diff options
5 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remind.dot/cookbook.link/feriados.rem b/remind.dot/cookbook.link/feriados.rem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9da482f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remind.dot/cookbook.link/feriados.rem
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#SET shade 94
+#REM Sat Sun PS [psshade(98)]
+# feriados fixos nacionais
+REM OMIT 1 Jan +4 MSG %"Primeiro do ano %" %b
+#REM 1 Jan PS [psshade(shade)]
+REM OMIT 25 Dec +4 MSG %"Natal %" %b
+#REM 25 Dec PS [psshade(shade)]
+REM OMIT 7 Sep +7 MSG %"Independencia do Brasil %" %b
+#REM 7 Sep PS [psshade(shade)]
+REM OMIT 1 May +6 MSG %"Dia do Trabalhador e da Trabalhadora %" %v
+#REM 1 May PS [psshade(shade)]
+REM OMIT 2 Nov +6 MSG %"Dia de Finados %" %v
+#REM 2 Nov PS [psshade(shade)]
+REM OMIT 15 Nov +6 MSG %"Proclamacao da Republica.%" %b
+#REM 15 Nov PS [psshade(shade)]
+#REM OMIT 12 Oct +6 MSG %"Nossa Sra Aparecida/ Dia da Crianca %" %b
+#REM 12 Oct PS [psshade(shade)]
+REM OMIT 21 Apr +6 MSG %"Tiradentes %" %v
+#REM 21 Apr PS [psshade(shade)]
+# feriado provavel
+#REM 28 Oct +6 MSG %"Dia do Funcionario Publico %" %v
+#REM 2 Nov PS [psshade(shade)]
+# feriados fixos regionais (adapte ao seu estado e cidade)
+#REM 23 Mar +4 MSG %"Dia de Santa Catarina%" %v
+#REM 23 Mar PS [psshade(shade)]
+##REM OMIT 8 Sep +6 MSG %"Aniversario de Curitiba %" %v
+#REM 8 Sep PS [psshade(shade)]
+#REM OMIT 23 Mar +6 MSG %"Aniversario de Florianopolis, %_ [since(1726)] anos%" : %v
+#REM 23 Mar PS [psshade(shade)]
+#REM 19 Mar +6 MSG %"Aniversario de Sao Jose %" %v
+REM 25 Jan +6 MSG %"Aniversario de Sao Paulo%" %v
+# feriados variaveis todos os anos
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()))] MSG Pascoa
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()))] PS [psshade(shade)]
+OMIT [trigger(easterdate(today()) -2)]
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()) -2)] MSG Paixao
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()) -2)] PS [psshade(shade)]
+OMIT [trigger(easterdate(today()) -47)]
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()) -47)] MSG Carnaval
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()) -47)] PS [psshade(shade)]
+OMIT [trigger(easterdate(today()) -48)]
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()) -48)] MSG segunda de Carnaval
+REM [trigger(easterdate(today()))] -48 PS [psshade(shade)]
+OMIT [trigger(60 + easterdate(today() - 60))] MSG Corpus Christie
diff --git a/remind.dot/cookbook.link/functions.rem b/remind.dot/cookbook.link/functions.rem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3292d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remind.dot/cookbook.link/functions.rem
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+FSET double(x) 2*x
+FSET yeardiff(date1, date2) year(date1) - year(date2)
+FSET since(x) ord(year(trigdate())-x)
diff --git a/remind.dot/cookbook.link/seasons.rem b/remind.dot/cookbook.link/seasons.rem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fda2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remind.dot/cookbook.link/seasons.rem
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# http://lists.whatexit.org/mailman/private/remind-fans/2006/000576.html
+# ~mark/.remind/seasons
+# Data from http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/EarthSeasons.html
+# Year 1990 and 1991 are from an old set of data. At present (2006-01-25),
+# the USNO page shows 1992 - 2020.
+# Times of Perihelion and Aphelion are approximate to the hour.
+# Why not tag the Vernal Equinox and Autumnal Equinox?
+# Because that naming is specific to the Northern Hemisphere.
+# Reversed for the Southern Hemisphere
+# Likewise for Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice.
+# Using [trigger(date(y,m,d),time(h,m),1)] form because values are in UTC
+# and are independent of timezone.
