AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-12-29Minor fixHEADmasterSilvio Rhatto
2017-06-05Changes for puppet 4 compatibilitySilvio Rhatto
2016-07-07Updates CLISilvio Rhatto
2016-01-19Script: support for non-root userSilvio Rhatto
2016-01-19CleanupSilvio Rhatto
2016-01-19Move wordpress script to /usr/local/binSilvio Rhatto
2016-01-19CleanupSilvio Rhatto
2016-01-19Fix wp-cli installSilvio Rhatto
2016-01-19Simplify moduleSilvio Rhatto
2014-08-18Update wp-cli revision to b30a0745ef5fe1c9f2a4d9a021aef213a78c867.drebs
2013-08-04Updating wp-cli commitSilvio Rhatto
2013-07-02Backing up with hardlinksSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07Cosmetic changeSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07Allowing core commandsSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07New wp app locationSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07Updating wp-cli deploy commitSilvio Rhatto
2013-02-07Fixing variable attributionSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-24Class parameters using hieraSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-19Fix template varSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-19Forcing defaultsSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-19Upgrading for 2.7 compatibility --configSilvio Rhatto
2012-07-20Commented command line with hardcoded pathSilvio Rhatto
2012-07-19Enchancing user experience of wordpress scriptSilvio Rhatto
2012-07-19Updating wp-cli commitSilvio Rhatto
2012-06-26Minor fix at wp-cli forwarderSilvio Rhatto
2012-06-26Adding wp-cli support for wordpress scriptSilvio Rhatto
2012-01-05Fixing themes and plugins copy on upgradeSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-20Syncing uploadsSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Set sunrise symlinkSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Change symlink to point to the new locationSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Renaming wordpress folderSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Minor fixSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Fixing parameter evaluationSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Fixing invocation checkingSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Check for previous installationSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Another syntax fixSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Syntax fixSilvio Rhatto
2011-12-19Initial importSilvio Rhatto