path: root/modules/profile
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-05-27Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-04-11Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-04-05Updating conky, profile and scriptsSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-31Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-31Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-31Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-31Updating profile and scriptsSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-24Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Updating profile, scripts and vimSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Updating awesome and profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-02-17Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-02-16Updating scripts and profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-02-13Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2014-02-12Updating script and profileSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-31Updating modulesSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-27Updating modulesSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-27Updating profileSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-27Updating modulesSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-27Adding profile moduleSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-27Removing profile to convert it to a submoduleSilvio Rhatto
2013-12-27Cleaning up metadot codeSilvio Rhatto
2013-09-30Unset GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE and GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE for performanceSilvio Rhatto
2013-09-04Adding month aliasSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-31Adding 'today' aliasSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-25Mkdir aliasSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-17Adding mimeapps.list into profile moduleSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-16Fixing zsh completion loadingSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-16Add custom completion scripts at zshrcSilvio Rhatto
2013-08-08Adding default .zshrcSilvio Rhatto
2013-07-18Setting GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATESilvio Rhatto
2013-07-18Setting GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATESilvio Rhatto
2013-06-24More CDPATHSilvio Rhatto
2013-06-18Harvesting CDPATHSilvio Rhatto
2013-06-04Running xmodmap twiceSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-21Adding keychain portion into .profileSilvio Rhatto
2013-03-14Fix mumble configuration, which varies depending on machine audioSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-28Avoid rxvt printingSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-14More about the gnome-keyring bugSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-14Adding terminfo configSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-08Sample xprofileSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-08Minor changeSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-08Commenting out agents againSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-08Do not link xsession with xprofileSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-08Commenting out funcoeszz; avoiding bashism; manually setting hostnameSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07Setting TMP folder and commenting out agentsSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07Strange, but having wicd-client on xprofile makes two tray icons appear; addi...Silvio Rhatto