path: root/trunk/doc/README.simplaret
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authorrhatto <rhatto@04377dda-e619-0410-9926-eae83683ac58>2008-12-08 16:10:10 +0000
committerrhatto <rhatto@04377dda-e619-0410-9926-eae83683ac58>2008-12-08 16:10:10 +0000
commitba2758d6f2c7e18e5d5bd3b606c60f55aa048e76 (patch)
tree35264a9b56afd0d533a800191c2a286e8e81376a /trunk/doc/README.simplaret
parent4b420ba1984f4f46f64e4117aa4eea1d27d401d9 (diff)
documentation: keeping just tex files to prevent duplicate and non-updated documentation
git-svn-id: svn+slack://slack.fluxo.info/var/svn/simplepkg@643 04377dda-e619-0410-9926-eae83683ac58
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/doc/README.simplaret')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 326 deletions
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--- a/trunk/doc/README.simplaret
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-simplaret: simplepkg retrieval tool
-Simplaret is a simplepkg tool used to download packages from local and remote repositories.
-With simplaret, one can grab packages for all archictectures and versions of slackware-like
-distributions that follows the mirror guidelines, allowing an easy management all
-jails and slackware installations in a machine, no matter wich arquiteture or version
-each one has.
-It was inspired in swaret behavior but don't tries to get its complexity level, but
-execute package download in a different way, where the local repository is organized
-by archictecture and version. It can also search for packages. It runs on top of pkgtool
-and is totally non-instrusive and can search, add, remove and upgrade packages.
-The always updated english documentation is hosted at http://slack.sarava.org/simplaret-en
-Downloading and installing
-Simplaret comes with simplepkg, wich installation and configuration is detailed
-at http://slack.sarava.org/simplepkg. Simplaret uses
-/etc/simplepkg/simplepkg.conf for its definitions and /etc/simplepkg/repos.conf
-for repository information.
-The default configuration is placed, respectively, at
-/etc/simplepkg/defaults/simplepkg.conf and /etc/simplepkg/defaults/repos.conf and
-should work for most people, but if you want to change something please don't
-edit the default configuration files as the default setting may change in
-future releases. If you have a /etc/simplepkg/repos.conf file, then simplaret
-will just ignore the default repos.conf.
-Using simplaret
-Simplaret stores its data in system wide folders. Then, some funcionality will just be available
-if its run with root user capabilities. The first thing you need to do with simplaret is to fetch
-repository metadata, using
- simplaret --update
-or simply
- simplaret update
-as simplepkg supports both command line behaviour (--update or just update). After that, you can
-search for packages using commands like
- simplaret search ekiga
-The result should be something like
- REPOS repository sarava, arch: i386, version: 11.0: ekiga-2.0.5-i586-1rd.tgz
-As we'll see afterwards, "REPOS" means the repository type, "sarava" is the repository name,
-"arch" is the package architecture (i386 in this case) and "version" is the repository version
-(11.0 in this case).
-To install this package, just type
- simplaret install ekiga
-By default, if simplaret finds in the repository a slack-required file for this package (i.e, the
-file ekiga.slack-required in the same folder of the binary package) then it will try to install
-all unmet dependencies. This default behaviour can be disabled through config file parameters.
-If you just want to download the package, type
- simplaret get ekiga
-In the case of simplaret finds more than one package with the same name, it will get in the order
-that the "search" option shows them. The search precedence can also be defined by config file
-parameters. For instance, the command
- simplaret search kernel-generic
-can return something like
- ROOT repository sarava, arch: i386, version: 11.0: kernel-generic-
- ROOT repository sarava, arch: i386, version: 11.0: kernel-generic-2.6.18-i486-1.tgz
-So the command
- simplaret install kernel-generic
-will attempt to install the package "kernel-generic-" and not the file
-"kernel-generic-2.6.18-i486-1.tgz". If you want to force simplaret to get and specific package,
-use its complete file name:
- simplaret install kernel-generic-2.6.18-i486-1.tgz
-If a package is already installed in the system, the --install option will try to upgrade it
-if the version or build number between the installed package and the one in the repository
-are different. So the command
- simplaret install simplepkg
-updates simplepkg in the case there's a new version. To remove a package, type
- simplaret remove nome-do-pacote
-That's just an alias for the standard removepkg command.
