path: root/misc/sed
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/sed')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/misc/sed/entities.sed b/misc/sed/entities.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index b2b4929..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/entities.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/misc/sed/justify.sed b/misc/sed/justify.sed
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a2e5af..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/justify.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sed -f
-# justify.sed - aurélio marinho jargas <verde (a) aurelio net>
-# it gets a text already wrapped on the desired number of columns
-# and add extra white spaces, from left to right, word by word,
-# to justify all the lines. there is a maximum of 5 spaces to be
-# inserted between the words. if this limit is reached, the line
-# is not justified (come on, more than 5 is horrible). empty
-# lines are ignored. btw, this comments were justified with this
-# script &:)
-# 20000715 1st release
-# 20000722 code cleaned
-# cleaning extra spaces of the line
-s/ \+/ /g
-s/^ //
-s/ $//
-# we'll only justify lines with less than 65 chars
-# backup of the 'stripped' line
-# spaces -> pattern
-# convert series of spaces to a internal pattern `n
-s/ /`5/g
-s/ /`4/g
-s/ /`3/g
-s/ /`2/g
-s/ /`1/g
-t 1space
-# pattern -> spaces
-# restore the spaces converted to the internal pattern `n
-s/`5/ /g
-s/`4/ /g
-s/`3/ /g
-s/`2/ /g
-s/`1/ /g
-t check
-# check if we've reached our right limit
-# if not, continue adding spaces
-/^.\{65\}/!b s2p
-# here's the "magic":
-# add 1 space to the first and minor internal pattern found.
-# this way, the extra spaces are always added from left to right,
-# always balanced, one by one.
-# right after the substitution, we'll restore the spaces and
-# test if our limit was reached.
-s/`1/`2/ ; t p2s
-s/`2/`3/ ; t p2s
-s/`3/`4/ ; t p2s
-s/`4/`5/ ; t p2s
-# we don't want to justify with more than 5 added spaces between
-# words, so let's restore the original line
diff --git a/misc/sed/mail-iso2txt.sed b/misc/sed/mail-iso2txt.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index d3bf429..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/mail-iso2txt.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sed -f
-# mail-iso2txt.sed - 20000906 <verde (a) aurelio net>
-# convert the email encoded chars =xx to the right hexa char
-# ps.: needs GNU sed >= 3.02.80 because the s//\xnn/ notation
diff --git a/misc/sed/mini-html2latex.sed b/misc/sed/mini-html2latex.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index 03fd2d5..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/mini-html2latex.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-s/<a href=\"/\\link{/g
diff --git a/misc/sed/syndication.sed b/misc/sed/syndication.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6b195..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/syndication.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/misc/sed/twiki-to-tiki.sed b/misc/sed/twiki-to-tiki.sed
deleted file mode 100755
index d0fe2f5..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/twiki-to-tiki.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sed -f
-# twiki-to-tiki.sed: formatting conversion
-# feedback: rhatto@riseup.net
-s/^ \*/\*/
diff --git a/misc/sed/unicode-zoado.sed b/misc/sed/unicode-zoado.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index c372a71..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/unicode-zoado.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/misc/sed/wrap-forced.sed b/misc/sed/wrap-forced.sed
deleted file mode 100755
index e7f2cc9..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/wrap-forced.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sed -f
-# wrap-forced.sed - wrap lines at column n
-# acts like fmt, but ignores the 'word' context,
-# wrapping the line exactly at the specified column
-# pt_BR comments:
-# funciona como o fmt, mas ignora o contexto de 'palavra'
-# quebrando a linha exatamente na coluna especificada
-# c1: na primeira linha do texto...
-# c2: laço para colocar todas as linhas em 1 linha apenas
-# c3: isto é para eliminar espaços em branco repetidos
-# você pode comentá-lo se não quiser alterá-los
-# c4: dica: tire o espaço da 2ª parte do comando s para
-# apagar todos os espaços (parece arte ascii &:) )
-# c5: aqui é quem quebra a linha na coluna especificada
-# mude o 25 para o número que você quiser
-# o gnu-sed >= 3.02.80 é necessário por causa do \n
-# 20000726 <verde (a) aurelio net>
-#c1: at the first line of the text...
