SemanticScuttle 0.87

Copyright (C) 2007 SemanticScuttle project
Available under the GNU General Public License

- Execute the SQL contained in tables.sql to create the necessary database tables. This file was written specifically for MySQL, so may need rewritten if you intend to use a different database system.
- Edit config.inc.php.example and save the changes as a new config.inc.php file in the same directory.
- Set the CHMOD permissions on the /cache/ subdirectory to 777


= Use API =
Scuttle supports most of the del.icio.us API [ http://del.icio.us/doc/api ]. Almost all of the neat tools made for that system can be modified to work with your installation instead. If you find a tool that won't let you change the API address, ask the creator to add this setting. You never know, they might just do it.

Scuttle is available in the folowing languages :

English     en-GB   100% (Default)
Chinese     zh-CN   86%
Danish      dk-DK   100%
Dutch       nl-NL   68%
French      fr-FR   100%
German      de-DE   100%
Hindi       hi-IN   100%
Italian     it-IT   89%
Japanese    ja-JP   100%
Lithuanian  lt-LT   100%
Portuguese  pt-BR   100%
Spanish     es-ES   94%

Translation is managed with gettext <includes/php-gettext>.

To provide additional translations :
- execute of of the scripts in <includes/php-gettext/bin/> ; for example to complete french (France) translation on a GNU/Linux, type
  ./gettexts.sh fr_FR
- then edit the file <locales/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po> with poedit (that will update <locales/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo>)

For further documentation, read http://semanticscuttle.wiki.sourceforge.net/

If you need help, post to http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=759510

Suggestions are welcome on http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=759511

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