path: root/scilab/scilab.SlackBuild
diff options
authorrhatto <rhatto@370017ae-e619-0410-ac65-c121f96126d4>2006-10-19 19:30:58 +0000
committerrhatto <rhatto@370017ae-e619-0410-ac65-c121f96126d4>2006-10-19 19:30:58 +0000
commit8faf3506c7ee2a4a2f210d11d41ba91d9bd27eea (patch)
tree1fa7a248a9ca92009ca296e32b9cb01ea253e377 /scilab/scilab.SlackBuild
parentfed6a054a71bf6b9db690804f6f7a380434a12ad (diff)
fixing permissions, part 1
git-svn-id: svn+slack://slack.fluxo.info/var/svn/slackbuilds@454 370017ae-e619-0410-ac65-c121f96126d4
Diffstat (limited to 'scilab/scilab.SlackBuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/scilab/scilab.SlackBuild b/scilab/scilab.SlackBuild
deleted file mode 100755
index 04212ccb..00000000
--- a/scilab/scilab.SlackBuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# slackbuild for lame, by Rudson R. Alves
-# requires: none
-# tested: scilab-4.0
-if [ -e "/root/.slackbuildrc" ]; then
- source /root/.slackbuildrc
-elif [ -e "/etc/slackbuildrc" ]; then
- source /etc/slackbuildrc
-# -------- Variáveis de controle de versão --------------
-# Nome da fonte para a qual o slackbuild foi construído e
-# o seu md5sum
-VERSION_ORIG=`echo $SRC_ORIG | sed 's/\(.*\)-\(.*\)-src\.\(.*\..*\)$/\2/'`
-EXTENSION=`echo $SRC_ORIG | sed 's/\(.*\)-\(.*\)-src\.\(.*\..*\)$/\3/'`
-# ------- Códigos de erro para o createpkg --------------
-# --------- Inicializa variáveis de entrada -------------
-PACKAGE=`echo $SRC_ORIG | sed 's/\(.*\)-\(.*\)-src\.\(.*\..*\)$/\1/'`
-# ---------------- SlackBuild Help ----------------------
-if [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "help" ]; then
- echo -e "\033[01;32m
-Use: var1=\"value 1\" var2=\"value 2\" ... <package>.SlackBuild
- ARCH=machine arch (i386, i486, i686, ...)
- VERSION=package version
- BUILD=package build version (default 1rud)
- SRC=source name of package
- SRC_DIR=source directory (default $PWD)
- TMP=temporary directory (default /tmp)
- REPOS=repository directory
- PREFIX=prefix from install package
- OPTCONF=options to pass from ./configure. To configure
- help, use OPTCONF=\"--help\"
- MD5=md5sum from package source
- URL=url from package source
- exit $ERROR_HELP
-# ---------------- Download fontes ----------------------
-# Fonte a ser compilada, com o path
-# Verifica existência do pacote em $SRC em $SRC_DIR
-if [ ! -e $SOURCE ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m Download $PACKAGE \n\033[m"
- wget "$URL" -P "$SRC_DIR/"
- # Verifica se o
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;31m No such source file in $URL\n\033[m"
- exit $ERROR_WGET
- fi
-# ------------------ Checa md5sum -----------------------
-if [ "$SRC_ORIG" = "$SRC" -o "$MD5" != "$MD5_ORIG" -a "$MD5" != "no" ]; then
- SUM=`md5sum $SRC_DIR/$SRC | awk '{print $1}'`
- if [ "$SUM" != "$MD5" ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;31m MD5SUM error: run Slackbuild again \n\033[m"
- echo -e "\033[01;31m Remove $PACKAGE from $SRC_DIR and start Slackbuild again or use MD5=\"no\" \n\033[m"
- exit $ERROR_MD5
- fi
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m Md5sum Ok \n\033[m"
-# ----------------- ARCH e LIBDIR -----------------------
-# Libdir, para arch x86_64
-# Seleciona flags para o compilador
-if [ "$ARCH" = "i386" ]; then
- SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=i686"
-elif [ "$ARCH" = "i486" ]; then
- SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mcpu=i686"
-elif [ "$ARCH" = "i686" ]; then
- SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686"
-elif [ "$ARCH" = "s390" ]; then
-elif [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
- LIBDIR="$PREFIX/lib64"
-# -------------- Desempacota fontes ---------------------
-# Desempacota fontes em $TMP/$PACKAGE-source
-rm -rf $PKG_SRC 2>/dev/null
-mkdir -p $PKG_SRC
-# Desempacota $SOURCE em $TMP/$PACKAGE-source
-tar xvf $SOURCE -C $PKG_SRC
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;31m $SOURCE file error \n\033[m"
- exit $ERROR_TAR
-# Pega o nome do diretório das fontes independente de sua
-# estrutura (package-version...)
