path: root/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/AssociationResponse.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/AssociationResponse.php')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/AssociationResponse.php b/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/AssociationResponse.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6902f95a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/AssociationResponse.php
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+require_once "Tests/Auth/OpenID/TestUtil.php";
+require_once "Tests/Auth/OpenID/MemStore.php";
+require_once "Auth/OpenID/Message.php";
+require_once "Auth/OpenID/Server.php";
+require_once "Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php";
+require_once "Auth/OpenID/Association.php";
+// Some values we can use for convenience (see mkAssocResponse)
+global $association_response_values;
+$association_response_values = array(
+ 'expires_in' => '1000',
+ 'assoc_handle' => 'a handle',
+ 'assoc_type' => 'a type',
+ 'session_type' => 'a session type',
+ 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS
+ );
+ * Build an association response message that contains the specified
+ * subset of keys. The values come from association_response_values.
+ *
+ * This is useful for testing for missing keys and other times that we
+ * don't care what the values are.
+ */
+function mkAssocResponse($keys)
+ global $association_response_values;
+ $args = array();
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ $args[$key] = $association_response_values[$key];
+ }
+ return Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($args);
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ $this->store = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore();
+ $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer($this->store);
+ $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
+ }
+ function failUnlessProtocolError($thing)
+ {
+ $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($thing));
+ }
+ function _run($keys)
+ {
+ $msg = mkAssocResponse($keys);
+ $dumb = null;
+ $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($this->consumer->_extractAssociation($msg, $dumb)));
+ }
+ * Test for returning an error upon missing fields in association
+ * responses for OpenID 2
+ */
+class TestExtractAssociationMissingFieldsOpenID2 extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse {
+ function test_noFields_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('ns'));
+ }
+ function test_missingExpires_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('assoc_handle', 'assoc_type', 'session_type', 'ns'));
+ }
+ function test_missingHandle_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('expires_in', 'assoc_type', 'session_type', 'ns'));
+ }
+ function test_missingAssocType_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('expires_in', 'assoc_handle', 'session_type', 'ns'));
+ }
+ function test_missingSessionType_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('expires_in', 'assoc_handle', 'assoc_type', 'ns'));
+ }
+ * Test for returning an error upon missing fields in association
+ * responses for OpenID 2
+ */
+class TestExtractAssociationMissingFieldsOpenID1 extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse {
+ function test_noFields_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array());
+ }
+ function test_missingExpires_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('assoc_handle', 'assoc_type'));
+ }
+ function test_missingHandle_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('expires_in', 'assoc_type'));
+ }
+ function test_missingAssocType_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run(array('expires_in', 'assoc_handle'));
+ }
+class DummyAssocationSession {
+ function DummyAssocationSession($session_type, $allowed_assoc_types=array())
+ {
+ $this->session_type = $session_type;
+ $this->allowed_assoc_types = $allowed_assoc_types;
+ }
+class ExtractAssociationSessionTypeMismatch extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse {
+ function _run($requested_session_type, $response_session_type, $openid1=false)
+ {
+ global $association_response_values;
+ $assoc_session = new DummyAssocationSession($requested_session_type);
+ $keys = array_keys($association_response_values);
+ if ($openid1) {
+ if (in_array('ns', $keys)) {
+ unset($keys[array_search('ns', $keys)]);
+ }
+ }
+ $msg = mkAssocResponse($keys);
+ $msg->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'session_type',
+ $response_session_type);
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ $this->consumer->_extractAssociation($msg, $assoc_session) === null);
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchNoEncBlank_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run('no-encryption', '');
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchDHSHA1NoEnc_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run('DH-SHA1', 'no-encryption');
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchDHSHA256NoEnc_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run('DH-SHA256', 'no-encryption');
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchNoEncDHSHA1_openid2()
+ {
+ $this->_run('no-encryption', 'DH-SHA1');
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchDHSHA1NoEnc_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run('DH-SHA1', 'DH-SHA256', true);
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchDHSHA256NoEnc_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run('DH-SHA256', 'DH-SHA1', true);
+ }
+ function test_typeMismatchNoEncDHSHA1_openid1()
+ {
+ $this->_run('no-encryption', 'DH-SHA1', true);
+ }
+class TestOpenID1AssociationResponseSessionType extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse {
+ function _run($expected_session_type, $session_type_value)
+ {
+ // Create a Message with just 'session_type' in it, since
+ // that's all this function will use. 'session_type' may be
+ // absent if it's set to None.
+ $args = array();
+ if ($session_type_value !== null) {
+ $args['session_type'] = $session_type_value;
+ }
+ $message = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($args);
+ $this->assertTrue($message->isOpenID1());
+ $actual_session_type = $this->consumer->_getOpenID1SessionType($message);
+ $error_message = sprintf('Returned sesion type parameter %s was expected ' .
