path: root/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2553 deletions
diff --git a/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php b/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php
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- * Tests for the OpenID consumer.
- *
- * PHP versions 4 and 5
- *
- * LICENSE: See the COPYING file included in this distribution.
- *
- * @package OpenID
- * @author JanRain, Inc. <openid@janrain.com>
- * @copyright 2005-2008 Janrain, Inc.
- * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache
- */
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/CryptUtil.php';
-require_once 'Auth/Yadis/HTTPFetcher.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/DiffieHellman.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/KVForm.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Server.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Nonce.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/SReg.php';
-require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Message.php';
-require_once 'Tests/Auth/OpenID/MemStore.php';
- * Convenience function to create a SuccessResponse with the given
- * arguments, all signed.
- */
-function mkSuccess($endpoint, $q)
- $signed_list = array();
- foreach (array_keys($q) as $k) {
- $signed_list[] = 'openid.' . $k;
- }
- return new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($endpoint,
- Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($q),
- $signed_list);
-class FastConsumerSession extends Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA1ConsumerSession {
- function FastConsumerSession($dh = null)
- {
- if ($dh === null) {
- $dh = new Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellman(100389557, 2);
- }
- $this->dh = $dh;
- }
-function setConsumerSession($con)
- $con->session_types = array('DH-SHA1' => 'FastConsumerSession');
-global $_Auth_OpenID_assocs;
-$_Auth_OpenID_assocs = array(
- array('another 20-byte key.', 'Snarky'),
- array(str_repeat("\x00", 20), 'Zeros'),
- );
-function Auth_OpenID_parse($qs)
- $result = array();
- $parts = explode("&", $qs);
- foreach ($parts as $pair) {
- list($key, $value) = explode("=", $pair, 2);
- assert(!array_key_exists($key, $result));
- $result[urldecode($key)] = urldecode($value);
- }
- return $result;
-function Auth_OpenID_associate($qs, $assoc_secret, $assoc_handle)
- $query_data = Auth_OpenID_parse($qs);
- assert($query_data['openid.mode'] == 'associate');
- assert($query_data['openid.assoc_type'] == 'HMAC-SHA1');
- $reply_dict = array(
- 'assoc_type' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
- 'assoc_handle' => $assoc_handle,
- 'expires_in' => '600',
- );
- if (defined('Auth_OpenID_NO_MATH_SUPPORT')) {
- assert(count($query_data) == 2);
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query_data);
- $session = Auth_OpenID_PlainTextServerSession::fromMessage($message);
- } else {
- assert((count($query_data) == 6) || (count($query_data) == 4));
- assert($query_data['openid.mode'] == 'associate');
- assert($query_data['openid.session_type'] == 'DH-SHA1');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query_data);
- $session = Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA1ServerSession::fromMessage($message);
- $reply_dict['session_type'] = 'DH-SHA1';
- }
- $reply_dict = array_merge($reply_dict, $session->answer($assoc_secret));
- return Auth_OpenID_KVForm::fromArray($reply_dict);
-class Auth_OpenID_TestFetcher extends Auth_Yadis_HTTPFetcher {
- function Auth_OpenID_TestFetcher($user_url, $user_page,
- $assoc_secret, $assoc_handle)
- {
- $this->get_responses = array($user_url =>
- new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($user_url,
- 200,
- array(),
- $user_page));
- $this->assoc_secret = $assoc_secret;
- $this->assoc_handle = $assoc_handle;
- $this->num_assocs = 0;
- }
- function response($url, $body)
- {
- if ($body === null) {
- return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, 404, array(), 'Not found');
- } else {
- return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, 200, array(), $body);
- }
- }
- function get($url)
- {
- if (array_key_exists($url, $this->get_responses)) {
- return $this->get_responses[$url];
- } else {
- return $this->response($url, null);
- }
- }
- function _checkAuth($url, $body)
- {
- $query_data = Auth_OpenID_parse($body);
- $expected = array(
- 'openid.mode' => 'check_authentication',
- 'openid.signed' => 'assoc_handle,sig,signed',
- 'openid.sig' => 'fake',
- 'openid.assoc_handle' => $this->assoc_handle,
- );
- if ($query_data == $expected) {
- return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, 200, array(), "is_valid:true\n");
- } else {
- return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, 400, array(),
- "error:bad check_authentication query\n");
- }
- }
- function post($url, $body)
- {
- if (strpos($body, 'openid.mode=associate') !== false) {
- $response = Auth_OpenID_associate($body, $this->assoc_secret,
- $this->assoc_handle);
- $this->num_assocs++;
- return $this->response($url, $response);
- } elseif (strpos($body, 'openid.mode=check_authentication') !== false) {
- return $this->_checkAuth($url, $body);
- }
- return $this->response($url, null);
- }
-global $_Auth_OpenID_user_page_pat;
-$_Auth_OpenID_user_page_pat = "<html>
- <head>
- <title>A user page</title>
- %s
- </head>
- <body>
- blah blah
- </body>
-global $_Auth_OpenID_server_url;
-$_Auth_OpenID_server_url = "http://server.example.com/";
-global $_Auth_OpenID_consumer_url;
-$_Auth_OpenID_consumer_url = "http://consumer.example.com/";
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function _run($consumer, $user_url, $mode, $delegate_url,
- $fetcher, $store, $immediate)
- {
- global $_Auth_OpenID_consumer_url,
- $_Auth_OpenID_server_url;
- if (!defined('Auth_OpenID_NO_MATH_SUPPORT')) {
- setConsumerSession($consumer);
- }
- $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $endpoint->claimed_id = $user_url;
- $endpoint->server_url = $_Auth_OpenID_server_url;
- $endpoint->local_id = $delegate_url;
- $endpoint->type_uris = array(Auth_OpenID_TYPE_1_1);
- $result = $consumer->begin($endpoint);
- $return_to = $_Auth_OpenID_consumer_url;
- $trust_root = $_Auth_OpenID_consumer_url;
- $redirect_url = $result->redirectURL($trust_root, $return_to,
- $immediate);
- $parsed = parse_url($redirect_url);
- $qs = $parsed['query'];
- $q = Auth_OpenID_parse($qs);
- $new_return_to = $q['openid.return_to'];
- unset($q['openid.return_to']);
- $expected = array(
- 'openid.mode' => $mode,
- 'openid.identity' => $delegate_url,
- 'openid.trust_root' => $trust_root,
- );
- if ($consumer->_use_assocs) {
- $expected['openid.assoc_handle'] = $fetcher->assoc_handle;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $q);
- $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($redirect_url, $_Auth_OpenID_server_url));
- $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($new_return_to, $return_to));
- $parsed = parse_url($new_return_to);
- $query = Auth_OpenID_parse($parsed['query']);
- $query = array_merge($query, array(
- 'openid.mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'openid.return_to'=> $new_return_to,
- 'openid.identity'=> $delegate_url,
- 'openid.assoc_handle'=> $fetcher->assoc_handle,
- ));
- if (!$consumer->_use_assocs) {
- $query['openid.signed'] =
- 'assoc_handle,mode,signed,identity';
- $query['openid.assoc_handle'] = $fetcher->assoc_handle;
- $query['openid.sig'] = 'fake';
- }
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- if ($consumer->_use_assocs) {
- $assoc = $store->getAssociation($_Auth_OpenID_server_url,
- $fetcher->assoc_handle);
- $message = $assoc->signMessage($message);
- }
- $result = $consumer->complete($message, $result->endpoint, $new_return_to);
- $this->assertEquals(Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS, $result->status);
- $this->assertEquals($result->identity_url, $user_url);
- }
- function _test_success($user_url, $delegate_url, $links, $immediate = false)
- {
- global $_Auth_OpenID_filestore_base_dir,
- $_Auth_OpenID_server_url,
- $_Auth_OpenID_user_page_pat,
- $_Auth_OpenID_assocs;
- $store = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore();
- if ($immediate) {
- $mode = 'checkid_immediate';
- } else {
- $mode = 'checkid_setup';
- }
- $user_page = sprintf($_Auth_OpenID_user_page_pat, $links);
- $fetcher = new Auth_OpenID_TestFetcher($user_url, $user_page,
- $_Auth_OpenID_assocs[0][0],
- $_Auth_OpenID_assocs[0][1]);
- $consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($store);
- $consumer->fetcher =& $fetcher;
- $expected_num_assocs = 0;
- $this->assertEquals($expected_num_assocs, $fetcher->num_assocs);
- $this->_run($consumer, $user_url, $mode, $delegate_url,
- $fetcher, $store, $immediate);
- if ($consumer->_use_assocs) {
- $expected_num_assocs += 1;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expected_num_assocs, $fetcher->num_assocs);
- // Test that doing it again uses the existing association
- $this->_run($consumer, $user_url, $mode, $delegate_url,
- $fetcher, $store, $immediate);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_num_assocs, $fetcher->num_assocs);
- // Another association is created if we remove the existing one
- $store->removeAssociation($_Auth_OpenID_server_url,
- $fetcher->assoc_handle);
- $this->_run($consumer, $user_url, $mode, $delegate_url,
- $fetcher, $store, $immediate);
- if ($consumer->_use_assocs) {
- $expected_num_assocs += 1;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expected_num_assocs, $fetcher->num_assocs);
- // Test that doing it again uses the existing association
- $this->_run($consumer, $user_url, $mode, $delegate_url,
- $fetcher, $store, $immediate);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_num_assocs, $fetcher->num_assocs);
- }
- function test_success()
- {
- global $_Auth_OpenID_server_url;
- $user_url = 'http://www.example.com/user.html';
- $links = sprintf('<link rel="openid.server" href="%s" />',
- $_Auth_OpenID_server_url);
- $delegate_url = 'http://consumer.example.com/user';
- $delegate_links = sprintf('<link rel="openid.server" href="%s" />'.
