path: root/templates/default.erb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-14Allow for VirtualHosts in other portsSilvio Rhatto
2023-07-03Feat: adds default VirtualHost for any site listening only in localhostSilvio Rhatto
2023-07-03Feat: adds a catch-all VirtualHost for any site listening only in localhostSilvio Rhatto
2016-05-15Do not use a ServerAlias on default vhostSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-25User default host as a ServerAlias form the domainSilvio Rhatto
2015-11-03Fix template deprecations (2)Silvio Rhatto
2015-11-03Fix template deprecationsSilvio Rhatto
2015-08-18Adapt default vhost to jessieSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Support for custom http and https portsSilvio Rhatto
2013-01-19Upgrading for 2.7 compatibilitySilvio Rhatto
2011-02-04OopsSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-04CleanupSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-04Adding default site templateSilvio Rhatto