path: root/includes/js/dojox/validate
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dojox/validate
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@151 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/validate')
13 files changed, 1599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/README b/includes/js/dojox/validate/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795afcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Version 0.01
+Release date: 07/12/2007
+Project state: experimental / beta
+ port: Peter Higgins (dante)
+ contributions: Kun Xi (bookstack@gmail.com)
+Project description
+ Provides a set of validation functions to match
+ values against known constants for use in form
+ validation, such as email address, TLD, ipAddress,
+ country-specific phone numbers and SSN, among
+ others..
+ Requires dojo base and dojo.regexp.
+Installation instructions
+Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:
+Install into the following directory structure:
+...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/_base.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/_base.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dbba59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/_base.js
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate._base"] = true;
+dojo.require("dojo.regexp"); // dojo core expressions
+dojo.require("dojo.number"); // dojo number expressions
+dojo.require("dojox.validate.regexp"); // additional expressions
+dojox.validate.isText = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks if a string has non whitespace characters.
+ // Parameters allow you to constrain the length.
+ //
+ // value: A string
+ // flags: {length: Number, minlength: Number, maxlength: Number}
+ // flags.length If set, checks if there are exactly flags.length number of characters.
+ // flags.minlength If set, checks if there are at least flags.minlength number of characters.
+ // flags.maxlength If set, checks if there are at most flags.maxlength number of characters.
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ // test for text
+ if(/^\s*$/.test(value)){ return false; } // Boolean
+ // length tests
+ if(typeof flags.length == "number" && flags.length != value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+ if(typeof flags.minlength == "number" && flags.minlength > value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+ if(typeof flags.maxlength == "number" && flags.maxlength < value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+ return true; // Boolean
+dojox.validate._isInRangeCache = {};
+dojox.validate.isInRange = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary:
+ // Validates whether a string denoting an integer,
+ // real number, or monetary value is between a max and min.
+ //
+ // value: A string
+ // flags: {max:Number, min:Number, decimal:String}
+ // flags.max A number, which the value must be less than or equal to for the validation to be true.
+ // flags.min A number, which the value must be greater than or equal to for the validation to be true.
+ // flags.decimal The character used for the decimal point. Default is ".".
+ // fixes ticket #2908
+ value = dojo.number.parse(value, flags);
+ if(isNaN(value)){
+ return false; // Boolean
+ }
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ var max = (typeof flags.max == "number") ? flags.max : Infinity;
+ var min = (typeof flags.min == "number") ? flags.min : -Infinity;
+ var dec = (typeof flags.decimal == "string") ? flags.decimal : ".";
+ var cache = dojox.validate._isInRangeCache;
+ var cacheIdx = value+"max"+max+"min"+min+"dec"+dec;
+ if(typeof cache[cacheIdx] != "undefined"){
+ return cache[cacheIdx];
+ }
+ if ( value < min || value > max ) { cache[cacheIdx] = false; return false; } // Boolean
+ cache[cacheIdx] = true; return true; // Boolean
+dojox.validate.isNumberFormat = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary:
+ // Validates any sort of number based format
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Use it for phone numbers, social security numbers, zip-codes, etc.
+ // The value can be validated against one format or one of multiple formats.
+ //
+ // Format
+ // # Stands for a digit, 0-9.
+ // ? Stands for an optional digit, 0-9 or nothing.
+ // All other characters must appear literally in the expression.
+ //
+ // Example
+ // "(###) ###-####" -> (510) 542-9742
+ // "(###) ###-#### x#???" -> (510) 542-9742 x153
+ // "###-##-####" -> 506-82-1089 i.e. social security number
+ // "#####-####" -> 98225-1649 i.e. zip code
+ //
+ // value: A string
+ // flags: {format:String}
+ // flags.format A string or an Array of strings for multiple formats.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.numberFormat(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.isValidLuhn = function(/*String*/value){
+ //summary: Compares value against the Luhn algorithm to verify its integrity
+ var sum, parity, curDigit;
+ if(typeof value!='string'){
+ value = String(value);
+ }
+ value = value.replace(/[- ]/g,''); //ignore dashes and whitespaces
+ parity = value.length%2;
+ sum=0;
+ for(var i=0;i<value.length;i++){
+ curDigit = parseInt(value.charAt(i));
+ if(i%2==parity){
+ curDigit*=2;
+ }
+ if(curDigit>9){
+ curDigit-=9;
+ }
+ sum+=curDigit;
+ }
+ return !(sum%10); //Boolean
+ Procedural API Description
+ The main aim is to make input validation expressible in a simple format.
+ You define profiles which declare the required and optional fields and any constraints they might have.
+ The results are provided as an object that makes it easy to handle missing and invalid input.
+ Usage
+ var results = dojo.validate.check(form, profile);
+ Profile Object
+ var profile = {
+ // filters change the field value and are applied before validation.
+ trim: ["tx1", "tx2"],
+ uppercase: ["tx9"],
+ lowercase: ["tx5", "tx6", "tx7"],
+ ucfirst: ["tx10"],
+ digit: ["tx11"],
+ // required input fields that are blank will be reported missing.
+ // required radio button groups and drop-down lists with no selection will be reported missing.
+ // checkbox groups and selectboxes can be required to have more than one value selected.
+ // List required fields by name and use this notation to require more than one value: {checkboxgroup: 2}, {selectboxname: 3}.
+ required: ["tx7", "tx8", "pw1", "ta1", "rb1", "rb2", "cb3", "s1", {"doubledip":2}, {"tripledip":3}],
+ // dependant/conditional fields are required if the target field is present and not blank.
+ // At present only textbox, password, and textarea fields are supported.
+ dependencies: {
+ cc_exp: "cc_no",
+ cc_type: "cc_no",
+ },
+ // Fields can be validated using any boolean valued function.
+ // Use arrays to specify parameters in addition to the field value.
+ constraints: {
+ field_name1: myValidationFunction,
+ field_name2: dojo.validate.isInteger,
+ field_name3: [myValidationFunction, additional parameters],
+ field_name4: [dojo.validate.isValidDate, "YYYY.MM.DD"],
+ field_name5: [dojo.validate.isEmailAddress, false, true],
+ },
+ // Confirm is a sort of conditional validation.
+ // It associates each field in its property list with another field whose value should be equal.
+ // If the values are not equal, the field in the property list is reported as Invalid. Unless the target field is blank.