- '<link rel="openid.delegate" href="%s" />',
- $_Auth_OpenID_server_url, $delegate_url);
- $this->_test_success($user_url, $user_url, $links);
- $this->_test_success($user_url, $user_url, $links, true);
- $this->_test_success($user_url, $delegate_url, $delegate_links);
- $this->_test_success($user_url, $delegate_url, $delegate_links, true);
- }
-class ConfigurableConsumer extends Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer {
- var $return_to_check_disabled = false;
- function disableReturnToChecking() {
- $this->return_to_check_disabled = true;
- }
- function complete($message, $endpoint, $return_to) {
- if ($this->return_to_check_disabled) {
- $return_to = null;
- }
- return parent::complete($message, $endpoint, $return_to);
- }
- function _checkReturnTo($unused, $unused2) {
- if ($this->return_to_check_disabled) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return parent::_checkReturnTo($unused, $unused2);
- }
- }
-class _TestIdRes extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- var $consumer_class = 'ConfigurableConsumer';
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->store = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore();
- $cl = $this->consumer_class;
- $this->consumer = new $cl($this->store);
- $this->return_to = "http://some.host/path";
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->server_id = "sirod";
- $this->server_url = "serlie";
- $this->consumer_id = "consu";
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $this->consumer_id;
- $this->endpoint->server_url = $this->server_url;
- $this->endpoint->local_id = $this->server_id;
- $this->endpoint->type_uris = array(Auth_OpenID_TYPE_1_1);
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestSetupNeeded extends _TestIdRes {
- function failUnlessSetupNeeded($expected_setup_url, $message)
- {
- if ($this->consumer._checkSetupNeeded($message)) {
- $this->assertEquals($expected_setup_url,
- $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS,
- 'user_setup_url'));
- } else {
- $this->fail("Expected to find an immediate-mode response");
- }
- }
- function test_setupNeededOpenID1()
- {
- // The minimum conditions necessary to trigger Setup Needed
- $setup_url = 'http://unittest/setup-here';
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'opaenid.mode' => 'id_res',
- 'openid.user_setup_url' => $setup_url
- ));
- $this->assertTrue($message->isOpenID1());
- $this->failUnlessSetupNeeded($setup_url, $message);
- }
- function test_setupNeededOpenID1_extra()
- {
- // Extra stuff along with setup_url still trigger Setup Needed
- $setup_url = 'http://unittest/setup-here';
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.mode' => 'id_res',
- 'openid.user_setup_url' => $setup_url,
- 'openid.identity' => 'bogus'
- ));
- $this->assertTrue($message->isOpenID1());
- $this->failUnlessSetupNeeded($setup_url, $message);
- }
- function test_noSetupNeededOpenID1()
- {
- // When the user_setup_url is missing on an OpenID 1 message,
- // we assume that it's not a cancel response to
- // checkid_immediate
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array('mode' => 'id_res'));
- $this->assertTrue($message->isOpenID1());
- // No SetupNeededError raised
- $this->consumer->_checkSetupNeeded($message);
- }
- function test_setupNeededOpenID2()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array(
- 'mode' => 'setup_needed',
- 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS
- ));
- $this->assertTrue($message->isOpenID2());
- $response = $this->consumer->complete($message, null, null);
- $this->assertEquals('setup_needed', $response->status);
- $this->assertEquals(null, $response->setup_url);
- }
- function test_setupNeededDoesntWorkForOpenID1()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array(
- 'mode' => 'setup_needed'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->consumer._checkSetupNeeded($message));
- $response = $this->consumer->complete($message, null, null);
- $this->assertEquals('failure', $response->status);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($response->message, 'Invalid openid.mode') === 0);
- }
- function test_noSetupNeededOpenID2()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array(
- 'mode' => 'id_res',
- 'game' => 'puerto_rico',
- 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS
- ));
- $this->assertTrue($message->isOpenID2());
- $this->assertFalse($this->consumer._checkSetupNeeded($message));
- }
-class IdResCheckForFieldsTest extends _TestIdRes {
- function setUp() {
- # Argh.
- $v = null;
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($v);
- }
- function successTest($openid_args, $signed_list) {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($openid_args);
- $message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'signed', implode(',', $signed_list));
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckForFields($message);
- $this->assertFalse(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_openid1Success() {
- $this->successTest(
- array('return_to' =>'return',
- 'assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'identity' =>'someone',
- ),
- array('return_to', 'identity'));
- }
- function test_openid2Success() {
- $this->successTest(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'return_to' =>'return',
- 'assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'op_endpoint' =>'my favourite server',
- 'response_nonce' =>'use only once',
- ),
- array('return_to', 'response_nonce', 'assoc_handle', 'op_endpoint'));
- }
- function test_openid2Success_identifiers() {
- $this->successTest(
- array('ns' =>Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'return_to' =>'return',
- 'assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'claimed_id' =>'i claim to be me',
- 'identity' =>'my server knows me as me',
- 'op_endpoint' =>'my favourite server',
- 'response_nonce' =>'use only once',
- ),
- array('return_to', 'response_nonce', 'identity',
- 'claimed_id', 'assoc_handle', 'op_endpoint'));
- }
- function endswith($str, $it) {
- $it_len = strlen($it);
- $total = strlen($str);
- return (strpos($str, $it) === $total - $it_len);
- }
- function missingFieldTest($openid_args) {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($openid_args);
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckForFields($message);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($result->message, 'Missing required') === 0);
- }
- function missingSignedTest($openid_args) {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($openid_args);
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckForFields($message);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result)) {
- $this->assertTrue($this->endswith($result->message, 'not signed'),
- $result->message);
- }
- }
- function test_openid1Missing_returnToSig() {
- $this->missingSignedTest(
- array('return_to' =>'return',
- 'assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'identity' =>'someone',
- 'signed' => 'identity,assoc_handle'));
- }
- function test_openid2Missing_opEndpointSig() {
- $this->missingSignedTest(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'return_to' =>'return',
- 'assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'identity' =>'someone',
- 'op_endpoint' => 'the endpoint',
- 'signed' => 'identity,return_to,assoc_handle'));
- }
- function test_openid1Missing_identitySig() {
- $this->missingSignedTest(
- array('return_to' =>'return',
- 'assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'identity' =>'someone',
- 'signed' => 'eturn_to'));
- }
- function test_openid1MissingReturnTo() {
- $this->missingFieldTest(
- array('assoc_handle' =>'assoc handle',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'identity' =>'someone',
- 'signed' => 'return_to,identity'));
- }
- function test_openid1MissingAssocHandle() {
- $this->missingFieldTest(
- array('return_to' =>'return',
- 'sig' =>'a signature',
- 'identity' =>'someone',
- 'signed' => 'return_to,identity'
- ));
- }
-define('E_CHECK_AUTH_HAPPENED', 'checkauth occurred');
-define('E_MOCK_FETCHER_EXCEPTION', 'mock fetcher exception');
-define('E_ASSERTION_ERROR', 'assertion error');
-class _CheckAuthDetectingConsumer extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- function _verifyDiscoveryResults($message, $endpoint)
- {
- return $endpoint;
- }
- function _idResCheckNonce($message, $endpoint)
- {
- return true;
- }
- function _checkAuth($query, $server_url)
- {
- __raiseError(E_CHECK_AUTH_HAPPENED);
- }
-global $GOODSIG;
-$GOODSIG = "[A Good Signature]";
-class GoodAssociation {
- var $expiresIn = 3600;
- var $handle = "-blah-";
- function getExpiresIn()
- {
- return $this->expiresIn;
- }
- function checkMessageSignature($message)
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- return $message->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'sig') == $GOODSIG;
- }
-class GoodAssocStore extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore {
- function getAssociation($server_url, $handle = null)
- {
- return new GoodAssociation();
- }
-class TestIdResCheckSignature extends _TestIdRes {
- function setUp()
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- parent::setUp();
- $this->assoc = new GoodAssociation();
- $this->assoc->handle = "{not_dumb}";
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->endpoint->server_url, $this->assoc);
- $this->message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'openid.identity'=> '=example',
- 'openid.sig'=> $GOODSIG,
- 'openid.assoc_handle'=> $this->assoc->handle,
- 'openid.signed'=> 'mode,identity,assoc_handle,signed',
- 'frobboz'=> 'banzit'));
- }
- function test_sign()
- {
- // assoc_handle to assoc with good sig
- $this->consumer->_idResCheckSignature($this->message,
