path: root/templater
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2017-10-26 12:48:42 -0200
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2017-10-26 12:48:42 -0200
commit96cc6fc7d34daf8c2d4c3dbf757f27d6cc8c69c5 (patch)
tree6db0259e738a0447b07ef6c8f38e3a58f96d0de5 /templater
parentaae84cd0073d96ee5da4d936845567c1c9545322 (diff)
Moves templater script to its own project
Diffstat (limited to 'templater')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 257 deletions
diff --git a/templater b/templater
deleted file mode 100755
index dc786f1..0000000
--- a/templater
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# Setup a new code project.
-# Parameters
-BASENAME="`basename $0`"
-# Initialize project
-function __templater_init {
- if [ ! -d "$PROJECT" ]; then
- echo "Initializing $PROJECT..."
- mkdir -p $PROJECT
- fi
-# Read a parameter from user
-function __templater_ask {
- local input
- local function="$1"
- local default="n"
- shift 2
- read -rep "Setup $function? (defaults to $default): " input
- if [ "$input" == "y" ]; then
- templater_$function
- fi
-# Return list of implementations
-function __templater_implementations {
- # Do not sort this list: the order in which functions are present in the code is important
- grep "^function templater_" $PROGRAM | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's/templater_//'
-# Checkout to develop branch if available
-function __templater_checkout_develop {
- (
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- if git branch --list develop | grep -q develop; then
- git checkout develop
- fi
- )
-# Git implementation
-function templater_git {
- if [ ! -d "$PROJECT/.git" ]; then
- (
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- touch .gitignore
- echo "$PROJECT" > README.md
- echo "=========`echo $PROJECT | sed -e 's|.|=|g'`" >> README.md
- echo "" >> README.md
- echo "This is the $PROJECT repository." >> README.md
- echo "TODO" > TODO.md
- echo "====" >> TODO.md
- echo "" >> TODO.md
- echo "* Nothing here? :P" >> TODO.md
- git init
- git add .
- #git commit -m "Initial import"
- )
- fi
-# Git hooks implementation
-function templater_githooks {
- if [ ! -d "$PROJECT/.git" ]; then
- (
- if which git-hooks &> /dev/null; then
- echo ""
- echo "Installing hooks..."
- git hooks --install
- fi
- )
- fi
-# Setup git-flow implementation
-function templater_gitflow {
- if ! grep -q '^\[gitflow' $PROJECT/.git/config; then
- (
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- if ! git branch --list develop | grep -q develop; then
- git branch develop
- if [ -e "/usr/lib/git-core/git-flow" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Setting up git-flow..."
- git flow init -d
- fi
- fi
- )
- fi
-# Vagrant implementation
-function templater_vagrant {
- if [ ! -e "$PROJECT/Vagrantfile" ]; then
- (
- echo ""
- echo "Setting up vagrant implementation..."
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- #__templater_checkout_develop
- vagrant init
- echo '.vagrant' >> .gitignore
- git commit -a -m "Adds vagrant support"
- )
- fi
-# KVMX implementation
-function templater_kvmx {
- if [ ! -e "$PROJECT/kvmxfile" ]; then
- (
- echo ""
- echo "Setting up vagrant implementation..."
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- kvmx init
- git commit -a -m "Adds kvmx support"
- )
- fi
-# Puppet implementation
-function templater_puppet {
- if [ ! -d "$PROJECT/puppet" ]; then
- (
- echo ""
- echo "Setting up puppet implementation..."
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- # Use the best approach
- #git clone $BOOSTRAP $PROJECT/puppet
- #git submodule add $BOOSTRAP puppet
- git remote add puppet $BOOTSTRAP
- git subtree add --prefix puppet $BOOTSTRAP master --squash
- )
- fi
-# Ikiwiki implementation
-function templater_ikiwiki {
- (
- if [ ! -d "$HOME/file/templates" ]; then
- echo "Please clone $TEMPLATES into $HOME/file/templates"
- else
- echo ""
- echo "Setting up ikiwiki implementation..."
- cd $PROJECT &> /dev/null
- #__templater_checkout_develop
- if [ ! -e ".gitignore" ]; then
- cp $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/.gitignore .
- elif ! grep -q -f $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/.gitignore .gitignore; then
- cat $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/.gitignore >> .gitignore
- fi
- if [ ! -e "index.mdwn" ]; then
- cp $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/index.mdwn .
- fi
- if [ ! -e "ikiwiki.setup" ]; then
- cp $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/ikiwiki.setup .
- fi
- if [ ! -e "Makefile" ]; then
- cp $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/Makefile .
- elif ! grep -q ^wiki: Makefile; then
- grep -v '^#' $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/Makefile >> Makefile
- fi
- if [ ! -d "templates" ]; then
- cp -r $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/templates .
- fi
- if [ ! -d "bootstrap" ]; then
- cp -r $HOME/file/templates/ikiwiki/bootstrap .
- fi
- git add .
- git commit -a -m "Static site generation support using ikiwiki"
- fi
- )
-# Sphinx implementation
-function templater_sphinx {
- echo "TODO: sphinx"
- true
-# Pelican implementation
-function templater_pelican {
- echo "TODO: pelican"
- true
-# Hugo implementation
-function templater_hugo {
- echo "TODO: hugo"
- true
-# Jekyll implementation
-function templater_jekyll {
- echo "TODO: jekyll"
- true
-# Syntax check
-if [ -z "$PROJECT" ]; then
- echo "$BASENAME: create a new project folder and/or setup helper utilities"
- echo ""
- echo "usage: $BASENAME <path> [<module1> ... <moduleN>]"
- echo ""
- echo "examples":
- echo ""
- echo -e "\t templater myproject git ikiwiki # adds git and ikiwiki config into myproject"
- echo -e "\t templater . pelican # add pelican config into the current folder"
- echo ""
- echo "available modules:"
- echo ""
- __templater_implementations | xargs -L 6 | column -t -c 6 | sed -e 's/^/\t/'
- echo ""
- exit 1
-# Initialize
-# Setup modules
-if [ -z "$MODULES" ]; then
- for project in `__templater_implementations`; do
- __templater_ask $project
- done
- for module in $MODULES; do
- templater_$module
- done
-# Teardown
-echo "Done processing the project :)"