diff options
8 files changed, 302 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b5fe773..b5b7a00 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index ed1b75c..ef2a36e 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,35 +1,33 @@
- master
language: ruby
bundler_args: --without development
script: "bundle exec rake spec SPEC_OPTS='--format documentation'"
- - git clone -q git:// .forge-release
- - .forge-release/publish
- 1.8.7
- 1.9.3
- 2.0.0
- - PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0"
- - PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.3.0"
- global:
- - PUBLISHER_LOGIN=puppetlabs
- - secure: |-
- ZiIkYd9+CdPzpwSjFPnVkCx1FIlipxpbdyD33q94h2Tj5zXjNb1GXizVy0NR
- kVxGhU5Ld8y9z8DTqKRgCI1Yymg3H//OU++PKLOQj/X5juWVR4URBNPeBOzu
- IJBDl1MADKA4i1+jAZPpz4mTvTtKS4pWKErgCSmhSfsY1hs7n6c=
+ - PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0"
+ - PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.3.0"
+ fast_finish: true
- - rvm: 1.9.3
- env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0"
- - rvm: 2.0.0
- env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0"
+ - rvm: 1.9.3
+ env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0"
+ - rvm: 2.0.0
+ env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0"
email: false
-# Temporary workaround for broken Rubygems on Travis
+- git clone -q git:// .forge-release
+- .forge-release/publish
- - gem update --system 2.1.11
- - gem --version
+- gem update --system 2.1.11
+- gem --version
+- Temporary workaround for broken Rubygems on Travis
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e128847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Checklist (and a short version for the impatient)
+ * Commits:
+ - Make commits of logical units.
+ - Check for unnecessary whitespace with "git diff --check" before
+ committing.
+ - Commit using Unix line endings (check the settings around "crlf" in
+ git-config(1)).
+ - Do not check in commented out code or unneeded files.
+ - The first line of the commit message should be a short
+ description (50 characters is the soft limit, excluding ticket
+ number(s)), and should skip the full stop.
+ - Associate the issue in the message. The first line should include
+ the issue number in the form "(#XXXX) Rest of message".
+ - The body should provide a meaningful commit message, which:
+ - uses the imperative, present tense: "change", not "changed" or
+ "changes".
+ - includes motivation for the change, and contrasts its
+ implementation with the previous behavior.
+ - Make sure that you have tests for the bug you are fixing, or
+ feature you are adding.
+ - Make sure the test suites passes after your commit:
+ `bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance` More information on [testing](#Testing) below
+ - When introducing a new feature, make sure it is properly
+ documented in the
+ * Submission:
+ * Pre-requisites:
+ - Sign the [Contributor License Agreement](
+ - Make sure you have a [GitHub account](
+ - [Create a ticket](, or [watch the ticket]( you are patching for.
+ * Preferred method:
+ - Fork the repository on GitHub.
+ - Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the
+ repository. (the format ticket/1234-short_description_of_change is
+ usually preferred for this project).
+ - Submit a pull request to the repository in the puppetlabs
+ organization.
+The long version
+ 1. Make separate commits for logically separate changes.
+ Please break your commits down into logically consistent units
+ which include new or changed tests relevant to the rest of the
+ change. The goal of doing this is to make the diff easier to
+ read for whoever is reviewing your code. In general, the easier
+ your diff is to read, the more likely someone will be happy to
+ review it and get it into the code base.
+ If you are going to refactor a piece of code, please do so as a
+ separate commit from your feature or bug fix changes.
+ We also really appreciate changes that include tests to make
+ sure the bug is not re-introduced, and that the feature is not
+ accidentally broken.
+ Describe the technical detail of the change(s). If your
+ description starts to get too long, that is a good sign that you
+ probably need to split up your commit into more finely grained
+ pieces.
+ Commits which plainly describe the things which help
+ reviewers check the patch and future developers understand the
+ code are much more likely to be merged in with a minimum of
+ bike-shedding or requested changes. Ideally, the commit message
+ would include information, and be in a form suitable for
+ inclusion in the release notes for the version of Puppet that
+ includes them.
+ Please also check that you are not introducing any trailing
+ whitespace or other "whitespace errors". You can do this by
+ running "git diff --check" on your changes before you commit.
+ 2. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
+ Before we can accept your changes, we do need a signed Puppet
+ Labs Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
+ You can access the CLA via the [Contributor License Agreement link](
+ If you have any questions about the CLA, please feel free to
+ contact Puppet Labs via email at
+ 3. Sending your patches
+ To submit your changes via a GitHub pull request, we _highly_
+ recommend that you have them on a topic branch, instead of
+ directly on "master".
