path: root/languages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'languages')
2 files changed, 2550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/en.php b/languages/en.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab3c523de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/en.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1288 @@
+ * Core English Language
+ *
+ * @package Elgg.Core
+ * @subpackage Languages.English
+ */
+$english = array(
+ * Sites
+ */
+ 'item:site' => 'Sites',
+ * Sessions
+ */
+ 'login' => "Log in",
+ 'loginok' => "You have been logged in.",
+ 'loginerror' => "We couldn't log you in. Please check your credentials and try again.",
+ 'login:empty' => "Username and password are required.",
+ 'login:baduser' => "Unable to load your user account.",
+ 'auth:nopams' => "Internal error. No user authentication method installed.",
+ 'logout' => "Log out",
+ 'logoutok' => "You have been logged out.",
+ 'logouterror' => "We couldn't log you out. Please try again.",
+ 'loggedinrequired' => "You must be logged in to view that page.",
+ 'adminrequired' => "You must be an administrator to view that page.",
+ 'membershiprequired' => "You must be a member of this group to view that page.",
+ * Errors
+ */
+ 'exception:title' => "Fatal Error.",
+ 'actionundefined' => "The requested action (%s) was not defined in the system.",
+ 'actionnotfound' => "The action file for %s was not found.",
+ 'actionloggedout' => "Sorry, you cannot perform this action while logged out.",
+ 'actionunauthorized' => 'You are unauthorized to perform this action',
+ 'InstallationException:SiteNotInstalled' => 'Unable to handle this request. This site '
+ . ' is not configured or the database is down.',
+ 'InstallationException:MissingLibrary' => 'Could not load %s',
+ 'InstallationException:CannotLoadSettings' => 'Elgg could not load the settings file. It does not exist or there is a file permissions issue.',
+ 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Denied access to execute privileged code block",
+ 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials. Check the settings file.",
+ 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg couldn't select the database '%s', please check that the database is created and you have access to it.",
+ 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Access to privileged function '%s' is denied.",
+ 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "There were a number of issues: ",
+ 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg couldn't find the requested database script at %s.",
+ 'DatabaseException:InvalidQuery' => "Invalid query",
+ 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Failed to load new %s from GUID:%d",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Passing a non-ElggObject to an ElggObject constructor!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Unrecognised value passed to constuctor.",
+ 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d is not a valid %s",
+ 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s (guid: %s) is a misconfigured plugin. It has been disabled. Please search the Elgg wiki for possible causes (http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/).",
+ 'PluginException:CannotStart' => '%s (guid: %s) cannot start. Reason: %s',
+ 'PluginException:InvalidID' => "%s is an invalid plugin ID.",
+ 'PluginException:InvalidPath' => "%s is an invalid plugin path.",
+ 'PluginException:InvalidManifest' => 'Invalid manifest file for plugin %s',
+ 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin' => '%s is not a valid plugin.',
+ 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin:Details' => '%s is not a valid plugin: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:MissingID' => 'Missing plugin ID (guid %s)',
+ 'ElggPlugin:NoPluginPackagePackage' => 'Missing ElggPluginPackage for plugin ID %s (guid %s)',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:MissingFile' => 'Missing file %s in package',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidDependency' => 'Invalid dependency type "%s"',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidProvides' => 'Invalid provides type "%s"',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:CircularDep' => 'Invalid %s dependency "%s" in plugin %s. Plugins cannot conflict with or require something they provide!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotIncludeFile' => 'Cannot include %s for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s. Check permissions!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterViews' => 'Cannot open views dir for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s. Check permissions!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterLanguages' => 'Cannot register languages for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s. Check permissions!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:NoID' => 'No ID for plugin guid %s!',
+ 'PluginException:ParserError' => 'Error parsing manifest with API version %s in plugin %s.',
+ 'PluginException:NoAvailableParser' => 'Cannot find a parser for manifest API version %s in plugin %s.',
+ 'PluginException:ParserErrorMissingRequiredAttribute' => "Missing required '%s' attribute in manifest for plugin %s.",