+ 'to yield session type %s, but yielded %s',
+ $session_type_value, $expected_session_type,
+ $actual_session_type);
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected_session_type,
+ $actual_session_type,
+ $error_message);
+ }
+ function test_none()
+ {
+ $this->_run('no-encryption', null);
+ }
+ function test_empty()
+ {
+ $this->_run('no-encryption', '');
+ }
+ function test_explicitNoEncryption()
+ {
+ $this->_run('no-encryption', 'no-encryption');
+ }
+ function test_dhSHA1()
+ {
+ $this->_run('DH-SHA1', 'DH-SHA1');
+ }
+ // DH-SHA256 is not a valid session type for OpenID1, but this
+ // function does not test that. This is mostly just to make sure
+ // that it will pass-through stuff that is not explicitly handled,
+ // so it will get handled the same way as it is handled for OpenID
+ // 2
+ function test_dhSHA256()
+ {
+ $this->_run('DH-SHA256', 'DH-SHA256');
+ }
+class DummyAssociationSession {
+ var $secret = "shh! don't tell!";
+ var $extract_secret_called = false;
+ var $session_type = null;
+ var $allowed_assoc_types = null;
+ function extractSecret($message)
+ {
+ $this->extract_secret_called = true;
+ return $this->secret;
+ }
+class TestInvalidFields extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse {
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->session_type = 'testing-session';
+ // This must something that works for Association.fromExpiresIn
+ $this->assoc_type = 'HMAC-SHA1';
+ $this->assoc_handle = 'testing-assoc-handle';
+ // These arguments should all be valid
+ $this->assoc_response = Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs(array(
+ 'expires_in' => '1000',
+ 'assoc_handle' => $this->assoc_handle,
+ 'assoc_type' => $this->assoc_type,
+ 'session_type' => $this->session_type,
+ 'ns' => Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS,
+ ));
+ $this->assoc_session = new DummyAssociationSession();
+ // Make the session for the response's session type
+ $this->assoc_session->session_type = $this->session_type;
+ $this->assoc_session->allowed_assoc_types = array($this->assoc_type);
+ }
+ function test_worksWithGoodFields()
+ {
+ // Handle a full successful association response
+ $assoc = $this->consumer->_extractAssociation(
+ $this->assoc_response, $this->assoc_session);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->assoc_session->extract_secret_called);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->assoc_session->secret, $assoc->secret);
+ $this->assertEquals(1000, $assoc->lifetime);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->assoc_handle, $assoc->handle);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->assoc_type, $assoc->assoc_type);
+ }
+ function test_badAssocType()
+ {
+ // Make sure that the assoc type in the response is not valid
+ // for the given session.
+ $this->assoc_session->allowed_assoc_types = array();
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ $this->consumer->_extractAssociation($this->assoc_response,
+ $this->assoc_session) === null);
+ }
+ function test_badExpiresIn()
+ {
+ // Invalid value for expires_in should cause failure
+ $this->assoc_response->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'expires_in', 'forever');
+ $assoc = $this->consumer->_extractAssociation($this->assoc_response,
+ $this->assoc_session);
+ $this->assertTrue(Auth_OpenID::isFailure($assoc));
+ }
+class TestExtractAssociationDiffieHellman extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse {
+ var $secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
+ function _setUpDH()
+ {
+ list($sess, $message) = $this->consumer->_createAssociateRequest(
+ $this->endpoint, 'HMAC-SHA1', 'DH-SHA1');
+ // XXX: this is testing _createAssociateRequest
+ $this->assertEquals($this->endpoint->compatibilityMode(),
+ $message->isOpenID1());
+ $server_sess = Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanSHA1ServerSession::fromMessage($message);
+ $server_resp = $server_sess->answer($this->secret);
+ $server_resp['assoc_type'] = 'HMAC-SHA1';
+ $server_resp['assoc_handle'] = 'handle';
+ $server_resp['expires_in'] = '1000';
+ $server_resp['session_type'] = 'DH-SHA1';
+ return array($sess, Auth_OpenID_Message::fromOpenIDArgs($server_resp));
+ }
+ function test_success()
+ {
+ list($sess, $server_resp) = $this->_setUpDH();
+ $ret = $this->consumer->_extractAssociation($server_resp, $sess);
+ $this->assertTrue($ret !== null);
+ $this->assertEquals($ret->assoc_type, 'HMAC-SHA1');
+ $this->assertEquals($ret->secret, $this->secret);
+ $this->assertEquals($ret->handle, 'handle');
+ $this->assertEquals($ret->lifetime, 1000);
+ }
+ function test_openid2success()
+ {
+ // Use openid 2 type in endpoint so _setUpDH checks
+ // compatibility mode state properly
+ $this->endpoint->type_uris = array(Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0,
+ Auth_OpenID_TYPE_1_1);
+ $this->test_success();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Can't run this test because the base64 decoder is broken.
+ */
+ /*
+ function test_badDHValues()
+ {
+ list($sess, $server_resp) = $this->_setUpDH();
+ $server_resp->setArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'enc_mac_key', "\x00\x00\x00");
+ $this->assertTrue($this->consumer->_extractAssociation($server_resp, $sess) === null);
+ }
+ */
+global $Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse_other;
+$Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse_other = array(
+ new TestInvalidFields(),
+ new TestOpenID1AssociationResponseSessionType(),
+ new ExtractAssociationSessionTypeMismatch(),
+ new TestExtractAssociationMissingFieldsOpenID1(),
+ new TestExtractAssociationMissingFieldsOpenID2()
+ );
+if (!defined('Auth_OpenID_NO_MATH_SUPPORT')) {
+ $Tests_Auth_OpenID_AssociationResponse_other[] = new TestExtractAssociationDiffieHellman();