AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
12 daysFix: templater: consider that $CWD might have spacesHEADmasterSilvio Rhatto
2023-07-05Adds http_server and git modules; update IDEASSilvio Rhatto
2023-01-23Fix: basic: better ChangeLog and README formatsSilvio Rhatto
2022-12-09Fix: update trashman-debianSilvio Rhatto
2022-06-16Fix: trashman-debianSilvio Rhatto
2022-02-10Fix: updates CODE_OF_CONDUCT to v2.1Silvio Rhatto
2021-05-23More IDEASSilvio Rhatto
2021-02-09Fix: sphinx headersSilvio Rhatto
2021-01-26Ideas: contributingSilvio Rhatto
2020-10-01Feat: puppet: adds sample PuppefileSilvio Rhatto
2020-08-21Adds hoarder, hoarder-debian and trashman-debianSilvio Rhatto
2020-08-20Fix: Makefile: composer install should not be interactiveSilvio Rhatto
2020-08-07Minor updatesSilvio Rhatto
2020-08-07Fix: drupal8/setupSilvio Rhatto
2020-08-07Fix: rewrite drupal-composerSilvio Rhatto
2020-07-29Minor fixSilvio Rhatto
2020-07-29Drupal: composer: Makefile: updates settings and adds dumpfilesSilvio Rhatto
2020-07-24Fix: cleanup drupal-composer makefileSilvio Rhatto
2020-05-25IDEAS: rcfileSilvio Rhatto
2020-05-25Updates drupal 8 makefileSilvio Rhatto
2020-05-25Adds drupal-composer, untestedSilvio Rhatto
2020-05-16Updates default MakefileSilvio Rhatto
2020-04-28IDEAS: UnlicenseSilvio Rhatto
2019-04-03Drupal 7/8: Makefile: dumpdb: clear the cache to ensure a small packageSilvio Rhatto
2019-03-08Sphinx fixesSilvio Rhatto
2019-01-09Updates docsSilvio Rhatto
2018-09-26IDEAS: SPDXSilvio Rhatto
2018-08-24Drupal: adds sync_files_to_development and sync_files_to_productionSilvio Rhatto
2018-08-24Drupal: adds sync_files_from_development and sync_files_from_productionSilvio Rhatto
2018-05-31Move TODO to IDEASSilvio Rhatto
2018-05-31Updates READMESilvio Rhatto
2018-05-31Fix drupal8/setup .empty files handlingSilvio Rhatto
2018-05-30TODO: Developer Certificate of OriginSilvio Rhatto
2018-04-12Fix Makefile locationSilvio Rhatto
2018-03-05Drupal: leave post-receive handling to pushtodeploy moduleSilvio Rhatto
2018-03-02Drupal Makefile fixesSilvio Rhatto
2018-03-02Updates usageSilvio Rhatto
2018-03-02Pushtodeploy: post-receive: check deploy target in all MakefilesSilvio Rhatto
2018-02-07Drupal: setup settings.local.phpSilvio Rhatto
2018-02-07Drupal: Makefile: fix upgrade-drupal targetSilvio Rhatto
2018-01-28Sphinx: markdown supportSilvio Rhatto
2018-01-28Fix sphinx and main Makefile locationSilvio Rhatto
2017-12-07TODO: per-module push-to-deploySilvio Rhatto
2017-12-05Basic module manages global MakefileSilvio Rhatto
2017-12-01Makefile: support other web serversSilvio Rhatto
2017-12-01Makefile: PORT variableSilvio Rhatto
2017-11-30Puppetfile cleanupSilvio Rhatto
2017-11-28Prints hostname into into post-receive hooksSilvio Rhatto
2017-11-28Complement drupal7 module, updates drupal8 MakefileSilvio Rhatto
2017-11-24Updates TODOSilvio Rhatto