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Requires' => 'Requires',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests' => 'Suggests',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicts' => 'Conflicts',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicted' => 'Conflicted',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Provides' => 'Provides',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority' => 'Priority',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Elgg' => 'Elgg version',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpExtension' => 'PHP extension: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpIni' => 'PHP ini setting: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Plugin' => 'Plugin: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:After' => 'After %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Before' => 'Before %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Uninstalled' => '%s is not installed',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests:Unsatisfied' => 'Missing',
+ 'ElggPlugin:InvalidAndDeactivated' => '%s is an invalid plugin and has been deactivated.',
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Passing a non-ElggUser to an ElggUser constructor!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Passing a non-ElggSite to an ElggSite constructor!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Passing a non-ElggGroup to an ElggGroup constructor!",
+ 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "Unable to save new %s",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID has not been specified during export, this should never happen.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "Entity serialisation function passed a non-array returnvalue parameter",
+ 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Cache path set to nothing!",
+ 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s is not a directory.",
+ 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "Unable to save new object's base entity information!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() passed an unexpected ODD class",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Entity type must be set.",
+ 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s is not a %s.",
+ 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Class '%s' was not found, missing plugin?",
+ 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Type %s is not supported. This indicates an error in your installation, most likely caused by an incomplete upgrade.",
+ 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "Could not import element %d",
+ 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "There was a problem saving %s",
+ 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "New entity created but has no GUID, this should not happen.",
+ 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "Entity '%d' could not be found.",
+ 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "There was a problem updating '%s' on entity '%d'",
+ 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "No such entity GUID:%d",
+ 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "No OpenDD elements found in import data, import failed.",
+ 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Not all elements were imported.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Unrecognised file mode '%s'",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "File %s (file guid:%d) (owner guid:%d) is missing an owner!",
+ 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "Could not make %s",
+ 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "You must specify a name before opening a file.",
+ 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Unable to load filestore class %s for file %u",
+ 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "No notification method specified.",
+ 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "No handler found for '%s' or it was not callable.",
+ 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "There was an error while notifying %d",
+ 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "Could not get the email address for GUID:%d",
+ 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Missing a required parameter, '%s'",
+ 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Where set contains non WhereQueryComponent",
+ 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Fields missing on a select style query",
+ 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Unrecognised or unspecified query type.",
+ 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "No tables specified for query.",
+ 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "No access control was provided on query",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "No entity found, it either doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s could not be found, or you can not access it.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Sorry, '%s' does not exist for guid:%d",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Sorry, I don't know how to export '%s'",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "Could not find any data.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "Does not belong to entity.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "Does not belong to entity or refer to entity.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Missing parameter, you need to provide a GUID.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:LibraryNotRegistered' => '%s is not a registered library',