- #c2: loop to put all the lines of the text at one single line
- :a
- $!N
- s/\n//
- ta
- #c3:
- # this is to squeeze blanks
- # you can comment it if you want blanks untouched
- #c4:
- # tip: take off the space at replacement part to have a result with
- # NO spaces at all (looks like ascii art &:) )
- s/[[:blank:]]\+/ /g
- #c5:
- # here is the guy who breaks the line at the specified column
- # just change the 25 whatever column you like
- # gnu-sed >= 3.02.80 required because the \n
- s/.\{50\}/&\n/g
diff --git a/misc/sed/yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed b/misc/sed/yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index f7eb8c9..0000000
--- a/misc/sed/yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sed -f
-# yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed by Aurelio Marinho Jargas
-# Erases the Yahoo! Groups e-mail signature ad
-# 20000??? v0.1 First one
-# 20000725 v0.2 Now it has BEGIN/END marks, it's easier!
-# 20000906 v0.3 Marks changed
-# 20001107 v0.3.1 Contrib: Schlemer HTML killer
-# ----- eGroups has changed to Yahoo! Groups -----
-# 20010206 v0.4 Contrib: Morcego's s/egroups/yahoo/s fix
-# 20010716 v0.5 Marks changed again
-# 20030428 v0.6 Policy Terms and Unsubscribe killers included
-# 20030506 v0.6.1 One-char fix on the Policy killer, added SAMPLE DATA
-# Yahoogroups.com puts advertises on every sent message to the free groups.
-# This file is a sed filter to erase it. It handles quoted '> ' ads also.
-# If you do use procmail to filter e-mail messages, use this sed to
-# automaticaly remove the Ads for every message you receive.
-# Save this file on the disk and put at the begin of your ~/.procmailrc:
-# :0 fhw
-# * Delivered-To:.*@yahoogroups.com
-# | sed -f /path/to/yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed
-# If preferred, make this file executable (chmod +x), put it in your PATH and:
-# :0 fhw
-# * Delivered-To:.*@yahoogroups.com
-# | yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed
-# You can use this sample data file to test these rules "by hand",
-# before including them on the procmail file.
-# Save the following fake e-mail message on a 'data.txt' file
-# (remove the leading # chars!) and run:
-# prompt$ sed -f yahoogroups-kill-sig.sed data.txt
-# All the Ads and Yahoo! messages should be removed.
-#From: foo@foo.com
-#To: foo@foo.com
-#Subject: test me
-#Here's the message body.
-#And now, the evil sig.
-#------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->
-#Secure your servers with 128-bit SSL encryption! Grab your copy of
-#VeriSign's FREE Guide "Securing Your Web Site for Business." Get it now!
-#Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
-#To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
-# +----+
-# | Ad |
-# +----+
-# Ad details: * a line w/ 24 hifens, 'Yahoo...Sponsor', 21 hifens and '~-->'
-# * lines with yahoogroups propaganda
-# * a line with 69 hifens, and '~->' at the end
-# Ad Sample:
-# ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->
-# Secure your servers with 128-bit SSL encryption! Grab your copy of
-# VeriSign's FREE Guide "Securing Your Web Site for Business." Get it now!
-# http://www.verisign.com/cgi-bin/go.cgi?a=n094442340008000
-# http://us.click.yahoo.com/6lIgYB/IWxCAA/yigFAA/dkFolB/TM
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------~->
-# Ad Killer:
-/^\(> \)*-\{24\} Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -\{21\}~-->$/,/^\(> \)*-\{69\}~->$/d
-# +--------+
-# | Policy |
-# +--------+
-# You can also remove the Policy Terms message.
-# Policy Details: A one line message, sometimes broken into two,
-# which appears at the very end of the message.
-# Policy Sample:
-# Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
-# Policy Killer:
-/^\(> \)*Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to *$/N
-/^\(> \)*Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to/d
-# +-------------+
-# | Unsubscribe |
-# +-------------+
-# This one is to remove the *default* unsubscribe footer.
