path: root/config.dot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config.dot')
8 files changed, 192 insertions, 883 deletions
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/binds.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/binds.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b2b10d4..0000000
--- a/config.dot/luakit.link/binds.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
--- Keybindings --
--- Binding aliases
-local key, buf, but = lousy.bind.key, lousy.bind.buf, lousy.bind.but
-local cmd, any = lousy.bind.cmd, lousy.bind.any
--- Util aliases
-local match, join = string.match, lousy.util.table.join
-local strip, split = lousy.util.string.strip, lousy.util.string.split
--- Globals or defaults that are used in binds
-local scroll_step = globals.scroll_step or 20
-local more, less = "+"..scroll_step.."px", "-"..scroll_step.."px"
-local zoom_step = globals.zoom_step or 0.1
--- Add binds to a mode
-function add_binds(mode, binds, before)
- assert(binds and type(binds) == "table", "invalid binds table type: " .. type(binds))
- mode = type(mode) ~= "table" and {mode} or mode
- for _, m in ipairs(mode) do
- local mdata = get_mode(m)
- if mdata and before then
- mdata.binds = join(binds, mdata.binds or {})
- elseif mdata then
- mdata.binds = mdata.binds or {}
- for _, b in ipairs(binds) do table.insert(mdata.binds, b) end
- else
- new_mode(m, { binds = binds })
- end
- end
--- Add commands to command mode
-function add_cmds(cmds, before)
- add_binds("command", cmds, before)
--- Adds the default menu widget bindings to a mode
-menu_binds = {
- -- Navigate items
- key({}, "j", function (w) w.menu:move_down() end),
- key({}, "k", function (w) w.menu:move_up() end),
- key({}, "Down", function (w) w.menu:move_down() end),
- key({}, "Up", function (w) w.menu:move_up() end),
- key({}, "Tab", function (w) w.menu:move_down() end),
- key({"Shift"}, "Tab", function (w) w.menu:move_up() end),
--- Add binds to special mode "all" which adds its binds to all modes.
-add_binds("all", {
- key({}, "Escape", function (w) w:set_mode() end),
- key({"Control"}, "[", function (w) w:set_mode() end),
- -- Mouse bindings
- but({}, 8, function (w) w:back() end),
- but({}, 9, function (w) w:forward() end),
- -- Open link in new tab or navigate to selection
- but({}, 2, function (w, m)
- -- Ignore button 2 clicks in form fields
- if not m.context.editable then
- -- Open hovered uri in new tab
- local uri = w.view.hovered_uri
- if uri then
- w:new_tab(uri, false)
- else -- Open selection in current tab
- uri = luakit.selection.primary
- if uri then w:navigate(w:search_open(uri)) end
- end
- end
- end),
- -- Open link in new tab when Ctrl-clicked.
- but({"Control"}, 1, function (w, m)
- local uri = w.view.hovered_uri
- if uri then
- w:new_tab(uri, false)
- end
- end),
- -- Zoom binds
- but({"Control"}, 4, function (w, m) w:zoom_in() end),
- but({"Control"}, 5, function (w, m) w:zoom_out() end),
- -- Horizontal mouse scroll binds
- but({"Shift"}, 4, function (w, m) w:scroll{ x = less } end),
- but({"Shift"}, 5, function (w, m) w:scroll{ x = more } end),
-add_binds("normal", {
- -- Autoparse the `[count]` before a binding and re-call the hit function
- -- with the count removed and added to the opts table.