+ confirm: {
+ email_confirm: "email",
+ pw2: "pw1",
+ }
+ };
+ Results Object
+ isSuccessful(): Returns true if there were no invalid or missing fields, else it returns false.
+ hasMissing(): Returns true if the results contain any missing fields.
+ getMissing(): Returns a list of required fields that have values missing.
+ isMissing(field): Returns true if the field is required and the value is missing.
+ hasInvalid(): Returns true if the results contain fields with invalid data.
+ getInvalid(): Returns a list of fields that have invalid values.
+ isInvalid(field): Returns true if the field has an invalid value.
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/ca.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbd3aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.ca"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.ca"] = true;
+dojox.validate.ca.isPhoneNumber = function(/* String */value) {
+ // summary: Validates 10 Canadian digit phone number for several common formats
+ // returns: Boolean
+ return dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber(value); // same as US
+dojox.validate.ca.isProvince = function(/* String[2] */value) {
+ // summary: Validates Canadian province abbreviations (2 chars)
+ // returns: Boolean
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.ca.province() + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value);
+dojox.validate.ca.isSocialInsuranceNumber = function(/* String */value) {
+ // summary: Validates Canadian 9 digit social insurance number for several common formats
+ // This routine only pattern matches and does not use the Luhn Algorithm to validate number.
+ // returns: Boolean
+ var flags = {
+ format: [
+ "###-###-###",
+ "### ### ###",
+ "#########"
+ ]
+ };
+ return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags);
+dojox.validate.ca.isPostalCode = function(value) {
+ // summary: Validates Canadian 6 digit postal code:
+ // Canadian postal codes are in the format ANA NAN,
+ // where A is a letter and N is a digit, with a space
+ // separating the third and fourth characters.
+ // returns: Boolean
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.ca.postalCode() + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value);
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/check.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/check.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015da79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/check.js
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.check"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.check"] = true;
+dojox.validate.check = function(/*HTMLFormElement*/form, /*Object*/profile){
+ // summary: validates user input of an HTML form based on input profile
+ //
+ // description:
+ // returns an object that contains several methods summarizing the results of the validation
+ //
+ // form: form to be validated
+ // profile: specifies how the form fields are to be validated
+ // {trim:Array, uppercase:Array, lowercase:Array, ucfirst:Array, digit:Array,
+ // required:Array, dependencies:Object, constraints:Object, confirm:Object}
+ // Essentially private properties of results object
+ var missing = [];
+ var invalid = [];
+ // results object summarizes the validation
+ var results = {
+ isSuccessful: function() {return ( !this.hasInvalid() && !this.hasMissing() );},
+ hasMissing: function() {return ( missing.length > 0 );},
+ getMissing: function() {return missing;},
+ isMissing: function(elemname) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < missing.length; i++){
+ if(elemname == missing[i]){ return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ hasInvalid: function() {return ( invalid.length > 0 );},
+ getInvalid: function() {return invalid;},
+ isInvalid: function(elemname){
+ for(var i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++){
+ if(elemname == invalid[i]){ return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ var _undef = function(name,object){
+ return (typeof object[name] == "undefined");
+ };
+ // Filters are applied before fields are validated.
+ // Trim removes white space at the front and end of the fields.
+ if(profile.trim instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.trim.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.trim[i]];
+ if(_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "");
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert to uppercase
+ if(profile.uppercase instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.uppercase.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.uppercase[i]];
+ if(_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert to lowercase
+ if(profile.lowercase instanceof Array){
+ for (var i = 0; i < profile.lowercase.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.lowercase[i]];
+ if(_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ // Uppercase first letter
+ if(profile.ucfirst instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.ucfirst.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.ucfirst[i]];
+ if(_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, function(word) { return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase(); });
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove non digits characters from the input.
+ if(profile.digit instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.digit.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.digit[i]];
+ if(_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.replace(/\D/g, "");
+ }
+ }
+ // See if required input fields have values missing.
+ if(profile.required instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.required.length; i++){
+ if(!dojo.isString(profile.required[i])){ continue; }
+ var elem = form[profile.required[i]];
+ // Are textbox, textarea, or password fields blank.
+ if(!_undef("type", elem)
+ && (elem.type == "text" || elem.type == "textarea" || elem.type == "password" || elem.type == "file")
+ && /^\s*$/.test(elem.value)){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem.name;
+ }
+ // Does drop-down box have option selected.
+ else if(!_undef("type", elem) && (elem.type == "select-one" || elem.type == "select-multiple")
+ && (elem.selectedIndex == -1
+ || /^\s*$/.test(elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value))){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem.name;
+ }
+ // Does radio button group (or check box group) have option checked.
+ else if(elem instanceof Array){
+ var checked = false;
+ for(var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++){
+ if (elem[j].checked) { checked = true; }
+ }
+ if(!checked){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem[0].name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // See if checkbox groups and select boxes have x number of required values.
+ if(profile.required instanceof Array){
+ for (var i = 0; i < profile.required.length; i++){
+ if(!dojo.isObject(profile.required[i])){ continue; }
+ var elem, numRequired;
+ for(var name in profile.required[i]){
+ elem = form[name];
+ numRequired = profile.required[i][name];
+ }
+ // case 1: elem is a check box group
+ if(elem instanceof Array){
+ var checked = 0;
+ for(var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++){
+ if(elem[j].checked){ checked++; }
+ }
+ if(checked < numRequired){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem[0].name;
+ }
+ }
+ // case 2: elem is a select box
+ else if(!_undef("type", elem) && elem.type == "select-multiple" ){
+ var selected = 0;
+ for(var j = 0; j < elem.options.length; j++){
+ if (elem.options[j].selected && !/^\s*$/.test(elem.options[j].value)) { selected++; }
+ }
+ if(selected < numRequired){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem.name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dependent fields are required when the target field is present (not blank).
+ // Todo: Support dependent and target fields that are radio button groups, or select drop-down lists.
+ // Todo: Make the dependency based on a specific value of the target field.
+ // Todo: allow dependent fields to have several required values, like {checkboxgroup: 3}.
