path: root/www/inc/javascript-eek.inc.php
diff options
authorjimmacfx <jimmacfx@4fa712ea-3c06-0410-9261-c11b4c06c003>2005-11-25 22:16:10 +0000
committerjimmacfx <jimmacfx@4fa712ea-3c06-0410-9261-c11b4c06c003>2005-11-25 22:16:10 +0000
commit4023001a68b3d85891ab744eb77e7b22a9dd8e3f (patch)
tree8ef9fadd91e07cae3bcc1284cc06a850f818168b /www/inc/javascript-eek.inc.php
parent796ade427c4b26271d879d2c1f58def958d51568 (diff)
import original 0.11
git-svn-id: https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/original/trunk@2 4fa712ea-3c06-0410-9261-c11b4c06c003
Diffstat (limited to 'www/inc/javascript-eek.inc.php')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/inc/javascript-eek.inc.php b/www/inc/javascript-eek.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3672c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/inc/javascript-eek.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<script language="JavaScript">
+// javascript snipplets mostly nicked from
+// http://liorean.web-graphics.com/scripts
+//cookie handling
+var cookie={ // The Cookie Handler main object
+ Get:function(n){ // Function for getting cookies
+ var re=new RegExp(n+'=([^;]*);?','gi'); // Create regex for cookies fetching
+ var r=re.exec(document.cookie)||[]; // Fetch cookie using regex
+ return unescape(r.length>1?r[1]:null) // Return unescaped cookie
+ },
+ Set:function(n,v,e,p,d,s){ // Function for setting cookies
+ var t=new Date; // Get current time and date
+ if(e) // If days to expiry is set
+ t.setTime(t.getTime()+(e*8.64e7)); // calculate expiry date
+ document.cookie=n+'='+escape(v)+'; '+(!e?'':'; expires='+t.toUTCString())+(!p?'':'; path='+p)+(!d?'':'; domain='+d)+(!s?'':'; secure') // Set cookie
+ },
+ Del:function(n,p,d){ // Function for deleting cookies
+ var t=cookie.Get(n); // Get cookie
+ document.cookie=n+'='+(!p?'':'; path='+p)+(!d?'':'; domain='+d)+'; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT'; // Delete cookie
+ return t // Return the deleted cookie
+ },
+ Sup:function(){ // Function for detecting cookies support
+ cookie.Set('c',true); // Set dummy cookie
+ return cookie.Del('c'); // Return whether dummy was written
+ }
+// theme switching
+var style={ // Theme Switcher main object
+ Set:function(t){ // Function for setting active theme
+ for(var i in this.col) // For each existing title
+ for(var j=0,f;(f=(j<this.col[i].length)?this.col[i][j]:null);j++) // And all stylesheets of that title
+ f.disabled=i!=t?true:false; // Set to enabled or disabled depending on whether title matches user input
+ },
+ Get:function(){ // Function for determining active theme
+ for(var i in this.col) // For each existing title
+ if(!this.col[i][0].disabled) // Unless disabled
+ return i; // Return title
+ return this.Pref() // Otherwise try to determine preferred title
+ },
+ Pref:function(){ // Function to determine preferred title
+ for(var i in this.col) // For each existing title
+ if(!this.col[i][0].disabled) // Unless disabled
+ return i; // Return title
+ return null // Otherwise return null
+ },
+ sum:function(){ // Function to collect existing titles into a collection
+ var s=document.styleSheets,i=0; // Set needed variables
+ for(var f;(f=(i<s.length)?s[i]:null);i++) // For each existing stylesheet
+ switch(f.title){ // Read title
+ case '': // If none or blank
+ break; // Exit
+ default: // Otherwise
+ switch(typeof this.col[f.title]){ // Read title
+ case 'object': // If exists in collection
+ this.col[f.title][this.col[f.title].length]=f; // Add stylesheet to that title in the collection
+ break; // Exit
+ default: // Otherwise
+ this.col[f.title]=[f] // Add new titla to collection and add stylesheet to that title
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onload:function(){ // Function to send to onload handler
+ style.sum(); // Collect titles
+ if(cookie.Sup()){ // If cookies support exists
+ var c=cookie.Get('style'); // Get preferred theme from cookie
+ style.Set(c||style.Pref()) // Otherwise use the author specified
+ }
+ },
+ onunload:function(){ // Function to send to onunload handler
+ if(cookie.Sup()){ // If cookies support exists
+ var s=style.Get(); // Get active theme
+ cookie.Set('style',s,356,'/') // Write active theme to cookie
+ }
+ },
+ col:{} // Collection for titles
+event.Add(style.onload); // Add onload handler
+window.onunload=style.onunload; // Add onunload handler
+// IE/Mac voodoo
+var event={ // The Event Handler main object
+ Add:function(f){ // Function for adding onload handlers
+ event.col[event.col.length]=f; // Add event handler to collection
+ if(typeof window.addEventListener!='undefined') // If W3C compliant
+ window.addEventListener('load',f,false); // Apply event handler
+ else if(!event.ieSet) // Otherwise, unless already set
+ if(typeof document.onreadystatechange!='undefined') // If supported
+ document.onreadystatechange=event.onload; // Add In event handler handler
+ event.ieSet=true; // Specify that event handler already is set
+ return(typeof window.addEventListener!='undefined') // Return whether W3C compliant
+ },
+ onload:function(){ // Function for handling multiple onload handlers in IE
+ var m=/mac/i.test(navigator.platform); // Detect whether mac
+ if(typeof document.readyState!='undefined') // If supported
+ if(m?document.readyState!='interactive':document.readyState!='complete') // And not already finished
+ return; // Exit
+ for(var i=0,f;(f=(i<event.col.length)?event.col[i]:null);i++) // For all event handlers
+ f(); // Run event handler
+ return // Exit
+ },
+ ieSet:false, // Variable to say whether event handler is set or not
+ col:[] // Collection for event handlers