path: root/backupninja
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backupninja')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 672 deletions
diff --git a/backupninja/backupninja-0.9.3.diff b/backupninja/backupninja-0.9.3.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 101303ac..00000000
--- a/backupninja/backupninja-0.9.3.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur backupninja-0.9.3.orig/handlers/makecd backupninja-0.9.3/handlers/makecd
---- backupninja-0.9.3.orig/handlers/makecd 2005-12-28 18:19:29.000000000 -0200
-+++ backupninja-0.9.3/handlers/makecd 2006-09-19 17:26:11.000000000 -0300
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- getconf isoonly yes
- getconf imagefile backup.iso
- getconf device
-+getconf nicelevel 0
- # define needed executables:
- MKISOFS="/usr/bin/mkisofs"
-@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
- fi
- outputfile="$backupdir/$imagefile"
--execstr="$MKISOFS --quiet -R -o $outputfile "
-+execstr="nice -n $nicelevel $MKISOFS --quiet -R -o $outputfile "
- str=""
- # excludes
-diff -Naur backupninja-0.9.3.orig/handlers/mysql backupninja-0.9.3/handlers/mysql
---- backupninja-0.9.3.orig/handlers/mysql 2006-01-19 19:58:56.000000000 -0200
-+++ backupninja-0.9.3/handlers/mysql 2006-09-19 17:22:49.000000000 -0300
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- local usevserver=no
- local vroot
- if [ $vservers_are_available = yes ]; then
-- if [ -z "$vsname" ]; then
-+ if [ ! -z "$vsname" ]; then
- # does it exist ?
- if ! vservers_exist "$vsname" ; then
- fatal "The vserver given in vsname ($vsname) does not exist."
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- # 1. setting the user, so that /home/user/.my.cnf is used.
- # 2. specifying the user and password in the handler config,
- # which generates a temporary .my.cnf in /root/.my.cnf
--# 3. specify the config file with --defaults-file
-+# 3. specify the config file with --defaults-extra-file
- #
-@@ -130,16 +130,16 @@
- umask $oldmask
- if [ $usevserver = yes ]
- then
-- defaultsfile="--defaults-file=$vhome/.my.cnf"
-+ defaultsfile="--defaults-extra-file=$vhome/.my.cnf"
- else
-- defaultsfile="--defaults-file=$mycnf"
-+ defaultsfile="--defaults-extra-file=$mycnf"
- fi
- fi
- # if a user is not set, use $configfile, otherwise use $mycnf
- if [ "$user" == "" ]; then
- user=root;
-- defaultsfile="--defaults-file=$configfile"
-+ defaultsfile="--defaults-extra-file=$configfile"
- else
- userset=true;
- if [ $usevserver = yes ]
-@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
- debug "User home set to: $userhome"
- [ -f $userhome/.my.cnf ] || fatal "Can't find config file in $userhome/.my.cnf"
-- defaultsfile="--defaults-file=$vuserhome/.my.cnf"
-+ defaultsfile="--defaults-extra-file=$vuserhome/.my.cnf"
- debug "using $defaultsfile"
- fi
-diff -Naur backupninja-0.9.3.orig/handlers/rdiff backupninja-0.9.3/handlers/rdiff
---- backupninja-0.9.3.orig/handlers/rdiff 2006-01-31 15:35:46.000000000 -0200
-+++ backupninja-0.9.3/handlers/rdiff 2006-09-19 17:22:49.000000000 -0300
-@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
- fi
- local user=$1
- local host=$2
-- debug "ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $host -l $user 'echo -n 1'"
-- local ret=`ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $host -l $user 'echo -n host is alive'`
-+ debug "ssh $sshoptions -o PasswordAuthentication=no $host -l $user 'echo -n 1'"
-+ local ret=`ssh $sshoptions -o PasswordAuthentication=no $host -l $user 'echo -n host is alive'`
- if echo $ret | grep "host is alive"; then
- debug "Connected to $host as $user successfully"
- else
-@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
- else
- local user=$1
- local host=$2
-- debug "ssh $host -l $user '$RDIFFBACKUP -V'"
-- echo `ssh $host -l $user "$RDIFFBACKUP -V | grep rdiff-backup"`
-+ debug "ssh $sshoptions $host -l $user '$RDIFFBACKUP -V'"
-+ echo `ssh $sshoptions $host -l $user "$RDIFFBACKUP -V | grep rdiff-backup"`
- fi
- }
-@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
- getconf type; desttype=$type
- getconf user; destuser=$user
- getconf host; desthost=$host
-+getconf sshoptions
- check_consistency "destination" "$type" "$user" "$host"
- ### CHECK CONFIG ###
-@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
- keep="${keep}D"
- fi
--removestr="$RDIFFBACKUP --force --remove-older-than $keep "
-+removestr="$RDIFFBACKUP $options --force --remove-older-than $keep "
- if [ "$desttype" == "remote" ]; then
- removestr="${removestr}${destuser}@${desthost}::"
- fi
-@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
- debug "$removestr"
- if [ ! $test ]; then
-- output=`$removestr 2>&1`
-+ output="`su -c "$removestr" 2>&1`"
- if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- debug $output
- info "Removing backups older than $keep days succeeded."