- any(function (w, m)
- local count, buf
- if m.buffer then
- count = string.match(m.buffer, "^(%d+)")
- end
- if count then
- buf = string.sub(m.buffer, #count + 1, (m.updated_buf and -2) or -1)
- local opts = join(m, {count = tonumber(count)})
- opts.buffer = (#buf > 0 and buf) or nil
- if lousy.bind.hit(w, m.binds, m.mods, m.key, opts) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end),
- key({}, "i", function (w) w:set_mode("insert") end),
- key({}, ":", function (w) w:set_mode("command") end),
- -- Scrolling
- key({}, "j", function (w) w:scroll{ y = more } end),
- key({}, "k", function (w) w:scroll{ y = less } end),
- key({}, "h", function (w) w:scroll{ x = less } end),
- key({}, "l", function (w) w:scroll{ x = more } end),
- key({}, "^", function (w) w:scroll{ x = "0%" } end),
- key({}, "$", function (w) w:scroll{ x = "100%" } end),
- key({"Control"}, "e", function (w) w:scroll{ y = more } end),
- key({"Control"}, "y", function (w) w:scroll{ y = less } end),
- key({"Control"}, "d", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "+0.5p" } end),
- key({"Control"}, "u", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "-0.5p" } end),
- key({"Control"}, "f", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "+1.0p" } end),
- key({"Control"}, "b", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "-1.0p" } end),
- key({}, "space", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "+1.0p" } end),
- key({"Shift"}, "space", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "-1.0p" } end),
- key({}, "BackSpace", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "-1.0p" } end),
- -- Specific scroll
- buf("^gg$", function (w, b, m) w:scroll{ y = m.count.."%" } end, {count = 0}),
- buf("^G$", function (w, b, m) w:scroll{ y = m.count.."%" } end, {count = 100}),
- -- Traditional scrolling commands
- key({}, "Down", function (w) w:scroll{ y = more } end),
- key({}, "Up", function (w) w:scroll{ y = less } end),
- key({}, "Left", function (w) w:scroll{ x = less } end),
- key({}, "Right", function (w) w:scroll{ x = more } end),
- key({}, "Page_Down", function (w) w:scroll{ y = string.format("+%.1fp", 1.0) } end),
- key({}, "Page_Up", function (w) w:scroll{ y = string.format("-%.1fp", 1.0) } end),
- key({}, "Home", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "0%" } end),
- key({}, "End", function (w) w:scroll{ y = "100%" } end),
- key({}, "$", function (w) w:scroll{ x = "100%" } end),
- key({}, "0", function (w, m)
- if not m.count then w:scroll{ y = "0%" } else return false end
- end),
- -- Zooming
- key({}, "+", function (w, m) w:zoom_in(zoom_step * m.count) end, {count=1}),
- key({}, "-", function (w, m) w:zoom_out(zoom_step * m.count) end, {count=1}),
- key({}, "=", function (w, m) w:zoom_set() end),
- buf("^z[iI]$", function (w, b, m) w:zoom_in(zoom_step * m.count, b == "zI") end, {count=1}),
- buf("^z[oO]$", function (w, b, m) w:zoom_out(zoom_step * m.count, b == "zO") end, {count=1}),
- -- Zoom reset or specific zoom ([count]zZ for full content zoom)
- buf("^z[zZ]$", function (w, b, m) w:zoom_set(m.count/100, b == "zZ") end, {count=100}),
- -- Fullscreen
- key({}, "F11", function (w)
- w.win.fullscreen = not w.win.fullscreen
- end),
- -- Clipboard
- key({}, "p", function (w)
- local uri = luakit.selection.primary
- if uri then w:navigate(w:search_open(uri)) else w:error("Empty selection.") end
- end),
- key({}, "P", function (w, m)
- local uri = luakit.selection.primary
- if not uri then w:error("Empty selection.") return end
- for i = 1, m.count do w:new_tab(w:search_open(uri)) end
- end, {count = 1}),
- -- Yanking
- buf("^yy$", function (w)
- local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
- luakit.selection.primary = uri
- luakit.selection.clipboard = uri
- w:notify("Yanked uri: " .. uri)
- end),
- buf("^yt$", function (w)
- local title = w.view.title
- luakit.selection.primary = title
- luakit.selection.clipboard = uri
- w:notify("Yanked title: " .. title)
- end),
- -- Yank URL and title as a Markdown link
- buf("^ym$", function (w)
- local title = w.view.title
- local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
- local link = '[' .. title .. '](' .. uri .. ')'
- luakit.selection.primary = link
- luakit.selection.clipboard = link
- w:notify("Yanked link: " .. link)
- end),
- -- Yank URL and title as a reStructuredText link
- buf("^yr$", function (w)
- local title = w.view.title
- local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
- local link = '`' .. title .. '` <' .. uri .. '>`_'
- luakit.selection.primary = link
- luakit.selection.clipboard = link
- w:notify("Yanked link: " .. link)
- end),
- -- Yank URL and title as a Trac link
- buf("^yc$", function (w)
- local title = w.view.title
- local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
- local link = '[' .. uri .. ' ' .. title .. ']'
- luakit.selection.primary = link
- luakit.selection.clipboard = link
- w:notify("Yanked link: " .. link)
- end),
- -- Yank URL and title as an HTML link
- buf("^yh$", function (w)
- local title = w.view.title
- local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
- local link = '<a href="' .. uri .. '">' .. title .. '</a>'
- luakit.selection.primary = link
