicode characters in the interface.
+features.printUnicode true
+# Checks the torrc for issues, warning and hilighting problems if true
+features.torrc.validate true
+# Set this if you're running in a chroot jail or other environment where tor's
+# resources (log, state, etc) should have a prefix in their paths.
+# If set, arm appends any log messages it reports while running to the given
+# log file. This does not take filters into account or include prepopulated
+# events.
+# If true, the header panel always shows the file descriptor usage. Otherwise
+# this is only displayed when we're running out.
+features.showFdUsage false
+# Seconds to wait on user input before refreshing content
+features.redrawRate 5
+# Rate (seconds) to periodically redraw the screen, disabled if zero. This
+# shouldn't be necessary, but can correct issues if the terminal gets into a
+# funky state.
+features.refreshRate 5
+# Confirms promt to confirm when quiting if true
+features.confirmQuit true
+# Allows arm to start when there's no running tor instance if true, otherwise
+# we terminate right away. This is ignored if the user provides an option
+# specifying how to connect to tor (ie, a 'startup.interface.*' option or
+# startup argument).
+features.allowDetachedStartup true
+# Paremters for the log panel
+# ---------------------------
+# showDateDividers
+# show borders with dates for entries from previous days
+# showDuplicateEntries
+# shows all log entries if true, otherwise collapses similar entries with an
+# indicator for how much is being hidden
+# entryDuration
+# number of days log entries are kept before being dropped (if zero then
+# they're kept until cropped due to caching limits)
+# maxLinesPerEntry
+# max number of lines to display for a single log entry
+# prepopulate
+# attempts to read past events from the log file if true
+# prepopulateReadLimit
+# maximum entries read from the log file, used to prevent huge log files from
+# causing a slow startup time.
+# maxRefreshRate
+# rate limiting (in milliseconds) for drawing the log if updates are made
+# rapidly (for instance, when at the DEBUG runlevel)
+# regex
+# preconfigured regular expression pattern, up to five will be loaded
+features.log.showDateDividers true
+features.log.showDuplicateEntries false
+features.log.entryDuration 7
+features.log.maxLinesPerEntry 6
+features.log.prepopulate true
+features.log.prepopulateReadLimit 5000
+features.log.maxRefreshRate 300
+#features.log.regex My First Regex Pattern
+#features.log.regex ^My Second Regex Pattern$
+# Paremters for the config panel
+# ---------------------------
+# order
+# three comma separated configuration attributes, options including:
+# 0 -> Category, 1 -> Option Name, 2 -> Value, 3 -> Arg Type,
+# 4 -> Arg Usage, 5 -> Summary, 6 -> Description, 7 -> Man Entry,
+# 8 -> Is Default
+# selectionDetails.height
+# rows of data for the panel showing details on the current selection, this
+# is disabled entirely if zero
+# features.config.prepopulateEditValues
+# when editing config values the current value is prepopulated if true, and
+# left blank otherwise
+# state.colWidth.*
+# column content width
+# state.showPrivateOptions
+# tor provides config options of the form "__<option>" that can be dangerous
+# to set, if true arm provides these on the config panel
+# state.showVirtualOptions
+# virtual options are placeholders for other option groups, never having
+# values or being setable themselves
+# file.showScrollbars
+# displays scrollbars when the torrc content is longer than the display
+# file.maxLinesPerEntry
+# max number of lines to display for a single entry in the torrc
+features.config.order 7, 1, 8
+features.config.selectionDetails.height 6
+features.config.prepopulateEditValues true
+features.config.state.colWidth.option 25
+features.config.state.colWidth.value 15
+features.config.state.showPrivateOptions false
+features.config.state.showVirtualOptions false
+features.config.file.showScrollbars true
+features.config.file.maxLinesPerEntry 8
+# Descriptions for tor's configuration options can be loaded from its man page
+# to give usage information on the settings page. They can also be persisted to
+# a file to speed future lookups.
