path: root/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dojox/jsonPath
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@151 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/jsonPath')
5 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/README b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da2b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/README
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Version 1.0
+Release date: 11/14/2007
+Project state: beta
+Project authors
+ Dustin Machi
+ Kris Zyp
+Project description
+jsonPath is a query system similar in idea to xpath, but for use against
+javascript objects. This code is a port of the jsonPath code at
+http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/. It was contributed under CLA by Stefan
+Goessner. Thanks Stefan!
+Dojo Core (package loader).
+var matches = dojox.jsonPath.query(objectToQuery, jsonPathExpresson)
+ $ The Root Object
+ @ The current object/element
+ . or [] The child operator
+ .. Recursive descent
+ * all objects
+ [] subscript operator
+ [,] Union operator
+ [start:end:step] array slice operator
+ ?() applies a filter/script expression
+ () script expresions
+ some examples:
+ Given the following test data set:
+ var json =
+ { "store": {
+ "book": [
+ { "category": "reference",
+ "author": "Nigel Rees",
+ "title": "Sayings of the Century",
+ "price": 8.95
+ },
+ { "category": "fiction",
+ "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
+ "title": "Sword of Honour",
+ "price": 12.99
+ },
+ { "category": "fiction",
+ "author": "Herman Melville",
+ "title": "Moby Dick",
+ "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
+ "price": 8.99
+ },
+ { "category": "fiction",
+ "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
+ "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
+ "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
+ "price": 22.99
+ }
+ ],
+ "bicycle": {
+ "color": "red",
+ "price": 19.95
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Here are some example queries and their output:
+ $.store.book[*].author
+ ["Nigel Rees","Evelyn Waugh","Herman Melville","J. R. R. Tolkien"]
+ $..author
+ ["Nigel Rees","Evelyn Waugh","Herman Melville","J. R. R. Tolkien"]
+ $.store.*
+ [[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}],{"color":"red","price":19.95}]
+ $.store..price
+ [8.95,12.99,8.99,22.99,19.95]
+ $..book[(@.length-1)]
+ [{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]
+ $..book[-1]
+ [{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]
+ $..book[0,1]
+ [{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99}]
+ $..book[:2]
+ [{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99}]
+ $..book[?(@.isbn)]
+ [{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]
+ $..book[?(@.price<10)]
+ [{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99}]
+ $..*
+ [{"book":[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}],"bicycle":{"color":"red","price":19.95}},[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}],{"color":"red","price":19.95},{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99},"reference","Nigel Rees","Sayings of the Century",8.95,"fiction","Evelyn Waugh","Sword of Honour",12.99,"fiction","Herman Melville","Moby Dick","0-553-21311-3",8.99,"fiction","J. R. R. Tolkien","The Lord of the Rings","0-395-19395-8",22.99,"red",19.95]
+Installation instructions
+Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:
+Install into the following directory structure:
+...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/query.js b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/query.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e24309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/query.js
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.jsonPath.query"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.jsonPath.query"] = true;
+dojox.jsonPath.query = function(/*Object*/obj, /*String*/expr, /*Object*/arg){
+ // summaRy
+ // Perform jsonPath query `expr` on javascript object or json string `obj`
+ // obj - object || json string to perform query on
+ // expr - jsonPath expression (string) to be evaluated
+ // arg - {}special arugments.
+ // resultType: "VALUE"||"BOTH"||"PATH"} (defaults to value)
+ // evalType: "RESULT"||"ITEM"} (defaults to ?)