- $this->endpoint->server_url);
- }
- function test_signFailsWithBadSig()
- {
- $this->message.setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'sig', 'BAD SIGNATURE');
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckSignature($this->message, $this->endpoint->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
-class StatelessConsumer1 extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- function _processCheckAuthResponse($response, $server_url)
- {
- return true;
- }
- function _makeKVPost($args, $server_url)
- {
- return array();
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Stateless1 extends _TestIdRes {
- var $consumer_class = "StatelessConsumer1";
- function setUp()
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- parent::setUp();
- $this->assoc = new GoodAssociation();
- $this->assoc->handle = "{not_dumb}";
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->endpoint->server_url, $this->assoc);
- $this->message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'openid.identity'=> '=example',
- 'openid.sig'=> $GOODSIG,
- 'openid.assoc_handle'=> $this->assoc->handle,
- 'openid.signed'=> 'mode,identity,assoc_handle,signed',
- 'frobboz'=> 'banzit'));
- }
- function test_stateless()
- {
- // assoc_handle missing assoc, consumer._checkAuth returns
- // goodthings
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, "assoc_handle", "dumbHandle");
- $this->consumer->_idResCheckSignature($this->message,
- $this->endpoint->server_url);
- }
-class StatelessConsumer2 extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- function _checkAuth($_, $__)
- {
- return false;
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Stateless2 extends _TestIdRes {
- var $consumer_class = "StatelessConsumer2";
- function setUp()
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- parent::setUp();
- $this->assoc = new GoodAssociation();
- $this->assoc->handle = "{not_dumb}";
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->endpoint->server_url, $this->assoc);
- $this->message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'openid.identity'=> '=example',
- 'openid.sig'=> $GOODSIG,
- 'openid.assoc_handle'=> $this->assoc->handle,
- 'openid.signed'=> 'mode,identity,assoc_handle,signed',
- 'frobboz'=> 'banzit'));
- }
- function test_statelessRaisesError()
- {
- // assoc_handle missing assoc, consumer._checkAuth returns
- // goodthings
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, "assoc_handle",
- "dumbHandle");
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckSignature($this->message,
- $this->endpoint->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_CheckNonceTest extends _TestIdRes {
- function setUp()
- {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->consumer->openid1_nonce_query_arg_name = 'nonce';
- }
- function test_openid1Success()
- {
- // use consumer-generated nonce
- $nonce_value = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce();
- $this->return_to = sprintf('http://rt.unittest/?nonce=%s',
- $nonce_value);
- $this->response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('return_to' => $this->return_to));
- $this->response->setArg(Auth_OpenID_BARE_NS, 'nonce', $nonce_value);
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($this->response, $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertFalse(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_openid1Missing()
- {
- // use consumer-generated nonce
- $this->response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array());
- $n = $this->consumer->_idResGetNonceOpenID1($this->response, $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue($n === null);
- }
- function test_consumerNonceOpenID2()
- {
- // OpenID 2 does not use consumer-generated nonce
- $this->return_to = sprintf('http://rt.unittest/?nonce=%s',
- Auth_OpenID_mkNonce());
- $this->response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('return_to' => $this->return_to,
- 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS));
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($this->response, $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_serverNonce()
- {
- // use server-generated nonce
- $this->response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'response_nonce' => Auth_OpenID_mkNonce()));
- $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($this->response, $this->endpoint);
- }
- function test_serverNonceOpenID1()
- {
- // OpenID 1 does not use server-generated nonce
- $this->response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID1_NS,
- 'return_to'=> 'http://return.to/',
- 'response_nonce'=> Auth_OpenID_mkNonce()));
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($this->response, $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_badNonce()
- {
- // remove the nonce from the store
- $nonce = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce();
- list($timestamp, $salt) = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($nonce);
- $this->store->useNonce($this->server_url, $timestamp, $salt);
- $response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array(
- 'response_nonce' => $nonce,
- 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS
- ));
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($response,
- $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_tamperedNonce()
- {
- // Malformed nonce
- $query = array('response_nonce' => 'malformed',
- 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS);
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($message,
- $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_missingNonce()
- {
- // no nonce parameter on the return_to
- $query = array('openid.return_to' => $this->return_to);
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $result = $this->consumer->_idResCheckNonce($message,
- $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestCheckAuthTriggered extends _TestIdRes {
- var $consumer_class = '_CheckAuthDetectingConsumer';
- function _doIdRes($message, $endpoint, $return_to)
- {
- return $this->consumer->_doIdRes($message, $endpoint, $return_to);
- }
- function test_checkAuthTriggered()
- {
- $query = array('openid.return_to' => $this->return_to,
- 'openid.identity' => $this->server_id,
- 'openid.assoc_handle' =>'not_found',
- 'openid.sig' => 'bogus',
- 'openid.signed' => 'identity,return_to');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $result = $this->_doIdRes($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $error = __getError();
- if ($error === null) {
- $this->fail('_checkAuth did not happen.');
- }
- }
- function test_checkAuthTriggeredWithAssoc()
- {
- // Store an association for this server that does not match
- // the handle that is in the query
- $issued = time();
- $lifetime = 1000;
- $assoc = new Auth_OpenID_Association(
- 'handle', 'secret', $issued, $lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1');
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->server_url, $assoc);
- $query = array(
- 'openid.return_to' => $this->return_to,
- 'openid.identity' => $this->server_id,
- 'openid.assoc_handle' => 'not_found',
- 'openid.sig' => 'bogus',
- 'openid.signed' => 'return_to,identity');
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $result = $this->_doIdRes($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $error = __getError();
- if ($error === null) {
- $this->fail('_checkAuth did not happen.');
- }
- }
- function test_expiredAssoc()
- {
- // Store an expired association for the server with the handle
- // that is in the query
- $issued = time() - 10;
- $lifetime = 0;
- $handle = 'handle';
- $assoc = new Auth_OpenID_Association(
- $handle, 'secret', $issued, $lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1');
- $this->assertTrue($assoc->getExpiresIn() <= 0);
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->server_url, $assoc);
- $query = array(
- 'openid.return_to' => $this->return_to,
- 'openid.identity' => $this->server_id,
- 'openid.sig' => 'bogus',
- 'openid.signed' => 'identity,return_to',
- 'openid.assoc_handle' => $handle);
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $info = $this->_doIdRes($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals('failure', $info->status);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($info->message, 'expired') !== false);
- }
- function test_newerAssoc()
- {
- // Store an expired association for the server with the handle
- // that is in the query
- $lifetime = 1000;
- $good_issued = time() - 10;
- $good_handle = 'handle';
- $good_assoc = new Auth_OpenID_Association(
- $good_handle, 'secret', $good_issued, $lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1');
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->server_url, $good_assoc);
- $bad_issued = time() - 5;
- $bad_handle = 'handle2';
- $bad_assoc = new Auth_OpenID_Association(
- $bad_handle, 'secret', $bad_issued, $lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1');
- $this->store->storeAssociation($this->server_url, $bad_assoc);
- $query = array(
- 'openid.return_to' => $this->return_to,
- 'openid.identity' => $this->server_id,
- 'openid.assoc_handle' => $good_handle);
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $message = $good_assoc->signMessage($message);
- $info = $this->_doIdRes($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($info->status, 'success');
- $this->assertEquals($this->consumer_id, $info->identity_url);
- }
-class _MockFetcher {
- function _MockFetcher($response = null)
- {
- // response is (code, url, body)
- $this->response = $response;
- $this->fetches = array();
- }
- function post($url, $body)
- {
- $this->fetches[] = array($url, $body, array());
- return $this->response;
- }
- function get($url)
- {
- $this->fetches[] = array($url, null, array());
