path: root/dev/cpp/glibmm
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-12-26glibmm.mkbuild glibmm: upgrading to 2.16.4rhatto
2008-12-26glibmm.mkbuild glibmm: downgrading to 2.12.10 and adding manifestrhatto
2008-12-10glibmm updatedrafael2k
2008-11-27packages now shipping with slack-requiredrhatto
2008-09-03merging with changes made since 21th Mayrhatto
2008-04-22glibmm: rebuilt from mkbuildrhatto
2007-06-11glibmm: updatedrhatto
2007-04-14licensing fix againrhatto
2007-04-13license fixesrhatto
2007-04-12added gpl license on all scriptsrhatto
2007-02-27libsigc++ e glibmm: correção em nomesrudson
2007-02-27adicionado: glibmm e libsigc++rudson