+ if(dojo.isObject(profile.dependencies)){
+ // properties of dependencies object are the names of dependent fields to be checked
+ for(name in profile.dependencies){
+ var elem = form[name]; // the dependent element
+ if(_undef("type", elem)){continue;}
+ if(elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; } // limited support
+ if(/\S+/.test(elem.value)){ continue; } // has a value already
+ if(results.isMissing(elem.name)){ continue; } // already listed as missing
+ var target = form[profile.dependencies[name]];
+ if(target.type != "text" && target.type != "textarea" && target.type != "password"){ continue; } // limited support
+ if(/^\s*$/.test(target.value)){ continue; } // skip if blank
+ missing[missing.length] = elem.name; // ok the dependent field is missing
+ }
+ }
+ // Find invalid input fields.
+ if(dojo.isObject(profile.constraints)){
+ // constraint properties are the names of fields to bevalidated
+ for(name in profile.constraints){
+ var elem = form[name];
+ if(!elem) {continue;}
+ // skip if blank - its optional unless required, in which case it
+ // is already listed as missing.
+ if(!_undef("tagName",elem)
+ && (elem.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("input") >= 0
+ || elem.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("textarea") >= 0)
+ && /^\s*$/.test(elem.value)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ var isValid = true;
+ // case 1: constraint value is validation function
+ if(dojo.isFunction(profile.constraints[name])){
+ isValid = profile.constraints[name](elem.value);
+ }else if(dojo.isArray(profile.constraints[name])){
+ // handle nested arrays for multiple constraints
+ if(dojo.isArray(profile.constraints[name][0])){
+ for (var i=0; i<profile.constraints[name].length; i++){
+ isValid = dojox.validate.evaluateConstraint(profile, profile.constraints[name][i], name, elem);
+ if(!isValid){ break; }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // case 2: constraint value is array, first elem is function,
+ // tail is parameters
+ isValid = dojox.validate.evaluateConstraint(profile, profile.constraints[name], name, elem);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isValid){
+ invalid[invalid.length] = elem.name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find unequal confirm fields and report them as Invalid.
+ if(dojo.isObject(profile.confirm)){
+ for(name in profile.confirm){
+ var elem = form[name]; // the confirm element
+ var target = form[profile.confirm[name]];
+ if (_undef("type", elem) || _undef("type", target) || (elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password")
+ ||(target.type != elem.type)
+ ||(target.value == elem.value) // it's valid
+ ||(results.isInvalid(elem.name))// already listed as invalid
+ ||(/^\s*$/.test(target.value))) // skip if blank - only confirm if target has a value
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ invalid[invalid.length] = elem.name;
+ }
+ }
+ return results; // Object
+//TODO: evaluateConstraint doesn't use profile or fieldName args?
+dojox.validate.evaluateConstraint=function(profile, /*Array*/constraint, fieldName, elem){
+ // summary:
+ // Evaluates dojo.validate.check() constraints that are specified as array
+ // arguments
+ //
+ // description: The arrays are expected to be in the format of:
+ // constraints:{
+ // fieldName: [functionToCall, param1, param2, etc.],
+ // fieldName: [[functionToCallFirst, param1],[functionToCallSecond,param2]]
+ // }
+ //
+ // This function evaluates a single array function in the format of:
+ // [functionName, argument1, argument2, etc]
+ //
+ // The function will be parsed out and evaluated against the incoming parameters.
+ //
+ // profile: The dojo.validate.check() profile that this evaluation is against.
+ // constraint: The single [] array of function and arguments for the function.
+ // fieldName: The form dom name of the field being validated.
+ // elem: The form element field.
+ var isValidSomething = constraint[0];
+ var params = constraint.slice(1);
+ params.unshift(elem.value);
+ if(typeof isValidSomething != "undefined"){
+ return isValidSomething.apply(null, params);
+ }
+ return false; // Boolean
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/creditCard.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/creditCard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..903aab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/creditCard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.creditCard"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.creditCard"] = true;
+ Validates Credit Cards using account number rules in conjunction with the Luhn algorigthm
+ */
+dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard = function(/*String|Int*/value, /*String*/ccType){
+ //Summary:
+ // checks if ccType matches the # scheme in value, and if Luhn checksum is accurate (unless its an Enroute card, the checkSum is skipped)
+ //Value: Boolean
+ return ((ccType.toLowerCase() == 'er' || dojox.validate.isValidLuhn(value)) &&
+ dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber(value,ccType.toLowerCase())); //Boolean
+dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber = function(/*String|Int*/value,/*String?*/ccType){
+ // summary:
+ // checks if value matches the pattern for that card or any card types if none is specified
+ //
+ // value: Boolean
+ // CC #, white spaces and dashes are ignored
+ //
+ // ccType: String?
+ // one of the values in cardinfo -- if Omitted it it returns a | delimited string of matching card types, or false if no matches found
+ value = String(value).replace(/[- ]/g,''); //ignore dashes and whitespaces
+ /* FIXME: not sure on all the abbreviations for credit cards,below is what each stands for atleast to my knowledge
+ mc: Mastercard
+ ec: Eurocard
+ vi: Visa
+ ax: American Express
+ dc: Diners Club
+ bl: Carte Blanch
+ di: Discover
+ jcb: JCB
+ er: Enroute
+ */
+ var cardinfo = {
+ 'mc':'5[1-5][0-9]{14}','ec':'5[1-5][0-9]{14}','vi':'4(?:[0-9]{12}|[0-9]{15})',
+ 'ax':'3[47][0-9]{13}', 'dc':'3(?:0[0-5][0-9]{11}|[68][0-9]{12})',
+ 'bl':'3(?:0[0-5][0-9]{11}|[68][0-9]{12})','di':'6011[0-9]{12}',
+ 'jcb':'(?:3[0-9]{15}|(2131|1800)[0-9]{11})','er':'2(?:014|149)[0-9]{11}'
+ };
+ if(ccType){
+ var expr = cardinfo[ccType.toLowerCase()];
+ return expr ? !!(value.match(cardinfo[ccType.toLowerCase()])) : false; // boolean
+ }
+ var results=[];
+ for(var p in cardinfo){
+ if(value.match('^'+cardinfo[p]+'$')){
+ results.push(p);
+ }
+ }
+ return results.length ? results.join('|') : false; // string | boolean
+dojox.validate.isValidCvv = function(/*String|Int*/value, /*String*/ccType) {
+ //Summary:
+ // returns true if the security code (CCV) matches the correct format for supplied ccType
+ //Value: Boolean
+ if(typeof value!='string'){
+ value=String(value);
+ }
+ var format;
+ switch (ccType.toLowerCase()){
+ case 'mc':
+ case 'ec':
+ case 'vi':
+ case 'di':
+ format = '###';
+ break;
+ case 'ax':
+ format = '####';
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false; //Boolean
+ }
+ var flags = {format:format};
+ //FIXME? Why does isNumberFormat take an object for flags when its only parameter is either a string or an array inside the object?
