BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
developHiera 5 migrationSilvio Rhatto4 years
masterMove nagios::service::passive to handler classes so that local backups may al...Jerome Charaoui9 years
productionRemoves duplicate configdir paramSilvio Rhatto7 years
riseupupdate README to no longer suggest that people import the module; change theMicah Anderson12 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-05-07Hiera 5 migrationdevelopSilvio Rhatto
2018-06-06Adds when param into backupninja::rsyncSilvio Rhatto
2017-06-05Changes for puppet 4 compatibilitySilvio Rhatto
2017-06-05Removes duplicate configdir paramproductionSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-23Fix deprecation warnings at maildir templateSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-22Fix deprecation warnings at svn templateSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-22Fix deprecation warnings at mysql templateSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-22Fix deprecation warnings at sys templateSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-22Move storedconfig code to separate folders, trying to avoid warnings on maste...Silvio Rhatto
2016-03-19Fix deprecation warnings at backupninja.conf templateSilvio Rhatto