- luakit.selection.clipboard = link
- w:notify("Yanked link: " .. link)
- end),
- -- Yank URL and title as a shareable link
- buf("^ys$", function (w)
- local title = w.view.title
- local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
- local link = title .. ' - ' .. uri
- luakit.selection.primary = link
- luakit.selection.clipboard = link
- w:notify("Yanked link: " .. link)
- end),
- -- Commands
- key({"Control"}, "a", function (w) w:navigate(w:inc_uri(1)) end),
- key({"Control"}, "x", function (w) w:navigate(w:inc_uri(-1)) end),
- buf("^o$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":open ") end),
- buf("^t$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":tabopen ") end),
- buf("^w$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":winopen ") end),
- buf("^O$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":open " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
- buf("^T$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":tabopen " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
- buf("^W$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":winopen " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
- buf("^,g$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":open google ") end),
- buf("^,d$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":open duckduckgo ") end),
- buf("^,h$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":open duckduckgo !hackage "
-) end),
- buf("^,n$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":open netflix "
-) end),
- -- History
- key({}, "H", function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
- key({}, "L", function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
- key({}, "b", function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
- key({}, "XF86Back", function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
- key({}, "XF86Forward", function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
- key({"Control"}, "o", function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
- key({"Control"}, "i", function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
- -- Tab
- key({"Control"}, "Page_Up", function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
- key({"Control"}, "Page_Down", function (w) w:next_tab() end),
- key({"Control"}, "Tab", function (w) w:next_tab() end),
- key({"Shift","Control"}, "Tab", function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
- buf("^gT$", function (w, b, m) w:prev_tab(m.count) end, {count=1}),
- buf("^gt$", function (w, b, m) if not w:goto_tab(m.count) then w:next_tab() end end, {count=0}),
- key({"Control"}, "t", function (w) w:new_tab(globals.homepage) end),
- key({"Control"}, "w", function (w) w:close_tab() end),
- key({}, "d", function (w, m) for i=1,m.count do w:close_tab() end end, {count=1}),
- key({}, "<", function (w, m) w.tabs:reorder(w.view, w.tabs:current() - m.count) end, {count=1}),
- key({}, ">", function (w, m) w.tabs:reorder(w.view, (w.tabs:current() + m.count) % w.tabs:count()) end, {count=1}),
- key({"Mod1"}, "Page_Up", function (w, m) w.tabs:reorder(w.view, w.tabs:current() - m.count) end, {count=1}),
- key({"Mod1"}, "Page_Down", function (w, m) w.tabs:reorder(w.view, (w.tabs:current() + m.count) % w.tabs:count()) end, {count=1}),
- buf("^gH$", function (w, b, m) for i=1,m.count do w:new_tab(globals.homepage) end end, {count=1}),
- buf("^gh$", function (w) w:navigate(globals.homepage) end),
- -- Open tab from current tab history
- buf("^gy$", function (w) w:new_tab(w.view.history or "") end),
- key({}, "r", function (w) w:reload() end),
- key({}, "R", function (w) w:reload(true) end),
- key({"Control"}, "c", function (w) w:stop() end),
- -- Config reloading
- key({"Control", "Shift"}, "R", function (w) w:restart() end),
- -- Window
- buf("^ZZ$", function (w) w:save_session() w:close_win() end),
- buf("^ZQ$", function (w) w:close_win() end),
- buf("^D$", function (w) w:close_win() end),
- -- Enter passthrough mode
- key({"Control"}, "z", function (w) w:set_mode("passthrough") end),
- -- Quit shortcut
- key({}, "q", function (w) w:save_session() w:close_win() end),
-add_binds("insert", {
- key({"Control"}, "z", function (w) w:set_mode("passthrough") end),
-add_binds({"command", "search"}, {
- key({"Shift"}, "Insert", function (w) w:insert_cmd(luakit.selection.primary) end),
- key({"Control"}, "w", function (w) w:del_word() end),
- key({"Control"}, "u", function (w) w:del_line() end),
- key({"Control"}, "h", function (w) w:del_backward_char() end),
- key({"Control"}, "d", function (w) w:del_forward_char() end),
- key({"Control"}, "a", function (w) w:beg_line() end),
- key({"Control"}, "e", function (w) w:end_line() end),
- key({"Control"}, "f", function (w) w:forward_char() end),
- key({"Control"}, "b", function (w) w:backward_char() end),
- key({"Mod1"}, "f", function (w) w:forward_word() end),
- key({"Mod1"}, "b", function (w) w:backward_word() end),
--- Switching tabs with Mod1+{1,2,3,...}
-mod1binds = {}
-for i=1,10 do
- table.insert(mod1binds,
- key({"Mod1"}, tostring(i % 10), function (w) w.tabs:switch(i) end))
-add_binds("normal", mod1binds)
--- Command bindings which are matched in the "command" mode from text
--- entered into the input bar.
