BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
adapt-to-jessieinclude munin in proxy roledrebs9 years
developManages firejail and convmvSilvio Rhatto7 years
feature/autoloadKeep some imports for a whileSilvio Rhatto9 years
feature/cleanupAdds nodo::utils::baseSilvio Rhatto8 years
feature/crypttabUpdating crypttab/fstab/resume to new layoutSilvio Rhatto10 years
feature/muninIntroduces nodo::munin_node::ensureSilvio Rhatto9 years
masterFix: disable monkeysphere as it's currently not availableSilvio Rhatto2 days
productionFix backup::users managementSilvio Rhatto8 years
refactorAdding new rolesSilvio Rhatto11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-04-13Adding new rolesrefactorSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-12Major refactorSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-12Commenting out irssi-plugin-otr definitionSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-11Adding misc ssh definitionsSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-11Adding sshkey to localhostSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-08Package 'irssi-plugin-otr' not available right nowSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-08Adding vim-nox into utilsSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-06Adds owner, group and mode to nodo::nas::shareSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-06Adding upnp-inspector gupnp-tools into utils::mediacenterSilvio Rhatto
2013-04-06Disable browsing of printer drivers on nodo::nasSilvio Rhatto