+ 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "API Result is of an unknown type, this should never happen.",
+ 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "No site ID has been specified.",
+ 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Sorry, API access has been disabled by the administrator.",
+ 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "No authentication methods were found that could authenticate this API request.",
+ 'SecurityException:UnexpectedOutputInGatekeeper' => 'Unexpected output in gatekeeper call. Halting execution for security. Search http://docs.elgg.org/ for more information.',
+ 'InvalidParameterException:APIMethodOrFunctionNotSet' => "Method or function not set in call in expose_method()",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:APIParametersArrayStructure' => "Parameters array structure is incorrect for call to expose method '%s'",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedHttpMethod' => "Unrecognised http method %s for api method '%s'",
+ 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Missing parameter %s in method %s",
+ 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s does not appear to be an array.",
+ 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Unrecognised type in cast %s for variable '%s' in method '%s'",
+ 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Invalid parameter found for '%s' in method '%s'.",
+ 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) has a parsing error.",
+ 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) returned no value.",
+ 'APIException:APIAuthenticationFailed' => "Method call failed the API Authentication",
+ 'APIException:UserAuthenticationFailed' => "Method call failed the User Authentication",
+ 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Authentication token either missing, invalid or expired.",
+ 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s must be called using '%s'",
+ 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "Method call '%s' has not been implemented.",
+ 'APIException:FunctionDoesNotExist' => "Function for method '%s' is not callable",
+ 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Algorithm '%s' is not supported or has been disabled.",
+ 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Cache directory 'cache_path' not set.",
+ 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "Request method must be GET or POST",
+ 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Missing API key",
+ 'APIException:BadAPIKey' => "Bad API key",
+ 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac header",
+ 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac-algo header",
+ 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Missing X-Elgg-time header",
+ 'APIException:MissingNonce' => "Missing X-Elgg-nonce header",
+ 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time is too far in the past or future. Epoch fail.",
+ 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No data on the query string",
+ 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash header",
+ 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash_algo header",
+ 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Missing content type for post data",
+ 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "POST data hash is invalid - Expected %s but got %s.",
+ 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Packet signature already seen.",
+ 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Invalid or missing API Key.",
+ 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Call method '%s' is currently not supported.",
+ 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC method call '%s' not implemented.",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Call to method '%s' returned an unexpected result.",
+ 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Call does not appear to be a valid XML-RPC call",
+ 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "The plugin name could not be found",
+ 'SecurityException:authenticationfailed' => "User could not be authenticated",
+ 'CronException:unknownperiod' => '%s is not a recognised period.',
+ 'SecurityException:deletedisablecurrentsite' => 'You can not delete or disable the site you are currently viewing!',
+ 'RegistrationException:EmptyPassword' => 'The password fields cannot be empty',
+ 'RegistrationException:PasswordMismatch' => 'Passwords must match',
+ 'LoginException:BannedUser' => 'You have been banned from this site and cannot log in',
+ 'LoginException:UsernameFailure' => 'We could not log you in. Please check your username and password.',
+ 'LoginException:PasswordFailure' => 'We could not log you in. Please check your username and password.',
+ 'LoginException:AccountLocked' => 'Your account has been locked for too many log in failures.',