- -- Detect bangs (I.e. ":command! <args>")
- buf("^%S+!", function (w, cmd, opts)
- local cmd, args = string.match(cmd, "^(%S+)!+(.*)")
- if cmd then
- opts = join(opts, { bang = true })
- return lousy.bind.match_cmd(w, opts.binds, cmd .. args, opts)
- end
- end),
- -- cmd({command, alias1, ...}, function (w, arg, opts) .. end, opts),
- -- cmd("co[mmand]", function (w, arg, opts) .. end, opts),
- cmd("c[lose]", function (w) w:close_tab() end),
- cmd("print", function (w) w:eval_js("print()", "rc.lua") end),
- cmd("reload", function (w) w:reload() end),
- cmd("restart", function (w) w:restart() end),
- cmd("write", function (w) w:save_session() end),
- cmd("noh[lsearch]", function (w) w:clear_search() end),
- cmd("back", function (w, a) w:back(tonumber(a) or 1) end),
- cmd("f[orward]", function (w, a) w:forward(tonumber(a) or 1) end),
- cmd("inc[rease]", function (w, a) w:navigate(w:inc_uri(tonumber(a) or 1)) end),
- cmd("o[pen]", function (w, a) w:navigate(w:search_open(a)) end),
- cmd("t[abopen]", function (w, a) w:new_tab(w:search_open(a)) end),
- cmd("w[inopen]", function (w, a) window.new{w:search_open(a)} end),
- cmd({"javascript", "js"}, function (w, a) w:eval_js(a, "javascript") end),
- cmd("q[uit]", function (w, a, o) w:close_win(o.bang) end),
- cmd({"viewsource", "vs" }, function (w, a, o) w:toggle_source(not o.bang and true or nil) end),
- cmd({"writequit", "wq"}, function (w, a, o) w:save_session() w:close_win(o.bang) end),
- cmd("lua", function (w, a)
- if a then
- local ret = assert(loadstring("return function(w) return "..a.." end"))()(w)
- if ret then print(ret) end
- else
- w:set_mode("lua")
- end
- end),
- cmd("dump", function (w, a)
- local fname = string.gsub(w.win.title, '[^%w%.%-]', '_')..'.html' -- sanitize filename
- local file = a or luakit.save_file("Save file", w.win, xdg.download_dir or '.', fname)
- if file then
- local fd = assert(io.open(file, "w"), "failed to open: " .. file)
- local html = assert(w:eval_js("document.documentElement.outerHTML", "dump"), "Unable to get HTML")
- assert(fd:write(html), "unable to save html")
- io.close(fd)
- w:notify("Dumped HTML to: " .. file)
- end
- end),
--- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/globals.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/globals.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eb51a3e..0000000
--- a/config.dot/luakit.link/globals.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
--- Environment
-homedir = os.getenv("HOME")
--- Global variables for luakit
-globals = {
- -- homepage = homedir .. "/html/index.html",
- -- homepage = "http://luakit.org/",
- -- homepage = "http://github.com/mason-larobina/luakit",
- scroll_step = 40,
- zoom_step = 0.1,
- max_cmd_history = 100,
- max_srch_history = 100,
- -- proxy must now be set through proxy command; environment variable is broken
- default_window_size = "800x600",
- term = "x-terminal-emulator",
- -- Disables loading of hostnames from /etc/hosts (for large host files)
- -- load_etc_hosts = false,
- -- Disables checking if a filepath exists in search_open function
- -- check_filepath = false,
--- Make useragent
-local _, arch = luakit.spawn_sync("uname -sm")
--- Only use the luakit version if in date format (reduces identifiability)
-local lkv = string.match(luakit.version, "^(%d+.%d+.%d+)")
-globals.useragent = string.format("Mozilla/5.0 (%s) AppleWebKit/%s+ (KHTML, like Gecko) WebKitGTK+/%s luakit%s",
- string.sub(arch, 1, -2), luakit.webkit_user_agent_version,
- luakit.webkit_version, (lkv and ("/" .. lkv)) or "")
--- Search common locations for a ca file which is used for ssl connection validation.
