path: root/privoxy
diff options
authorrudson <rudson@370017ae-e619-0410-ac65-c121f96126d4>2006-11-15 23:43:29 +0000
committerrudson <rudson@370017ae-e619-0410-ac65-c121f96126d4>2006-11-15 23:43:29 +0000
commiteab5be76d432faaa9885b6d9b626403d4e246c00 (patch)
treee0109fac801e94a1f1ce7c3ba78eb0bf860dd332 /privoxy
parentf6499eb8393ebb1de5ccefe4356053035b090acb (diff)
movendo libs...
git-svn-id: svn+slack://slack.fluxo.info/var/svn/slackbuilds@686 370017ae-e619-0410-ac65-c121f96126d4
Diffstat (limited to 'privoxy')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/privoxy/privoxy.SlackBuild b/privoxy/privoxy.SlackBuild
deleted file mode 100755
index 70dc095e..00000000
--- a/privoxy/privoxy.SlackBuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# SlackBuild script to call privoxy.build with correct settings
-if [ -f ~/.slackbuildrc ]; then
- source ~/.slackbuildrc
-elif [ -f /etc/slackbuildrc ]; then
- source /etc/slackbuildrc
-# default settings
-rm -rf $TMP/$PACKAGE
-slacktrack -b $REPOS -x $TMP,$SRC_DIR,/dev -jefkzp "$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz" "./$PACKAGE.build"
-if [ "$CLEANUP" == "yes" ]; then
- rm -rf $TMP/$PACKAGE
diff --git a/privoxy/privoxy.build b/privoxy/privoxy.build
deleted file mode 100755
index aa950061..00000000
--- a/privoxy/privoxy.build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# build script for privoxy
-# by rhatto at riseup.net
-# build it with slacktrack, example:
-# ARCH=x86_64 slacktrack -jefkzp "privoxy-3.0.3-x86_64-1rha.tgz" "./privoxy.build"
-if [ -f "/etc/slackbuildrc" ]; then
- source /etc/slackbuildrc
-if [ -f "~/.slackbuildrc" ]; then
- source ~/.slackbuildrc
-# default settings
-if ! grep -qe "^$PACKAGE:" /etc/passwd || ! grep -qe "^$PACKAGE:" /etc/group; then
- echo "WARNING: user and/or group $PACKAGE does not exist"
- echo "Create it manually with \"groupadd $PACKAGE ; useradd $PACKAGE -g $PACKAGE\" and run this script again."
- exit 1
-if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then
- LIBDIR=/usr/lib64
- LIBDIR=/usr/lib
-if [ ! -d "$SRC_DIR" ]; then
- mkdir -p $SRC_DIR
-if [ "$PACKAGE_EXT" == "bz2" ]; then
- tarflag="j"
- tarflag="z"
-if [ "$RTOOL" == "wget" ] && [ ! -f "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" ]; then
- wget "$URL" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC"
-if [ ! -d "$TMP" ]; then
- mkdir -p $TMP
-cd $TMP
-tar xvf$tarflag $SRC_DIR/$SRC
-cd $PACKAGE-$VERSION-stable
-if [ -f "$CWD/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.diff" ]; then
- # 3.0.3 patch got from
- # https://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk/openwrt/package/privoxy/patches/101-destdir.patch
- patch -p1 < $CWD/$PACKAGE-$VERSION.diff
-./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/$PACKAGE --libdir=$LIBDIR
-make || exit 32
-# privoxy isnt handling DESTDIR correctly
-make install
-mkdir /etc/rc.d/
-cp $CWD/rc.privoxy.new /etc/rc.d
-mv /etc/privoxy/config /etc/privoxy/config.sample
-find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null
-find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null
-mkdir /install
-cat << EOF > /install/slack-desc
-# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
-# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
-# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must
-# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
-# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
- |-----handy-ruler-----------------------------------------------------|
-privoxy: privoxy (A Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities)
-privoxy: Privoxy is a Web proxy based on Internet Junkbuster with advanced
-privoxy: filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering Web page
-privoxy: content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads,
-privoxy: banners, pop-ups, and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a
-privoxy: very flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual
-privoxy: needs and tastes. Privoxy is useful for both stand-alone systems and
-privoxy: multi-user networks.