+ 'memcache:notinstalled' => 'PHP memcache module not installed, you must install php5-memcache',
+ 'memcache:noservers' => 'No memcache servers defined, please populate the $CONFIG->memcache_servers variable',
+ 'memcache:versiontoolow' => 'Memcache needs at least version %s to run, you are running %s',
+ 'memcache:noaddserver' => 'Multiple server support disabled, you may need to upgrade your PECL memcache library',
+ 'deprecatedfunction' => 'Warning: This code uses the deprecated function \'%s\' and is not compatible with this version of Elgg',
+ 'pageownerunavailable' => 'Warning: The page owner %d is not accessible!',
+ 'viewfailure' => 'There was an internal failure in the view %s',
+ 'changebookmark' => 'Please change your bookmark for this page',
+ * API
+ */
+ 'system.api.list' => "List all available API calls on the system.",
+ 'auth.gettoken' => "This API call lets a user obtain a user authentication token which can be used for authenticating future API calls. Pass it as the parameter auth_token",
+ * User details
+ */
+ 'name' => "Display name",
+ 'email' => "Email address",
+ 'username' => "Username",
+ 'loginusername' => "Username or email",
+ 'password' => "Password",
+ 'passwordagain' => "Password (again for verification)",
+ 'admin_option' => "Make this user an admin?",
+ * Access
+ */
+ 'PRIVATE' => "Private",
+ 'LOGGED_IN' => "Logged in users",
+ 'PUBLIC' => "Public",
+ 'access:friends:label' => "Friends",
+ 'access' => "Access",
+ * Dashboard and widgets
+ */
+ 'dashboard' => "Dashboard",
+ 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Your dashboard lets you track the activity and content on this site that matters to you.",
+ 'widgets:add' => 'Add widgets',
+ 'widgets:add:description' => "Click on any widget button below to add it to the page.",
+ 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Fixed position on page)',
+ 'widget:unavailable' => 'You have already added this widget',
+ 'widget:numbertodisplay' => 'Number of items to display',
+ 'widget:delete' => 'Remove %s',
+ 'widget:edit' => 'Customize this widget',
+ 'widgets' => "Widgets",
+ 'widget' => "Widget",
+ 'item:object:widget' => "Widgets",
+ 'widgets:save:success' => "The widget was successfully saved.",
+ 'widgets:save:failure' => "We could not save your widget. Please try again.",
+ 'widgets:add:success' => "The widget was successfully added.",
+ 'widgets:add:failure' => "We could not add your widget.",
+ 'widgets:move:failure' => "We could not store the new widget position.",
+ 'widgets:remove:failure' => "Unable to remove this widget",
+ * Groups
+ */
+ 'group' => "Group",
+ 'item:group' => "Groups",
+ * Users
+ */
+ 'user' => "User",
+ 'item:user' => "Users",
+ * Friends
+ */
+ 'friends' => "Friends",
+ 'friends:yours' => "Your friends",
+ 'friends:owned' => "%s's friends",
+ 'friend:add' => "Add friend",
+ 'friend:remove' => "Remove friend",
+ 'friends:add:successful' => "You have successfully added %s as a friend.",
+ 'friends:add:failure' => "We couldn't add %s as a friend. Please try again.",
+ 'friends:remove:successful' => "You have successfully removed %s from your friends.",
+ 'friends:remove:failure' => "We couldn't remove %s from your friends. Please try again.",
+ 'friends:none' => "This user hasn't added anyone as a friend yet.",
+ 'friends:none:you' => "You don't have any friends yet.",
+ 'friends:none:found' => "No friends were found.",
+ 'friends:of:none' => "Nobody has added this user as a friend yet.",
+ 'friends:of:none:you' => "Nobody has added you as a friend yet. Start adding content and fill in your profile to let people find you!",
+ 'friends:of:owned' => "People who have made %s a friend",
+ 'friends:of' => "Friends of",
+ 'friends:collections' => "Friend collections",
+ 'collections:add' => "New collection",
+ 'friends:collections:add' => "New friends collection",
+ 'friends:addfriends' => "Select friends",
+ 'friends:collectionname' => "Collection name",
+ 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Friends in collection",
+ 'friends:collectionedit' => "Edit this collection",
+ 'friends:nocollections' => "You do not have any collections yet.",
+ 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "Your collection has been deleted.",
+ 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "We were unable to delete the collection. Either you don't have permission, or some other problem has occurred.",
+ 'friends:collectionadded' => "Your collection was successfully created",
+ 'friends:nocollectionname' => "You need to give your collection a name before it can be created.",
+ 'friends:collections:members' => "Collection members",
+ 'friends:collections:edit' => "Edit collection",
+ 'friends:collections:edited' => "Saved collection",
+ 'friends:collection:edit_failed' => 'Could not save collection.',
+ 'friendspicker:chararray' => 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
+ 'avatar' => 'Avatar',
+ 'avatar:create' => 'Create your avatar',
+ 'avatar:edit' => 'Edit avatar',
+ 'avatar:preview' => 'Preview',
+ 'avatar:upload' => 'Upload a new avatar',
+ 'avatar:current' => 'Current avatar',
+ 'avatar:crop:title' => 'Avatar cropping tool',
+ 'avatar:upload:instructions' => "Your avatar is displayed throughout the site. You can change it as often as you'd like. (File formats accepted: GIF, JPG or PNG)",
