path: root/misc/email/eml2mbox/eml2mbox.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/email/eml2mbox/eml2mbox.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/misc/email/eml2mbox/eml2mbox.rb b/misc/email/eml2mbox/eml2mbox.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 1fc7bca..0000000
--- a/misc/email/eml2mbox/eml2mbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# eml2mbox.rb v0.08 #
-# Last updated: Jan 23, 2004 #
-# #
-# Converts a bunch of eml files into one mbox file. #
-# #
-# Usage: [ruby] eml2mbx.rb [-c] [-l] [-s] [-yz] [emlpath [trgtmbx]] #
-# Switches: #
-# -c Remove CRs (^M) appearing at end of lines (Unix) #
-# -l Remove LFs appearing at beggining of lines (old Mac) - not tested #
-# -s Don't use standard mbox postmark formatting (for From_ line) #
-# This will force the use of original From and Date found in mail headers. #
-# Not recommended, unless you really have problems importing emls. #
-# -yz Use this to force the order of the year and timezone in date in the From_ #
-# line from the default [timezone][year] to [year][timezone]. #
-# emlpath - Path of dir with eml files. Defaults to the current dir if not specified #
-# trgtmbx - Name of the target mbox file. Defaults to "archive.mbox" in 'emlpath' #
-# #
-# Ruby homepage: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ #
-# Unix mailbox format: http://www.broobles.com/eml2mbox/mbox.html #
-# This script : http://www.broobles.com/eml2mbox #
-# #
-# Licence: #
-# #
-# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of #
-# the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; #
-# either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #
-# #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this #
-# script; if not, please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more information. #
-require "parsedate"
-include ParseDate
-# Class that encapsulates the processing file in memory #
-class FileInMemory
- ZoneOffset = {
- # Standard zones by RFC 2822
- 'UTC' => '0000',
- 'UT' => '0000', 'GMT' => '0000',
- 'EST' => '-0500', 'EDT' => '-0400',
- 'CST' => '-0600', 'CDT' => '-0500',
- 'MST' => '-0700', 'MDT' => '-0600',
- 'PST' => '-0800', 'PDT' => '-0700',
- }
- def initialize()
- @lines = Array.new
- @counter = 1 # keep the 0 position for the From_ line
- @from = nil # from part of the From_ line
- @date = nil # date part of the From_ line
- end
- def addLine(line)
- # If the line is a 'false' From line, add a '>' to its beggining
- line = line.sub(/From/, '>From') if line =~ /^From/ and @from!=nil
- # If the line is the first valid From line, save it (without the line break)
- if line =~ /^From:\s.*@/ and @from==nil
- @from = line.sub(/From:/,'From')
- @from = @from.chop # Remove line break(s)
- @from = standardizeFrom(@from) unless $switches["noStandardFromLine"]
- end
- # Get the date
- if $switches["noStandardFromLine"]
- # Don't parse the content of the Date header
- @date = line.sub(/Date:\s/,'') if line =~ /^Date:\s/ and @date==nil
- else
- if line =~ /^Date:\s/ and @date==nil
- # Parse content of the Date header and convert to the mbox standard for the From_ line
- @date = line.sub(/Date:\s/,'')
- year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone, wday = parsedate(@date)
- # Need to convert the timezone from a string to a 4 digit offset
- unless timezone =~ /[+|-]\d*/
- timezone=ZoneOffset[timezone]
- end
- time = Time.gm(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
- @date = formMboxDate(time,timezone)
- end
- end
- # Now add the line to the array
- line = fixLineEndings(line)
- @lines[@counter]=line
- @counter+=1
- end
- # Forms the first line (from + date) and returns all the lines
- # Returns all the lines in the file
- def getProcessedLines()
- if @from != nil
- # Add from and date to the first line
- if @date==nil
- puts "WARN: Failed to extract date. Will use current time in the From_ line"
- @date=formMboxDate(Time.now,nil)
- end
- @lines[0] = @from + " " + @date
- @lines[0] = fixLineEndings(@lines[0])
- @lines[@counter] = ""
- return @lines
- end
- # else don't return anything
- end
- # Fixes CR/LFs
- def fixLineEndings(line)
- line = removeCR(line) if $switches["removeCRs"];
- line = removeLF(line) if $switches["removeLFs"];
- return line
- end
- # emls usually have CR+LF (DOS) line endings, Unix uses LF as a line break,
- # so there's a hanging CR at the end of the line when viewed on Unix.