- return $this->response;
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Complete extends _TestIdRes {
- function test_cancel()
- {
- $query = array('openid.mode' => 'cancel');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_CANCEL);
- $this->assertTrue($r->identity_url == $this->endpoint->claimed_id);
- }
- function test_cancel_with_return_to() {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array('openid.mode' => 'cancel'));
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, $this->return_to);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_CANCEL);
- $this->assertTrue($r->identity_url == $this->endpoint->claimed_id);
- }
- function test_errorWithNoOptionalKeys()
- {
- $msg = 'an error message';
- $contact = 'some contact info here';
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array('openid.mode'=> 'error',
- 'openid.error'=> $msg,
- 'openid.contact'=> $contact));
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- $this->assertTrue($r->identity_url == $this->endpoint->claimed_id);
- $this->assertTrue($r->contact == $contact);
- $this->assertTrue($r->reference === null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->message, $msg);
- }
- function test_errorWithOptionalKeys()
- {
- $msg = 'an error message';
- $contact = 'me';
- $reference = 'support ticket';
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array('openid.mode'=> 'error',
- 'openid.error'=> $msg, 'openid.reference'=> $reference,
- 'openid.contact'=> $contact, 'openid.ns'=> Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS
- ));
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- $this->assertTrue($r->identity_url == $this->endpoint->claimed_id);
- $this->assertTrue($r->contact == $contact);
- $this->assertTrue($r->reference == $reference);
- $this->assertEquals($r->message, $msg);
- }
- function test_error()
- {
- $msg = 'an error message';
- $query = array('openid.mode' =>'error',
- 'openid.error' => $msg);
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- $this->assertTrue($r->identity_url == $this->endpoint->claimed_id);
- $this->assertEquals($r->message, $msg);
- }
- function test_noMode()
- {
- $query = array();
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- $this->assertTrue($r->identity_url == $this->endpoint->claimed_id);
- }
- function test_idResMissingField()
- {
- $query = array('openid.mode' => 'id_res');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_openID::isFailure($r));
- }
-class _VerifiedError extends Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse {
-class Consumer_idResURLMismatch extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- function _discoverAndVerify($to_match)
- {
- return new _VerifiedError(null, 'verified error');
- }
-class Tests_idResURLMismatch extends _TestIdRes {
- var $consumer_class = 'Consumer_idResURLMismatch';
- function test_idResURLMismatch()
- {
- $query = array('openid.mode' => 'id_res',
- 'openid.return_to' => 'return_to (just anything)',
- 'openid.identity' => 'something wrong (not this->consumer_id)',
- 'openid.assoc_handle' => 'does not matter',
- 'openid.signed' => 'identity,return_to',
- 'openid.sig' => 'bogus');
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($r, '_VerifiedError'));
- }
-class SetupNeededConsumer extends Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer {
- function _checkSetupNeeded($message)
- {
- return true;
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_SetupNeeded extends _TestIdRes {
- function test_setupNeededIdRes()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array('mode'=> 'id_res'));
- $response = $this->consumer->complete($message, null, null);
- $this->assertEquals(Auth_OpenID_SETUP_NEEDED,
- $response->status);
- }
-class TempConsumer extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- function _verifyDiscoveryResults($message, $endpoint)
- {
- return $endpoint;
- }
-class TestCompleteMissingSig extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- $this->store = new GoodAssocStore();
- $this->consumer = new ConfigurableConsumer($this->store);
- $this->server_url = "http://idp.unittest/";
- $claimed_id = 'bogus.claimed';
- $this->message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'return_to'=> 'return_to (just anything)',
- 'identity'=> $claimed_id,
- 'assoc_handle'=> 'does not matter',
- 'sig'=> $GOODSIG,
- 'response_nonce'=> Auth_OpenID_mkNonce(),
- 'signed'=> 'identity,return_to,response_nonce,assoc_handle,claimed_id,op_endpoint',
- 'claimed_id'=> $claimed_id,
- 'op_endpoint'=> $this->server_url,
- 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS));
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->endpoint->server_url = $this->server_url;
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $claimed_id;
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- }
- function test_idResMissingNoSigs()
- {
- $c = new TempConsumer($this->store);
- $c->disableReturnToChecking();
- $r = $c->complete($this->message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->failUnlessSuccess($r);
- }
- function test_idResNoIdentity()
- {
- $this->message->delArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'identity');
- $this->message->delArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'claimed_id');
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = null;
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS,
- 'signed', 'return_to,response_nonce,assoc_handle,op_endpoint');
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($this->message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->failUnlessSuccess($r);
- }
- function test_idResMissingIdentitySig()
- {
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS,
- 'signed',
- 'return_to,response_nonce,assoc_handle,claimed_id,op_endpoint');
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($this->message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- }
- function test_idResMissingReturnToSig()
- {
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS,
- 'signed',
- 'identity,response_nonce,assoc_handle,claimed_id');
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($this->message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- }
- function test_idResMissingAssocHandleSig()
- {
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'signed',
- 'identity,response_nonce,return_to,claimed_id');
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($this->message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- }
- function test_idResMissingClaimedIDSig()
- {
- $this->message->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'signed',
- 'identity,response_nonce,return_to,assoc_handle');
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($this->message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- }
- function failUnlessSuccess($response)
- {
- if ($response->status != Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
- $this->fail(sprintf("Non-successful response: %s", $response->status));
- }
- }
-class TestReturnToArgs extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $store = null;
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($store);
- }
- function test_returnToArgsUnexpectedArg()
- {
- $query = array(
- 'openid.mode' => 'id_res',
- 'openid.return_to' => 'http://example.com/',
- 'foo' => 'bar');
- // no return value, success is assumed if there are no
- // exceptions.
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure(
- $this->consumer->_verifyReturnToArgs($query)));
- }
- function test_returnToArgsOkay()
- {
- $query = array(
- 'openid.mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'openid.return_to'=> 'http://example.com/?foo=bar',
- 'foo'=> 'bar'
- );
- // no return value, success is assumed if there are no exceptions.
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyReturnToArgs($query);
- $this->assertFalse(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- }
- function test_returnToMismatch()
- {
- $query = array(
- 'openid.mode' => 'id_res',
- 'openid.return_to' => 'http://example.com/?foo=bar');
- // fail, query has no key 'foo'.
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyReturnToArgs($query);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- $query['foo'] = 'baz';
- // fail, values for 'foo' do not match.
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyReturnToArgs($query);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_noReturnTo()
- {
- $query = array('openid.mode'=> 'id_res');
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyReturnToArgs($query);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function test_completeBadReturnTo()
- {
- // Test GenericConsumer.complete()'s handling of bad return_to
- // values.
- $return_to = "http://some.url/path?foo=bar";
- // Scheme, authority, and path differences are checked by
- // GenericConsumer._checkReturnTo. Query args checked by
- // GenericConsumer._verifyReturnToArgs.
- $bad_return_tos = array(
- // Scheme only
- "https://some.url/path?foo=bar",
- // Authority only
- "http://some.url.invalid/path?foo=bar",
- // Path only
- "http://some.url/path_extra?foo=bar",
- // Query args differ
- "http://some.url/path?foo=bar2",
- "http://some.url/path?foo2=bar"
- );
- $m = new Auth_OpenID_Message(Auth_OpenID_OPENID1_NS);
- $m->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'mode', 'cancel');
- $m->setArg(Auth_OpenID_BARE_NS, 'foo', 'bar');
- $endpoint = null;
- foreach ($bad_return_tos as $bad) {
- $m->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'return_to', $bad);
- $this->assertFalse($this->consumer->_checkReturnTo($m, $return_to));
- }
- }
- function test_completeGoodReturnTo()
- {
- // Test GenericConsumer.complete()'s handling of good
- // return_to values.