+REM [trigger(date(1990, 1, 4), time(17,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1990, 3,20), time(21,19), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1990, 6,21), time(15,33), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1990, 7, 4), time(05,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1990, 9,23), time(06,55), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1990,12,22), time(03,07), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1991, 1, 3), time(03,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1991, 3,21), time(03,02), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1991, 6,21), time(21,19), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1991, 7, 6), time(15,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1991, 9,23), time(12,48), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1991,12,22), time(08,54), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1992, 1, 3), time(15,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1992, 3,20), time( 8,48), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1992, 6,21), time( 3,14), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1992, 7, 3), time(12,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1992, 9,22), time(18,43), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1992,12,21), time(14,43), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1993, 1, 4), time( 3,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1993, 3,20), time(14,41), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1993, 6,21), time( 9,00), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1993, 7, 4), time(22,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1993, 9,23), time( 0,22), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1993,12,21), time(20,26), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1994, 1, 2), time( 6,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1994, 3,20), time(20,28), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1994, 6,21), time(14,48), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1994, 7, 5), time(19,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1994, 9,23), time( 6,19), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1994,12,22), time( 2,23), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1995, 1, 4), time(11,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1995, 3,21), time( 2,14), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1995, 6,21), time(20,34), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1995, 7, 4), time( 2,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1995, 9,23), time(12,13), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1995,12,22), time( 8,17), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1996, 1, 4), time( 7,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1996, 3,20), time( 8,03), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1996, 6,21), time( 2,24), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1996, 7, 5), time(18,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1996, 9,22), time(18,00), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1996,12,21), time(14,06), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1997, 1, 2), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1997, 3,20), time(13,55), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1997, 6,21), time( 8,20), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1997, 7, 4), time(19,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1997, 9,22), time(23,56), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1997,12,21), time(20,07), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1998, 1, 4), time(21,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1998, 3,20), time(19,55), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1998, 6,21), time(14,03), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1998, 7, 4), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1998, 9,23), time( 5,37), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1998,12,22), time( 1,56), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1999, 1, 3), time(13,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(1999, 3,21), time( 1,46), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1999, 6,21), time(19,49), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(1999, 7, 6), time(22,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(1999, 9,23), time(11,31), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(1999,12,22), time( 7,44), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2000, 1, 3), time( 5,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2000, 3,20), time( 7,35), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2000, 6,21), time( 1,48), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2000, 7, 4), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2000, 9,22), time(17,27), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2000,12,21), time(13,37), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2001, 1, 4), time( 9,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2001, 3,20), time(13,31), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2001, 6,21), time( 7,38), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2001, 7, 4), time(14,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2001, 9,22), time(23,04), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2001,12,21), time(19,21), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2002, 1, 2), time(14,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2002, 3,20), time(19,16), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2002, 6,21), time(13,24), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2002, 7, 6), time( 4,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2002, 9,23), time( 4,55), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2002,12,22), time( 1,14), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2003, 1, 4), time( 5,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2003, 3,21), time( 1,00), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2003, 6,21), time(19,10), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2003, 7, 4), time( 6,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2003, 9,23), time(10,47), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2003,12,22), time( 7,04), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2004, 1, 4), time(18,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2004, 3,20), time( 6,49), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2004, 6,21), time( 0,57), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2004, 7, 5), time(11,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2004, 9,22), time(16,30), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2004,12,21), time(12,42), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2005, 1, 2), time( 1,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2005, 3,20), time(12,33), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2005, 6,21), time( 6,46), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2005, 7, 5), time( 