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3 files changed, 19 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/docs/pessoal/etica.md b/docs/pessoal/etica.md
index 49c398a..b017992 100644
--- a/docs/pessoal/etica.md
+++ b/docs/pessoal/etica.md
@@ -14,12 +14,21 @@ Dito [atribuído a Oscar Wilde](https://www.pensador.com/frase/NjMzNTE2/) (citaÃ
> estão olhando. O conjunto de coisas que as pessoas fazem quando ninguém está
> olhando chamamos de caráter.
+_Codex moralia_ básico:
+* Pisar no quadrado não é só pra quem quer, como principalmente para quem pode.
+* Pisar no quadrado por ter condições, mas sem moralizar quem não tem.
## Pressupostos
* Como cantou Daminhão Experiência, "O mundo foi bem feito / todo mundo tem
+* Também como nos ditames:
+ * "Ninguém é melhor do que ninguém".
+ * "Nnem melhor, nem pior, apenas diferente".
* Saber quando pisar dentro e fora do quadrado.
* Noções básicas de postura social.
+* Não desmerecer ninguém, especialmente quando se ressalta qualidades de outrem.
## Cuidados
@@ -76,6 +85,7 @@ como se portar em cada um desses items?
* Fidelidade (compromisso) e lealdade (espontâneo).
* Sobre a confiança (contextual e total) e a alteridade.
* Pronomes de tratamento e linguagem inclusiva.
+ * Gêneros (neutro por padrão).
* Discussão, facilitação, opiniões (e mudança de opiniões), respeito a rodadas e falas:
* Discussão de temas em geral.
* Discussão periódica da relação.
@@ -91,8 +101,7 @@ como se portar em cada um desses items?
* Emoticons, cordialidade e polidez.
* Quando assinar comunicação, quando não assinar, modo anônimo.
* Comunicação ao vivo:
- * Pronomes.
- * Cumprimentos (aperto de mão, beijo, saudação).
+ * Cumprimentos (saudação visual, aperto de mão, beijo, saudação).
* Sistematizando formas de lidar com situações diversas:
* [Defence mechanisms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_mechanisms).
* Círculo Restaurativo.
diff --git a/docs/pessoal/organizacao.md b/docs/pessoal/organizacao.md
index bc6db29..6774648 100644
--- a/docs/pessoal/organizacao.md
+++ b/docs/pessoal/organizacao.md
@@ -32,10 +32,14 @@ técnicos para outras falas.
## Princípios
-Os dois princípios básicos da organização pragmática:
-* Ambiente de trabalho limpo.
-* Facilidade de achar o que está guardado.
+Alguns princípios para organização pragmática básica:
+* Ambiente de trabalho limpo (as coisas estão guardadas).
+* Saber o que está disponível (lembramos da existência das coisas).
+* Facilidade de achar aquilo que se procura (encontramos as coisas).
+* Facilidade de acessar aquilo que se procura (as coisas estão bem guardadas).
+* Facilidade de guardar aquilo que foi usado (as coisas estão bem dispostas).
+* As coisas estão sempre prontas para o uso (elas foram limpas, consertadas e bem acondicionadas).
## Formas de organizar as atividades
diff --git a/kvmxfile b/kvmxfile
index 484c7f0..b9b0836 100644
--- a/kvmxfile
+++ b/kvmxfile
@@ -5,179 +5,24 @@
# Hostname
-# Which base box you should use. Leave unconfigured to use kvmx-create instead.
-# First user name
-# First user password
-password="`head -c 40 /dev/urandom | base64`"
-# Networking
-# DNS config
-#net_dns="host" # copy /etc/resolv.conf from host when creating the box
-# Networking: tap config only
-# This setting is used during virtual machine bootstrapping by kvmx-create.
-# Set this is you want to be able to share a single folder between host and guest.
-# Needs ssh_support set to "y" and a workable SSH connection to the guest.
# Set this is you want to be able to share multiple folders between host and guest using 9p.
# Needs ssh_support set to "y" and a workable SSH connection to the guest.
# Format: <id1>:<host-folder1>:<guest-mountpoint1>,<id2>:<host-folder2>:<guest-mountpoint2>[,...]
-# Maximum packet size including any headers for shared folders using 9p
-# See https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/34691-9p-sharing-speed-not-what-i-expected/
-# https://github.com/clearcontainers/hyperstart/pull/25
-# Shared folders caching
-# See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/9p.txt
-# Set this is you want to be able to share multiple folders between host and guest using SSHFS.
-# Needs ssh_support set to "y" and a workable SSH connection to the guest.