+ It makes things much easier to keep track of, especially if
+ you decide to work on another thing before your first change
+ is merged in.
+ GitHub has some pretty good
+ [general documentation]( on using
+ their site. They also have documentation on
+ [creating pull requests](
+ In general, after pushing your topic branch up to your
+ repository on GitHub, you can switch to the branch in the
+ GitHub UI and click "Pull Request" towards the top of the page
+ in order to open a pull request.
+ 4. Update the related GitHub issue.
+ If there is a GitHub issue associated with the change you
+ submitted, then you should update the ticket to include the
+ location of your branch, along with any other commentary you
+ may wish to make.
+Getting Started
+Our puppet modules provide [`Gemfile`](./Gemfile)s which can tell a ruby
+package manager such as [bundler]( what Ruby packages,
+or Gems, are required to build, develop, and test this software.
+Please make sure you have [bundler installed](
+on your system, then use it to install all dependencies needed for this project,
+by running
+% bundle install
+Fetching gem metadata from
+Fetching gem metadata from
+Using rake (10.1.0)
+Using builder (3.2.2)
+-- 8><-- many more --><8 --
+Using rspec-system-puppet (2.2.0)
+Using serverspec (0.6.3)
+Using rspec-system-serverspec (1.0.0)
+Using bundler (1.3.5)
+Your bundle is complete!
+Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
+NOTE some systems may require you to run this command with sudo.
+If you already have those gems installed, make sure they are up-to-date:
+% bundle update
+With all dependencies in place and up-to-date we can now run the tests:
+% rake spec
+This will execute all the [rspec tests]( tests
+under [spec/defines](./spec/defines), [spec/classes](./spec/classes),
+and so on. rspec tests may have the same kind of dependencies as the
+module they are testing. While the module defines in its [Modulefile](./Modulefile),
+rspec tests define them in [.fixtures.yml](./fixtures.yml).
+Some puppet modules also come with [beaker](
+tests. These tests spin up a virtual machine under
+[VirtualBox]( with, controlling it with
+[Vagrant]( to actually simulate scripted test
+scenarios. In order to run these, you will need both of those tools
+installed on your system.
+You can run them by issuing the following command
+% rake spec_clean
+% rspec spec/acceptance
+This will now download a pre-fabricated image configured in the [default node-set](./spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml),
+install puppet, copy this module and install its dependencies per [spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb](./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb)
+and then run all the tests under [spec/acceptance](./spec/acceptance).
+Writing Tests
+XXX getting started writing tests.
+If you have commit access to the repository
+Even if you have commit access to the repository, you will still need to
+go through the process above, and have someone else review and merge
+in your changes. The rule is that all changes must be reviewed by a
+developer on the project (that did not write the code) to ensure that
+all changes go through a code review process.
+Having someone other than the author of the topic branch recorded as
+performing the merge is the record that they performed the code
+Additional Resources
+* [Getting additional help](
+* [Writing tests](
+* [Patchwork](
+* [Contributor License Agreement](
+* [General GitHub documentation](
+* [GitHub pull request documentation](
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 0120ece..9074f1e 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-source ''
+source ENV['GEM_SOURCE'] || ""
group :development, :test do
gem 'rake', :require => false
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ group :development, :test do
gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', :require => false
gem 'serverspec', :require => false
gem 'puppet-lint', :require => false
+ gem 'beaker', :require => false
+ gem 'beaker-rspec', :require => false
gem 'pry', :require => false
- gem 'beaker-rspec', '~>2.2', :require => false
- gem 'rspec', '~>2.14', :require => false
gem 'simplecov', :require => false
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-59-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-59-x64.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad90b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-59-x64.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ centos-59-x64:
+ roles:
+ - master
+ platform: el-5-x86_64
+ box : centos-59-x64-vbox4210-nocm
+ box_url :
+ hypervisor : vagrant
+ type: git
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64-pe.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64-pe.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d9242f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64-pe.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ centos-64-x64:
+ roles:
+ - master
+ - database
+ - dashboard
+ platform: el-6-x86_64
+ box : centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm
+ box_url :
+ hypervisor : vagrant
+ type: pe
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-65-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-65-x64.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2cb80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-65-x64.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ centos-65-x64:
+ roles:
+ - master
+ platform: el-6-x86_64
+ box : centos-65-x64-vbox436-nocm
+ box_url :
+ hypervisor : vagrant
+ type: foss
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-1404-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-1404-x64.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba1cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-1404-x64.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ ubuntu-server-1404-x64:
+ roles:
+ - master
+ platform: ubuntu-14.04-amd64
+ box : puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm
+ box_url :
+ hypervisor : vagrant
+ log_level : debug
+ type: git