path: root/mod/blog/views/default/blog/forms/edit.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/blog/views/default/blog/forms/edit.php')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/mod/blog/views/default/blog/forms/edit.php b/mod/blog/views/default/blog/forms/edit.php
index 28a0980a4..3c9912daa 100644
--- a/mod/blog/views/default/blog/forms/edit.php
+++ b/mod/blog/views/default/blog/forms/edit.php
@@ -1,257 +1,272 @@
- $('#excerpt.excerpt').each(function(){
- var allowed = 200;
- // set the initial value
- $('#countervalue').text(allowed);
- // bind on key up event
- $(this).keyup(function(){
- var counter_value = ((allowed - ($(this).val().length)));
- $("#countervalue").removeClass();
- if ((counter_value > 10)) {
- $("#countervalue").addClass("positive");
- }
- else if ((counter_value <= 10) && (counter_value >= 0)) {
- $("#countervalue").addClass("gettingclose");
- }
- else if ((counter_value < 0)) {
- $("#countervalue").addClass("negative");
- }
- // insert new length
- $('#countervalue').text(counter_value);
- });
- });
-* Elgg blog edit/add page
-//access details
-$loggedin_user_access = get_default_access(get_loggedin_user());
-$user_acl = get_readable_access_level($loggedin_user_access);
-//Populate the title, body and acction variables if it is an edit, declare them if it is a new post
-if (isset($vars['entity'])) {
- $title = sprintf(elgg_echo("blog:editpost"),$object->title);
- $action = "blog/edit";
- $title = $vars['entity']->title;
- $body = $vars['entity']->description;
- $tags = $vars['entity']->tags;
- if ($vars['entity']->comments_on == 'Off')
- $comments_on = false;
- else
- $comments_on = true;
- $access_id = $vars['entity']->access_id;
- $show_excerpt = $vars['entity']->show_excerpt;
- if($show_excerpt)
- $excerpt = $vars['entity']->excerpt;
- else
- $excerpt = "";
- $page_title = elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('blog:editpost'));
- $title = elgg_echo("blog:addpost");
- $action = "blog/add";
- $tags = "";
- $title = "";
- $comments_on = true;
- $description = "";
- $excerpt = "";
- $show_excerpt = '';
- $page_title = elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('blog:addpost'));
- if(page_owner_entity() instanceof ElggGroup){
- //if in a group, set the access level to default to the group
- $access_id = page_owner_entity()->group_acl;
- }else{
- $access_id = $loggedin_user_access;
- }
- $container = $vars['container_guid'] ? elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'container_guid', 'value' => $vars['container_guid'])) : "";
+ * Edit blog form
+ *
+ * @package Blog
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2010
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ */
+$values = array(
+ 'title' => NULL,
+ 'description' => NULL,
+ 'status' => 'final',
+ //'publish_date' => NULL,
+ 'access_id' => ACCESS_DEFAULT,
+ 'comments_on' => 'On',
+ 'excerpt' => NULL,
+ 'tags' => NULL,
+ 'container_guid' => NULL,
+ 'guid' => NULL
+$forward = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
+$action_buttons = '';
+$guid_input = '';
-//Just in case we have some cached details
-if (empty($body)) {
- $body = $vars['user']->blogbody;
- if (!empty($body)) {
- $title = $vars['user']->blogtitle;
- $tags = $vars['user']->blogtags;
+// if entity is set, we're editing.
+if (isset ($vars['entity'])) {
+ $blog = $vars['entity'];
+ if ($blog && ($blog instanceof ElggObject) && ($blog->getSubtype() == 'blog')) {
+ foreach (array_keys($values) as $field) {
+ $values[$field] = $blog->$field;
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo elgg_echo('blog:error:post_not_found');
+ return FALSE;
+ // add a delete button if editing
+ $delete_url = "{$vars['url']}action/blog/delete?guid={$blog->getGUID()}";
+ $delete_link = elgg_view('output/confirmlink', array(
+ 'href' => $delete_url,
+ 'text' => elgg_echo('delete'),
+ 'class' => 'action_button'
+ ));
+ $action_buttons = $delete_link;
+ $guid_input = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'guid', 'value' => $values['guid']));
-//set the required input fields
-$title_label = elgg_echo('blog:title');
-$title_textbox = elgg_view('input/text', array('internalname' => 'blogtitle', 'value' => $title));
-$text_label = elgg_echo('blog:text');
-$text_textarea = elgg_view('input/longtext', array('internalname' => 'blogbody', 'value' => $body));
+$save_button = elgg_view('input/submit', array('value' => elgg_echo('save'), 'class' => 'action_button'));
+$action_buttons .= $save_button;
+$title_label = elgg_echo('title');
+$title_input = elgg_view('input/text', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'title',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_title',
+ 'value' => $values['title']
$excerpt_label = elgg_echo('blog:excerpt');
-$excerpt_counter = "<div class='thewire_characters_remaining'><span id='countervalue'></span></div>";