-diff -Naur backupninja-0.9.3.orig/src/backupninja.in backupninja-0.9.3/src/backupninja.in
---- backupninja-0.9.3.orig/src/backupninja.in 2006-01-17 20:22:52.000000000 -0200
-+++ backupninja-0.9.3/src/backupninja.in 2006-09-19 17:22:49.000000000 -0300
-@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
- echo ${messages[$i]}
- done
- echo -e "$errormsg"
-- } | mail $reportemail -s "backupninja: $hostname $subject"
-+ } | mail -s "backupninja: $hostname $subject" $reportemail
- fi
- if [ $actions_run != 0 ]; then
diff --git a/backupninja/backupninja-0.9.4.diff b/backupninja/backupninja-0.9.4.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e57a0606..00000000
--- a/backupninja/backupninja-0.9.4.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur backupninja-0.9.4.orig/handlers/pgsql backupninja-0.9.4/handlers/pgsql
---- backupninja-0.9.4.orig/handlers/pgsql 2006-10-07 01:45:20.000000000 -0300
-+++ backupninja-0.9.4/handlers/pgsql 2006-11-02 17:43:13.000000000 -0200
-@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
- if [ $usevserver = yes ]; then
- pguid=`$VSERVER $vsname exec getent passwd $PGSQLUSER | awk -F: '{print $3}'`
- else
-- pguid=`getent passwd postgres | awk -F: '{print $3}'`
-+ pguid=`getent passwd $PGSQLUSER | awk -F: '{print $3}'`
- fi
- [ -n "$pguid" ] || \
-- fatal "No user called postgres`[ $usevserver = no ] || echo \" on vserver $vsname\"`."
-+ fatal "No user called $PGSQLUSER`[ $usevserver = no ] || echo \" on vserver $vsname\"`."
- debug "chown $pguid $vroot$backupdir"
- chown $pguid $vroot$backupdir
- debug "chmod 700 $vroot$backupdir"
-@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@
- if [ "$databases" == "all" ]; then
- if [ $usevserver = yes ]; then
- if [ "$compress" == "yes" ]; then
-- execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL | $GZIP > $backupdir/${vsname}.sql.gz\""
-+ execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL | $GZIP > $backupdir/${vsname}.sql.gz\""
- else
-- execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL > $backupdir/${vsname}.sql\""
-+ execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL > $backupdir/${vsname}.sql\""
- fi
- else
- if [ "$compress" == "yes" ]; then
-- execstr="su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL | $GZIP > $backupdir/${localhost}-all.sql.gz\""
-+ execstr="su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL | $GZIP > $backupdir/${localhost}-all.sql.gz\""
- else
-- execstr="su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL > $backupdir/${localhost}-all.sql\""
-+ execstr="su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMPALL > $backupdir/${localhost}-all.sql\""
- fi
- fi
- debug "$execstr"
-@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@
- for db in $databases; do
- if [ $usevserver = yes ]; then
- if [ "$compress" == "yes" ]; then
-- execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db | $GZIP > $backupdir/${db}.sql.gz\""
-+ execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db | $GZIP > $backupdir/${db}.sql.gz\""
- else
-- execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db | > $backupdir/${db}.sql\""
-+ execstr="$VSERVER $vsname exec su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db | > $backupdir/${db}.sql\""
- fi
- else
- if [ "$compress" == "yes" ]; then