- # This method will remove the next to the last character from a line
- def removeCR(line)
- line = line[0..-3]+line[-1..-1] if line[-2]==0xD
- return line
- end
- # Similar to the above. This one is for Macs that use CR as a line break.
- # So, remove the last char
- def removeLF(line)
- line = line[0..-2] if line[-1]==0xA
- return line
- end
-# Helper methods #
-# Converts: 'From "some one <aa@aa.aa>" <aa@aa.aa>' -> 'From aa@aa.aa'
-def standardizeFrom(fromLine)
- # Get indexes of last "<" and ">" in line
- openIndex = fromLine.rindex('<')
- closeIndex = fromLine.rindex('>')
- if openIndex!=nil and closeIndex!=nil
- fromLine = fromLine[0..4]+fromLine[openIndex+1..closeIndex-1]
- end
- # else leave as it is - it is either already well formed or is invalid
- return fromLine
-# Returns a mbox postmark formatted date.
-# If timezone is unknown, it is skipped.
-# mbox date format used is described here:
-# http://www.broobles.com/eml2mbox/mbox.html
-def formMboxDate(time,timezone)
- if timezone==nil
- return time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
- else
- if $switches["zoneYearOrder"]
- return time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S "+timezone.to_s+" %Y")
- else
- return time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y "+timezone.to_s)
- end
- end
-# Extracts all switches from the command line and returns
-# a hashmap with valid switch names as keys and booleans as values
-# Moves real params to the beggining of the ARGV array
-def extractSwitches()
- switches = Hash.new(false) # All switches (values) default to false
- i=0
- while (ARGV[i]=~ /^-/) # while arguments are switches
- if ARGV[i]=="-c"
- switches["removeCRs"] = true
- puts "\nWill fix lines ending with a CR"
- elsif ARGV[i]=="-l"
- switches["removeLFs"] = true
- puts "\nWill fix lines beggining with a LF"
- elsif ARGV[i]=="-s"
- switches["noStandardFromLine"] = true
- puts "\nWill use From and Date from mail headers in From_ line"
- elsif ARGV[i]=="-yz"
- switches["zoneYearOrder"] = true
- puts "\nTimezone will be placed before the year in From_ line"
- else
- puts "\nUnknown switch: "+ARGV[i]+". Ignoring."
- end
- i = i+1
- end
- # Move real arguments to the beggining of the array
- ARGV[0] = ARGV[i]
- ARGV[1] = ARGV[i+1]
- return switches
-# Main #
- $switches = extractSwitches()
- # Extract specified directory with emls and the target archive (if any)
- emlDir = "." # default if not specified
- emlDir = ARGV[0] if ARGV[0]!=nil
- mboxArchive = emlDir+"/archive.mbox" # default if not specified
- mboxArchive = ARGV[1] if ARGV[1] != nil
- # Show specified settings
- puts "\nSpecified dir : "+emlDir
- puts "Specified file: "+mboxArchive+"\n"
- # Check that the dir exists
- if FileTest.directory?(emlDir)
- Dir.chdir(emlDir)
- else
- puts "\n["+emlDir+"] is not a directory (might not exist). Please specify a valid dir"
- exit(0)
- end
- # Check if destination file exists. If yes allow user to select an option.
- canceled = false
- if FileTest.exist?(mboxArchive)
- print "\nFile ["+mboxArchive+"] exists! Please select: [A]ppend [O]verwrite [C]ancel (default) "
- sel = STDIN.gets.chomp
- if sel == 'A' or sel == 'a'
- aFile = File.new(mboxArchive, "a");
- elsif sel == 'O' or sel == 'o'
- aFile = File.new(mboxArchive, "w");
- else
- canceled = true
- end
- else
- # File doesn't exist, open for writing
- aFile = File.new(mboxArchive, "w");
- end
- if not canceled
- puts
- files = Dir["*.eml"]
- if files.size == 0
- puts "No *.eml files in this directory. mbox file not created."
- aFile.close
- File.delete(mboxArchive)
- exit(0)
- end
- # For each .eml file in the specified directory do the following
- files.each() do |x|
- puts "Processing file: "+x
- thisFile = FileInMemory.new()
- File.open(x).each {|item| thisFile.addLine(item) }
- lines = thisFile.getProcessedLines
- if lines == nil
- puts "WARN: File ["+x+"] doesn't seem to have a regular From: line. Not included in mbox"
- else
- lines.each {|line| aFile.puts line}
- end
- end
- aFile.close
- end