5,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2005, 9,22), time(22,23), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2005,12,21), time(18,35), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2006, 1, 4), time(15,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2006, 3,20), time(18,26), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2006, 6,21), time(12,26), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2006, 7, 3), time(23,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2006, 9,23), time( 4,03), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2006,12,22), time( 0,22), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2007, 1, 3), time(20,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2007, 3,21), time( 0,07), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2007, 6,21), time(18,06), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2007, 7, 7), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2007, 9,23), time( 9,51), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2007,12,22), time( 6,08), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2008, 1, 3), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2008, 3,20), time( 5,48), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2008, 6,20), time(23,59), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2008, 7, 4), time( 8,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2008, 9,22), time(15,44), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2008,12,21), time(12,04), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2009, 1, 4), time(15,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2009, 3,20), time(11,44), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2009, 6,21), time( 5,45), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2009, 7, 4), time( 2,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2009, 9,22), time(21,18), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2009,12,21), time(17,47), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2010, 1, 3), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2010, 3,20), time(17,32), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2010, 6,21), time(11,28), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2010, 7, 6), time(11,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2010, 9,23), time( 3,09), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2010,12,21), time(23,38), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2011, 1, 3), time(19,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2011, 3,20), time(23,21), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2011, 6,21), time(17,16), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2011, 7, 4), time(15,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2011, 9,23), time( 9,04), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2011,12,22), time( 5,30), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2012, 1, 5), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2012, 3,20), time( 5,14), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2012, 6,20), time(23,09), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2012, 7, 5), time( 3,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2012, 9,22), time(14,49), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2012,12,21), time(11,11), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2013, 1, 2), time( 5,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2013, 3,20), time(11,02), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2013, 6,21), time( 5,04), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2013, 7, 5), time(15,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2013, 9,22), time(20,44), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2013,12,21), time(17,11), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2014, 1, 4), time(12,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2014, 3,20), time(16,57), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2014, 6,21), time(10,51), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2014, 7, 4), time( 0,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2014, 9,23), time( 2,29), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2014,12,21), time(23,03), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2015, 1, 4), time( 7,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2015, 3,20), time(22,45), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2015, 6,21), time(16,38), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2015, 7, 6), time(19,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2015, 9,23), time( 8,20), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2015,12,22), time( 4,48), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2016, 1, 2), time(23,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2016, 3,20), time( 4,30), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2016, 6,20), time(22,34), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2016, 7, 4), time(16,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2016, 9,22), time(14,21), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2016,12,21), time(10,44), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2017, 1, 4), time(14,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2017, 3,20), time(10,28), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2017, 6,21), time( 4,24), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2017, 7, 3), time(20,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2017, 9,22), time(20,02), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2017,12,21), time(16,28), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2018, 1, 3), time( 6,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2018, 3,20), time(16,15), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2018, 6,21), time(10,07), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2018, 7, 6), time(17,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2018, 9,23), time( 1,54), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2018,12,21), time(22,22), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2019, 1, 3), time( 5,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2019, 3,20), time(21,58), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2019, 6,21), time(15,54), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2019, 7, 4), time(22,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2019, 9,23), time( 7,50), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2019,12,22), time( 4,19), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2020, 1, 5), time( 8,00), 1)] MSG Perihelion
+REM [trigger(date(2020, 3,20), time( 3,49), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2020, 6,20), time(21,43), 1)] MSG Solstice
+REM [trigger(date(2020, 7, 4), time(12,00), 1)] MSG Aphelion
+REM [trigger(date(2020, 9,22), time(13,30), 1)] MSG Equinox
+REM [trigger(date(2020,12,21), time(10,02), 1)] MSG Solstice
diff --git a/reminders.dot.sample b/reminders.dot.sample
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4950fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reminders.dot.sample