+ //FIXME: um... just check value.length?
+ return (value.length == format.length && dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags)); //Boolean
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/isbn.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/isbn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..030c7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/isbn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.isbn"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.isbn"] = true;
+dojox.validate.isValidIsbn = function(/* String */value) {
+ // summary: Vadlidate ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 based on the length of value
+ // returns: Boolean
+ var len, sum, weight;
+ if(typeof value!='string'){
+ value = String(value);
+ }
+ value = value.replace(/[- ]/g,''); //ignore dashes and whitespaces
+ len = value.length;
+ sum = 0;
+ if(len == 10){
+ weight = 10;
+ // ISBN-10 validation algorithm
+ for(var i = 0; i< 9; i++){
+ sum += parseInt(value.charAt(i)) * weight;
+ weight --;
+ }
+ var t = value.charAt(9).toUpperCase();
+ sum += t == 'X' ? 10 : parseInt(t);
+ return sum % 11 == 0;
+ }else if(len == 13) {
+ weight = -1;
+ for(var i=0; i< len; i++){
+ sum += parseInt(value.charAt(i)) * (2 + weight);
+ weight *= -1;
+ }
+ return sum % 10 == 0;
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/regexp.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/regexp.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0924750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/regexp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.regexp"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.regexp"] = true;
+// *** Regular Expression Generator does not entirely live here ***
+// FIXME: is this useful enough to be in /dojox/regexp/_base.js, or
+// should it respect namespace and be dojox.validate.regexp?
+// some say a generic regexp to match zipcodes and urls would be useful
+// others would say it's a spare tire.
+dojox.regexp = { ca: {}, us: {} };
+dojox.regexp.tld = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a RE that matches a top-level domain
+ //
+ // flags:
+ // flags.allowCC Include 2 letter country code domains. Default is true.
+ // flags.allowGeneric Include the generic domains. Default is true.
+ // flags.allowInfra Include infrastructure domains. Default is true.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(typeof flags.allowCC != "boolean"){ flags.allowCC = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowInfra != "boolean"){ flags.allowInfra = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowGeneric != "boolean"){ flags.allowGeneric = true; }
+ // Infrastructure top-level domain - only one at present
+ var infraRE = "arpa";
+ // Generic top-level domains RE.
+ var genericRE =
+ "aero|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|mil|museum|name|net|org|pro|travel|xxx|jobs|mobi|post";
+ // Country Code top-level domains RE
+ var ccRE =
+ "ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|" +
+ "bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|" +
+ "ec|ee|eg|er|eu|es|et|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|"
+ +
+ "gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kr|kw|ky|kz|" +
+ "la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|" +
+ "my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|" +
+ "re|ro|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sk|sl|sm|sn|sr|st|su|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tm|" +
+ "tn|to|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw";
+ // Build top-level domain RE
+ var a = [];
+ if(flags.allowInfra){ a.push(infraRE); }
+ if(flags.allowGeneric){ a.push(genericRE); }
+ if(flags.allowCC){ a.push(ccRE); }
+ var tldRE = "";
+ if (a.length > 0) {
+ tldRE = "(" + a.join("|") + ")";
+ }
+ return tldRE; // String
+dojox.regexp.ipAddress = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a RE that matches an IP Address
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Supports 5 formats for IPv4: dotted decimal, dotted hex, dotted octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
+ // Supports 2 formats for Ipv6.
+ //
+ // flags An object. All flags are boolean with default = true.
+ // flags.allowDottedDecimal Example, No zero padding.
+ // flags.allowDottedHex Example, 0x18.0x11.0x9b.0x28. Case insensitive. Zero padding allowed.
+ // flags.allowDottedOctal Example, 0030.0021.0233.0050. Zero padding allowed.
+ // flags.allowDecimal Example, 3482223595. A decimal number between 0-4294967295.
+ // flags.allowHex Example, 0xCF8E83EB. Hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF.
+ // Case insensitive. Zero padding allowed.
+ // flags.allowIPv6 IPv6 address written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits.
+ // FIXME: ipv6 can be written multiple ways IIRC
+ // flags.allowHybrid IPv6 address written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits
+ // followed by the usual 4 dotted decimal digit notation of IPv4. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(typeof flags.allowDottedDecimal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedDecimal = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowDottedHex != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedHex = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowDottedOctal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedOctal = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowDecimal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDecimal = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowHex != "boolean"){ flags.allowHex = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowIPv6 != "boolean"){ flags.allowIPv6 = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowHybrid != "boolean"){ flags.allowHybrid = true; }
+ // decimal-dotted IP address RE.
+ var dottedDecimalRE =
+ // Each number is between 0-255. Zero padding is not allowed.
+ "((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";
+ // dotted hex IP address RE. Each number is between 0x0-0xff. Zero padding is allowed, e.g. 0x00.
+ var dottedHexRE = "(0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]\\.){3}0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]";
+ // dotted octal IP address RE. Each number is between 0000-0377.
+ // Zero padding is allowed, but each number must have at least 4 characters.
+ var dottedOctalRE = "(0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]\\.){3}0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]";
+ // decimal IP address RE. A decimal number between 0-4294967295.
+ var decimalRE = "(0|[1-9]\\d{0,8}|[1-3]\\d{9}|4[01]\\d{8}|42[0-8]\\d{7}|429[0-3]\\d{6}|" +
+ "4294[0-8]\\d{5}|42949[0-5]\\d{4}|429496[0-6]\\d{3}|4294967[01]\\d{2}|42949672[0-8]\\d|429496729[0-5])";
+ // hexadecimal IP address RE.
+ // A hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF. Case insensitive. Zero padding is allowed.
+ var hexRE = "0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]{1,8}";
+ // IPv6 address RE.
+ // The format is written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x,
+ // where x is between 0000-ffff. Zero padding is optional. Case insensitive.
+ var ipv6RE = "([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){7}[\\da-fA-F]{1,4}";
+ // IPv6/IPv4 Hybrid address RE.
