AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-07-11Removes server variable referenceHEADmasterSilvio Rhatto
2017-06-05Changes for puppet 4 compatibilitySilvio Rhatto
2012-04-13Ensure package is installed before installing "default" fileGabriel Filion
There's currently no link that forces puppet to install the package before placing the file /etc/default/smartmontools. This leads to errors in the package's install process.
2010-01-27Config file fixSilvio Rhatto
2010-01-27Renaming serviceSilvio Rhatto
2010-01-27Minor fix (2)Silvio Rhatto
2010-01-27Minor fixSilvio Rhatto
2010-01-27Initial importSilvio Rhatto