path: root/modules/vim/vim.dot.link/doc/indexer.txt
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authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2013-02-01 01:25:10 -0200
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2013-02-01 01:25:10 -0200
commit6b9187673ee62d11042832f938913f15131592a7 (patch)
tree9e70016667efe273a72ab351aafaddbdb099e123 /modules/vim/vim.dot.link/doc/indexer.txt
parent25235935e6c90557a4d6791c8d8f3a5cdf89681a (diff)
Adding metadot script
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/vim/vim.dot.link/doc/indexer.txt')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/vim/vim.dot.link/doc/indexer.txt b/modules/vim/vim.dot.link/doc/indexer.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330b486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/vim/vim.dot.link/doc/indexer.txt
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+*indexer.txt* Plugin for automatically index project files using ctags
+ For Vim 7.x version
+ By Dmitry Frank
+ dimon.frank email-at-sign gmail.com
+ *indexer* *indexer-plugin*
+ Contents:
+ Options.....................|indexer-options|
+ Commands...................|indexer-commands|
+You can use this plugin to automatically index your project files
+using ctags. This can be very useful when it's used together with plugins
+omnicppcomplete (for c, c++ development), code_complete.vim
+and other plugins that using tags.
+You also will able to jump from function call to its definition
+just by pressing Ctrl-] or g]
+This plugin can work as add-on for project.tar.gz plugin.
+Indexer reads project file, parses it and builds tags for all files
+in project. But it can also work without this plugin.
+Actually, if you using project.vim plugin and you projects file is
+default (~/.vimprojects), then setting indexer up is very easily:
+you can just copy indexer.vim to your plugins directory, start Vim
+and open any file from your project.
+The indexer plugin will detect that opened file from project
+and automatically start ctags for each file in this project.
+It also set &path and &tags options for Vim.
+If you are using project.vim but you have another projects file,
+you should set option g:indexer_projectsSettingsFilename in your
+vimrc. See |indexer-options| for details
+If you don't use project.vim then you can use ".indexer_files" to
+define projects to index.
+Default location of this file is "~/.indexer_files". You can change
+it by modifying variable g:indexer_indexerListFilename
+Note that this file overrides "~/.vimprojects". If both files exists
+only "~/.indexer_files" will be used.
+Syntax of this file is very easy. Propably the best way to explain it
+is show an example.
+Example file "~/.indexer_files" >
+ [CoolProject]
+ /home/user/myproject/src/*.c
+ /home/user/myproject/src/*.h
+ /home/user/myproject/inc/*.h
+ [AnotherProject]
+ /home/user/myproject2**/*.c
+ /home/user/myproject2**/*.h
+I think, there's all obvious:
+there's two projects: CoolProject and AnotherProject.
+in CoolProject there's all *.c files in "myproject/src" and all header
+files in "myproject/inc". in AnotherProject there's both *.c and *.h
+files in "myproject2" and all subdirectories recursively.
+( "**" means recursively )
+It's able to use environment variables in your paths.
+You can define the same AnotherProject simplier:
+ >
+ [AnotherProject]
+ /home/user/myproject2**/*.[ch]
+And, finally, it can autodetect project root. So, you can move your
+project to another place in filesystem, and all files will indexed anyway.
+More detailed see in options, variable "g:indexer_lookForProjectDir".
+OPTIONS *indexer-options*
+You can set these variables in your vimrc file before the plugin is loaded to
+change its default behavior
+g:indexer_lookForProjectDir (default: 1)
+ if on, then plugin will recursively-up search for ".vimprj" directory.
+ If it will be found, then plugin will source all "*.vim" files in it,
+ and also will set environment variable $INDEXER_PROJECT_ROOT to
+ directory in which is ".vimprj" directory.
+ Your directory tree example:
+ | home
+ | | user
+ | | | myproject
+ | | | | src
+ | | | | |-file1.c
+ | | | | |-file2.c
+ | | | | |-file3.c
+ | | | | |
+ | | | | inc
+ | | | | |-file1.h
+ | | | | |-file2.h
+ | | | | |-file3.h
+ | | | | |
+ | | | | .vimprj
+ | | | | |-conf.vim
+ For example, you typing: >
+ $ gvim /home/user/myproject/src/file1.c
+ Then indexer will detect your /home/user/myproject/.vimprj directory
+ and source all files *.vim from it,
+ and set $INDEXER_PROJECT_ROOT="/home/user/myproject"
+ so, you can define any settings that are individual for
+ your project, such as another .vimprojects file, or any other.
+ This is great for people like me, that likes when ALL project files
+ is in only one directory.
+ When i need to copy project to another computer i just copying the
+ whole folder, and all is done. I using $INDEXER_PROJECT_ROOT variable
+ in my .vimprojects file, so that i can put project in any place in
+ filesystem, and all files will be indexed, because
+ $INDEXER_PROJECT_ROOT will be always my real project root.
+g:indexer_dirNameForSearch (default: ".vimprj")
+ directory name with project settings for search (".vimprj" by default)
+g:indexer_recurseUpCount (default: 10)
+ count of recurse-up for search ".vimprj" directory
+g:indexer_indexerListFilename (default: "~/.indexer_files")
+ indexer filename. If this file exists then projects file are ignored.
+g:indexer_projectsSettingsFilename (default: "~/.vimprojects")
+ project filename. (the project file that plugin project.vim using)
+g:indexer_projectName (default: '')
+ if you don't wand to index any project, you can define one name.
+ If it is empty, then indexes any found projects.
+ By default is empty.
+g:indexer_enableWhenProjectDirFound (default: 1)
+ If this option is set, then if gvim started from project directory, this project
+ will be indexed. Otherwise project will be indexed only if there's file
+ from this project opened
+g:indexer_tagsDirname (default: "~/.vimtags")
+ directory to save tags file. (this is directory because there's propably
+ several files in next versions)
+ Note: If ".vimprj" directory is found, then this option is ignored and tags
+ directory becomes ".vimprj/tags"
+ ctags command line options. By default is:
+ "--c++-kinds=+p+l --fields=+iaS --extra=+q"
+g:indexer_ctagsJustAppendTagsAtFileSave (default: 1)
+ when there's project file saving, we need to update tags.
+ If this option is on, then ctags will be started just for
+ current file with "-a" key, otherwise tags for all project
+ files will be rebuild.
+ There is different sides:
+ If just append tags, then old tags will not be removed until
+ you rebuild all tags by typing ":IndexerRebuild" or just restart
+ Vim. If rebuild tags every time, it would take long time
+ (depending on project size, of course)
+ By default this option is on.
+COMMANDS *indexer-commands*
+ prints information about current state of plugin, such as projects file
+ using, files not found, and other.
+ The first thing you should do if plugin doesn't work is type this command :)
+ prints list of indexed files
+ rebuild tags for all files in project
+ prints list of all available files that has been read from projects file
+ vim:ft=help:tw=78: