path: root/modules/ripit/ripit.dot/config.link
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2013-02-14 00:04:22 -0200
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2013-02-14 00:04:22 -0200
commit2c09f47acfa88eb93074a96ccb324671cdb415d2 (patch)
tree43fd1b3eae6988677faaa6068e9597652fa4860c /modules/ripit/ripit.dot/config.link
parent26e5e13ae7274a4655e71cfce87345abc93cf123 (diff)
Adding ripit config
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/ripit/ripit.dot/config.link')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/ripit/ripit.dot/config.link b/modules/ripit/ripit.dot/config.link
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4b886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ripit/ripit.dot/config.link
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+# RipIT 3.8.0 configuration file.
+# For further information on ripit configuration / parameters
+# and examples see the manpage or the README provided with ripit
+# or type ripit --help .
+# Ripping device & path.
+# cddevice: Define ripping device if other than /dev/cdrom.
+# Default: /dev/cdrom
+# scsidevice: Device name for special devices if the non ripping
+# commands should be executed on a different device node. This might
+# be useful for some old SCSI devices. If not set the cddevice will
+# be used.
+# Example: /dev/sr18
+# Default: not set
+# output: Path for audio files. If not set, $HOME will be used.
+# Default: not set
+# directory permissions: Permissions for directories.
+# Default: 0755
+# file permissions: Permissions for sound and log files.
+# If not set, uses the default system settings.
+# Default: not set
+# Ripping options.
+# ripper: select CD ripper
+# 0 - dagrab
+# 1 - cdparanoia
+# 2 - cdda2wav
+# 3 - tosha
+# 4 - cdd
+# Default: cdparanoia
+# ripopt: User definable options for the CD ripper.
+# Default: not set
+# span: Rip only part of a single track or the merged track-interval.
+# Possible values: any in the format hh:mm:ss.ff-hh:mm:ss.ff
+# Example: rip first 30s of each track: 0-30
+# Default: not set
+# paranoia: Turn "paranoia" on or off for dagrab and cdparanoia.
+# Possible values: 0 - no paranoia, 1 - use paranoia
+# 2 - switch paranoia off if ripping fails on one
+# track and retry this track without paranoia
+# Default: 1 - use paranoia
+# ghost: Analyze the wavs for possible gaps, split the wav into
+# chunks of sound and delete blank tracks.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# prepend: Enlarge the the chunk of sound by a number of
+# seconds at the beginning (if possible).
+# Possible values: any positive number and zero; precision in
+# tenths of seconds. Be aware of low numbers.
+# Default: 2.0
+# extend: Enlarge the the chunk of sound by a number of
+# seconds at the end (if possible).
+# Possible values: any positive number and zero; precision in
+# tenths of seconds. Be aware of low numbers.
+# Default: 2.0
+# resume: Resume a previously started session.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# overwrite: Default behaviour of Ripit is not to overwrite existing
+# directories, a suffix will be added if directory name exists.
+# Use option overwrite to prevent this and either overwrite a previous
+# rip or force Ripit to quit or even eject the disc. If ejection is
+# chosen, the disc will be ejected even if option eject has not been
+# switched on.
+# Possible values: n - off, y - on,
+# q - quit, e - quit and force ejection
+# Default: off
+# Encoding options
+# encode: Encode the wavs.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: on
+# coder: Select encoders for audio files:
+# 0 - Lame (mp3)
+# 1 - Oggenc (ogg)
+# 2 - Flac (flac)
+# 3 - Faac (m4a)
+# 4 - mp4als (als)
+# 5 - Musepack (mpc)
+# Multiple encoders can be selected by giving a comma-separated list
+# Example: coder=0,0,1,2 encodes CD twice to mp3, ogg and flac files
+# Default: Lame
+# lame (mp3) encoder options
+# qualame: Sets audio quality for lame encoder in cbr (lame-option -q)
+# and vbr (lame-option -V) mode, comma separated list.
+# Possible values: 0...9, off
+# 0: higest quality
+# 9: lowest quality
+# Can be set to "off" if all options are passed to --lameopt.
+# Example: qualame=off,off
+# Note: default value is the same for cbr and vbr,
+# although vbr-default should be 4.
+# Default: 5
+# lameopt: Additional options for lame encoder, comma separated list.
+# Example: lameopt=-b 128,--preset extreme
+# Default: not set
+# vbrmode: Enable variable bitrate for lame encoder.
+# Possible values: "old" or "new"
+# Default: not set
+# bitrate: Sets bitrate for lame encoder.
+# Possible values: 32...320, off
+# Should be set to "off" if vbr is used
+# Default: 128
+# maxrate: Sets maximum bitrate for lame (when using vbr) and oggenc.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 32...320
+# Default: 0
+# preset: Use lame presets. To set the "fast" switch, use --vbrmode new.
+# Possible values: medium, standard, extreme, insane
+# medium: 160kbps
+# standard: 192kbps
+# extreme: 256kbps
+# insane: 320kbps
+# Default: not set
+# oggenc (ogg) encoder options
+# qualoggenc: Sets audio quality for oggenc.
+# Possible values: 1..10, off
+# 1: lowest quality
+# 10: highest quality
+# Can be set to "off"
+# Default: 3
+# oggencopt: Additional options for oggenc, comma separated list.
+# Default: not set
+# flac (lossless) encoder options
+# quaflac: Sets audio compression for flac encoder
+# Possible values: 0...8, off
+# 0: lowest compression
+# 8: highest compression
+# Can be set to "off"
+# Default: 5
+# flacopt: Additional options for flac encoder, comma separated list.
+# Default: not set
+# faac (m4a) encoder options
+# quafaac: Sets audio quality for faac encoder
+# Possible values: 10...500, off
+# 10: lowest quality
+# 500: highest quality
+# Can be set to "off"
+# Default: 100
+# faacopt: Additional options for faac encoder, comma separated list.
+# Default: not set
+# mp4als (als) encoder options
+# quamp4als: Would set compression level for mp4als, but mp4als does not
+# accept any options (?).
+# Default: 0
+# mp4alsopt: Additional options for mp4als encoder, none are accepted,
+# comma separated list.
+# Default: not set
+# Musepack (mpc) encoder options
+# musenc: The encoder name on the command line
+# Possible values: any
+# Example: musenc=mppenc for older versions
+# Default: mpcenc
+# quamuse: Sets audio quality for Musepack encoder
+# Possible values: 0...10, off
+# 0: lowest quality
+# 10: highest quality
+# Can be set to "off"
+# Default: 5
+# museopt: Additional options for Musepack encoder,
+# comma separated list.
+# Default: not set
+# Trackname and directory template
+# dirtemplate: Template for directory structure
+# The template can be created using any legal
+# character, including slashes (/) for multi-level
+# directory-trees, and the following variables:
+# $album
+# $artist
+# $iletter
+# $genre
+# $quality
+# $suffix
+# $trackname
+# $tracknum
+# $year
+# $trackno
+# The variable $iletter is the initial letter of
+# the artist variable, the $quality is the quality
+# according to the encoding format defined by $suffix.
+# The variable $quality reflects the encoder options,
+# not the arguments of option --quality which may be set
+# to off. The variable $trackno is the total number of tracks
+# of the release.
+# dirtemplate is an array, for each encoder a different
+# dirtemplate may be defined (i. e. for each encoder state
+# a line starting with dirtemplate=...).
+# Example:
+# dirtemplate="$suffix/hard_path/$iletter/$artist/$year - $album"
+# The double quotes (") are mandatory!
+# Default: "$artist - $album"
+dirtemplate="$artist - $album"
+# tracktemplate: Template for track names
+# "tracktemplate" is used similarly to "dirtemplate"
+# Default: "$tracknum $trackname"
+tracktemplate="$tracknum $trackname"
+# infolog: Log certain operations to file
+# (e.g. system calls, creation of dirs/files)
+# Possible values: filename (full path, no ~ here!)
+# Default: not set
+# lowercase: Convert filenames to lowercase
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# uppercasefirst: Convert filenames and tags to uppercase first,
+# not recommended. To be used on the command line only if CDDB entry
+# is in uppercase.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# underscore: Replace blanks in filenames with underscores
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# chars: Exclude special characters in file names and path.
+# Note: following characters will always be purged:
+# ; > < " and \015 .
+# Side note: if calling this option on the command line without
+# argument, following characters will be purged: |\:*?$ plus
+# blanks and periods at beginning and end of file names and directories.
+# This is identical to the word NTFS passed as argument to the command
+# line or stated here in the config file. The word HFS will purge colons
+# only plus blanks and periods at beginning of file names and
+# directories.
+# No need to escape the special characters here in the config file.
+# Possible values: HFS, NTFS, none, any (?)
+# Default: not set
+# playlist: Create m3u playlist with or without the full path
+# in the filename.
+# Possible values: 0 - off,
+ 1 - on with full path
+# 2 - on with no path (filename only)
+# Default: on (with full path)
+# Audio file tagging
+# year-tag: State a year (mp3, m4a) or a date (ogg, flac) tag.
+# Possible values: integer
+# Default: not set
+# comment-tag: State a comment (mp3, m4a, mpc) or a
+# description (ogg, flac) tag. To write the cddbid used for freedb
+# or the MusicBrainz discid into the comment, use the word "cddbid"
+# or "discid".
+# Possible values: discid, cddbid or any string
+# Default: not set
+# utftag: Use Lame-tags in UTF-8 or convert them
+# (but not the filenames) from Unicode to ISO8859-1.
+# Use when your mp3-audio player doesn't support Unicode tags.
+# Recommended with Lame.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: on
+# CDDB options
+# mb: Access MusicBrainz DB via WebService::MusicBrainz module instead
+# of the http protocol (see below).
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# CDDBHOST: Specifies the CDDB server
+# Possible values: freedb.org, freedb2.org or musicbrainz.org
+# Note: Full name of the server used is $mirror.$CDDBHOST, except for
+# freedb2.org (no mirror) and musicbrainz.org has freedb as default
+# mirror.
+# E.g. default server is freedb.freedb.org
+# Default: freedb.org
+# mirror: Selects freedb mirror
+# Possible values: "freedb" or any freedb mirrors
+# See www.freedb.org for mirror list
+# Note: Full name of the server used is $mirror.$CDDBHOST
+# E.g., default server is freedb.freedb.org
+# Default: freedb
+# transfer: Set transfer mode for cddb queries
+# Possible values: cddb, http
+# Note: CDDB servers freedb2.org and musicbrainz.org may need transfer
+# mode http.
+# Default: cddb
+# proto: Set CDDP protocol level
+# Possible values: 5, 6
+# Protocol level 6 supports Unicode (UTF-8)
+# Default: 6
+# proxy: Address of http-proxy, if needed
+# Default: not set
+# mailad: Mail address for cddb submissions
+# Valid user email address for submitting cddb entries
+# Default: not set
+# archive: Read and save cddb data on local machine
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# submission: Submit new or edited cddb entries to
+# freeCDDB
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: on
+# interaction: Turns on or off user interaction in cddb dialog
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: on
+# LCD options
+# lcd: Use lcdproc to display status on LCD
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# lcdhost: Specify the lcdproc host
+# Default: localhost
+# lcdport: Specify port number for localhost
+# Default: 13666
+# Distributed ripping options
+# sshlist: Comma separated list of remote machines ripit shall use
+# for encoding. The output path must be the same for all machines.
+# Specify the login (login@machine) only if not the
+# same for the remote machine. Else just state the
+# machine names.
+# Default: not set
+# scp: Copy files to encode to the remote machine.
+# Use if the fs can not be accessed on the remote machines
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# local: Turn off encoding on local machine, e.g. use only remote
+# machines.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Example: local=0 (off) turns off encoding on the
+# local machine
+# Default: on
+# Misc. options
+# verbosity: Run silent (do not output comments, status etc.) (0), with
+# minimal (1), normal without encoder msgs (2), normal (3), verbose (4)
+# or extremely verbose (5).
+# Possible values: 0...5
+# Default: 3 - normal
+# eject: Eject cd after finishing encoding.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# ejectcmd: Command used to eject and close CD tray.
+# Possible values: string
+# Example: /usr/sbin/cdcontrol for FreeBSD
+# Default: eject
+# ejectopt: Options to command used to eject or close CD.
+# Possible values: string or "{cddev}" to design the CD
+# device.
+# Note: Don't use options -t / close or eject,
+# RipIT knows when to eject or load the tray
+# Default: {cddev}
+# quitnodb: Give up CD if no CDDB entry found.
+# Useful if option --loop or --nointeraction are on.
+# Default behaviour is to let operator enter data or to use default
+# artist, album and track names.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# execmd: Execute a command when done with ripping. Quote the command
+# if needed.
+# Possible values: none - off, string - on
+# Example: execmd="get_cover -a \"$artist\" -r \"$album\""
+# Default: off
+# book: Create an audiobook, i. e. merge all tracks into one single
+# file, option --ghost will be switched off and file suffix will be
+# m4b. Make sure to use encoder faac, ripit will not check that.
+# A chapter file will be written for chapter marks.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# loop: Continue with a new CD when the previous one is done.
+# Option --eject will be forced. To start ripping process immediately
+# after ejection of previous disc, use experimental argument 2. Ripit
+# will restart as child process, one might see the prompt and it will
+# be necessary to manually terminate the process! Do not use!
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - immediate restart, experimental
+# Default: off
+# halt: Powers off machine after finishing encoding
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# nice: Sets "nice" value for the encoding process
+# Possible values: 0..19 for normal users,
+# -20..19 for user "root"
+# Default: 0
+# nicerip: Sets "nice" value for the ripping process
+# Possible values: 0..19 for normal users,
+# -20..19 for user "root"
+# Default: 0
+# threads: Comma separated list of numbers giving maximum
+# of allowed encoder processes to run at the same time
+# (on each machine when using sshlist).
+# Possible values: comma separated integers
+# Default: 1
+# md5sum: Create file with md5sums for each type of sound files.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# wav: Don't delete wave-files after encoding.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# normalize: Normalizes the wave-files to a given dB-value
+# (default: -12dB)
+# See http://normalize.nongnu.org for details.
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# normcmd: Command to be used to normalize.
+# Possible values: string
+# Example: normalize-audio (when using Debian)
+# Upstream default: normalize
+# We are running Debian so set to normalize-audio
+# normopt: Options to pass to normalize
+# Possible values: -a -nndB : Normalize to -nn dB, default is -12dB,
+# Value range: All values <= 0dB
+# Example : normalize -a -20dB *.wav
+# -b : Batch mode - loudness differences
+# between individual tracks of a CD are
+# maintained
+# -m : Mix mode - all track are normalized to
+# the same loudness
+# -v : Verbose operation
+# -q : Quiet operation
+# For further options see normalize documentation.
+# Default: -b
+# The -v option will be added by default according to RipITs verbosity
+# cdtoc: Create a toc file to burn the wavs with
+# cd-text using cdrdao or cdrecord (in dao mode).
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off
+# inf: Create inf files to burn the wavs with
+# cd-text using wodim or cdrecord (in dao mode).
+# Possible values: 0 - off, 1 - on
+# Default: off