-- execstr="su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db | $GZIP > $backupdir/${db}.sql.gz\""
-+ execstr="su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db | $GZIP > $backupdir/${db}.sql.gz\""
- else
-- execstr="su - postgres -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db > $backupdir/${db}.sql\""
-+ execstr="su - $PGSQLUSER -c \"$PGSQLDUMP $db > $backupdir/${db}.sql\""
- fi
- fi
- debug "$execstr"
-diff -Naur backupninja-0.9.4.orig/src/backupninja.in backupninja-0.9.4/src/backupninja.in
---- backupninja-0.9.4.orig/src/backupninja.in 2006-10-07 01:45:20.000000000 -0300
-+++ backupninja-0.9.4/src/backupninja.in 2006-11-02 17:45:38.000000000 -0200
-@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@
- getconf MYSQLDUMP /usr/bin/mysqldump
- getconf PGSQLDUMP /usr/bin/pg_dump
- getconf PGSQLDUMPALL /usr/bin/pg_dumpall
-+getconf PGSQLUSER postgres
- getconf GZIP /bin/gzip
- getconf RSYNC /usr/bin/rsync
- getconf admingroup root
diff --git a/backupninja/backupninja.SlackBuild b/backupninja/backupninja.SlackBuild
deleted file mode 100755
index c890cc78..00000000
--- a/backupninja/backupninja.SlackBuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# slackbuild script for backupninja
-# by rhatto at riseup.net
-if [ -f ~/.slackbuildrc ]; then
- source ~/.slackbuildrc
-elif [ -f /etc/slackbuildrc ]; then
- source /etc/slackbuildrc
-# default settings
-if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then
- LIBDIR=/usr/lib64
- LIBDIR=/usr/lib
-mkdir -p $SRC_DIR
-if [ "$PACKAGE_EXT" == "bz2" ]; then
- tarflag="j"
- tarflag="z"
-if [ "$RTOOL" == "wget" ] && [ ! -f "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" ]; then
- wget "$URL" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC"
-rm -rf $TMP
-mkdir -p $TMP
-cd $TMP
-tar xvf$tarflag $SRC_DIR/$SRC
-if [ -f "$CWD/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.diff" ]; then
- patch -p1 < $CWD/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.diff
-./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=$LIBDIR
-make || exit 32
-make DESTDIR=$TMP/package-$PACKAGE install
-cp $CWD/rub $TMP/package-$PACKAGE/usr/share/$PACKAGE/
-rm -rf $TMP/package-$PACKAGE/etc/cron.d
-mkdir $TMP/package-$PACKAGE/etc/cron.hourly
-cp $CWD/backupninja.cron $TMP/package-$PACKAGE/etc/cron.hourly/backupninja
-chmod +x $TMP/package-$PACKAGE/etc/cron.hourly/backupninja
-cd $TMP/package-$PACKAGE
-mkdir etc/backup.d
-mv etc/backupninja.conf etc/backupninja.conf.new
-mkdir install
-cat << EOF > install/slack-desc
-# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
-# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
-# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must
-# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
-# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
- |-----handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------|
-backupninja: backupninja (a silent flower blossom death strike to lost data)
-backupninja: Backupninja allows you to coordinate system backup by dropping a few
-backupninja: simple configuration files into /etc/backup.d/. Most programs you
-backupninja: might use for making backups don't have their own configuration file
-backupninja: format. Backupninja provides a centralized way to configure and
-backupninja: schedule many different backup utilities.