-$excerpt_textarea = elgg_view('input/text', array('internalname' => 'blogexcerpt', 'internalid' => 'excerpt', 'class' => 'excerpt input_textarea', 'value' => $excerpt));
-$excerpt_desc = elgg_echo('blog:excerptdesc');
-$show_excerpt_field = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'show_excerpt', 'value' => $show_excerpt));
-$tag_label = elgg_echo('tags');
-$tag_input = elgg_view('input/tags', array('internalname' => 'blogtags', 'value' => $tags));
+$excerpt_input = elgg_view('input/text', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'excerpt',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_excerpt',
+ 'value' => $values['excerpt']
+$body_label = elgg_echo('blog:body');
+$body_input = elgg_view('input/longtext', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'description',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_description',
+ 'value' => $values['description']
+$save_status = elgg_echo('blog:save_status');
+$never = elgg_echo('never');
+$status_label = elgg_echo('blog:status');
+$status_input = elgg_view('input/pulldown', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'status',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_status',
+ 'value' => $values['status'],
+ 'options_values' => array(
+ 'draft' => elgg_echo('blog:draft'),
+ 'final' => elgg_echo('blog:final')
+ )
+$comments_label = elgg_echo('comments');
+$comments_input = elgg_view('input/pulldown', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'comments_on',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_comments_on',
+ 'value' => $values['comments_on'],
+ 'options_values' => array('On' => elgg_echo('on'), 'Off' => elgg_echo('off'))
+$tags_label = elgg_echo('tags');
+$tags_input = elgg_view('input/tags', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'tags',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_tags',
+ 'value' => $values['tags']
$access_label = elgg_echo('access');
- $comments_on_switch = "checked=\"checked\"";
- $comment_on_switch = "";
-//if it is a group, pull out the group access view
-if(page_owner_entity() instanceof ElggGroup){
- $options = group_access_options(page_owner_entity());
- $options = '';
-$access_input = elgg_view('input/access', array('internalname' => 'access_id', 'value' => $access_id, 'options' => $options));
-$submit_input = elgg_view('input/submit', array('internalname' => 'submit', 'value' => elgg_echo('publish')));
-$conversation = elgg_echo('Conversation');
-$publish = elgg_echo('publish');
-$cat = elgg_echo('categories');
-$preview = elgg_echo('blog:preview');
-$privacy = elgg_echo('access');
-$savedraft = elgg_echo('blog:draft:save');
-$draftsaved = elgg_echo('blog:draft:saved');
-$never = elgg_echo('blog:never');
-$allowcomments = elgg_echo('blog:comments:allow');
-$user_default_access = elgg_echo('blog:defaultaccess');
-$ownerblock = elgg_view('blog/ownerblock', array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
- $deletepage = elgg_view('output/confirmlink',array(
- 'href' => $vars['url'] . "action/blog/delete?blogpost=" . $vars['entity']->getGUID(),
- 'text' => elgg_echo("delete"),
- 'confirm' => elgg_echo("blog:delete:confirm"),
- 'class' => "Action_Button Disabled"));
- $deletepage = "";
+$access_input = elgg_view('input/access', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'access_id',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_access_id',
+ 'value' => $values['access_id']
-$extras = elgg_view('categories',$vars);
-if (!empty($extras)) $extras = '<div class="SidebarBox">' .$cat .'<div class="ContentWrapper">'. $extras . '</div></div>';
+$publish_date_label = elgg_echo('blog:publish_date');
+$publish_date_input = elgg_view('input/datepicker', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'publish_date',
+ 'internalid' => 'blog_publish_date',
+ 'value' => $vars['publish_date']
+// hidden inputs
+//$container_guid_input = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'container_guid', 'value' => $values['container_guid']));
+$forward_input = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'forward', 'value' => $forward));
+$form_body = <<<___END
+ <label for="blog_title">$title_label</label>
+ $title_input
+ <label for="blog_excerpt">$excerpt_label</label>
+ <label for="blog_description">$body_label</label>
+ $body_input
+<p id="blog_save_status">
+ $save_status:<span id="blog_save_status_time">$never</span>
+ <label for="blog_publish_date">$publish_date_label</label>
+ $publish_date_input
+ <label for="blog_tags">$tags_label</label>
+ $tags_input
+ <label for="blog_comments_on">$comments_label</label>
+ $comments_input
+ <label for="blog_access_id">$access_label</label>
+ $access_input
+ <label for="blog_status">$status_label</label>
+ $status_input
+echo elgg_view('input/form', array(
+ 'internalname' => 'blog_post',
+ 'action' => "{$vars['url']}action/blog/save",
+ 'body' => $form_body
-//construct the form
-$form_body = <<<EOT
-<div id="LayoutCanvas_2ColumnRHS_Sidebar">