+ var re = dojox.jsonPath._regularExpressions;
+ if (!arg){arg={};}
+ var strs = [];
+ function _str(i){ return strs[i];}
+ var acc;
+ if (arg.resultType == "PATH" && arg.evalType == "RESULT") throw Error("RESULT based evaluation not supported with PATH based results");
+ var P = {
+ resultType: arg.resultType || "VALUE",
+ normalize: function(expr){
+ var subx = [];
+ expr = expr.replace(/'([^']|'')*'/g, function(t){return "_str("+(strs.push(eval(t))-1)+")";});
+ var ll = -1;
+ while(ll!=subx.length){
+ ll=subx.length;//TODO: Do expression syntax checking
+ expr = expr.replace(/(\??\([^\(\)]*\))/g, function($0){return "#"+(subx.push($0)-1);});
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace(/[\['](#[0-9]+)[\]']/g,'[$1]')
+ .replace(/'?\.'?|\['?/g, ";")
+ .replace(/;;;|;;/g, ";..;")
+ .replace(/;$|'?\]|'$/g, "");
+ ll = -1;
+ while(ll!=expr){
+ ll=expr;
+ expr = expr.replace(/#([0-9]+)/g, function($0,$1){return subx[$1];});
+ }
+ return expr.split(";");
+ },
+ asPaths: function(paths){
+ for (var j=0;j<paths.length;j++){
+ var p = "$";
+ var x= paths[j];
+ for (var i=1,n=x.length; i<n; i++)
+ p += /^[0-9*]+$/.test(x[i]) ? ("["+x[i]+"]") : ("['"+x[i]+"']");
+ paths[j]=p;
+ }
+ return paths;
+ },
+ exec: function(locs, val, rb){
+ var path = ['$'];
+ var result=rb?val:[val];
+ var paths=[path];
+ function add(v, p,def){
+ if (v && v.hasOwnProperty(p) && P.resultType != "VALUE") paths.push(path.concat([p]));
+ if (def)
+ result = v[p];
+ else if (v && v.hasOwnProperty(p))
+ result.push(v[p]);
+ }
+ function desc(v){
+ result.push(v);
+ paths.push(path);
+ P.walk(v,function(i){
+ if (typeof v[i] ==='object') {
+ var oldPath = path;
+ path = path.concat(i);
+ desc(v[i]);
+ path = oldPath;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function slice(loc, val){
+ if (val instanceof Array){
+ var len=val.length, start=0, end=len, step=1;
+ loc.replace(/^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?(-?[0-9]*)$/g, function($0,$1,$2,$3){start=parseInt($1||start);end=parseInt($2||end);step=parseInt($3||step);});
+ start = (start < 0) ? Math.max(0,start+len) : Math.min(len,start);
+ end = (end < 0) ? Math.max(0,end+len) : Math.min(len,end);
+ for (var i=start; i<end; i+=step)
+ add(val,i);
+ }
+ }
+ function repStr(str){
+ var i=loc.match(/^_str\(([0-9]+)\)$/);
+ return i?strs[i[1]]:str;
+ }
+ function oper(val){
+ if (/^\(.*?\)$/.test(loc)) // [(expr)]
+ add(val, P.eval(loc, val),rb);
+ else if (loc === "*"){
+ P.walk(val, rb && val instanceof Array ? // if it is result based, there is no point to just return the same array
+ function(i){P.walk(val[i],function(j){ add(val[i],j); })} :
+ function(i){ add(val,i); });
+ }
+ else if (loc === "..")
+ desc(val);
+ else if (/,/.test(loc)){ // [name1,name2,...]
+ for (var s=loc.split(/'?,'?/),i=0,n=s.length; i<n; i++)
+ add(val,repStr(s[i]));
+ }
+ else if (/^\?\(.*?\)$/.test(loc)) // [?(expr)]
+ P.walk(val, function(i){ if (P.eval(loc.replace(/^\?\((.*?)\)$/,"$1"),val[i])) add(val,i); });
+ else if (/^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$/.test(loc)) // [start:end:step] python slice syntax
+ slice(loc, val);
+ else {
+ loc=repStr(loc);
+ if (rb && val instanceof Array && !/^[0-9*]+$/.test(loc))
+ P.walk(val, function(i){ add(val[i], loc)});
+ else
+ add(val,loc,rb);
+ }
+ }
+ while (locs.length){
+ var loc = locs.shift();
+ if ((val = result) === null || val===undefined) return val;
+ result = [];
+ var valPaths = paths;
+ paths = [];
+ if (rb)
+ oper(val)
+ else
+ P.walk(val,function(i){path=valPaths[i]||path;oper(val[i])});
+ }
+ if (P.resultType == "BOTH"){
+ paths = P.asPaths(paths);
+ var newResult = [];
+ for (var i =0;i <paths.length;i++)
+ newResult.push({path:paths[i],value:result[i]});
+ return newResult;
+ }
+ return P.resultType == "PATH" ? P.asPaths(paths):result;
+ },
+ walk: function(val, f){
+ if (val instanceof Array){
+ for (var i=0,n=val.length; i<n; i++)
+ if (i in val)
+ f(i);
+ }
+ else if (typeof val === "object"){
+ for (var m in val)
+ if (val.hasOwnProperty(m))
+ f(m);
+ }
+ },
+ eval: function(x, _v){
+ try { return $ && _v && eval(x.replace(/@/g,'_v')); }
+ catch(e){ throw new SyntaxError("jsonPath: " + e.message + ": " + x.replace(/@/g, "_v").replace(/\^/g, "_a")); }
+ }
+ };
+ var $ = obj;
+ if (expr && obj){
+ return P.exec(P.normalize(expr).slice(1), obj, arg.evalType == "RESULT");
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/jsonPath.js b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/jsonPath.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6f2ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/jsonPath.js
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.jsonPath.tests.jsonPath"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.jsonPath.tests.jsonPath"] = true;
+dojox.jsonPath.tests.error = function(t, d, errData){
+ // summary:
+ // The error callback function to be used for all of the tests.