+ // The format is written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits,
+ // followed by the 4 dotted decimal IPv4 format. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d
+ var hybridRE = "([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){6}" +
+ "((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";
+ // Build IP Address RE
+ var a = [];
+ if(flags.allowDottedDecimal){ a.push(dottedDecimalRE); }
+ if(flags.allowDottedHex){ a.push(dottedHexRE); }
+ if(flags.allowDottedOctal){ a.push(dottedOctalRE); }
+ if(flags.allowDecimal){ a.push(decimalRE); }
+ if(flags.allowHex){ a.push(hexRE); }
+ if(flags.allowIPv6){ a.push(ipv6RE); }
+ if(flags.allowHybrid){ a.push(hybridRE); }
+ var ipAddressRE = "";
+ if(a.length > 0){
+ ipAddressRE = "(" + a.join("|") + ")";
+ }
+ return ipAddressRE; // String
+dojox.regexp.host = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a RE that matches a host
+ // description: A host is a named host (A-z0-9_- but not starting with -), a domain name or an IP address, possibly followed by a port number.
+ // flags: An object.
+ // flags.allowNamed Allow a named host for local networks. Default is false.
+ // flags.allowIP Allow an IP address for hostname. Default is true.
+ // flags.allowLocal Allow the host to be "localhost". Default is false.
+ // flags.allowPort Allow a port number to be present. Default is true.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(typeof flags.allowIP != "boolean"){ flags.allowIP = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowLocal != "boolean"){ flags.allowLocal = false; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowPort != "boolean"){ flags.allowPort = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowNamed != "boolean"){ flags.allowNamed = false; }
+ // Domain names can not end with a dash.
+ var domainNameRE = "([0-9a-zA-Z]([-0-9a-zA-Z]{0,61}[0-9a-zA-Z])?\\.)+" + dojox.regexp.tld(flags);
+ // port number RE
+ var portRE = flags.allowPort ? "(\\:\\d+)?" : "";
+ // build host RE
+ var hostNameRE = domainNameRE;
+ if(flags.allowIP){ hostNameRE += "|" + dojox.regexp.ipAddress(flags); }
+ if(flags.allowLocal){ hostNameRE += "|localhost"; }
+ if(flags.allowNamed){ hostNameRE += "|^[^-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"; }
+ return "(" + hostNameRE + ")" + portRE; // String
+dojox.regexp.url = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a regular expression that matches a URL
+ //
+ // flags: An object
+ // flags.scheme Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+ // This means: required, not allowed, or match either one.
+ // flags in regexp.host can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(!("scheme" in flags)){ flags.scheme = [true, false]; }
+ // Scheme RE
+ var protocolRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.scheme,
+ function(q){ if(q){ return "(https?|ftps?)\\://"; } return ""; }
+ );
+ // Path and query and anchor RE
+ var pathRE = "(/([^?#\\s/]+/)*)?([^?#\\s/]+(\\?[^?#\\s/]*)?(#[A-Za-z][\\w.:-]*)?)?";
+ return protocolRE + dojox.regexp.host(flags) + pathRE;
+dojox.regexp.emailAddress = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a regular expression that matches an email address
+ //
+ //flags: An object
+ // flags.allowCruft Allow address like <mailto:foo@yahoo.com>. Default is false.
+ // flags in regexp.host can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if (typeof flags.allowCruft != "boolean") { flags.allowCruft = false; }
+ flags.allowPort = false; // invalid in email addresses
+ // user name RE - apostrophes are valid if there's not 2 in a row
+ var usernameRE = "([\\da-zA-Z]+[-._+&'])*[\\da-zA-Z]+";
+ // build emailAddress RE
+ var emailAddressRE = usernameRE + "@" + dojox.regexp.host(flags);
+ // Allow email addresses with cruft
+ if ( flags.allowCruft ) {
+ emailAddressRE = "<?(mailto\\:)?" + emailAddressRE + ">?";
+ }
+ return emailAddressRE; // String
+dojox.regexp.emailAddressList = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a regular expression that matches a list of email addresses.
+ //
+ // flags: An object.
+ // flags.listSeparator The character used to separate email addresses. Default is ";", ",", "\n" or " ".
+ // flags in regexp.emailAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.host can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(typeof flags.listSeparator != "string"){ flags.listSeparator = "\\s;,"; }
+ // build a RE for an Email Address List
+ var emailAddressRE = dojox.regexp.emailAddress(flags);
+ var emailAddressListRE = "(" + emailAddressRE + "\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]\\s*)*" +
+ emailAddressRE + "\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]?\\s*";
+ return emailAddressListRE; // String
+dojox.regexp.us.state = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: A regular expression to match US state and territory abbreviations
+ //
+ // flags An object.
+ // flags.allowTerritories Allow Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. Default is true.
+ // flags.allowMilitary Allow military 'states', e.g. Armed Forces Europe (AE). Default is true.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(typeof flags.allowTerritories != "boolean"){ flags.allowTerritories = true; }
+ if(typeof flags.allowMilitary != "boolean"){ flags.allowMilitary = true; }
+ // state RE
+ var statesRE =
+ // territories RE
+ var territoriesRE = "AS|FM|GU|MH|MP|PW|PR|VI";
+ // military states RE
+ var militaryRE = "AA|AE|AP";
+ // Build states and territories RE
+ if(flags.allowTerritories){ statesRE += "|" + territoriesRE; }
+ if(flags.allowMilitary){ statesRE += "|" + militaryRE; }
+ return "(" + statesRE + ")"; // String
+dojox.regexp.ca.postalCode = function(){
+ var postalRE =
+ "[A-Z][0-9][A-Z] [0-9][A-Z][0-9]";
+ return "(" + postalRE + ")";
+dojox.regexp.ca.province = function(){
+ // summary: a regular expression to match Canadian Province Abbreviations
+ var stateRE =
+ return "(" + statesRE + ")";
+dojox.regexp.numberFormat = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Builds a regular expression to match any sort of number based format
+ // description:
+ // Use this method for phone numbers, social security numbers, zip-codes, etc.
+ // The RE can match one format or one of multiple formats.
+ //
+ // Format
+ // # Stands for a digit, 0-9.
+ // ? Stands for an optional digit, 0-9 or nothing.
+ // All other characters must appear literally in the expression.