-# docs
-mkdir -p usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION
- cp $CWD/$file* usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/
-# install script
-echo '( if [ ! -f "etc/backupninja.conf" ]; then mv etc/backupninja.conf.new etc/backupninja.conf; fi )' > install/doinst.sh
-makepkg -c y -l y $REPOS/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz
-if [ "$CLEANUP" == "yes" ]; then
- rm -rf $TMP
diff --git a/backupninja/backupninja.cron b/backupninja/backupninja.cron
deleted file mode 100644
index fa53d81c..00000000
--- a/backupninja/backupninja.cron
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/cron.hourly/backupninja -- cron tab entry for package backupninja
-if [ -x /usr/sbin/backupninja ]; then
- /usr/sbin/backupninja
diff --git a/backupninja/rub b/backupninja/rub
deleted file mode 100644
index e05b6fd1..00000000
--- a/backupninja/rub
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# backupninja handler to do incremental backups using
-# rsync and hardlinks, based on
-# http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/
-# feedback: rhatto at riseup.net | gpl
-# lot of enhancements grabbed from "rsnap" handler by paulv at bikkel.org
-# Config file options
-# -------------------
-# [general]
-# log = rsync log file
-# partition = partition where the backup lives
-# fscheck = set to 1 if fsck should run on $partition after the backup is made
-# read_only = set to 1 if $partition is mounted read-only
-# mountpoint = backup partition mountpoint or backup main folder
-# backupdir = folder relative do $mountpoint where the backup should be stored
-# days = number of backup increments (min = 5)
-# lockfile = lockfile to be kept during backup execution
-# enable_mv_timestamp_bug = set to "yes" if your system isnt handling timestamps correctly
-# tmp = temp folder
-# [source]
-# from = local or remote
-# testconnect = when "yes", test the connection for a remote source before backup
-# include = include folder on backup
-# exclude = exclude folder on backup
-# ssh = ssh command line (remote only)
-# rsync = rsync program
-# rsync_options = rsync command options
-# exclude_vserver = vserver-name (valid only if vservers = yes on backupninja.conf)
-# numericids = when set to 1, use numeric ids instead of user/group mappings on rsync
-# compress = if set to 1, compress data on rsync (remote source only)
-# bandwidthlimit = set a badnwidth limit in kbps (remote source only)
-# remote_rsync = remove rsync program (remote source only)
-# [services]
-# initscripts = absolute path where scripts are located
-# service = script name to be stoped at the begining of the backup and started at its end
-# You can also specify some system comands if you don't want the default system values:
-# [system]
-# rm = rm command
-# cp = cp command
-# touch = touch command
-# mv = mv command
-# fsck = fsck command
-# You dont need to manually specify vservers using "include = /vservers".
-# They are automatically backuped if vserver is set to "yes" on you backupninja.conf.
-# config file evaluation
-setsection system
-getconf rm rm
-getconf cp cp
-getconf touch touch
-getconf mv mv
-getconf fsck fsck
-setsection general
-getconf log /var/log/backupninja-rub.log
-getconf partition
-getconf fscheck
-getconf read_only
-getconf mountpoint
-getconf backupdir
-getconf rotate
-getconf days
-getconf lockfile
-getconf nicelevel 0
-getconf enable_mv_timestamp_bug no
-getconf tmp /tmp
-setsection source
-getconf from local
-getconf testconnect no
-getconf rsync $RSYNC
-getconf rsync_options "-av --delete"
-getconf ssh ssh
-getconf user
-getconf host
-getconf include
-getconf exclude
-getconf exclude_vserver
-getconf numericids 0
-getconf compress 0
-getconf bandwidthlimit
-getconf remote_rsync rsync
-setsection services
-getconf initscripts
-getconf service
-# function definitions
-function rotate {
- if [[ "$2" < 4 ]]; then
- error "Rotate: minimum of 4 rotations"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ -d $1.$2 ]; then
- $nice $mv /$1.$2 /$1.tmp
- fi
- for ((n=`echo "$2 - 1" | bc`; n >= 0; n--)); do
- if [ -d $1.$n ]; then
- dest=`echo "$n + 1" | bc`
- $nice $mv /$1.$n /$1.$dest
- $touch /$1.$dest
- fi
- done
- if [ -d $1.tmp ]; then
- $nice $mv /$1.tmp /$1.0
- fi
- if [ -d $1.1 ]; then
- $nice $cp -alf /$1.1/. /$1.0
- fi
-function move_files {
- ref=$tmp/makesnapshot-mymv-$$;
- $touch -r $1 $ref;
- $mv $1 $2;
- $touch -r $ref $2;
- $rm $ref;
-# does $backupdir exists?
-if [ ! -d "$backupdir" ]; then
- error "Backupdir $backupdir does not exist"
- exit 1
-# setup number of increments
-if [ -z "$days" ]; then
- keep="4"
- keep="`echo $days - 1 | bc -l`"
-# lockfile setup
-if [ ! -z "$lockfile" ]; then
- $touch $lockfile || warning "Could not create lockfile $lockfile"
-# nicelevel setup
-if [ ! -z "$nicelevel" ]; then
- nice="nice -n $nicelevel"
- nice=""
-# connection test
-if [ "$from" == "remote" ] && [ "$testconnect" == "yes" ]; then
- debug "$ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $user@$host 'echo -n 1'"
- result=`ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $user@$host 'echo -n 1'`
- if [ "$result" != "1" ]; then
- fatal "Can't connect to $host as $user."