+ 'avatar:create:instructions' => 'Click and drag a square below to match how you want your avatar cropped. A preview will appear in the box on the right. When you are happy with the preview, click \'Create your avatar\'. This cropped version will be used throughout the site as your avatar.',
+ 'avatar:upload:success' => 'Avatar successfully uploaded',
+ 'avatar:upload:fail' => 'Avatar upload failed',
+ 'avatar:resize:fail' => 'Resize of the avatar failed',
+ 'avatar:crop:success' => 'Cropping the avatar succeeded',
+ 'avatar:crop:fail' => 'Avatar cropping failed',
+ 'profile:edit' => 'Edit profile',
+ 'profile:aboutme' => "About me",
+ 'profile:description' => "About me",
+ 'profile:briefdescription' => "Brief description",
+ 'profile:location' => "Location",
+ 'profile:skills' => "Skills",
+ 'profile:interests' => "Interests",
+ 'profile:contactemail' => "Contact email",
+ 'profile:phone' => "Telephone",
+ 'profile:mobile' => "Mobile phone",
+ 'profile:website' => "Website",
+ 'profile:twitter' => "Twitter username",
+ 'profile:saved' => "Your profile was successfully saved.",
+ 'admin:appearance:profile_fields' => 'Edit Profile Fields',
+ 'profile:edit:default' => 'Edit profile fields',
+ 'profile:label' => "Profile label",
+ 'profile:type' => "Profile type",
+ 'profile:editdefault:delete:fail' => 'Removed default profile item field failed',
+ 'profile:editdefault:delete:success' => 'Default profile item deleted!',
+ 'profile:defaultprofile:reset' => 'Default system profile reset',
+ 'profile:resetdefault' => 'Reset default profile',
+ 'profile:explainchangefields' => "You can replace the existing profile fields with your own using the form below. \n\n Give the new profile field a label, for example, 'Favorite team', then select the field type (eg. text, url, tags), and click the 'Add' button. To re-order the fields drag on the handle next to the field label. To edit a field label - click on the label's text to make it editable. \n\n At any time you can revert back to the default profile set up, but you will lose any information already entered into custom fields on profile pages.",
+ 'profile:editdefault:success' => 'Item successfully added to default profile',
+ 'profile:editdefault:fail' => 'Default profile could not be saved',
+ * Feeds
+ */
+ 'feed:rss' => 'RSS feed for this page',
+ * Links
+ */
+ 'link:view' => 'view link',
+ 'link:view:all' => 'View all',
+ * River
+ */
+ 'river' => "River",
+ 'river:friend:user:default' => "%s is now a friend with %s",
+ 'river:update:user:avatar' => '%s has a new avatar',
+ 'river:noaccess' => 'You do not have permission to view this item.',
+ 'river:posted:generic' => '%s posted',
+ 'riveritem:single:user' => 'a user',
+ 'riveritem:plural:user' => 'some users',
+ 'river:ingroup' => 'in the group %s',
+ 'river:none' => 'No activity',
+ 'river:widget:title' => "Activity",
+ 'river:widget:description' => "Display latest activity",
+ 'river:widget:type' => "Type of activity",
+ 'river:widgets:friends' => 'Friends activity',
+ 'river:widgets:all' => 'All site activity',
+ * Notifications
+ */
+ 'notifications:usersettings' => "Notification settings",
+ 'notifications:methods' => "Please specify which methods you want to permit.",
+ 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "Your notification settings were successfully saved.",
+ 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "There was a problem saving your notification settings.",
+ 'user.notification.get' => 'Return the notification settings for a given user.',
+ 'user.notification.set' => 'Set the notification settings for a given user.',
+ * Search
+ */
+ 'search' => "Search",
+ 'searchtitle' => "Search: %s",
+ 'users:searchtitle' => "Searching for users: %s",
+ 'groups:searchtitle' => "Searching for groups: %s",
+ 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s with results matching %s",
+ 'notfound' => "No results found.",
+ 'next' => "Next",
+ 'previous' => "Previous",
+ 'viewtype:change' => "Change list type",
+ 'viewtype:list' => "List view",
+ 'viewtype:gallery' => "Gallery",
+ 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Items with tags matching '%s':",
+ 'user:search:startblurb' => "Users matching '%s':",
+ 'user:search:finishblurb' => "To view more, click here.",
+ 'group:search:startblurb' => "Groups matching '%s':",
+ 'group:search:finishblurb' => "To view more, click here.",
+ 'search:go' => 'Go',
+ 'userpicker:only_friends' => 'Only friends',
+ * Account
+ */
+ 'account' => "Account",
+ 'settings' => "Settings",
+ 'tools' => "Tools",
+ 'register' => "Register",
+ 'registerok' => "You have successfully registered for %s.",
+ 'registerbad' => "Your registration was unsuccessful because of an unknown error.",
+ 'registerdisabled' => "Registration has been disabled by the system administrator",
+ 'registration:notemail' => 'The email address you provided does not appear to be a valid email address.',
+ 'registration:userexists' => 'That username already exists',
+ 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'Your username must be a minimum of %u characters long.',
+ 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'The password must be a minimum of %u characters long.',