+ //
+ // Example
+ // "(###) ###-####" -> (510) 542-9742
+ // "(###) ###-#### x#???" -> (510) 542-9742 x153
+ // "###-##-####" -> 506-82-1089 i.e. social security number
+ // "#####-####" -> 98225-1649 i.e. zip code
+ //
+ // flags: An object
+ // flags.format A string or an Array of strings for multiple formats.
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ if(typeof flags.format == "undefined"){ flags.format = "###-###-####"; }
+ // Converts a number format to RE.
+ var digitRE = function(format){
+ // escape all special characters, except '?'
+ format = dojo.regexp.escapeString(format, "?");
+ // Now replace '?' with Regular Expression
+ format = format.replace(/\?/g, "\\d?");
+ // replace # with Regular Expression
+ format = format.replace(/#/g, "\\d");
+ return format; // String
+ };
+ // build RE for multiple number formats
+ return dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.format, digitRE); //String
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/creditcard.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/creditcard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bacb01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/creditcard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.tests.creditcard"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.tests.creditcard"] = true;
+ [{
+ name:"isValidLuhn",
+ runTests: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidLuhn('5105105105105100')); //test string input
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidLuhn('5105-1051 0510-5100')); //test string input with dashes and spaces (commonly used when entering card #'s)
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidLuhn(38520000023237)); //test numerical input as well
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidLuhn(3852000002323)); //testing failures
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidLuhn(18)); //length doesnt matter
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidLuhn(818181)); //short length failure
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isValidCvv",
+ runTests: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv('123','mc')); //string is ok
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCvv('5AA','ec')); //invalid characters are not ok
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(723,'mc')); //numbers are ok too
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(7234,'mc')); //too long
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(612,'ec'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(421,'vi'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(543,'di'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv('1234','ax'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(4321,'ax'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(43215,'ax')); //too long
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCvv(215,'ax')); //too short
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isValidCreditCard",
+ runTests: function(tests) {
+ //misc checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5105105105105100','mc')); //test string input
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5105-1051 0510-5100','mc')); //test string input with dashes and spaces (commonly used when entering card #'s)
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard(5105105105105100,'mc')); //test numerical input as well
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5105105105105100','vi')); //fails, wrong card type
+ //Mastercard/Eurocard checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5105105105105100','mc'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5204105105105100','ec'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5303105105105100','mc'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5402105105105100','ec'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('5501105105105100','mc'));
+ //Visa card checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('4111111111111111','vi'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('4111111111010','vi'));
+ //American Express card checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('378 2822 4631 0005','ax'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('341-1111-1111-1111','ax'));
+ //Diners Club/Carte Blanch card checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('36400000000000','dc'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('38520000023237','bl'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('30009009025904','dc'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('30108009025904','bl'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('30207009025904','dc'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('30306009025904','bl'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('30405009025904','dc'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('30504009025904','bl'));
+ //Discover card checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('6011111111111117','di'));
+ //JCB card checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('3530111333300000','jcb'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('213100000000001','jcb'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('180000000000002','jcb'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('1800000000000002','jcb')); //should fail, good checksum, good prefix, but wrong length'
+ //Enroute card checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('201400000000000','er'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCard('214900000000000','er'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isValidCreditCardNumber",
+ runTests: function(tests) {
+ //misc checks
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5105105105105100','mc')); //test string input
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5105-1051 0510-5100','mc')); //test string input with dashes and spaces (commonly used when entering card #'s)
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber(5105105105105100,'mc')); //test numerical input as well
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5105105105105100','vi')); //fails, wrong card type
+ //Mastercard/Eurocard checks
+ tests.is("mc|ec", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5100000000000000')); //should match 'mc|ec'
+ tests.is("mc|ec", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5200000000000000')); //should match 'mc|ec'
+ tests.is("mc|ec", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5300000000000000')); //should match 'mc|ec'
+ tests.is("mc|ec", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5400000000000000')); //should match 'mc|ec'
+ tests.is("mc|ec", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('5500000000000000')); //should match 'mc|ec'
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('55000000000000000')); //should fail, too long
+ //Visa card checks
+ tests.is("vi", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('4111111111111111')); //should match 'vi'
+ tests.is("vi", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('4111111111010')); //should match 'vi'
+ //American Express card checks
+ tests.is("ax", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('378 2822 4631 0005')); //should match 'ax'
+ tests.is("ax", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('341-1111-1111-1111')); //should match 'ax'
+ //Diners Club/Carte Blanch card checks
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('36400000000000')); //should match 'dc|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('38520000023237')); //should match 'dc|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('30009009025904')); //should match 'di|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('30108009025904')); //should match 'di|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('30207009025904')); //should match 'di|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('30306009025904')); //should match 'di|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('30405009025904')); //should match 'di|bl'
+ tests.is("dc|bl", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('30504009025904')); //should match 'di|bl'
+ //Discover card checks
+ tests.is("di", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('6011111111111117')); //should match 'di'
+ //JCB card checks
+ tests.is("jcb", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('3530111333300000')); //should match 'jcb'
+ tests.is("jcb", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('213100000000001')); //should match 'jcb'
+ tests.is("jcb", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('180000000000002')); //should match 'jcb'
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('1800000000000002')); //should fail, good checksum, good prefix, but wrong length'
+ //Enroute card checks
+ tests.is("er", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('201400000000000')); //should match 'er'
+ tests.is("er", dojox.validate.isValidCreditCardNumber('214900000000000')); //should match 'er'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/module.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/module.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04fe4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/module.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.tests.module"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.tests.module"] = true;
+ dojo.require("dojox.validate.tests.creditcard");
+ dojo.require("dojox.validate.tests.validate");
+ doh.debug(e);
+ console.debug(e);
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/runTests.html b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/runTests.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..390674c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/runTests.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <head>
+ <title>Dijit Unit Test Runner</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=../../../util/doh/runner.html?testModule=dojox.validate.tests.module"></HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ Redirecting to D.O.H runner.