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Using Remind
+# ============
+# Needed packages for ical2rem.pl
+# -------------------------------
+# perl-class-accessor
+# perl-class-accessor-chained
+# perl-datetime
+# perl-datetime-event-ical
+# perl-datetime-event-recurrence
+# perl-datetime-format-ical
+# perl-datetime-locale
+# perl-datetime-span
+# perl-datetime-timezone
+# perl-ical-parser
+# perl-io-string
+# perl-list-moreutils
+# perl-params-validate
+# perl-set-infinite
+# perl-vfile-asdata
+# perl-class-singleton
+# Conversion procedure
+# --------------------
+# 0. Use patched ical2rem.pl from http://tim.stoakes.net/remind
+# 1. Set timezone to UTC or somewhere.
+# 2. Run conversion script:
+# for file in `ls`; do
+# ical2rem.pl --label `basename $file .ics` < $file > \
+# `basename $file .ics | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:']`.rem;
+# done
+# 3. Fix timezone info and configuration. Examples:
+# for file in `ls *.rem`; do sed -i 's|Europe/Amsterdam|America/Sao_Paulo|g' $file; done
+# for file in `ls *.rem`; do sed -i 's|UTC|America/Sao_Paulo|g' $file; done
+# 4. Fix charset:
+# for file in `ls *.rem`; do
+# iconv -c --from-code=UTF-8 --to-code=ISO-8859-1 $file > $file.new;
+# mv $file.new $file;
+# done
+# Useful links
+# ------------
+# http://tim.stoakes.net/remind/
+# http://pbrisbin.com:8080/bin/ical2rem.pl
+# http://github.com/FND/misc/blob/master/ical2rem.pl
+# http://www.offensivethinking.org/projects/ical2rem/
+# http://github.com/courts/ical2rem.rb
+# http://jalcorn.net/weblog/archives/899-iCal-to-Remind-script.html
+# http://writequit.org/blog/?cat=487
+# From Remind Cookbook
+# http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/Remind_Cookbook
+INCLUDE .remind/cookbook/
+# Custom calendars
+#INCLUDE .remind/index.rem
+# Calendar data imported from Sunbird
+#INCLUDE .remind/sunbird
diff --git a/wyrdrc.dot.link b/wyrdrc.dot.link
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..721d51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wyrdrc.dot.link
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Wyrd run-configuration file
+# command for the Remind executable
+set remind_command="remind"
+# the default reminder file to display
+set reminders_file="$HOME/.reminders"
+# command for editing an old appointment, given a line number %line% and filename %file%
+set edit_old_command="${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} +%line% %file%"
+# command for editing a new appointment, given a filename %file%
+set edit_new_command="${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} +999999 %file%"
+# command for free editing of the reminders file, given a filename %file%
+set edit_any_command="${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} %file%"
+# templates for creating new appointments
+# %monname% -> month name, %mon% -> month number, %mday% -> day of the month,
+# %year% -> year, %hour% -> hour, %min% -> minute, %wdayname% -> weekday name
+# %wday% -> weekday number
+set timed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% AT %hour%:%min% DURATION 1:00 MSG "
+set untimed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% MSG "
+# weekly recurrence
+set template0="REM %wdayname% AT %hour%:%min% DURATION 1:00 MSG "
+set template1="REM %wdayname% MSG "
+# monthly recurrence
+set template2="REM %mday% AT %hour%:%min% DURATION 1:00 MSG "
+set template3="REM %mday% MSG "
+# algorithm to use for determining busy level
+# "1" -> count the number of reminders in each day
+# "2" -> count the number of hours of reminders in each day
+set busy_algorithm="1"
+# for busy_algorithm="2", assume that untimed reminders occupy this many minutes
+set untimed_duration="60"
+# if busy_algorithm="1", number of reminders per day allowed for each calendar
+# colorization level; if busy_algorithm="2", use number of hours of reminders
+# per day
+set busy_level1="1" # level1 color
+set busy_level2="3" # level2 color
+set busy_level3="5" # level2 color, bold
+set busy_level4="7" # level3 color
+ # (everything else is level3 color, bold)
+# first day of the week is Sunday
+set week_starts_monday="false"
+# 12/24 hour time settings
+set schedule_12_hour="false"
+set selection_12_hour="true"
+set status_12_hour="true"
+set description_12_hour="true"
+# whether or not to keep the cursor centered when scrolling through timed
+# reminders
+set center_cursor="false"
+# date syntax for the 'go to date' command can be big or little endian
+set goto_big_endian="true"
+# date syntax for the "quick reminder" command can be US style
+# (6/1 -> June 1) or non-US style (6/1 -> January 6)
+set quick_date_US="true"
+# whether or not to number weeks within the month calendar
+set number_weeks="false"
+# whether or not the cursor should follow the current time
+# after pressing the "home" key
+set home_sticky="true"
+# whether or not to display advance warnings
+set advance_warning="false"
+# width of the untimed reminders window
+set untimed_window_width="40"
+# whether or not to render untimed reminders in boldface
+set untimed_bold="true"
+# key bindings
+bind "j" scroll_down
+bind "<down>" scroll_down
+bind "k" scroll_up
+bind "<up>" scroll_up
+bind "h" switch_window
+bind "l" switch_window
+bind "<left>" switch_window
+bind "<right>" switch_window
+bind "<pageup>" previous_day
+bind "4" previous_day
+bind "<" previous_day
+bind "H" previous_day
+bind "<pagedown>" next_day
+bind "6" next_day
+bind ">" next_day
+bind "L" next_day
+bind "8" previous_week
+bind "[" previous_week
+bind "K" previous_week
+bind "2" next_week
+bind "]" next_week
+bind "J" next_week
+bind "{" previous_month
+bind "}" next_month
+bind "<home>" home
+bind "g" goto
+bind "z" zoom
+bind "<return>" edit
+bind "<enter>" edit
+bind "e" edit_any
+bind "y" copy
+bind "X" cut
+bind "p" paste
+bind "P" paste_dialog
+bind "d" scroll_description_up
+bind "D" scroll_description_down
+bind "q" quick_add
+bind "t" new_timed
+bind "T" new_timed_dialog
+bind "u" new_untimed
+bind "U" new_untimed_dialog
+bind "w" new_template0
+bind "W" new_template1
+bind "m" new_template2
+bind "M" new_template3
+bind "n" search_next
+bind "/" begin_search
+bind "<tab>" next_reminder
+bind "r" view_remind
+bind "R" view_remind_all
+bind "c" view_week
+bind "C" view_month
+bind "?" help
+bind "\\Cl" refresh
+bind "q" quit
+bind "<return>" entry_complete
+bind "<enter>" entry_complete
+bind "<backspace>" entry_backspace
+bind "<esc>" entry_cancel
+# set up the colors
+color help cyan black
+color timed_default white black
+color timed_current white red
+color timed_reminder1 yellow blue
+color timed_reminder2 white red
+color timed_reminder3 white green
+color timed_reminder4 yellow magenta
+color untimed_reminder white black
+color timed_date cyan black
+color selection_info cyan black
+color description white black
+color status cyan black
+color calendar_labels white black
+color calendar_level1 white black
+color calendar_level2 blue black
+color calendar_level3 cyan black
+color calendar_today white red
+color left_divider cyan black
+color right_divider cyan black
+# arch-tag: DO_NOT_CHANGE_ee9bb855-2fde-4a61-8645-8ba31b35eaab