+ 'registration:dupeemail' => 'This email address has already been registered.',
+ 'registration:invalidchars' => 'Sorry, your username contains the following invalid character: %s. All of these characters are invalid: %s',
+ 'registration:emailnotvalid' => 'Sorry, the email address you entered is invalid on this system',
+ 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => 'Sorry, the password you entered is invalid on this system',
+ 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => 'Sorry, the username you entered is invalid on this system',
+ 'adduser' => "Add User",
+ 'adduser:ok' => "You have successfully added a new user.",
+ 'adduser:bad' => "The new user could not be created.",
+ 'user:set:name' => "Account name settings",
+ 'user:name:label' => "My display name",
+ 'user:name:success' => "Successfully changed your name on the system.",
+ 'user:name:fail' => "Could not change your name on the system. Please make sure your name isn't too long and try again.",
+ 'user:set:password' => "Account password",
+ 'user:current_password:label' => 'Current password',
+ 'user:password:label' => "Your new password",
+ 'user:password2:label' => "Your new password again",
+ 'user:password:success' => "Password changed",
+ 'user:password:fail' => "Could not change your password on the system.",
+ 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "The two passwords are not the same!",
+ 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "Password is too short!",
+ 'user:password:fail:incorrect_current_password' => 'The current password entered is incorrect.',
+ 'user:resetpassword:unknown_user' => 'Invalid user.',
+ 'user:resetpassword:reset_password_confirm' => 'Resetting your password will email a new password to your registered email address.',
+ 'user:set:language' => "Language settings",
+ 'user:language:label' => "Your language",
+ 'user:language:success' => "Your language settings have been updated.",
+ 'user:language:fail' => "Your language settings could not be saved.",
+ 'user:username:notfound' => 'Username %s not found.',
+ 'user:password:lost' => 'Lost password',
+ 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Successfully requested a new password, email sent',
+ 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'Could not request a new password.',
+ 'user:password:text' => 'To request a new password, enter your username below and click the Request button.',
+ 'user:persistent' => 'Remember me',
+ 'walled_garden:welcome' => 'Welcome to',
+ * Administration
+ */
+ 'menu:page:header:administer' => 'Administer',
+ 'menu:page:header:configure' => 'Configure',
+ 'menu:page:header:develop' => 'Develop',
+ 'menu:page:header:default' => 'Other',
+ 'admin:view_site' => 'View site',
+ 'admin:loggedin' => 'Logged in as %s',
+ 'admin:menu' => 'Menu',
+ 'admin:configuration:success' => "Your settings have been saved.",
+ 'admin:configuration:fail' => "Your settings could not be saved.",
+ 'admin:unknown_section' => 'Invalid Admin Section.',
+ 'admin' => "Administration",
+ 'admin:description' => "The admin panel allows you to control all aspects of the system, from user management to how plugins behave. Choose an option below to get started.",
+ 'admin:statistics' => "Statistics",
+ 'admin:statistics:overview' => 'Overview',
+ 'admin:appearance' => 'Appearance',
+ 'admin:utilities' => 'Utilities',
+ 'admin:users' => "Users",
+ 'admin:users:online' => 'Currently Online',
+ 'admin:users:newest' => 'Newest',
+ 'admin:users:add' => 'Add New User',
+ 'admin:users:description' => "This admin panel allows you to control user settings for your site. Choose an option below to get started.",
+ 'admin:users:adduser:label' => "Click here to add a new user...",
+ 'admin:users:opt:linktext' => "Configure users...",
+ 'admin:users:opt:description' => "Configure users and account information. ",
+ 'admin:users:find' => 'Find',
+ 'admin:settings' => 'Settings',
+ 'admin:settings:basic' => 'Basic Settings',
+ 'admin:settings:advanced' => 'Advanced Settings',
+ 'admin:site:description' => "This admin panel allows you to control global settings for your site. Choose an option below to get started.",
+ 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Configure site...",
+ 'admin:site:access:warning' => "Changing the access setting only affects the permissions on content created in the future.",
+ 'admin:dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
+ 'admin:widget:online_users' => 'Online users',
+ 'admin:widget:online_users:help' => 'Lists the users currently on the site',
+ 'admin:widget:new_users' => 'New users',
+ 'admin:widget:new_users:help' => 'Lists the newest users',
+ 'admin:widget:content_stats' => 'Content statistics',
+ 'admin:widget:content_stats:help' => 'Keep track of the content created by your users',
+ 'widget:content_stats:type' => 'Content type',
+ 'widget:content_stats:number' => 'Number',
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome' => 'Welcome',
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:help' => "A short introduction to Elgg's admin area",
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:intro' =>
+'Welcome to Elgg! Right now you are looking at the administration dashboard. It\'s useful for tracking what\'s happening on the site.',