-local ca_files = {
- -- $XDG_DATA_HOME/luakit/ca-certificates.crt
- luakit.data_dir .. "/ca-certificates.crt",
- "/etc/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
- "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
--- Use the first ca-file found
-for _, ca_file in ipairs(ca_files) do
- if os.exists(ca_file) then
- soup.ssl_ca_file = ca_file
- break
- end
--- Stop navigation sites with invalid or expired ssl certificates
-soup.ssl_strict = true
--- Set cookie acceptance policy
--- Valid values are always, never or no_third_party
-soup.accept_policy = "always"
--- List of search engines. Each item must contain a single %s which is
--- replaced by URI encoded search terms. All other occurances of the percent
--- character (%) may need to be escaped by placing another % before or after
--- it to avoid collisions with lua's string.format characters.
--- See: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.format
-search_engines = {
- luakit = "http://luakit.org/search/index/luakit?q=%s",
- imdb = "http://imdb.com/find?s=all&q=%s",
- netflix = "http://dvd.netflix.com/Search?v1=%s",
- google = "https://google.com/search?q=%s",
- duck = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=debian",
- wikipedia = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s",
- debbugs = "https://bugs.debian.org/%s",
- sourceforge = "https://sf.net/search/?words=%s",
- debian = "https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=%s",
- searx = "https://searx.org/?q=%s"
--- Set fallback search engine
-search_engines.default = search_engines.duck
--- Use this instead to disable auto-searching
---search_engines.default = "%s"
--- Per-domain webview properties
--- See http://webkitgtk.org/reference/WebKitWebSettings.html
-domain_props = { --[[
- ["all"] = {
- enable_scripts = false,
- enable_plugins = false,
- enable_private_browsing = false,
- user_stylesheet_uri = "",
- },
- ["youtube.com"] = {
- enable_scripts = true,
- enable_plugins = true,
- },
- ["bbs.archlinux.org"] = {
- user_stylesheet_uri = "file://" .. luakit.data_dir .. "/styles/dark.css",
- enable_private_browsing = true,
- }, ]]
--- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/keys.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/keys.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f16c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.dot/luakit.link/keys.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+-- Custom keybindings
+-- Requirements
+local modes = require "modes"
+local window = require "window"
+-- Remove some default bindings
+modes.remove_binds("normal", { "y" })
+-- Add custom binds
+modes.add_binds("normal", {
+ { "h", "New blank tab", function (w)
+ w:new_tab('luakit://newtab')
+ end},
+-- Add custom Yank bindings
+modes.add_binds("normal", {
+ -- Yank URL
+ { "^yy$", function (w)
+ local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
+ luakit.selection.primary = uri
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = uri
+ w:notify("Yanked uri: " .. uri)
+ end},
+ -- Yank title
+ { "^yt$", function (w)
+ local title = w.view.title
+ luakit.selection.primary = title
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = uri
+ w:notify("Yanked title: " .. title)
+ end},
+ -- Yank URL and title as a Markdown link
+ { "^ym$", function (w)
+ local title = w.view.title
+ local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
+ local link = '[' .. title .. '](' .. uri .. ')'
+ luakit.selection.primary = link
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = link
+ w:notify("Yanked as markdown link: " .. link)
+ end},
+ -- Yank URL and title as a reStructuredText link
+ { "^yr$", function (w)
+ local title = w.view.title
+ local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
+ local link = '`' .. title .. '` <' .. uri .. '>`_'
+ luakit.selection.primary = link
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = link
+ w:notify("Yanked as reStructuredText link: " .. link)
+ end},
+ -- Yank URL and title as a Trac link
+ { "^yc$", function (w)
+ local title = w.view.title
+ local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
+ local link = '[' .. uri .. ' ' .. title .. ']'
+ luakit.selection.primary = link
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = link
+ w:notify("Yanked as Trac link: " .. link)
+ end},
+ -- Yank URL and title as an HTML link
+ { "^yh$", function (w)
+ local title = w.view.title
+ local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
+ local link = '<a href="' .. uri .. '">' .. title .. '</a>'
+ luakit.selection.primary = link
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = link
+ w:notify("Yanked as HTML link: " .. link)
+ end},
+ -- Yank URL and title as a shareable link
+ { "^ys$", function (w)
+ local title = w.view.title
+ local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
+ local link = title .. ' - ' .. uri
+ luakit.selection.primary = link
+ luakit.selection.clipboard = link
+ w:notify("Yanked as shareable link: " .. link)
+ end},
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/rc.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/rc.lua
index 1014f36..b04d775 100644
--- a/config.dot/luakit.link/rc.lua
+++ b/config.dot/luakit.link/rc.lua
@@ -163,22 +163,29 @@ local tab_favicons = require "tab_favicons"
-- Add :view-source command
local view_source = require "view_source"
--- Load sessman
---local sessman = require "sessman"
+-- Load sessions
+local sessions = require "sessions"
+-- Custom keys
+local keys = require "keys"
+-- Globals
+local userprefs = require "userprefs"
-- End user script loading --
-- Restore last saved session
-local w = (not luakit.nounique) and (session and session.restore())
-if w then
- for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do
- w:new_tab(uri, { switch = i == 1 })
- end
- -- Or open new window
- window.new(uris)
+--local w = (not luakit.nounique) and (session and session.restore())
+--if w then
+-- for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do
+-- w:new_tab(uri, { switch = i == 1 })
+-- end
+-- -- Or open new window
+-- window.new(uris)
-- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/sessions.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/sessions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7daa6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.dot/luakit.link/sessions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+-- Session management for luakit
+-- By Silvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>
+-- Using https://luakit.github.io/docs/modules/session.html
+-- Inspired by https://github.com/IsoLinearCHiP/luakit-sessman
+-- Requirements
+local lfs = lfs
+local info = info
+local window = require "window"
+local modes = require "modes"
+local session = require "session"
+-- Base folder
+function basedir()
+ return os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.local/share"
+-- The directory where sessions are stored
+local path = basedir() .. "/luakit/sessions/"
+if not lfs.attributes(path) then lfs.mkdir(path) end
+-- Commands
+ { ":sessionload, :sload, :loadsession, :openssession", "Load a session", function (w, a)
+ local file = path .. a.arg
+ session.session_file = file
+ session.restore(false)
+ w:close_win()
+ end},
+ { ":sessionsave, :ssave, :savesession", "Save a session", function (w, a)
+ local file = path .. a.arg
+ session.session_file = file
+ session.save(file)
+ msg.info("Saved session at " .. file)
+ end},
+ { ":sessionremove, :srm, :removesession", "Remove a session", function (w, a)
+ local file = path .. a.arg
+ session.session_file = nil
+ local deleted = session.load(true, file)
+ end},
+ { ":sessions", "Session manager", function (w)
+ local files = ''
+ for file in lfs.dir(path) do
+ if not (file == "." or file == "..") then
+ files = files .. ' ' .. file
+ end
+ end
+ w:notify("Available sessions:" .. files)
+ end },
+-- Bindings
+modes.add_binds("normal", {
+ -- Quit and save session binding
+ { "^q$", "Quit and save current session", function (w)
+ session.save()
+ for _, ww in pairs(window.bywidget) do
+ ww:close_win(true)
+ end
+ end},
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/sessman b/config.dot/luakit.link/sessman
deleted file mode 120000
index ed64fbe..0000000
--- a/config.dot/luakit.link/sessman
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-contrib/sessman/sessman \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/userprefs.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/userprefs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c865c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.dot/luakit.link/userprefs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+-- User preferences
+-- See https://github.com/luakit/luakit/issues/468
+-- Requirements
+local settings = require "settings"
+-- Homepage
+settings.window.home_page = "luakit://newtab"
+-- Search engines
+settings.window.search_engines.imdb = "http://imdb.com/find?s=all&q=%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.google = "https://google.com/search?q=%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.duck = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=debian"
+settings.window.search_engines.wikipedia = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.debbugs = "https://bugs.debian.org/%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.sourceforge = "https://sf.net/search/?words=%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.debian = "https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.searx = "https://searx.org/?q=%s"
+settings.window.search_engines.default = settings.window.search_engines.duck
diff --git a/config.dot/luakit.link/webview.lua b/config.dot/luakit.link/webview.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0174151..0000000
--- a/config.dot/luakit.link/webview.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
--- WebKit WebView class --
--- Webview class table
-webview = {}
--- Table of functions which are called on new webview widgets.
-webview.init_funcs = {
- -- Set useragent
- set_useragent = function (view, w)
- view.user_agent = globals.useragent
- end,
- -- Check if checking ssl certificates
- checking_ssl = function (view, w)
- local ca_file = soup.ssl_ca_file
- if ca_file and os.exists(ca_file) then
- w.checking_ssl = true
- end
- end,
- -- Update window and tab titles
- title_update = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("property::title", function (v)
- w:update_tablist()
- if w.view == v then
- w:update_win_title()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Update uri label in statusbar
- uri_update = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("property::uri", function (v)
- w:update_tablist()
- if w.view == v then
- w:update_uri()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Update history indicator
- hist_update = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("load-status", function (v, status)
- if w.view == v then
- w:update_hist()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Update tab titles
- tablist_update = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("load-status", function (v, status)
- if status == "provisional" or status == "finished" or status == "failed" then
- w:update_tablist()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Update scroll widget
- scroll_update = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("expose", function (v)
- if w.view == v then
- w:update_scroll()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Update progress widget
- progress_update = function (view, w)
- for _, sig in ipairs({"load-status", "property::progress"}) do
- view:add_signal(sig, function (v)
- if w.view == v then
- w:update_progress()
- w:update_ssl()
- end
- end)
- end
- end,
- -- Display hovered link in statusbar
- link_hover_display = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("link-hover", function (v, link)
- if w.view == v and link then
- w:update_uri(link)
- end
- end)
- view:add_signal("link-unhover", function (v)
- if w.view == v then
- w:update_uri()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Clicking a form field automatically enters insert mode.