-# Unsubscribe Details: A one line message, sometimes broken into two,
-# which appears before the Ads.
-# Unsubscribe Sample:
-# To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
-# foo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
-# Unsubscribe Killer:
-/^\(> \)*To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: *$/N
-/^\(> \)*To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:/d
-# +---------+
-# | Ad HTML |
-# +---------+
-# For those who receive the Yahoo! messages in HTML (argh!), you may use
-# this one also, because the HTML signature is way different.
-# Ad Details: * an HTML comment with bar-star-star-bar,text,bar-star-star-bar
-# * lines with egroups propaganda
-# * an HTML comment with bar-star-star-bar,text,bar-star-star-bar
-# Ad Sample:
-# <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->
-# <hr>
-# <!-- |@|begin eGroups banner|@| runid: 8193 crid: 4101 -->
-# <a target=3D"_blank"
-# href=3D"http://click.egroups.com/1/8193/8/_/134812/_/9=
-# 66089206/"><center>
-# <img width=3D"468" height=3D"60"
-# border=3D"0"
-# alt=3D""
-# src=3D"http://adimg.egroups.com/img/8193/8/_/134812/_/966089206/468x60_ma=
-# ze12k.gif"></center><center><font color=3D"black"></font></center></a>
-# <!-- |@|end eGroups banner|@| -->
-# <hr>
-# <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| -->
-# Ad Killer:
-#/^\(> \)*<!-- |\*\*|begin egp html banner|\*\*| -->$/,/^\(> \)*<!-- |\*\*|end egp html banner|\*\*| -->$/d
-# +-------------+
-# +-------------+
-# +---------+
-# | Ad v0.4 |
-# +---------+
-# Ad details: * a line w/ 24 hifens, 'Yahoo!...Sponsor', 21 hifens and '~-~>'
-# * lines with yahoogroups propaganda
-# * a line with 69 hifens, and '_->' at the end
-# Ad Sample:
-# ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-~>
-# eGroups is now Yahoo! Groups
-# Click here for more details
-# http://click.egroups.com/1/11231/1/_/161736/_/980877852/
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------_->
-# Ad Killer:
-#/^\(> \)*-\{24\} Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -\{21\}~-~>$/,/^\(> \)*-\{69\}_->$/d'
-# +---------+
-# | Ad v0.3 |
-# +---------+
-# Ad details: * a line w/ 26 hifens, 'eGroups Sponsor', 25 hifens and '~-~>'
-# * lines with egroups propaganda
-# * a line with 69 hifens, and '_->' at the end
-# Ad Sample:
-# -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor -------------------------~-~>
-# GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds! Get rates
-# of 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Ongoing APR* and no annual fee!
-# Apply NOW!
-# http://click.egroups.com/1/7872/14/_/_/_/967638075/
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------_->
-# Ad Killer:
-#/^\(> \)*-\{26\} eGroups Sponsor -\{25\}~-~>$/,/^\(> \)*-\{69\}_->$/d
-# +---------+
-# | Ad v0.2 |
-# +---------+
-# Ad details: * a line with 68 hifens, an '<e|' and another hifen
-# * lines with egroups propaganda
-# * a line with 68 hifens, an '|e>' and another hifen
-# Ad Sample:
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------<e|-
-# Huge Shoe Selection at Zappos.com
-# (small sizes also available)
-# http://click.egroups.com/1/7062/5/_/193628/_/964577029/
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------|e>-
-# Ad Killer:
-#/^\(> \)*-\{68\}<e|-$/,/^\(> \)*-\{68\}|e>-$/d
-# +---------+
-# | Ad v0.1 |
-# +---------+
-# Ad Details: * a line with exactly 72 hifens before and after
-# * any number of lines between
-# * a line with 'http://click.egroups.com'
-# Ad Sample:
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $60 in FREE Long Distance! Click Here to join beMANY! today.
-# http://click.egroups.com/1/4126/10/_/_/_/958599956/
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Ad Killer:
-#/^\(> \)*-\{72\}$/{N;:l;/-\{72\}$/bs;N;bl;:s;s%^.*\n\(> \)*http://click\.egroups\.com.*%%;}