+# ---------------------------
+# enabled
+# allows the descriptions to be fetched from the man page if true
+# persist
+# caches the descriptions (substantially saving on future startup times)
+features.config.descriptions.enabled true
+features.config.descriptions.persist true
+# General graph parameters
+# ------------------------
+# height
+# height of graphed stats
+# maxWidth
+# maximum number of graphed entries
+# interval
+# 0 -> each second, 1 -> 5 seconds, 2 -> 30 seconds, 3 -> minutely,
+# 4 -> 15 minutes, 5 -> half hour, 6 -> hourly, 7 -> daily
+# bound
+# 0 -> global maxima, 1 -> local maxima, 2 -> tight
+# type
+# 0 -> None, 1 -> Bandwidth, 2 -> Connections, 3 -> System Resources
+# showIntermediateBounds
+# shows y-axis increments between the top/bottom bounds
+features.graph.height 7
+features.graph.maxWidth 150
+features.graph.interval 0
+features.graph.bound 1
+features.graph.type 1
+features.graph.showIntermediateBounds true
+# Parameters for graphing bandwidth stats
+# ---------------------------------------
+# prepopulate
+# attempts to use tor's state file to prepopulate the bandwidth graph at the
+# 15-minute interval (this requires the minimum of a day's worth of uptime)
+# transferInBystes
+# shows rate measurments in bytes if true, bits otherwise
+# provides accounting stats if AccountingMax was set
+# accounting.rate
+# seconds between querying accounting stats
+# accounting.isTimeLong
+# provides verbose measurements of time if true
+ true false true 10 false
+# Parameters for connection display
+# ---------------------------------
+# listingType
+# the primary category of information shown by default, options including:
+# 0 -> IP Address / Port 1 -> Hostname
+# 2 -> Fingerprint 3 -> Nickname
+# order
+# three comma separated configuration attributes, options including:
+# 0 -> Category, 1 -> Uptime, 2 -> Listing, 3 -> IP Address,
+# 4 -> Port, 5 -> Hostname, 6 -> Fingerprint, 7 -> Nickname,
+# 8 -> Country
+# refreshRate
+# rate at which the connection panel contents is redrawn (if higher than the
+# connection resolution rate then reducing this won't casue new data to
+# appear more frequently - just increase the rate at which the uptime field
+# is updated)
+# resolveApps
+# issues lsof queries to determining the applications involved in local
+# SOCKS and CONTROL connections
+# markInitialConnections
+# if true, the uptime of the initial connections when we start are marked
+# with a '+' (these uptimes are estimates since arm can only track a
+# connection's duration while it runs)
+# showIps
+# shows ip addresses for other tor relays, dropping this information if
+# false
+# showExitPort
+# shows port related information of exit connections we relay if true
+# showColumn.*
+# toggles the visability of the connection table columns
+features.connection.listingType 0
+features.connection.order 0, 2, 1
+features.connection.refreshRate 5
+features.connection.resolveApps true
+features.connection.markInitialConnections true
+features.connection.showIps true
+features.connection.showExitPort true
+features.connection.showColumn.fingerprint true
+features.connection.showColumn.nickname true
+features.connection.showColumn.destination true
+features.connection.showColumn.expandedIp true
+# Thread pool size for hostname resolutions
+# Determines the maximum number of concurrent requests. Upping this to around
+# thirty or so seems to be problematic, causing intermittently seizing.
+queries.hostnames.poolSize 5
+# Method of resolving hostnames
+# If true, uses python's internal "socket.gethostbyaddr" to resolve addresses
+# rather than the host command. This is ignored if the system's unable to make
+# parallel requests. Resolving this way seems to be much slower than host calls
+# in practice.
+queries.hostnames.useSocketModule false
+# Caching parameters
+cache.sysCalls.size 600
+cache.hostnames.size 700000
+cache.hostnames.trimSize 200000
+cache.logPanel.size 1000
+cache.armLog.size 1000
+cache.armLog.trimSize 200
+# Runlevels at which arm logs its events
+log.startTime INFO
+log.configEntryNotFound NONE
+log.configEntryUndefined NOTICE
+log.configEntryTypeError NOTICE
+log.torCtlPortClosed NOTICE
+log.torGetInfo DEBUG
+log.torGetInfoCache NONE
+log.torGetConf DEBUG
+log.torGetConfCache NONE
+log.torSetConf INFO
+log.torEventTypeUnrecognized NOTICE
+log.torPrefixPathInvalid NOTICE
+log.procCallMade DEBUG
+log.sysCallMade DEBUG
+log.sysCallCached NONE
+log.sysCallFailed INFO
+log.sysCallCacheGrowing INFO
+log.panelRecreated DEBUG NOTICE NOTICE
+log.logPanel.prepopulateSuccess INFO
+log.logPanel.prepopulateFailed WARN
+log.logPanel.logFileOpened NOTICE
+log.logPanel.logFileWriteFailed ERR
+log.logPanel.forceDoubleRedraw DEBUG
+log.torrc.readFailed WARN
+log.torrc.validation.torStateDiffers WARN
+log.torrc.validation.unnecessaryTorrcEntries NOTICE
+log.configDescriptions.readManPageSuccess INFO
+log.configDescriptions.readManPageFailed NOTICE
+log.configDescriptions.unrecognizedCategory NOTICE
+log.configDescriptions.internalLoadSuccess NOTICE
+log.configDescriptions.internalLoadFailed ERR
+log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadSuccess INFO
+log.configDescriptions.persistance.loadFailed INFO
+log.configDescriptions.persistance.saveSuccess NOTICE
+log.configDescriptions.persistance.saveFailed NOTICE
+log.connResolverOptions INFO
+log.connLookupFailed INFO
+log.connLookupFailover NOTICE
+log.connLookupAbandon NOTICE
+log.connLookupRateGrowing NONE
+log.hostnameCacheTrimmed INFO
+log.cursesColorSupport INFO
+log.bsdJailFound INFO
+log.unknownBsdJailId WARN
+log.geoipUnavailable WARN
+log.stats.failedProcResolution DEBUG
+log.stats.procResolutionFailover INFO
+log.stats.failedPsResolution INFO
+log.savingDebugLog NOTICE
+log.fdUsageSixtyPercent NOTICE
+log.fdUsageNinetyPercent WARN
+log.unknownTorPid WARN