- form_insert_mode = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("button-press", function (v, mods, button, context)
- -- Clear start search marker
- (w.search_state or {}).marker = nil
- if button == 1 and context.editable then
- view:emit_signal("form-active")
- end
- end)
- -- Emit root-active event in button release to prevent "missing"
- -- buttons or links when the input bar hides.
- view:add_signal("button-release", function (v, mods, button, context)
- if button == 1 and not context.editable then
- view:emit_signal("root-active")
- end
- end)
- view:add_signal("form-active", function ()
- if not w.mode.passthrough then
- w:set_mode("insert")
- end
- end)
- view:add_signal("root-active", function ()
- if w.mode.reset_on_focus ~= false then
- w:set_mode()
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Catch keys in non-passthrough modes
- mode_key_filter = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("key-press", function ()
- if not w.mode.passthrough then
- return true
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Try to match a button event to a users button binding else let the
- -- press hit the webview.
- button_bind_match = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("button-release", function (v, mods, button, context)
- (w.search_state or {}).marker = nil
- if w:hit(mods, button, { context = context }) then
- return true
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Reset the mode on navigation
- mode_reset_on_nav = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("load-status", function (v, status)
- if status == "provisional" and w.view == v then
- if w.mode.reset_on_navigation ~= false then
- w:set_mode()
- end
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Domain properties
- domain_properties = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("load-status", function (v, status)
- if status ~= "committed" or v.uri == "about:blank" then return end
- -- Get domain
- local domain = lousy.uri.parse(v.uri).host
- -- Strip leading www.
- domain = string.match(domain or "", "^www%.(.+)") or domain or "all"
- -- Build list of domain props tables to join & load.
- -- I.e. for luakit.org load .luakit.org, luakit.org, .org
- local props = {domain_props.all or {}, domain_props[domain] or {}}
- repeat
- table.insert(props, 2, domain_props["."..domain] or {})
- domain = string.match(domain, "%.(.+)")
- until not domain
- -- Join all property tables
- for k, v in pairs(lousy.util.table.join(unpack(props))) do
- info("Domain prop: %s = %s (%s)", k, tostring(v), domain)
- view[k] = v
- end
- end)
- end,
- -- Action to take on mime type decision request.
- mime_decision = function (view, w)
- -- Return true to accept or false to reject from this signal.
- view:add_signal("mime-type-decision", function (v, uri, mime)
- info("Requested link: %s (%s)", uri, mime)
- -- i.e. block binary files like *.exe
- --if mime == "application/octet-stream" then
- -- return false
- --end
- end)
- end,
- -- Action to take on window open request.
- window_decision = function (view, w)
- -- 'link' contains the download link
- -- 'reason' contains the reason of the request (i.e. "link-clicked")
- -- return TRUE to handle the request by yourself or FALSE to proceed
- -- with default behaviour
- view:add_signal("new-window-decision", function (v, uri, reason)
- info("New window decision: %s (%s)", uri, reason)
- if reason == "link-clicked" then
- window.new({uri})
- else
- w:new_tab(uri)
- end
- return true
- end)
- end,
- create_webview = function (view, w)
- -- Return a newly created webview in a new tab
- view:add_signal("create-web-view", function (v)
- return w:new_tab()
- end)
- end,
- -- Creates context menu popup from table (and nested tables).
- -- Use `true` for menu separators.
- -- populate_popup = function (view, w)
- -- view:add_signal("populate-popup", function (v)
- -- return {
- -- true,
- -- { "_Toggle Source", function () w:toggle_source() end },
- -- { "_Zoom", {
- -- { "Zoom _In", function () w:zoom_in() end },
- -- { "Zoom _Out", function () w:zoom_out() end },
- -- true,
- -- { "Zoom _Reset", function () w:zoom_set() end }, }, },
- -- }
- -- end)
- -- end,
- -- Action to take on resource request.
