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1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/hydractl/provision-img b/share/hydractl/provision-img
index 8522466..7f42e28 100755
--- a/share/hydractl/provision-img
+++ b/share/hydractl/provision-img
@@ -73,3 +73,71 @@ hydra_sudo_run chown -R `whoami`. `dirname $image`
# Cleanup
hydra_sudo_run rm debootstrap.log
hydra_sudo_run rm ${image}.raw
+# Custom version
+#WORK="`mktemp -d`"
+## Check for requirements.
+#for req in debootstrap grub-pc parted; do
+# hydra_install_package $req
+#echo "Creating image..."
+#hydra_sudo_run dd if=/dev/zero of=$image bs=$size count=1
+#device="`sudo losetup --find --show $image`"
+#echo "Partitioning image at $device..."
+#hydra_sudo_run parted -s -- $device mklabel gpt
+#hydra_sudo_run parted -s -- $device unit MB mkpart non-fs 2 3
+#hydra_sudo_run parted -s -- $device set 1 bios_grub on
+#hydra_sudo_run parted -s -- $device unit MB mkpart ext2 3 -1
+#hydra_sudo_run parted -s -- $device set 2 boot on
+#hydra_sudo_run mkfs.ext3 ${device}p2
+#hydra_sudo_run mount ${device}p2 $WORK/
+## Non-interactive installation
+#APT_INSTALL="hydra_sudo_run LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot $WORK/ apt-get install -y"
+## Initial system install.
+#echo "Installing base system..."
+#hydra_sudo_run LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive debootstrap --arch=$arch $version $WORK/ $mirror
+## Initial configuration.
+#echo "Applying initial configuration..."
+#hydra_sudo_run mount none -t proc $WORK/proc
+#hydra_sudo_run mount none -t sysfs $WORK/sys
+#hydra_sudo_run mount -o bind /dev/ $WORK/dev
+#echo LANG=C | $SUDO tee $WORK/etc/default/locale > /dev/null
+## Hostname configuration.
+#echo $hostname.$domain | $SUDO tee $WORK/etc/hostname > /dev/null
+#echo " localhost" | $SUDO tee -a $WORK/etc/hosts > /dev/null
+## This ordering is important for facter correctly guess the domain name
+#echo " $hostname.$domain $hostname" | $SUDO tee -a $WORK/etc/hosts > /dev/null
+## Invert hostname contents to avoid http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2533
+#tac $WORK/etc/hosts | $SUDO tee $WORK/etc/hosts.new > /dev/null
+#hydra_sudo_run mv $WORK/etc/hosts.new $WORK/etc/hosts
+## Initial upgrade.
+#echo "Applying initial upgrades..."
+#hydra_sudo_run chroot $WORK/ apt-get update
+#hydra_sudo_run chroot $WORK/ apt-get upgrade -y
+#$APT_INSTALL locales
+#$APT_INSTALL screen cron lsb-release openssl -y
+#$APT_INSTALL linux-image-$kernel_arch -y
+#$APT_INSTALL grub-pc -y
+#hydra_sudo_run chroot $WORK/ update-grub
+## Teardown
+#hydra_sudo_run umount $WORK/proc
+#hydra_sudo_run umount $WORK/sys
+#hydra_sudo_run umount $WORK/dev
+#hydra_sudo_run umount $WORK
+#hydra_sudo_run rmdir $WORK
+#hydra_sudo_run losetup -d $device