- $return_to = "http://some.url/path";
- $good_return_tos = array(
- array($return_to,
- array()),
- array($return_to . "?another=arg",
- array(array(
- array(Auth_OpenID_BARE_NS, 'another'),
- 'arg'))),
- array($return_to . "?another=arg#fragment",
- array(array(
- array(Auth_OpenID_BARE_NS, 'another'),
- 'arg'))),
- array("HTTP://some.url/path",array()),
- array("http://some.URL/path",array()),
- array("http://some.url:80/path",array()),
- array("http://some.url/./path",array())
- );
- $endpoint = null;
- foreach ($good_return_tos as $pair) {
- list($good_return_to, $extra) = $pair;
- $m = new Auth_OpenID_Message(Auth_OpenID_OPENID1_NS);
- $m->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'mode', 'cancel');
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($extra); $i++) {
- list($ckey, $value) = $extra[$i];
- $ns = $ckey[0];
- $key = $ckey[1];
- $m->setArg($ns, $key, $value);
- }
- $m->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'return_to', $good_return_to);
- $result = $this->consumer->complete($m, $endpoint, $return_to);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($result, 'Auth_OpenID_CancelResponse'));
- }
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_CheckAuthResponse extends _TestIdRes {
- function _createAssoc()
- {
- $issued = time();
- $lifetime = 1000;
- $assoc = new Auth_OpenID_Association(
- 'handle', 'secret', $issued, $lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1');
- $store =& $this->consumer->store;
- $store->storeAssociation($this->server_url, $assoc);
- $assoc2 = $store->getAssociation($this->server_url);
- $this->assertEquals($assoc, $assoc2);
- }
- function test_goodResponse()
- {
- // successful response to check_authentication
- $response = array('is_valid' => 'true');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($response);
- $r = $this->consumer->_processCheckAuthResponse($message, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue($r);
- }
- function test_missingAnswer()
- {
- // check_authentication returns false when the server sends no
- // answer
- $response = array();
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($response);
- $r = $this->consumer->_processCheckAuthResponse($message, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertFalse($r);
- }
- function test_badResponse()
- {
- // check_authentication returns false when is_valid is false
- $response = array('is_valid' => 'false');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($response);
- $r = $this->consumer->_processCheckAuthResponse($message, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertFalse($r);
- }
- function test_badResponseInvalidate()
- {
- // Make sure that the handle is invalidated when is_valid is
- // false
- $this->_createAssoc();
- $response = array('is_valid' => 'false',
- 'invalidate_handle' => 'handle');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($response);
- $r = $this->consumer->_processCheckAuthResponse($message,
- $this->server_url);
- $this->assertFalse($r);
- $this->assertTrue(
- $this->consumer->store->getAssociation($this->server_url) === null);
- }
- function test_invalidateMissing()
- {
- // invalidate_handle with a handle that is not present
- $response = array('is_valid' => 'true',
- 'invalidate_handle' => 'missing');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($response);
- $r = $this->consumer->_processCheckAuthResponse($message, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue($r);
- }
- function test_invalidatePresent()
- {
- // invalidate_handle with a handle that exists"""
- $this->_createAssoc();
- $response = array('is_valid' => 'true',
- 'invalidate_handle' => 'handle');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($response);
- $r = $this->consumer->_processCheckAuthResponse($message, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue($r);
- $this->assertTrue(
- $this->consumer->store->getAssociation($this->server_url) === null);
- }
-class _IdResFetchFailingConsumer extends Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer {
- var $message = 'fetch failed';
- function _doIdRes($message, $endpoint)
- {
- return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse($endpoint,
- $this->message);
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_FetchErrorInIdRes extends _TestIdRes {
- var $consumer_class = '_IdResFetchFailingConsumer';
- function test_idResFailure()
- {
- $query = array('openid.mode' => 'id_res');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $r = $this->consumer->complete($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertEquals($r->status, Auth_OpenID_FAILURE);
- $this->assertEquals($r->identity_url, $this->consumer_id);
- $this->assertEquals($this->consumer->message, $r->message);
- }
-class _ExceptionRaisingMockFetcher {
- function get($url)
- {
- }
- function post($url, $body)
- {
- return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, 400,
- array(), '');
- }
-class _BadArgCheckingConsumer extends Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer {
- function _makeKVPost($message, $tmp)
- {
- $args = $message->toPostArgs();
- if ($args != array(
- 'openid.mode' => 'check_authentication',
- 'openid.signed' => 'foo')) {
- __raiseError(E_ASSERTION_ERROR);
- }
- return null;
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestCheckAuth extends _TestIdRes {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->store = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore();
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($this->store);
- $this->fetcher = new _MockFetcher();
- $this->consumer->fetcher =& $this->fetcher;
- }
- function test_checkauth_error()
- {
- global $_Auth_OpenID_server_url;
- $this->fetcher->response = new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse("http://some_url",
- 404,
- array(),
- "blah:blah\n");
- $query = array('openid.signed' => 'stuff, things');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $r = $this->consumer->_checkAuth($message, $_Auth_OpenID_server_url);
- if ($r !== false) {
- $this->fail("Expected _checkAuth result to be false");
- }
- }
- function test_bad_args()
- {
- $query = array('openid.signed' => 'foo',
- 'closid.foo' => 'something');
- $consumer = new _BadArgCheckingConsumer($this->store);
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->assertFalse($consumer->_checkAuth($message, 'does://not.matter'));
- }
- function test_signedList()
- {
- $signed = 'identity,mode,ns.sreg,sreg.email';
- $query = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array(
- 'mode'=> 'id_res',
- 'sig'=> 'rabbits',
- 'identity'=> '=example',
- 'assoc_handle'=> 'munchkins',
- 'ns.sreg' => 'urn:sreg',
- 'sreg.email' => 'bogus@example.com',
- 'signed'=> $signed,
- 'foo'=> 'bar'));
- $args = $this->consumer->_createCheckAuthRequest($query);
- $this->assertTrue($args->isOpenID1());
- $signed_list = explode(',',$signed);
- foreach ($signed_list as $k) {
- $this->assertTrue($args->getAliasedArg($k));
- }
- }
- function test_112()
- {
- $args = array('openid.assoc_handle' => 'fa1f5ff0-cde4-11dc-a183-3714bfd55ca8',
- 'openid.claimed_id' => 'http://binkley.lan/user/test01',
- 'openid.identity' => 'http://test01.binkley.lan/',
- 'openid.mode' => 'id_res',
- 'openid.ns' => 'http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0',
- 'openid.ns.pape' => 'http://specs.openid.net/extensions/pape/1.0',
- 'openid.op_endpoint' => 'http://binkley.lan/server',
- 'openid.pape.auth_policies' => 'none',
- 'openid.pape.auth_time' => '2008-01-28T20 =>42 =>36Z',
- 'openid.pape.nist_auth_level' => '0',
- 'openid.response_nonce' => '2008-01-28T21 =>07 =>04Z99Q=',
- 'openid.return_to' => 'http://binkley.lan =>8001/process?janrain_nonce=2008-01-28T21%3A07%3A02Z0tMIKx',
- 'openid.sig' => 'YJlWH4U6SroB1HoPkmEKx9AyGGg=',
- 'openid.signed' => 'assoc_handle,identity,response_nonce,return_to,claimed_id,op_endpoint,pape.auth_time,ns.pape,pape.nist_auth_level,pape.auth_policies'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS, $args['openid.ns']);
- $incoming = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($args);
- $this->assertTrue($incoming->isOpenID2());
- $car = $this->consumer->_createCheckAuthRequest($incoming);
- $expected_args = $args;
- $expected_args['openid.mode'] = 'check_authentication';
- $expected = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($expected_args);
- $this->assertTrue($expected->isOpenID2());
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $car);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_args, $car->toPostArgs());
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestFetchAssoc extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->store = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore();
- $this->fetcher = new _MockFetcher();
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($this->store);
- $this->consumer->fetcher =& $this->fetcher;
- }
- function test_kvpost_error()
- {
- $this->fetcher->response = new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse("http://some_url",
- 404,
- array(),
- "blah:blah\n");
- $query = array('openid.mode' => 'associate');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $r = $this->consumer->_makeKVPost($message,
- "http://server_url");
- if ($r !== null) {
- $this->fail("Expected _makeKVPost result to be null");
- }
- }
- function test_error_404()
- {
- // 404 from a kv post raises HTTPFetchingError
- $this->fetcher->response = new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse(
- "http://some_url", 404, array('Hea'=> 'der'), 'blah:blah\n');
- $result = $this->consumer->_makeKVPost(
- Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array('mode'=>'associate')),
- "http://server_url");
- $this->assertTrue($result === null);
- }
- function test_error_exception()
- {
- $this->consumer->fetcher = new _ExceptionRaisingMockFetcher();
- $query = array('openid.mode' => 'associate');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->consumer->_makeKVPost($message,
- "http://server_url");
- if (__getError() !== E_MOCK_FETCHER_EXCEPTION) {
- $this->fail("Expected ExceptionRaisingMockFetcher to " .