-# Format: <id1>:<guest-folder1>:<host-mountpoint1>,<id2>:<guest-folder2>:<host-mountpoint2>[,...]
-# Folder to sync during provisioning in the format "/host/folder1 /guest/folder1,/host/folder2 /guest/folder2[,...]".
-# Needs ssh_support set to "y" and a workable SSH connection to the guest.
-#provision_rsync="$KVMX_BASE/share/provision/ /usr/local/share/kvmx/provision/"
-#provision_rsync="puppet/ /etc/puppet/"
-# Options for provision_rsync
# Absolute path for a provision script located inside the guest.
# Needs ssh_support set to "y" and a workable SSH connection to the guest.
-#provision_command="sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo apt-get clean"
-#provision_command="/usr/local/share/kvmx/provision/debian/development && /etc/puppet/bin/provision && /etc/puppet/bin/deploy"
-#provision_command="/usr/local/share/kvmx/provision/debian/development && /etc/puppet/bin/deploy"
-#provision_command="/usr/local/share/kvmx/provision/debian/development && /home/$user/code/$VM/bin/custom-provisioner"
provision_command="/usr/local/share/kvmx/provision/debian/development && /srv/shared/scripts/provision"
# Startup command
startup_command="hydractl aperiodic-upgrade"
# Make serve might running from the outside, so this is left commented
#startup_command="make -C /srv/shared serve"
-# Pre-poweroff command
-# Rsync commands to be run on startup or poweroff, useful to keep files synced between host and guest
-# Graphics
-# See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU#Graphics
-#graphics="-vga std -nographic -vnc :$GUEST_DISPLAY"
-graphics="-vga qxl"
-# VNC Client
-# SPICE support
-# Set this if you want to attach an spice client when the machine boots.
-# SPICE client
-# Set this if you want to start an xpra session when the machine boots.
-# Set this if you want to start an xephyr session when the machine boots.
-# Set this if you want kvmx to redimension the guest screen according to host's screen dimension
-# Requires ssh_support and xrandr installed on both host and guest
-# Xrandr device
-# Set screen resolution
-# Sound
# Set additional hostfwd mappings
-# Where the guest image is stored
-# Use basebox image as a backing file for overlay images
-# See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU#Overlay_storage_images
-# Where datafiles are stored: just set this if you know what you're doing
-# Drive type: use this if you want to run a Live CD/DVD/USB
-# Image type: file or device (kvmx-create only)
-# Image size
-# Image format: raw or qcow2
-# Image compression (qcow2 only)
-# Bootstrap method: custom or vmdeboostrap
-# Domain
-# System arch
-# Box distribution when bootstraping a new image
-# Debian mirror
# Memory
@@ -185,62 +30,3 @@ memory="512"
# kvmx will be able to administer a running virtual machine using SSH access
# inside the virtual machine.
-# Use a custom, per-virtual-machine generated SSH keypair. If you disable this
-# configuration but still want guest administration using SSH, the default
-# insecure keypair will be used.
-# Please note that this setting won't take effect if you're using a basebox.
-# In that case the basebox keypair will be used if it exists, otherwise kvmx
-# fallsback to the default insecure keypair.
-# This setting is used during virtual machine bootstrapping by kvmx-create.
-# Use this config if you want kvmx-create to include a specif SSH pubkey
-# It might be a path for an existing pubkey file or the public key itself.
-# Make sure to have this key available when trying to SSH into the guest using kvmx
-#ssh_custom_pubkey="ssh-rsa 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 user@kvmx"
-# Bootloader (used only during bootstrapping by kvmx-create).
-# Drive interface
-#drive_interface="ide" # Needed by some systems like NetBSD and FreeBSD
-#drive_interface="virtio,cache=none,index=0,format=raw" # For raw devices
-# See http://www.reactos.org/wiki/QEMU#Setting_up_network
-# USB support
-# Allowed values:
-# 0 - No USB support
-# 1 - Support for USB 1.0
-# 2 - Support for USB 1.0 and 2.0
-# 3 - Support for USB 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
-# Additional qemu opts
-# Example: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/USB_Host_Device_Assigned_to_Guest
-# See also: https://qemu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/system/usb.html
-# https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/QEMU/Windows_guest
-#qemu_opts="-device usb-host,hostbus=2,hostaddr=3" # Automatically attach an specific USB device
-# Number of CPUs
-# Enviroment passed to SSH commands
-# Whether to be managed by kvmx-supervise
-# VirtIO RNG parameters
-# See https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/VirtIORNG