path: root/manifests/site.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/site.pp')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/site.pp b/manifests/site.pp
index ff053b9..2c76a01 100644
--- a/manifests/site.pp
+++ b/manifests/site.pp
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ define apache::site(
ensure => absent,
+ # Setup configuration
apache::site::config { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
source => $source,
@@ -147,56 +148,13 @@ define apache::site(
hosting_domain => $hosting_domain,
- case $ensure {
- 'present': {
- if ($docroot != false) and ($manage_docroot == true) {
- if !defined(File["${docroot}"]) {
- file { "${docroot}":
- ensure => present,
- owner => $owner,
- group => $group,
- mode => 0755,
- recurse => false,
- }
- }
- if !defined(Exec["check_docroot_${docroot}"]) {
- # Ensure parent folder exist
- exec { "check_docroot_${docroot}":
- command => "/bin/mkdir -p ${docroot}",
- unless => "/bin/sh -c '[ -e ${docroot} ]'",
- user => root,
- before => File["${docroot}"],
- }
- }
- }
- exec { "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $vhost":
- command => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
- 'wheezy' => "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $vhost.conf",
- default => "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $vhost",
- },
- unless => "/bin/sh -c '[ -L ${apache::conf_sites}-enabled/$vhost.conf ] \
- && [ ${apache::conf_sites}-enabled/$vhost.conf -ef ${apache::conf_sites}-available/$vhost.conf ]'",
- require => Apache::Site::Config[$name],
- notify => Exec["reload-apache2"],
- }
- }
- 'absent': {
- exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dissite $vhost":
- command => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
- 'wheezy' => "/usr/sbin/a2dissite $vhost.conf",
- default => "/usr/sbin/a2dissite $vhost",
- },
- onlyif => "/bin/sh -c '[ -L ${apache::conf_sites}-enabled/$vhost.conf ] \
- && [ ${apache::conf_sites}-enabled/$vhost.conf -ef ${apache::conf_sites}-available/$vhost.conf ]'",
- require => Apache::Site::Config[$name],
- notify => Exec["reload-apache2"],
- }
- file { "${apache::conf_sites}-enabled/$vhost.conf":
- ensure => absent,
- notify => Exec["reload-apache2"],
- }
- }
- default: { err ("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'") }
+ # Enable or disable accordingly
+ apache::site::manage { $name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ docroot => $docroot,
+ manage_docroot => $manage_docroot,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ vhost => $vhost,