-PKG_DIR="$PKG_SRC/$( ls $PKG_SRC/ )"
-cd $PKG_DIR
-# -------------- Configura programa ---------------------
-# Configura programa
-echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m CFLAGS=\"$SLKCFLAGS\" ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --libdir=$LIBDIR $OPTCONF \n\033[m"
-CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS" ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --libdir=$LIBDIR $OPTCONF
-if [ $? -ne 0 -o "$OPTCONF" = "--help" ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;31m Configure error \n\033[m"
- exit $ERROR_CONF
-# ---------------- Compila programa ---------------------
-echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m make all \n\033[m"
-make all
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;31m Build error \n\033[m"
- exit $ERROR_MAKE
-# ------------- Diretório Temporário --------------------
-# Cria diretório temporário para construção do pacote
-rm -rf $PKG
-mkdir -p $PKG
-# --------------- Instala programa ----------------------
-# Instala programa em diretório temporário
-echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m Install in $PKG \n\033[m"
-mkdir -p $PKG/$LIBDIR
-cp -pr $PKG_SRC/* $PKG/$LIBDIR/
-rm -rf $PKG/$LIBDIR/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/intersci
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;31m Install error \n\033[m"
-# Refazendo links
-mkdir -p $PKG/$PREFIX/bin 2>/dev/null
-ln -s $LIBDIR/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/bin/intersci-n $PKG/$PREFIX/bin/intersci-n 2>/dev/null
-ln -s $LIBDIR/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/bin/scilab $PKG/$PREFIX/bin/scilab 2>/dev/null
-ln -s $LIBDIR/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/bin/intersci $PKG/$PREFIX/bin/intersci 2>/dev/null
-# Correção no index.html
- cd $PKG/$LIBDIR/scilab-4.0/man/eng/
- eval "sed 's,${PKG_SRC},${PREFIX}/lib,g' index.htm > index.htm.new"
- mv index.htm.new index.htm
- cd ../fr
- eval "sed 's,${PKG_SRC},${PREFIX}/lib,g' index.htm > index.htm.new"
- mv index.htm.new index.htm
-# Correção do script scilab
- pwd
- cd $PKG/$LIBDIR/scilab-4.0/bin/
- sed 's,^SCI=\".*$,SCI=\"/usr/lib/scilab-4.0\",' scilab > scilab.new
- cp scilab.new scilab
- exit
-# Cria Scilab.desktop
-mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/applications/ 2>/dev/null
-cat << EOF_KDE > $PKG/usr/share/applications/Scilab.desktop
-[Desktop Entry]
-# ---------------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------- Stripa código -----------------------
-cd $PKG
-echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m Striping code \n\033[m"
-find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2>/dev/null
-find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2>/dev/null
-# ---------------- Cria slack-desc ----------------------
-mkdir $PKG/install
-cat << EOF > $PKG/install/slack-desc
-# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
-# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' on
-# the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must make
-# exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also customary to
-# leave one space after the ':'.
- |--------handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------|
-scilab: Scilab package by Rudson R. Alves <rudsonalves[a]yahoo.com.br>
-scilab: Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations
-scilab: providing a powerful open computing enviroanment for engineering and
-scilab: scientific applications. Developed since 1990 by researchers from
-scilab: INRIA and ENPC, it is now maintained and developed by Scilab
-scilab: Consortium since its creation in May 2003.
-scilab: Distributed freely and open source (see the license and the
-scilab: trademark license) via the Internet since 1994, Scilab is currently
-scilab: being used in educational and industrial environments around the
-scilab: world.
-# ----------------- Documentações -----------------------
-# Criar diretório de documentação
-mkdir -p $PKG_DOC
-cp $PKG_DIR/{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS,CHANGES,README_Unix,README_Windows.txt,RELEASE_NOTES,Readme_Visual.txt,licence.txt,release_notes.txt} $PKG_DOC
-# --------------- Constroi o pacote ---------------------
-echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m makepkg -c y -l y $REPOS/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz \n\033[m"
-makepkg -c y -l y $REPOS/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-# ----------- Remove arquivos temporários ---------------
-if [ "$CLEANUP" == "yes" ]; then
- echo -e "\n\n\033[01;32m Remove files... \n\033[m"
- rm -rf $PKG $PKG_SRC