+ </BODY>
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/validate.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/validate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb272f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/tests/validate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.tests.validate"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.tests.validate"] = true;
+ [{
+ name: "isText",
+ runTest: function(tests){
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('0596007590')); //test string input
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('0-596-00759-0')); //test string input with dashes
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn(596007590)); //test numerical input as well
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn("960-425-059-0"));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn(9604250590)); //test numerical input as well
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('0-9752298-0-X')); // test string with X
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('0-9752298-0-x'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('097522980x'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('097522980X'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn(596007598)); //testing failures
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('059-600759-X')); //testing failures
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('059600')); // too short
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('9780596007591'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('978-0-596 00759-1'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn(9780596007591));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('978059600759X'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('978-3250-596 00759-1 '));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isValidIsbn('3250-596 00759 '));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText(' x'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText('x '));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText(' x '));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isText(' '));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isText(''));
+ // test lengths
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText('123456', {length: 6} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isText('1234567', {length: 6} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText('1234567', {minlength: 6} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText('123456', {minlength: 6} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isText('12345', {minlength: 6} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isText('1234567', {maxlength: 6} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isText('123456', {maxlength: 6} ));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isIpAddress",
+ runTest: function(tests){
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress(''));
+ // test dotted hex
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x18.0x11.0x9b.0x28'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x18.0x11.0x9b.0x28', {allowDottedHex: false}) );
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x18.0x000000011.0x9b.0x28'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0xff.0xff.0xff.0xff'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x100.0xff.0xff.0xff'));
+ // test dotted octal
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0030.0021.0233.0050'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0030.0021.0233.0050', {allowDottedOctal: false}) );
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0030.0000021.0233.00000050'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0377.0377.0377.0377'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0400.0377.0377.0377'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0377.0378.0377.0377'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0377.0377.0380.0377'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0377.0377.0377.377'));
+ // test decimal
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('3482223595'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('4294967295'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('4294967296'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('3482223595', {allowDecimal: false}));
+ // test hex
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0xCF8E83EB'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x0'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x00ffffffff'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0x100000000'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0xCF8E83EB', {allowHex: false}));
+ // IPv6
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('fedc:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A', {allowIPv6: false}));
+ // Hybrid of IPv6 and IPv4
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0:0:0:0:0:0:'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isIpAddress('0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:', {allowHybrid: false}));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isUrlTest",
+ runTest: function(tests){
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('www.yahoo.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('https://www.yahoo.com'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://.yahoo.com'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.-yahoo.com'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo-.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://y-a---h-o-o.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.y.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo.museum'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo.co.uk'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.micro$oft.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.y.museum:8080'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl(''));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('', {allowIP: false} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('www.y.museum:8080'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('www.y.museum:8080', {scheme: true} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('localhost:8080', {allowLocal: true} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('localhost:8080', {} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo.com/index.html?a=12&b=hello%20world#anchor'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo.xyz'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://www.yahoo.com/index.html#anchor'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isUrl('http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isEmailAddress",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x@yahoo.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x.y.z.w@yahoo.com'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x..y.z.w@yahoo.com'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x.@yahoo.com'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x@z.com'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x@yahoo.x'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress('x@yahoo.museum'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("o'mally@yahoo.com"));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("'mally@yahoo.com"));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("fred&barney@stonehenge.com"));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("fred&&barney@stonehenge.com"));
+ // local addresses
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("fred&barney@localhost", {allowLocal: true} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("fred&barney@localhost"));
+ // addresses with cruft
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("mailto:fred&barney@stonehenge.com", {allowCruft: true} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("<fred&barney@stonehenge.com>", {allowCruft: true} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("mailto:fred&barney@stonehenge.com"));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("<fred&barney@stonehenge.com>"));
+ // local addresses with cruft
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("<mailto:fred&barney@localhost>", {allowLocal: true, allowCruft: true} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("<mailto:fred&barney@localhost>", {allowCruft: true} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddress("<mailto:fred&barney@localhost>", {allowLocal: true} ));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isEmailsAddressList",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(
+ "x@yahoo.com \n x.y.z.w@yahoo.com ; o'mally@yahoo.com , fred&barney@stonehenge.com \n" )
+ );
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(
+ "x@yahoo.com \n x.y.z.w@localhost \n o'mally@yahoo.com \n fred&barney@localhost",
+ {allowLocal: true} )
+ );
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(
+ "x@yahoo.com; x.y.z.w@localhost; o'mally@yahoo.com; fred&barney@localhost", {listSeparator: ";"} )
+ );
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(
+ "mailto:x@yahoo.com; <x.y.z.w@yahoo.com>; <mailto:o'mally@yahoo.com>; fred&barney@stonehenge.com",
+ {allowCruft: true, listSeparator: ";"} )
+ );
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(
+ "mailto:x@yahoo.com; <x.y.z.w@yahoo.com>; <mailto:o'mally@yahoo.com>; fred&barney@stonehenge.com",
+ {listSeparator: ";"} )
+ );
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(
+ "mailto:x@yahoo.com; <x.y.z.w@localhost>; <mailto:o'mally@localhost>; fred&barney@localhost",
+ {allowLocal: true, allowCruft: true, listSeparator: ";"} )
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "getEmailAddressList",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ var list = "x@yahoo.com \n x.y.z.w@yahoo.com ; o'mally@yahoo.com , fred&barney@stonehenge.com";
+ tests.is(4, dojox.validate.getEmailAddressList(list).length);
+ var localhostList = "x@yahoo.com; x.y.z.w@localhost; o'mally@yahoo.com; fred&barney@localhost";
+ tests.is(0, dojox.validate.getEmailAddressList(localhostList).length);
+ tests.is(4, dojox.validate.getEmailAddressList(localhostList, {allowLocal: true} ).length);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isInRangeInt",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ // test integers
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '0', {min: 1, max: 100} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '1', {min: 1, max: 100} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '-50', {min: 1, max: 100} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '+50', {min: 1, max: 100} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '100', {min: 1, max: 100} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '101', {min: 1, max: 100} ));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isInRangeReal",