- }
- $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $endpoint->server_url = 'some://url';
- // exception fetching returns no association
- $this->assertEquals($this->consumer->_getAssociation($endpoint),
- null);
- $query = array('openid.signed' => '');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $this->consumer->_checkAuth($message,
- 'some://url');
- if (__getError() !== E_MOCK_FETCHER_EXCEPTION) {
- $this->fail("Expected ExceptionRaisingMockFetcher to " .
- "raise E_MOCK_FETCHER_EXCEPTION (_checkAuth)");
- }
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_AuthRequestHTMLMarkup extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = 'identity_url';
- $this->request = new Auth_OpenID_AuthRequest($this->endpoint, null);
- }
- function test_htmlMarkup()
- {
- $html = $this->request->htmlMarkup('http://realm.com/',
- 'http://realm.com/return_to');
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($html,"<html>") !== false);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($html,"</html>") !== false);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($html,"<body onload") !== false);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($html,"</body>") !== false);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($html,"<form") !== false);
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($html,"</form>") !== false);
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = 'identity_url';
- }
- function test_extensionResponse()
- {
- $uri = "http://bogus.unittest/1.0";
- $query = array(
- 'openid.ns.unittest' => $uri,
- 'openid.unittest.one' => '1',
- 'openid.unittest.two' =>'2',
- 'openid.sreg.nickname' => 'j3h',
- 'openid.return_to' => 'return_to');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $resp = new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($this->endpoint, $message);
- $utargs = $resp->extensionResponse($uri, false);
- $this->assertEquals($utargs, array('one' => '1', 'two' => '2'));
- $sregargs = $resp->extensionResponse(Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI, false);
- $this->assertEquals($sregargs, array('nickname' => 'j3h'));
- }
- function test_extensionResponseSigned()
- {
- $args = array(
- 'ns.sreg' => 'urn:sreg',
- 'ns.unittest' => 'urn:unittest',
- 'unittest.one' => '1',
- 'unittest.two' => '2',
- 'sreg.nickname' => 'j3h',
- 'sreg.dob' => 'yesterday',
- 'return_to' => 'return_to',
- 'signed' => 'sreg.nickname,unittest.one,sreg.dob');
- $signed_list = array('openid.sreg.nickname',
- 'openid.unittest.one',
- 'openid.sreg.dob',
- 'openid.ns.sreg');
- $msg = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($args);
- $resp = new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($this->endpoint, $msg, $signed_list);
- // All args in this NS are signed, so expect all.
- $sregargs = $resp->extensionResponse('urn:sreg', true);
- $this->assertEquals($sregargs,
- array('nickname' => 'j3h',
- 'dob' => 'yesterday'));
- // Not all args in this NS are signed, so expect null when
- // asking for them.
- $utargs = $resp->extensionResponse('urn:unittest', true);
- $this->assertEquals($utargs, null);
- }
- function test_noReturnTo()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array());
- $resp = new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($this->endpoint, $message);
- $this->assertTrue($resp->getReturnTo() === null);
- }
- function test_returnTo()
- {
- $query = array('openid.return_to' => 'return_to');
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs($query);
- $resp = new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($this->endpoint,
- $message, array('openid.return_to'));
- $this->assertEquals($resp->getReturnTo(), 'return_to');
- }
-class _StubConsumer {
- function _StubConsumer()
- {
- $this->assoc = null;
- $this->response = null;
- $this->endpoint = null;
- $this->fetcher = new _MockFetcher();
- }
- function begin($service)
- {
- $auth_req = new Auth_OpenID_AuthRequest($service, $this->assoc);
- $this->endpoint = $service;
- return $auth_req;
- }
- function complete($message, $endpoint, $return_to)
- {
- return $this->response;
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_DiscoFailure extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- var $consumerClass = null;
- function setUp()
- {
- foreach ($_SESSION as $k => $v) {
- unset($_SESSION[$k]);
- }
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->claimed_id = 'http://identity.url/';
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $this->claimed_id;
- $this->store = null;
- $this->session = new Auth_Yadis_PHPSession();
- $cls = $this->consumerClass;
- $this->consumer = new $cls($this->store, $this->session);
- $this->consumer->consumer = new _StubConsumer();
- $this->discovery = new Auth_Yadis_Discovery($this->session,
- $this->claimed_id,
- $this->consumer->session_key_prefix);
- }
-class Consumer_completeEmptySession extends Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer {
- var $test_case = null;
- var $text = "failed complete";
- function complete($message, $endpoint, $return_to)
- {
- $this->test_case->assertTrue($endpoint === null);
- return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse($endpoint, $this->text);
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_ConsumerTest2 extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- foreach ($_SESSION as $k => $v) {
- unset($_SESSION[$k]);
- }
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->claimed_id = 'http://identity.url/';
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $this->claimed_id;
- $this->store = null;
- $this->session = new Auth_Yadis_PHPSession();
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($this->store, $this->session);
- $this->consumer->consumer = new _StubConsumer();
- $this->discovery = new Auth_Yadis_Discovery($this->session,
- $this->claimed_id,
- $this->consumer->session_key_prefix);
- }
- function test_beginWithoutDiscovery()
- {
- // Does this really test anything non-trivial?
- $result = $this->consumer->beginWithoutDiscovery($this->endpoint);
- // The result is an auth request
- $this->assertTrue(strtolower(get_class($result)) ==
- 'auth_openid_authrequest');
- $loader = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpointLoader();
- // Side-effect of calling beginWithoutDiscovery is setting the
- // session value to the endpoint attribute of the result
- $this->assertTrue(
- $loader->fromSession(
- $this->session->get($this->consumer->_token_key)) ==
- $result->endpoint);
- // The endpoint that we passed in is the endpoint on the
- // auth_request
- $this->assertTrue($result->endpoint == $this->endpoint);
- }
- function test_completeEmptySession()
- {
- $this->consumer->consumer = new Consumer_completeEmptySession($this->store);
- $this->consumer->consumer->test_case =& $this;
- $response = $this->consumer->complete(null);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($response));
- $this->assertEquals($this->consumer->consumer->text, $response->message);
- $this->assertTrue($response->identity_url === null);
- }
- function _doResp($auth_req, $exp_resp)
- {
- // complete a transaction, using the expected response from
- // the generic consumer.
- $this->consumer->consumer->response = $exp_resp;
- // endpoint is stored in the session
- // $this->assertTrue($this->session->data);
- $this->assertTrue($_SESSION);
- $resp = $this->consumer->complete(null);
- // All responses should have the same identity URL, and the
- // session should be cleaned out
- if ($this->endpoint->claimed_id != Auth_OpenID_IDENTIFIER_SELECT) {
- $this->assertTrue($resp->identity_url == $this->claimed_id);
- }
- $this->assertFalse(in_array($this->consumer->_token_key,
- $_SESSION)); // this->session->data));
- // Expected status response
- $this->assertEquals($resp->status, $exp_resp->status);
- return $resp;
- }
- function _doRespNoDisco($exp_resp)
- {
- // Set up a transaction without discovery
- $auth_req = $this->consumer->beginWithoutDiscovery($this->endpoint);
- $resp = $this->_doResp($auth_req, $exp_resp);
- // There should be nothing left in the session once we have
- // completed.
- $this->assertFalse($this->session->contents());
- return $resp;
- }
- /*
- * Be sure that the session gets cleaned up when the response is
- * successful and has a different URL than the one in the request.
- */
- function test_successDifferentURL()
- {
- // Set up a request endpoint describing an IDP URL
- $this->identity_url = 'http://idp.url/';
- $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $this->endpoint->local_id = Auth_OpenID_IDENTIFIER_SELECT;
- // Use a response endpoint with a different URL (asserted by
- // the IDP)
- $resp_endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $resp_endpoint->claimed_id = "http://user.url/";
- $resp = $this->_doRespDisco(
- true,
- mkSuccess($resp_endpoint, array()));
- $this->assertTrue($this->discovery->getManager(true) === null);
- }
- function test_noDiscoCompleteSuccessWithToken()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array());
- $this->_doRespNoDisco(new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($this->endpoint,
- $message));
- }
- function test_noDiscoCompleteCancelWithToken()
- {
- $this->_doRespNoDisco(new Auth_OpenID_CancelResponse($this->endpoint));
- }
- function test_noDiscoCompleteFailure()
- {
- $msg = 'failed!';
- $resp = $this->_doRespNoDisco(new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse($this->endpoint, $msg));
- $this->assertTrue($resp->message == $msg);
- }
- function test_noDiscoCompleteSetupNeeded()
- {
- $setup_url = 'http://setup.url/';
- $resp = $this->_doRespNoDisco(
- new Auth_OpenID_SetupNeededResponse($this->endpoint, $setup_url));
- $this->assertTrue($resp->setup_url == $setup_url);
- }
- // To test that discovery is cleaned up, we need to initialize a
- // Yadis manager, and have it put its values in the session.