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:admin_overview' =>
+"Navigation for the administration area is provided by the menu to the right. It is organized into"
+. " three sections:
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Administer</dt><dd>Everyday tasks like monitoring reported content, checking who is online, and viewing statistics.</dd>
+ <dt>Configure</dt><dd>Occasional tasks like setting the site name or activating a plugin.</dd>
+ <dt>Develop</dt><dd>For developers who are building plugins or designing themes. (Requires a developer plugin.)</dd>
+ </dl>
+ ",
+ // argh, this is ugly
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:outro' => '<br />Be sure to check out the resources available through the footer links and thank you for using Elgg!',
+ 'admin:footer:faq' => 'Administration FAQ',
+ 'admin:footer:manual' => 'Administration Manual',
+ 'admin:footer:community_forums' => 'Elgg Community Forums',
+ 'admin:footer:blog' => 'Elgg Blog',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:all' => 'All plugins',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:active' => 'Active plugins',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:inactive' => 'Inactive plugins',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:admin' => 'Admin',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:bundled' => 'Bundled',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:content' => 'Content',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:development' => 'Development',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:enhancement' => 'Enhancements',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:api' => 'Service/API',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:communication' => 'Communication',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:security' => 'Security and Spam',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:social' => 'Social',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:multimedia' => 'Multimedia',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:theme' => 'Themes',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:widget' => 'Widgets',
+ 'admin:plugins:sort:priority' => 'Priority',
+ 'admin:plugins:sort:alpha' => 'Alphabetical',
+ 'admin:plugins:sort:date' => 'Newest',
+ 'admin:plugins:markdown:unknown_plugin' => 'Unknown plugin.',
+ 'admin:plugins:markdown:unknown_file' => 'Unknown file.',
+ 'admin:notices:could_not_delete' => 'Could not delete notice.',
+ 'admin:options' => 'Admin options',
+ * Plugins
+ */
+ 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "Settings for the %s plugin were saved successfully.",
+ 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "There was a problem saving settings for the %s plugin.",
+ 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "User settings for the %s plugin were saved successfully.",
+ 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "There was a problem saving user settings for the %s plugin.",
+ 'item:object:plugin' => 'Plugins',
+ 'admin:plugins' => "Plugins",
+ 'admin:plugins:activate_all' => 'Activate All',
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate_all' => 'Deactivate All',
+ 'admin:plugins:activate' => 'Activate',
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate' => 'Deactivate',
+ 'admin:plugins:description' => "This admin panel allows you to control and configure tools installed on your site.",
+ 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configure tools...",
+ 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Configure the tools installed on the site. ",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Author",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Copyright",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:categories' => 'Categories',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "Licence",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:moreinfo' => 'more info',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:version' => 'Version',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:location' => 'Location',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:dependencies' => 'Dependencies',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:elgg_version_unknown' => 'This plugin uses a legacy manifest file and does not specify a compatible Elgg version. It probably will not work!',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:unmet_dependencies' => 'This plugin has unmet dependencies and cannot be activated. Check dependencies under more info.',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:invalid' => '%s is not a valid Elgg plugin. Check <a href="http://docs.elgg.org/Invalid_Plugin">the Elgg documentation</a> for troubleshooting tips.',
+ 'admin:plugins:cannot_activate' => 'cannot activate',
+ 'admin:plugins:set_priority:yes' => "Reordered %s.",
+ 'admin:plugins:set_priority:no' => "Could not reorder %s.",
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate:yes' => "Deactivated %s.",
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate:no' => "Could not deactivate %s.",
+ 'admin:plugins:activate:yes' => "Activated %s.",
+ 'admin:plugins:activate:no' => "Could not activate %s.",
+ 'admin:plugins:categories:all' => 'All categories',