- {$ownerblock}
- <div class="SidebarBox">
- <h3>{$publish}</h3>
- <div class="ContentWrapper">
- <div class="blog_access">
- <p>{$privacy}: {$access_input}</p>
- </div>
- <div class="current_access">{$user_default_access}<br /><b>{$user_acl}</b></span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="ContentWrapper">
- <div class="allow_comments">
- <label><input type="checkbox" name="comments_select" {$comments_on_switch} /> {$allowcomments}</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="ContentWrapper">
- <div class="publish_blog">
- <div class="publish_controls">
- {$draftsaved}: <span id="draftSavedCounter">{$never}</span>
- <a href="#" onclick="javascript:saveDraft(false);return false;">{$savedraft}</a>
- </div>
- {$submit_input}
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- {$extras}
- {$container}
-<!-- main content -->
-<div id="LayoutCanvas_2ColumnRHS_MainArea">
-<div id="Page_Header">
- <div class="Page_Header_Title">
- {$page_title}
- </div>
- <div class="Page_Header_Options">
- <a class="Action_Button" onclick="javascript:saveDraft(true);return true;">{$preview}</a>
- {$deletepage}
- </div><div class='clearfloat'></div>
-<div class="ContentWrapper">
-if (isset($vars['entity']))
- $entity_hidden = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('internalname' => 'blogpost', 'value' => $vars['entity']->getGUID()));
- $entity_hidden = '';
-$form_body .= <<<EOT
- <p><label>$title_label</label><br />$title_textbox</p>
- <p class='longtext_editarea'>
- $text_textarea
- </p>
- <div id='excerpt_editarea'>
- <label>$excerpt_label</label><br />$excerpt_desc $excerpt_counter<br />
- $excerpt_textarea
- </div>
- <p><label>$tag_label</label><br />$tag_input</p>
- <p>$entity_hidden</p>
- $show_excerpt_field
-<div class="clearfloat"></div>
-//display the form
-echo elgg_view('input/form', array('action' => "{$vars['url']}action/$action", 'body' => $form_body, 'internalid' => 'blogPostForm'));
<script type="text/javascript">
- setInterval( "saveDraft(false)", 120000);
- function saveDraft(preview) {
- temppreview = preview;
+ setInterval("blogSaveDraft()", 60000);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to save and update the input with the guid.
+ */
+ function blogSaveDraftCallback(data, textStatus, XHR) {
+ if (textStatus == 'success' && data.success == true) {
+ var form = $('form[name=blog_post]');
+ form.append('<input type="hidden" name="guid" value="' + data.guid + '" />');
- if (typeof(tinyMCE) != 'undefined') {
- tinyMCE.triggerSave();
- }
- var drafturl = "<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>mod/blog/savedraft.php";
- var temptitle = $("input[name='blogtitle']").val();
- var tempbody = $("textarea[name='blogbody']").val();
- var temptags = $("input[name='blogtags']").val();
- var postdata = { blogtitle: temptitle, blogbody: tempbody, blogtags: temptags };
- $.post(drafturl, postdata, function() {
var d = new Date();
var mins = d.getMinutes() + '';
if (mins.length == 1) mins = '0' + mins;
- $("span#draftSavedCounter").html(d.getHours() + ":" + mins);
- if (temppreview == true) {
- $("form#blogPostForm").attr("action","<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>mod/blog/preview.php");
- $("input[name='submit']").click();
- //$("form#blogPostForm").submit();
- //document.blogPostForm.submit();
+ $("#blog_save_status_time").html(d.getHours() + ":" + mins);
+ } else {
+ $("#blog_save_status_time").html("<?php echo elgg_echo('error'); ?>");
+ }
+ }
+ function blogSaveDraft() {
+ if (typeof(tinyMCE) != 'undefined') {
+ tinyMCE.triggerSave();
+ }
+ // only save when content exists
+ var form = $('form[name=blog_post]');
+ var title = form.children('input[name=title]').val();
+ var description = form.children('textarea[name=description]').val();
+ if (!(title && description)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var draftURL = "<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>action/blog/save?ajax=1";
+ var postData = form.serializeArray();
+ // force draft status
+ $(postData).each(function(i, e) {
+ if (e.name == 'status') {
+ e.value = 'draft';
+ $.post(draftURL, postData, blogSaveDraftCallback, 'json');
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ $('#excerpt.excerpt').each(function(){
+ var allowed = 200;
+ // set the initial value
+ $('#countervalue').text(allowed);
+ // bind on key up event
+ $(this).keyup(function(){
+ var counter_value = ((allowed - ($(this).val().length)));
+ $("#countervalue").removeClass();
+ if ((counter_value > 10)) {
+ $("#countervalue").addClass("positive");
+ }
+ else if ((counter_value <= 10) && (counter_value >= 0)) {
+ $("#countervalue").addClass("gettingclose");
+ }
+ else if ((counter_value < 0)) {
+ $("#countervalue").addClass("negative");
+ }
+ // insert new length
+ $('#countervalue').text(counter_value);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+</script> \ No newline at end of file