-# docs
-mkdir -p /usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION
-for file in AUTHORS ChangeLog INSTALL LICENSE Makefile README; do
- cp $CWD/$file* /usr/doc/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/
-# install script
-echo '( chroot . /sbin/ldconfig )' > /install/doinst.sh
-echo '( if ! grep -qe "^privoxy:" etc/group; then echo creating group privoxy... ; chroot . /usr/sbin/groupadd privoxy; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh
-echo '( if ! grep -qe "^privoxy:" etc/passwd; then echo creating user privoxy... ; chroot . /usr/sbin/useradd privoxy -g privoxy; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh
-echo '( if [ ! -f "etc/rc.d/rc.privoxy" ]; then mv etc/rc.d/rc.privoxy.new etc/rc.d/rc.privoxy; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh
-echo '( if [ ! -f "etc/privoxy/config" ]; then mv etc/privoxy/config.sample etc/privoxy/config; fi )' >> /install/doinst.sh
-if [ "$CLEANUP" == "yes" ]; then
- rm -rf $TMP
diff --git a/privoxy/rc.privoxy.new b/privoxy/rc.privoxy.new
deleted file mode 100755
index 932dcc0c..00000000
--- a/privoxy/rc.privoxy.new
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# ********************************************************************
-declare -i check
-check=(`/bin/ps -e|/bin/grep $PRIVOXY_PRG|/usr/bin/wc -l`)
-# some checks for us
-if [ ! -x $PRIVOXY_BIN ] ; then exit 0 ;fi
-if [ ! -f $PRIVOXY_CONF ] ; then exit 0 ;fi
-# See how we were called.
-start () {
- # start daemon
- echo -n $"Starting $PRIVOXY_PRG: "
- if [ ! -f $PRIVOXY_PID ]; then
- ( $PRIVOXY --user $PRIVOXY_USER.$PRIVOXY_GROUP --pidfile $PRIVOXY_PID -c $PRIVOXY_CONF 2>/dev/tty9 ) \
- && echo " OK" \
- && /bin/touch /var/lock/$PRIVOXY_PRG \
- && RETVAL=0
- elif [ $check -lt 3 ]; then
- echo "Zombie lock file found"
- /bin/rm -f /var/lock/$PRIVOXY_PRG $PRIVOXY_PID
- echo "Retrying..."
- start
- else
- echo "Already running"
- fi
- echo
-stop () {
- # stop daemon
- echo -n $"Stopping $PRIVOXY_PRG: "
- if [ -f $PRIVOXY_PID ]; then
- /bin/kill `/bin/cat $PRIVOXY_PID` \
- && /bin/rm -f /var/lock/$PRIVOXY_PRG $PRIVOXY_PID \
- && echo " OK" \
- && RETVAL=0
- echo
- else
- echo " Not Running"
- fi
-case "$1" in
- start)
- start
- ;;
- stop)
- stop
- ;;
- reload)
- if [ -f $PRIVOXY_PID ] ; then
- /bin/kill -HUP `cat $PRIVOXY_PID` \
- && RETVAL=0
- fi
- ;;
- restart)
- stop
- start
- ;;
- kill)
- echo "Kill all Privoxy"
- /bin/rm -f /var/lock/$PRIVOXY_PRG $PRIVOXY_PID
- /bin/killall $PRIVOXY
- ;;
- condrestart)
- # restart only if already running
- if [ -f $PRIVOXY_PID ] ; then
- stop
- start
- fi
- ;;
- status)
- /bin/ps ax|/bin/grep $PRIVOXY_PRG|/bin/grep -v 'grep\|init\.d\|rc\.d'
- ;;
- top)
- if [ -f $PRIVOXY_PID ]; then
- a=""
- for i in `/sbin/pidof $PRIVOXY_PRG` ; do
- a="$a -p $i"
- done
- /usr/bin/top $a
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo $"Usage: $PRIVOXY_PRG {start|stop|reload|restart|condrestart|status|top|kill}"
- exit 1
-exit $RETVAL