- else
- debug "Connected to $srchost successfully"
- fi
-# rsync options for local sources
-if [ "$from" == "local" ]; then
- rsync_local_options="$rsync_options"
- if [ ! -z "$numericids" ]; then
- rsync_local_options="$rsync_local_options --numeric-ids "
- fi
-# rsync options for remote sources
-if [ "$from" == "remote" ]; then
- rsync_remote_options="$rsync_options --rsync-path=$remote_rsync"
- if [ "$compress" == "1" ]; then
- rsync_remote_options="$rsync_remote_options --compress"
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$bandwidthlimit" ]; then
- rsync_remote_options="$rsync_remote_options --bwlimit=$bandwidthlimit"
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$numericids" ]; then
- rsync_remote_options="$rsync_remote_options --numeric-ids"
- fi
-# set mv procedure
-if [ $enable_mv_timestamp_bug == "yes" ]; then
- mv=move_files
-# set excludes
-for path in $exclude; do
- EXCLUDES="$EXCLUDES --exclude=$path"
-# stop services
-if [ ! -z "$service" ]; then
- for daemon in $service; do
- info "Stopping service $daemon..."
- $initscripts/$daemon stop
- done
-echo "Starting backup at `date`" >> $log
-# mount backup destination folder as read-write
-if [ "$read_only" == "1" ] || [ "$read_only" == "yes" ]; then
- if [ -d "$mountpoint" ]; then
- mount -o remount,rw $mountpoint
- if (($?)); then
- error "Could not mount $mountpoint"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-# add vservers to included folders
-if [ "$vservers_are_available" == "yes" ]; then
- # sane permission on backup
- mkdir -p $backupdir/$VROOTDIR
- chmod 000 $backupdir/$VROOTDIR
- for candidate in $found_vservers; do
- candidate="`basename $candidate`"
- found_excluded_vserver="0"
- for excluded_vserver in $exclude_vserver; do
- if [ "$excluded_vserver" == "$candidate" ]; then
- found_excluded_vserver="1"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ "$found_excluded_vserver" == "0" ]; then
- include="$include $VROOTDIR/$candidate"
- fi
- done
-# the backup procedure
-for SECTION in $include; do
- section="`basename $SECTION`"
- if [ ! -d "$backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0" ]; then
- mkdir -p $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0
- fi
- info "Rotating $backupdir/$SECTION/$section..."
- echo "Rotating $backupdir/$SECTION/$section..." >> $log
- rotate $backupdir/$SECTION/$section $keep
- info "Syncing $SECTION on $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0..."
- if [ "$from" == "local" ]; then
- debug $rsync $rsync_local_options $EXCLUDES /$SECTION/ $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0/
- $nice $rsync $rsync_local_options $EXCLUDES /$SECTION/ $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0/ >> $log
- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
- warning "Rsync error when trying to transfer $SECTION"
- fi
- elif [ "$from" == "remote" ]; then
- if [ -z "$user" ] || [ -z "$host" ]; then
- error "Config file error: either user or host was not specified"
- exit 1
- else
- debug $nice $rsync $rsync_remote_options $EXCLUDES -e "$ssh" $user@$host:/$SECTION/ $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0
- $nice $rsync $rsync_remote_options $EXCLUDES -e "$ssh" $user@$host:/$SECTION/ $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0 >> $log
- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
- warning "Rsync error when trying to transfer $SECTION"
- fi
- fi
- else
- error "Invalid source $from"
- exit 1
- fi
- $touch $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0
-# remount backup destination as read-only
-if [ "$read_only" == "1" ] || [ "$read_only" == "yes" ]; then
- mount -o remount,ro $mountpoint
-# check partition for errors
-if [ "$fscheck" == "1" ] || [ "$fscheck" == "yes" ]; then
- umount $mountpoint
- if (($?)); then
- warning "Could not umount $mountpoint to run fsck"
- else
- $nice $fsck -v -y $partition >> $log
- mount $mountpoint
- fi
-# restart services
-if [ ! -z "$service" ]; then
- for daemon in $service; do
- info "Starting service $daemon..."
- $initscripts/$daemon start
- done
-# removes the lockfile
-if [ ! -z "$lockfile" ]; then
- $rm $lockfile || warning "Could not remove lockfile $lockfile"
-echo "Finnishing backup at `date`" >> $log