- function _doRespDisco($is_clean, $exp_resp)
- {
- // Set up and execute a transaction, with discovery
- $this->discovery->createManager(array($this->endpoint),
- $this->claimed_id);
- $auth_req = $this->consumer->begin($this->claimed_id);
- $resp = $this->_doResp($auth_req, $exp_resp);
- $manager = $this->discovery->getManager();
- if ($is_clean) {
- $this->assertTrue($this->discovery->getManager() === null);
- } else {
- $this->assertFalse($this->discovery->getManager() === null);
- }
- return $resp;
- }
- // Cancel and success DO clean up the discovery process
- function test_completeSuccess()
- {
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array());
- $this->_doRespDisco(true,
- new Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse($this->endpoint,
- $message));
- }
- function test_completeCancel()
- {
- $this->_doRespDisco(true,
- new Auth_OpenID_CancelResponse($this->endpoint));
- }
- // Failure and setup_needed don't clean up the discovery process
- function test_completeFailure()
- {
- $msg = 'failed!';
- $resp = $this->_doRespDisco(false,
- new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse($this->endpoint, $msg));
- $this->assertTrue($resp->message == $msg);
- }
- function test_completeSetupNeeded()
- {
- $setup_url = 'http://setup.url/';
- $resp = $this->_doRespDisco(false,
- new Auth_OpenID_SetupNeededResponse($this->endpoint, $setup_url));
- $this->assertTrue($resp->status == Auth_OpenID_SETUP_NEEDED);
- $this->assertTrue($resp->setup_url == $setup_url);
- }
- function test_begin()
- {
- $this->discovery->createManager(array($this->endpoint),
- $this->claimed_id);
- // Should not raise an exception
- $auth_req = $this->consumer->begin($this->claimed_id);
- $this->assertTrue(strtolower(get_class($auth_req)) === 'auth_openid_authrequest');
- $this->assertTrue($auth_req->endpoint == $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue($auth_req->endpoint == $this->consumer->consumer->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue($auth_req->assoc == $this->consumer->consumer->assoc);
- }
-class IDPDrivenTest_Consumer1 extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- var $iverified = array();
- var $endpoint = null;
- var $failure_cb = null;
- var $check_endpoint = null;
- function _idResCheckNonce($message, $endpoint)
- {
- return true;
- }
- function _verifyDiscoveryResults($identifier, $endpoint)
- {
- call_user_func($this->failure_cb,
- $endpoint === $this->check_endpoint);
- $this->iverified[] = $this->endpoint;
- return $this->endpoint;
- }
-class IDPDrivenTest_Consumer2 extends ConfigurableConsumer {
- function verifyDiscoveryResults($identifier, $endp)
- {
- return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null,
- "Bogus");
- }
-class IDPDrivenTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->store = new GoodAssocStore();
- $this->consumer = new ConfigurableConsumer($this->store);
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->endpoint->server_url = "http://idp.unittest/";
- }
- function test_idpDrivenBegin()
- {
- // Testing here that the token-handling doesn't explode...
- $this->assertTrue($this->consumer->begin($this->endpoint) !== null);
- }
- function test_idpDrivenComplete()
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- $this->consumer = new IDPDrivenTest_Consumer1($this->store);
- $this->consumer->failure_cb = array($this, "assertTrue");
- $this->consumer->check_endpoint =& $this->endpoint;
- $identifier = '=directed_identifier';
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.identity'=> '=directed_identifier',
- 'openid.return_to'=> 'x',
- 'openid.assoc_handle'=> 'z',
- 'openid.signed'=> 'identity,return_to',
- 'openid.sig'=> $GOODSIG));
- $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $endpoint->claimed_id = $identifier;
- $endpoint->server_url = $this->endpoint->server_url;
- $endpoint->local_id = $identifier;
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $this->consumer->endpoint =& $endpoint;
- $response = $this->consumer->_doIdRes($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->failUnlessSuccess($response);
- $this->assertEquals($response->identity_url, "=directed_identifier");
- // assert that discovery attempt happens and returns good
- $this->assertEquals($this->consumer->iverified, array($endpoint));
- }
- function test_idpDrivenCompleteFraud()
- {
- global $GOODSIG;
- $this->consumer = new IDPDrivenTest_Consumer2($this->store);
- // crap with an identifier that doesn't match discovery info
- $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.identity'=> '=directed_identifier',
- 'openid.return_to'=> 'x',
- 'openid.assoc_handle'=> 'z',
- 'openid.signed'=> 'identity,return_to',
- 'openid.sig'=> $GOODSIG));
- $this->consumer->disableReturnToChecking();
- $result = $this->consumer->_doIdRes($message, $this->endpoint, null);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
- function failUnlessSuccess($response)
- {
- if ($response->status != Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
- $this->fail("Non-successful response (status is ".$response->status.")");
- }
- }
-global $__test_otherServer_text;
-$__test_otherServer_text = "__test_otherServer";
-class TestDiscoveryVerification_test_otherServer extends Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer {
- function _discoverAndVerify($to_match)
- {
- global $__test_otherServer_text;
- return new Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse(null, $__test_otherServer_text);
- }
-class TestDiscoveryVerification extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- var $services = array();
- function discoveryFunc($identifier)
- {
- return array($identifier, $this->services);
- }
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->store = new GoodAssocStore();
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($this->store);
- $this->consumer->discoverMethod = array($this,
- 'discoveryFunc');
- $this->identifier = "http://idp.unittest/1337";
- $this->server_url = "http://endpoint.unittest/";
- $this->message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromPostArgs(array(
- 'openid.ns'=> Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'openid.identity'=> $this->identifier,
- 'openid.claimed_id'=> $this->identifier,
- 'openid.op_endpoint'=> $this->server_url));
- $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $this->endpoint->server_url = $this->server_url;
- }
- function test_theGoodStuff()
- {
- $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $endpoint->type_uris = array(Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0);
- $endpoint->claimed_id = $this->identifier;
- $endpoint->server_url = $this->server_url;
- $endpoint->local_id = $this->identifier;
- $this->services = array($endpoint);
- $r = $this->consumer->_verifyDiscoveryResults($this->message, $endpoint);
- $this->assertEquals($r, $endpoint);
- }
- function test_otherServer()
- {
- global $__test_otherServer_text;
- // setup
- $this->consumer = new TestDiscoveryVerification_test_otherServer($this->store);
- $this->consumer->discoverMethod = array($this,
- 'discoveryFunc');
- // a set of things without the stuff
- $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $endpoint->type_uris = array(Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0);
- $endpoint->claimed_id = $this->identifier;
- $endpoint->server_url = "http://the-MOON.unittest/";
- $endpoint->local_id = $this->identifier;
- $this->services = array($endpoint);
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyDiscoveryResults(
- $this->message, $endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($result->message, $__test_otherServer_text) !== false);
- }
- function test_foreignDelegate()
- {
- global $__test_otherServer_text;
- // setup
- $this->consumer = new TestDiscoveryVerification_test_otherServer($this->store);
- $this->consumer->discoverMethod = array($this,
- 'discoveryFunc');
- // a set of things with the server stuff but other delegate
- $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
- $endpoint->type_uris = array(Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0);
- $endpoint->claimed_id = $this->identifier;
- $endpoint->server_url = $this->server_url;
- $endpoint->local_id = "http://unittest/juan-carlos";
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyDiscoveryResults(
- $this->message, $endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($result->message, $__test_otherServer_text) !== false);
- }
- function test_nothingDiscovered()
- {
- // a set of no things.