-Simplaret stores downloaded packages in a system folder that defaults to /var/simplaret.
-As you get more and more packages, simplaret will consume more space ir your disk. To
-erase your local repository folder, use the command
- simplaret purge
-This will erase just the packages from the current arch and version. Details about how to
-erase the repository for different arch and version are in another session.
-You can also force simplaret to erase just old packages. The following command erases just
-packages older than six weeks or more:
- simplaret purge -w 3
-Downloading patches and upgrading the system
-Simplaret hasn't just about package installing and removal, it has two more important
-features: patches retrieval and application. Assuming that the patches repository of
-your slackware flavour is correctly configured (what should work with almost everyone
-with the default configuration), you can fetch the available patches using the command
- simplaret get-patches
-If you don't just donwload but also apply those patches, use
- simplaret upgrade
-Working with more than one architecture and version
-Until now we just looked what is the requirement for all package management system: package
-retrieval, installation, search, upgrade and dependency resolution. What makes simplaret
-different from another tools is the ability to deal with different architectures and versions
-and slackware installations.
-The features descibed in this section will just make sense after you read the next section, when
-we'll talk about multiple slackware installations and jails in the same computer.
-Suppose you're running Slackware (arch i386) bit wants to update the package list from Slamd64
-version 11.0 (arch x86_64). To do that, just type
- ARCH=x86_64 VERSION=11.0 simplaret update
-This command grabs the Slamd64 package list without confliting in any way with the standard and
-already downloaded i386 Slackware package list. This doesn't happens because simplaret stores
-metadata from different archs and versions at different folders.
-Its optional to pass ARCH and VERSION environment variables to simplaret. If one or none of them
-was specified, simplaret uses the standar system value, obtained from the file /etc/slackware-version,
-or uses config parameters to do that.
-As an example, to search for a package in the arch powerpc (Slackintosh) version 11.0, just type
- ARCH=powerpc VERSION=11.0 simplaret search package-name
-All command previously mentioned can work that way, except those that install or remove packages as
-its dangerous to mix packages from different archs and versions in the same system.
-Working with multiple installations
-The previously section mentions a feature that just makes sense in systems where there's more than
-one slackware-like installation using different archs and versions.
-Say you have a x86_64 machine with three installed systems:
- - Slamd64 11.0 at the root folder
- - Slackware 11.0 at /mnt/slackware-1
- - Slackware 10.2 at /mnt/slackware-2
-In the case of package install or patch retrieval and application, simplaret supports the environment
-variable ROOT to specify which folder simplaret should look for a system.
-Then, to install a package at /mnt/slackware-1, just type
- ARCH=i386 VERSION=11.0 simplaret update
- ROOT=/mnt/slackware-1 simplaret install package-name
-The first command just updates the package list and the second makes simplepkg install the package with
-using /mnt/slackware-1 arch and version. If you want to do the same at /mnt/slackware-2, use the analogous
- ARCH=i386 VERSION=10.2 simplaret update
- ROOT=/mnt/slackware-2 simplaret install package-name
-There's also a feature to make patch retrieval and application with just one command, using the file
-/etc/simplepkg/jailist. This file is used by simplepkg's mkjail script to store with jails you have
-on your system but is also used by simplaret to upgrade all jails with just one command.
-Considering that your box has the three previously mentioned slackware installation. Then, to add
-/mnt/slackware-1 and /mnt/slackware-2 in the automatic upgrade list, add the following lines in your
-/etc/simplepkg/jailist (without spaces):
- /mnt/slackware-1
- /mnt/slackware-2
-The root system doesn't need to be added in this file. Then, you can get the patches for all your three
-systems with the command
- simplaret get-patches
-To get the patches and/or apply them in all jails (including the root system), use
- simplaret upgrade
-This feature makes easier to keep all your installations always upgraded.
-The repos.conf file
-Now that we just talked about all simplaret features, its time to take a tour at its configuration
-files. The first one we'll say about is the repository definition file, /etc/simplepkg/repos.conf.
-If you don't mind to make an advanced simplaret usage, then probably you can just leave this section
-as the default config should work for almost all standard situations and you'll just need to edit
-repos.conf to change repository priorities.
-The repos.conf file contains one repository definition per line using the following syntax:
-The content in brackets are optional depending on the repository type as we'll see later in this
-section. The repository types supported by simplaret are:
- - PATCHES: used for repositories containing patches and which file metadata is the file
- FILE_LIST instead the standard FILELIST.TXT; example:
- PATCHES-i386-11.0="sarava%http://slack.sarava.org/packages/slackware/slackware-11.0/patches/"
- This defines a patches repository for arch i386 (official Slackware), version 11.0 and named
- as "sarava".
- Its optional to have a PATCHES definition in order to get patches: the ROOT repository definition
- just take care of that and you'll just need to use a PATCHES definition if you want to give
- precedence to some patches repository over all other definition types.
- - ROOT: this type specifies the default slackware-like repository, where the content is sorted
- by version. An official slackware repository then is defined as
- ROOT-i386="tds%http://slackware.mirrors.tds.net/pub/slackware/"
- ROOT repositories needs just the arch definition, a name and an URL. In the previous case,
- we have a ROOT repository called "tds". It doesn't need any version information as its already
- considers tha the content is sorted in folders like
- http://slackware.mirrors.tds.net/pub/slackware/slackware-10.2/ and
- http://slackware.mirrors.tds.net/pub/slackware/slackware-11.0/
- - REPOS: this repository type ir arch and version oriented, like
- REPOS-i386-11.0="sarava%http://slack.sarava.org/packages/slackware/slackware-11.0/"
- In the above case, a repository called "sarava" is defined using arch i386 and version 11.0
- with URL http://slack.sarava.org/packages/slackware/slackware-11.0/. This repository type is
- recommended when using non-official repositories.
- - NOARCH: the last type is used to define repositories where packages are arch and version
- independent, like
- NOARCH="sarava%http://slack.sarava.org/packages/noarch"
-In any repository type, the supperted URL schemes are http://, ftp:// or file:// (for local
-As simplaret supports more than one repository definition for each type, arch or version, each
-definition has its own name. Definitions can have the same name just if they're dont use the
-same repository type and/or arch and version.
-There's also a priority rule between the repository types wich defines a precedence order.
-Repositories are searched according the following order:
- - PATCHES has the highest priority: if a package from a given arch and version is not found
- in the first (if existent) PATCHES definition, then the next one is searched until all
- PATCHES definitions are searched.
- - Then, the package is searched in all ROOT defintions in the order they appear at repos.conf.
- - The next searched repository type is REPOS in the specified arch an version, in the order
- they appear at repos.conf.
- - At last, NOARCH type is searched in the order they're defined.
-In the case you're issuing an upgrade or just geting patches, simplaret by default will just
-search in PATCHES and ROOT definitions.
-At REPOS and ROOT is also possible to specify its internal search order according its subfolders.
-Configuration file simplepkg.conf
-Simplaret also stores its configurations inside simplepkg's configuration file
-/etc/simplepkg/simplepkg.conf. This file is well commented and you should find there a description
-of all supported options.
-But why use that?
-You may ask why someone wishes to use such tool.
-Simplaret was written with a *x86 environment in mind, where lots of jails with different archs
-and versions are installed. Suppose a x86_64 with the following chroots installed:
- - slamd64 12.0
- - slackware 12.1
- - slackware 11.0 with additional i686 packages
- - uSlack (i386 uClibc)
-Keep all this stuff update manually is really a headache. Simplaret just tries to make it trivial.
-Additional information
-Simplaret was written by Silvio Rhatto (rhatto at riseup.net) and is released under GPL license. The code
-can be obtained from the subversion repository:
- svn checkout http://slack.sarava.org/simplepkg
-Simplepkg's wiki is http://slack.sarava.org/trac/wiki/Simplepkg and its mailing list address is