+ runTest: function(tests){
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '0.9', {min: 1.0, max: 10.0} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '1.0', {min: 1.0, max: 10.0} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '-5.0', {min: 1.0, max: 10.0} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '+5.50', {min: 1.0, max: 10.0} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '10.0', {min: 1.0, max: 10.0} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '10.1', {min: 1.0, max: 10.0} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '5.566e28', {min: 5.567e28, max: 6.000e28} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange( '5.7e28', {min: 5.567e28, max: 6.000e28} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '6.00000001e28', {min: 5.567e28, max: 6.000e28} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '10.000.000,12345e-5', {decimal: ",", max: 10000000.1e-5} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange( '10.000.000,12345e-5', {decimal: ",", min: 10000000.2e-5} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange('1,500,000', {separator: ',', min: 0}));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('1,500,000', {separator: ',', min: 1000, max: 20000}));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isInRangeCurrency",
+ runTest: function(test){
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('\u20AC123,456,789', {max: 123456788, symbol: '\u20AC'} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('\u20AC123,456,789', { min: 123456790, symbol: '\u20AC'} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('$123,456,789.07', { max: 123456789.06} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('$123,456,789.07', { min: 123456789.08} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('123.456.789,00 \u20AC', {max: 123456788, decimal: ",", symbol: '\u20AC'} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('123.456.789,00 \u20AC', {min: 123456790, decimal: ",", symbol: '\u20AC'} ));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.isInRange('- T123 456 789-00', {decimal: "-", min:0} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange('\u20AC123,456,789', { max: 123456790, symbol: '\u20AC'} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.isInRange('$123,456,789.07', { min: 123456789.06} ));
+ // test non number
+ //tests.f("test25", dojox.validate.isInRange( 'a'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isUsPhoneNumber",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('(111) 111-1111'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('(111) 111 1111'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111 111 1111'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111.111.1111'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111-111-1111'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111/111-1111'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111 111-1111'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111-1111'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('(111)-111-1111'));
+ // test extensions
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111-111-1111 x1'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111-111-1111 x12'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber('111-111-1111 x1234'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "isUsSocialSecurityNumber",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber('123-45-6789'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber('123 45 6789'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber('123456789'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber('123-45 6789'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber('12345 6789'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber('123-456789'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isUsZipCode",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isZipCode('12345-6789'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isZipCode('12345 6789'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isZipCode('123456789'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isZipCode('12345'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isCaZipCode",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.ca.isPostalCode('A1Z 3F3'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.ca.isPostalCode('1AZ 3F3'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.ca.isPostalCode('a1z 3f3'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.ca.isPostalCode('xxxxxx'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.ca.isPostalCode('A1Z3F3'));
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name:"isUsState",
+ runTest: function(tests) {
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isState('CA'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isState('ne'));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isState('PR'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isState('PR', {allowTerritories: false} ));
+ tests.t(dojox.validate.us.isState('AA'));
+ tests.f(dojox.validate.us.isState('AA', {allowMilitary: false} ));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/us.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/us.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..531b96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/us.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.us"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.us"] = true;
+dojox.validate.us.isState = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+ // summary: Validates US state and territory abbreviations.
+ //
+ // value: A two character string
+ // flags: An object
+ // flags.allowTerritories Allow Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. Default is true.
+ // flags.allowMilitary Allow military 'states', e.g. Armed Forces Europe (AE). Default is true.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.us.state(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.us.isPhoneNumber = function(/*String*/value){
+ // summary: Validates 10 US digit phone number for several common formats
+ // value: The telephone number string
+ var flags = {
+ format: [
+ "###-###-####",
+ "(###) ###-####",
+ "(###) ### ####",
+ "###.###.####",
+ "###/###-####",
+ "### ### ####",
+ "###-###-#### x#???",
+ "(###) ###-#### x#???",
+ "(###) ### #### x#???",
+ "###.###.#### x#???",
+ "###/###-#### x#???",
+ "### ### #### x#???",
+ "##########"
+ ]
+ };
+ return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.us.isSocialSecurityNumber = function(/*String*/value){
+ // summary: Validates social security number
+ var flags = {
+ format: [
+ "###-##-####",
+ "### ## ####",
+ "#########"
+ ]
+ };
+ return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.us.isZipCode = function(/*String*/value){
+ // summary: Validates U.S. zip-code
+ var flags = {
+ format: [
+ "#####-####",
+ "##### ####",
+ "#########",
+ "#####"
+ ]
+ };
+ return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/validate/web.js b/includes/js/dojox/validate/web.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d7a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/validate/web.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.web"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.validate.web"] = true;
+dojox.validate.isIpAddress = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags) {
+ // summary: Validates an IP address
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Supports 5 formats for IPv4: dotted decimal, dotted hex, dotted octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
+ // Supports 2 formats for Ipv6.
+ //
+ // value A string.
+ // flags An object. All flags are boolean with default = true.
+ // flags.allowDottedDecimal Example, No zero padding.
+ // flags.allowDottedHex Example, 0x18.0x11.0x9b.0x28. Case insensitive. Zero padding allowed.
+ // flags.allowDottedOctal Example, 0030.0021.0233.0050. Zero padding allowed.
+ // flags.allowDecimal Example, 3482223595. A decimal number between 0-4294967295.
+ // flags.allowHex Example, 0xCF8E83EB. Hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF.
+ // Case insensitive. Zero padding allowed.
+ // flags.allowIPv6 IPv6 address written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits.
+ // flags.allowHybrid IPv6 address written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits
+ // followed by the usual 4 dotted decimal digit notation of IPv4. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.ipAddress(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.isUrl = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags) {
+ // summary: Checks if a string could be a valid URL
+ // value: A string
+ // flags: An object
+ // flags.scheme Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+ // This means: required, not allowed, or either.
+ // flags in regexp.host can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.url(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.isEmailAddress = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags) {
+ // summary: Checks if a string could be a valid email address
+ //
+ // value: A string
+ // flags: An object
+ // flags.allowCruft Allow address like <mailto:foo@yahoo.com>. Default is false.
+ // flags in regexp.host can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.emailAddress(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags) {
+ // summary: Checks if a string could be a valid email address list.
+ //
+ // value A string.
+ // flags An object.
+ // flags.listSeparator The character used to separate email addresses. Default is ";", ",", "\n" or " ".
+ // flags in regexp.emailAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.host can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+ // flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojox.regexp.emailAddressList(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojox.validate.getEmailAddressList = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags) {
+ // summary: Check if value is an email address list. If an empty list
+ // is returned, the value didn't pass the test or it was empty.
+ //
+ // value: A string
+ // flags: An object (same as dojo.validate.isEmailAddressList)
+ if(!flags) { flags = {}; }
+ if(!flags.listSeparator) { flags.listSeparator = "\\s;,"; }
+ if ( dojox.validate.isEmailAddressList(value, flags) ) {
+ return value.split(new RegExp("\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]\\s*")); // Array
+ }
+ return []; // Array