- $this->services = array();
- $result = $this->consumer->_verifyDiscoveryResults(
- $this->message, $this->endpoint);
- $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($result));
- }
-class DummyEndpoint {
- var $use_compatibility = false;
- function compatibilityMode()
- {
- return $this->use_compatibility;
- }
-class TestCreateAssociationRequest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->endpoint = new DummyEndpoint();
- $s = null;
- $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($s);
- $this->assoc_type = 'HMAC-SHA1';
- }
- function test_noEncryptionSendsType()
- {
- $session_type = 'no-encryption';
- list($session, $args) = $this->consumer->_createAssociateRequest(
- $this->endpoint, $this->assoc_type, $session_type);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($session, 'Auth_OpenID_PlainTextConsumerSession'));
- $expected = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'session_type'=>$session_type,
- 'mode'=>'associate',
- 'assoc_type'=>$this->assoc_type));
- $this->assertEquals($expected->toPostArgs(),
- $args->toPostArgs());
- }
- function test_noEncryptionSendsTypeHMACSHA256()
- {
- if (!Auth_OpenID_HMACSHA256_SUPPORTED) {
- $this->pass();
- return;
- }
- $session_type = 'no-encryption';
- $this->assoc_type = 'HMAC-SHA256';
- list($session, $args) = $this->consumer->_createAssociateRequest(
- $this->endpoint, $this->assoc_type, $session_type);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($session, 'Auth_OpenID_PlainTextConsumerSession'));
- $expected = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'session_type'=>$session_type,
- 'mode'=>'associate',
- 'assoc_type'=>$this->assoc_type));
- $this->assertEquals($expected->toPostArgs(),
- $args->toPostArgs());
- $response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(
- array('ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
- 'session_type'=>$session_type,
- 'assoc_type'=>$this->assoc_type,
- 'expires_in' => '10000000000',
- 'mac_key' => 'ZM9v',
- 'assoc_handle' => 'turnme'
- )
- );
- $assoc = $this->consumer->_extractAssociation($response, $session);
- $this->assertTrue($assoc !== null);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($assoc, 'Auth_OpenID_Association'));
- $this->assertTrue($assoc->assoc_type = $this->assoc_type);
- $this->assertTrue($assoc->session_type = $session_type);
- }
- function test_noEncryptionCompatibility()
- {
- $this->endpoint->use_compatibility = true;
- $session_type = 'no-encryption';
- list($session, $args) = $this->consumer->_createAssociateRequest(
- $this->endpoint, $this->assoc_type, $session_type);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($session, 'Auth_OpenID_PlainTextConsumerSession'));
- $this->assertEquals(Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array('mode'=>'associate',
- 'assoc_type'=>$this->assoc_type)),
- $args);
- }
- function test_dhSHA1Compatibility()
- {
- // Set the consumer's session type to a fast session since we
- // need it here.
- setConsumerSession($this->consumer);
- $this->endpoint->use_compatibility = true;
- $session_type = 'DH-SHA1';
- list($session, $args) = $this->consumer->_createAssociateRequest(
- $this->endpoint, $this->assoc_type, $session_type);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($session,
- 'Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA1ConsumerSession'));
- // This is a random base-64 value, so just check that it's
- // present.
- $this->assertTrue($args->hasKey(Auth_OpenID_OPENID1_NS, 'dh_consumer_public'));
- $args->delArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID1_NS, 'dh_consumer_public');
- // OK, session_type is set here and not for no-encryption
- // compatibility
- $expected = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array('mode'=>'associate',
- 'session_type'=>'DH-SHA1',
- 'assoc_type'=>$this->assoc_type,
- 'dh_modulus'=> 'BfvStQ==',
- 'dh_gen'=> 'Ag=='));
- $this->assertEquals($expected->toPostArgs(),
- $args->toPostArgs());
- }
-class TestDiffieHellmanResponseParameters extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- var $session_cls = null;
- var $message_namespace = null;
- function setUp()
- {
- // Pre-compute DH with small prime so tests run quickly.
- $this->server_dh = new Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellman(100389557, 2);
- $this->consumer_dh = new Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellman(100389557, 2);
- $lib = Auth_OpenID_getMathLib();
- $cls = $this->session_cls;
- $this->consumer_session = new $cls($this->consumer_dh);
- // base64(btwoc(g ^ xb mod p))
- $this->dh_server_public = $lib->longToBase64($this->server_dh->public);
- $this->secret = Auth_OpenID_CryptUtil::randomString(
- $this->consumer_session->secret_size);
- $this->enc_mac_key = base64_encode(
- $this->server_dh->xorSecret($this->consumer_dh->public,
- $this->secret,
- $this->consumer_session->hash_func));
- $this->msg = new Auth_OpenID_Message($this->message_namespace);
- }
- function testExtractSecret()
- {
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'dh_server_public',
- $this->dh_server_public);
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'enc_mac_key',
- $this->enc_mac_key);
- $extracted = $this->consumer_session->extractSecret($this->msg);
- $this->assertEquals($extracted, $this->secret);
- }
- function testAbsentServerPublic()
- {
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'enc_mac_key',
- $this->enc_mac_key);
- $this->assertTrue($this->consumer_session->extractSecret($this->msg) === null);
- }
- function testAbsentMacKey()
- {
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'dh_server_public',
- $this->dh_server_public);
- $this->assertTrue($this->consumer_session->extractSecret($this->msg) === null);
- }
- /*
- function testInvalidBase64Public()
- {
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'dh_server_public',
- 'n o t b a s e 6 4.');
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'enc_mac_key',
- $this->enc_mac_key);
- $this->assertTrue($this->consumer_session->extractSecret($this->msg) === null);
- }
- function testInvalidBase64MacKey()
- {
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'dh_server_public',
- $this->dh_server_public);
- $this->msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'enc_mac_key',
- 'n o t base 64');
- $this->assertTrue($this->consumer_session->extractSecret($this->msg) === null);
- }
- */
-class TestOpenID1SHA1 extends TestDiffieHellmanResponseParameters {
- var $session_cls = 'Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA1ConsumerSession';
- var $message_namespace = Auth_OpenID_OPENID1_NS;
-class TestOpenID2SHA1 extends TestDiffieHellmanResponseParameters {
- var $session_cls = 'Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA1ConsumerSession';
- var $message_namespace = Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS;
-if (!defined('Auth_OpenID_NO_MATH_SUPPORT') &&
- Auth_OpenID_SHA256_SUPPORTED) {
- class TestOpenID2SHA256 extends TestDiffieHellmanResponseParameters {
- var $session_cls = 'Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA256ConsumerSession';
- var $message_namespace = Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS;
- }
-class Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVPost extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp()
- {
- $this->server_url = 'http://unittest/bogus';
- }
- function test_200()
- {
- $response = new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse();
- $response->status = 200;
- $response->body = "foo:bar\nbaz:quux\n";
- $r = Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer::_httpResponseToMessage($response, $this->server_url);
- $expected_msg = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'quux'));
- $this->assertEquals($expected_msg, $r);
- }
- function test_400()
- {
- $response = new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse();
- $response->status = 400;
- $response->body = "error:bonk\nerror_code:7\n";
- $result = Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer::_httpResponseToMessage($response, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue(is_a($result, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerErrorContainer'));
- $this->assertEquals($result->error_text, 'bonk');
- $this->assertEquals($result->error_code, '7');
- }
- function test_500()
- {
- // 500 as an example of any non-200, non-400 code.
- $response = new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse();
- $response->status = 500;
- $response->body = "foo:bar\nbaz:quux\n";
- $result = Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer::_httpResponseToMessage($response, $this->server_url);
- $this->assertTrue($result === null);
- }
-// Add other test cases to be run.
-global $Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_other;
-$Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_other = array(
- // new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestSetupNeeded(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_AuthRequestHTMLMarkup(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestCheckAuth(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestCheckAuthTriggered(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_TestFetchAssoc(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_CheckNonceTest(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Complete(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_CheckAuthResponse(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_FetchErrorInIdRes(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_ConsumerTest2(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Stateless1(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_Stateless2(),
- new TestCompleteMissingSig(),
- new TestReturnToArgs(),
- new IDPDrivenTest(),
- new TestDiscoveryVerification(),
- new Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVPost(),
- new Tests_idResURLMismatch(),
- new IdResCheckForFieldsTest(),
- );
-if (!defined('Auth_OpenID_NO_MATH_SUPPORT')) {
- $Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_other[] = new TestCreateAssociationRequest();
- $Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_other[] = new TestOpenID1SHA1();
- $Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_other[] = new TestOpenID2SHA1();
-if (!defined('Auth_OpenID_NO_MATH_SUPPORT') &&
- Auth_OpenID_SHA256_SUPPORTED) {
- $Tests_Auth_OpenID_Consumer_other[] = new TestOpenID2SHA256();