path: root/manifests/service/enabled.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/service/enabled.pp')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/service/enabled.pp b/manifests/service/enabled.pp
index d750914..1897e69 100644
--- a/manifests/service/enabled.pp
+++ b/manifests/service/enabled.pp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-define runit::service::enabled( $ensure = present ) {
+define runit::service::enabled( $ensure = present, $timeout ) {
# enabling the service by creating a symlink in /etc/service
file { "/etc/service/${name}":
@@ -21,11 +21,34 @@ define runit::service::enabled( $ensure = present ) {
exec { "sv restart ${name}":
subscribe => File["/etc/service/${name}"],
+ # last command is true, so this resource never fails
+ command => "/usr/bin/sv -w ${timeout} force-restart /etc/sv/${name}; true",
+ # we desperately need the supervise directory to restart a service
+ onlyif => "test -d '/etc/sv/${name}'/supervise",
+ refreshonly => true,
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Stop the service in THIS sequence:
+ # 1. remove /etc/services link
+ # 2. force-shutdown /etc/sv/*
+ # 3. remove /etc/sv stuff
+ # 4. manage users, groups, whatever
+ exec { "sv exit ${name}":
+ require => File["/etc/service/${name}"],
+ before => File["/etc/sv/${name}"],
# we wait a few seconds just in case this is the firstmost service activation
# then the supervise directory need to be created (automically) by runit
- command => "/bin/sleep 3; /usr/bin/sv -w 60 restart /etc/sv/${name}",
- refreshonly => true,
+ command => "/usr/bin/sv -w ${timeout} force-shutdown /etc/sv/${name}; true",
+ # when "/etc/sv/${name}" is not there, do not exec
+ onlyif => "test -d '/etc/sv/${name}'",
+ # if we have users/groups, we need to remove them AFTER stopping the server
+ User <||> { require +> Exec["sv exit ${name}"] }
+ Group <||> { require +> Exec["sv exit ${name}"] }