+ d.errback(errData);
+dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData= {
+ store: {
+ "book": [
+ {
+ "category":"reference",
+ "author":"Nigel Rees",
+ "title":"Sayings of the Century",
+ "price":8.95
+ },
+ {
+ "category":"fiction",
+ "author":"Evelyn Waugh",
+ "title":"Sword of Honour",
+ "price":12.99
+ },
+ {
+ "category":"fiction",
+ "author":"Herman Melville",
+ "title":"Moby Dick",
+ "isbn":"0-553-21311-3",
+ "price":8.99
+ },
+ {
+ "category":"fiction",
+ "author":"J. R. R. Tolkien",
+ "title":"The Lord of the Rings",
+ "isbn":"0-395-19395-8",
+ "price":22.99
+ }
+ ],
+ "bicycle": {
+ "color":"red",
+ "price":19.95
+ }
+ },
+ "symbols":{"@.$;":5}
+ [
+ {
+ name: "$.store.book[*].author",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '["Nigel Rees","Evelyn Waugh","Herman Melville","J. R. R. Tolkien"]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..author",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '["Nigel Rees","Evelyn Waugh","Herman Melville","J. R. R. Tolkien"]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$.store.*",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}],{"color":"red","price":19.95}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$.store..price",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[8.95,12.99,8.99,22.99,19.95]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..book[(@.length-1)]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..book[-1:]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..book[0,1]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..book[:2]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..book[?(@.isbn)]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$..book[?(@.price<10)]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$.symbols[*]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[5]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$.symbols['@.$;']",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[5]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "$.symbols[(@[('@.$;')]?'@.$;':'@.$;')]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, this.name));
+ var success = '[5]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "resultType: 'BOTH' test",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, "$..book[*]",{resultType:"BOTH"}));
+ var success = dojo.toJson([{"path": "$['store']['book'][0]", "value": {"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95}}, {"path": "$['store']['book'][1]", "value": {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99}}, {"path": "$['store']['book'][2]", "value": {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99}}, {"path": "$['store']['book'][3]", "value": {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99}}]);
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "evalType: 'RESULT' test $.store.book[?(@.price<15)][1:3]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, "$.store.book[?(@.price<15)][1:3]",{evalType:"RESULT"}));
+ var success = '[{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99}]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "evalType: 'RESULT' test $.store.book[1].category",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, "$.store.book[1].category",{evalType:"RESULT"}));
+ var success = '"fiction"';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "evalType: 'RESULT' test $.store.bicycle",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, "$.store.bicycle",{evalType:"RESULT"}));
+ var success = '{"color":"red","price":19.95}';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "evalType: 'RESULT' test $.store.book[*]",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, "$.store.book[*]",{evalType:"RESULT"}));
+ var success = '["reference","Nigel Rees","Sayings of the Century",8.95,"fiction","Evelyn Waugh","Sword of Honour",12.99,"fiction","Herman Melville","Moby Dick","0-553-21311-3",8.99,"fiction","J. R. R. Tolkien","The Lord of the Rings","0-395-19395-8",22.99]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "evalType: 'RESULT' test $.store.book.category",
+ runTest: function(t) {
+ var result = dojo.toJson(dojox.jsonPath.query(dojox.jsonPath.tests.testData, "$.store.book.category",{evalType:"RESULT"}));
+ var success = '["reference","fiction","fiction","fiction"]';
+ doh.assertEqual(success,result);
+ }
+ },
+ ]
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/module.js b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/module.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a5781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/module.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.jsonPath.tests.module"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojox.jsonPath.tests.module"] = true;
+ dojo.require("dojox.jsonPath.tests.jsonPath");
+ doh.debug(e);
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/runTests.html b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/runTests.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a1167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/jsonPath/tests/runTests.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <head>
+ <title>Dojox Unit Test Runner</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=../../../util/doh/runner.html?testModule=dojox.jsonPath.tests.module"></HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ Redirecting to D.O.H runner.
+ </BODY>