- resource_request_decision = function (view, w)
- view:add_signal("resource-request-starting", function(v, uri)
- info("Requesting: %s", uri)
- -- Return false to cancel the request.
- end)
- end,
--- These methods are present when you index a window instance and no window
--- method is found in `window.methods`. The window then checks if there is an
--- active webview and calls the following methods with the given view instance
--- as the first argument. All methods must take `view` & `w` as the first two
--- arguments.
-webview.methods = {
- stop = function (view) view:stop() end,
- -- Reload with or without ignoring cache
- reload = function (view, w, bypass_cache)
- if bypass_cache then
- view:reload_bypass_cache()
- else
- view:reload()
- end
- end,
- -- Evaluate javascript code and return string result
- -- The frame argument can be any of the following:
- -- * true to evaluate on the focused frame
- -- * false or nothing to evaluate on the main frame
- -- * a frame object to evaluate on the given frame
- eval_js = function (view, w, script, file, frame)
- return view:eval_js(script, file or "(inline)", frame)
- end,
- -- Evaluate javascript code from file and return string result
- -- The frame argument can be any of the following:
- -- * true to evaluate on the focused frame
- -- * false or nothing to evaluate on the main frame
- -- * a frame object to evaluate on the given frame
- eval_js_from_file = function (view, w, file, frame)
- local fh, err = io.open(file)
- if not fh then return error(err) end
- local script = fh:read("*a")
- fh:close()
- return view:eval_js(script, file, frame)
- end,
- -- Toggle source view
- toggle_source = function (view, w, show)
- if show == nil then
- view.view_source = not view.view_source
- else
- view.view_source = show
- end
- view:reload()
- end,
- -- Zoom functions
- zoom_in = function (view, w, step, full_zoom)
- view.full_content_zoom = not not full_zoom
- step = step or globals.zoom_step or 0.1
- view.zoom_level = view.zoom_level + step
- end,
- zoom_out = function (view, w, step, full_zoom)
- view.full_content_zoom = not not full_zoom
- step = step or globals.zoom_step or 0.1
- view.zoom_level = math.max(0.01, view.zoom_level) - step
- end,
- zoom_set = function (view, w, level, full_zoom)
- view.full_content_zoom = not not full_zoom
- view.zoom_level = level or 1.0
- end,
- -- History traversing functions
- back = function (view, w, n)
- view:go_back(n or 1)
- end,
- forward = function (view, w, n)
- view:go_forward(n or 1)
- end,
-webview.scroll_parse_funcs = {
- -- Abs "100px"
- ["^(%d+)px$"] = function (_, _, px) return px end,
- -- Rel "+/-100px"
- ["^([-+]%d+)px$"] = function (s, axis, px) return s[axis] + px end,
- -- Abs "10%"
- ["^(%d+)%%$"] = function (s, axis, pc)
- return math.ceil(s[axis.."max"] * (pc / 100))
- end,
- -- Rel "+/-10%"
- ["^([-+]%d+)%%$"] = function (s, axis, pc)
- return s[axis] + math.ceil(s[axis.."max"] * (pc / 100))
- end,
- -- Abs "10p" (pages)
- ["^(%d+%.?%d*)p$"] = function (s, axis, p)
- return math.ceil(s[axis.."page_size"] * p)
- end,
- -- Rel "+10p" (pages)
- ["^([-+]%d+[.,]?%d*)p$"] = function (s, axis, p)
- return s[axis] + math.ceil(s[axis.."page_size"] * p)
- end,
-function webview.methods.scroll(view, w, new)
- local scroll = view.scroll
- for axis, val in pairs{ x = new.x, y = new.y } do
- if type(val) == "number" then
- scroll[axis] = val
- else
- for pat, func in pairs(webview.scroll_parse_funcs) do
- local n = string.match(val, pat)
- if n then scroll[axis] = func(scroll, axis, tonumber(n)) end
- end
- end
- end
-function webview.new(w)
- local view = widget{type = "webview"}
- view.show_scrollbars = false
- -- Call webview init functions
- for k, func in pairs(webview.init_funcs) do
- func(view, w)
- end
- return view
--- Insert webview method lookup on window structure
-table.insert(window.indexes, 1, function (w, k)
- if k == "view" then
- local view = w.tabs[w.tabs:current()]
- if view and type(view) == "widget" and view.type == "webview" then
- w.view = view
- return view
- end
- end
- -- Lookup webview method
- local func = webview.methods[k]
- if not func then return end
- local view = w.view
- if view then
- return function (_, ...) return func(view, w, ...) end
- end
--- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80