+ 'admin:plugins:plugin_website' => 'Plugin website',
+ 'admin:plugins:author' => '%s',
+ 'admin:plugins:version' => 'Version %s',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple' => 'Simple',
+ 'admin:plugins:advanced' => 'Advanced',
+ 'admin:plugin_settings' => 'Plugin Settings',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple_simple_fail' => 'Could not save settings.',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple_simple_success' => 'Settings saved.',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple:cannot_activate' => 'Cannot activate this plugin. Check the advanced plugin admin area for more information.',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:unmet_dependencies_active' => 'This plugin is active but has unmet dependencies. You may encounter problems. See "more info" below for details.',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:type' => 'Type',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:name' => 'Name',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:expected_value' => 'Tested Value',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:local_value' => 'Actual value',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:comment' => 'Comment',
+ 'admin:statistics:description' => "This is an overview of statistics on your site. If you need more detailed statistics, a professional administration feature is available.",
+ 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "View statistical information about users and objects on your site.",
+ 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "View statistics...",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Basic site statistics",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Entities on site",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Number of users",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Number of users online",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Users online now",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Elgg version",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Release",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Version",
+ 'admin:user:label:search' => "Find users:",
+ 'admin:user:label:searchbutton' => "Search",
+ 'admin:user:ban:no' => "Can not ban user",
+ 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "User banned.",
+ 'admin:user:self:ban:no' => "You cannot ban yourself",
+ 'admin:user:unban:no' => "Can not unban user",
+ 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "User unbanned.",
+ 'admin:user:delete:no' => "Can not delete user",
+ 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "The user %s has been deleted",
+ 'admin:user:self:delete:no' => "You cannot delete yourself",
+ 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Password reset, user notified.",
+ 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "Password could not be reset.",
+ 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "User is now an admin.",
+ 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "We could not make this user an admin.",
+ 'admin:user:removeadmin:yes' => "User is no longer an admin.",
+ 'admin:user:removeadmin:no' => "We could not remove administrator privileges from this user.",
+ 'admin:user:self:removeadmin:no' => "You cannot remove your own administrator privileges.",
+ 'admin:appearance:menu_items' => 'Menu Items',
+ 'admin:menu_items:configure' => 'Configure main menu items',
+ 'admin:menu_items:description' => 'Select which menu items you want to show as featured links. Unused items will be added as "More" at the end of the list.',
+ 'admin:menu_items:hide_toolbar_entries' => 'Remove links from tool bar menu?',
+ 'admin:menu_items:saved' => 'Menu items saved.',
+ 'admin:add_menu_item' => 'Add a custom menu item',
+ 'admin:add_menu_item:description' => 'Fill out the Display name and URL to add custom items to your navigation menu.',
+ 'admin:appearance:default_widgets' => 'Default Widgets',
+ 'admin:default_widgets:unknown_type' => 'Unknown widget type',
+ 'admin:default_widgets:instructions' => 'Add, remove, position, and configure default widgets for the selected widget page.'
+ . ' These changes will only affect new users on the site.',
+ * User settings
+ */
+ 'usersettings:description' => "The user settings panel allows you to control all your personal settings, from user management to how plugins behave. Choose an option below to get started.",
+ 'usersettings:statistics' => "Your statistics",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "View statistical information about users and objects on your site.",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Account statistics",
+ 'usersettings:user' => "Your settings",
+ 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "This allows you to control user settings.",
+ 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Change your settings",
+ 'usersettings:plugins' => "Tools",
+ 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Configure settings (if any) for your active tools.",
+ 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configure your tools",
+ 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "This panel allows you to control and configure the personal settings for the tools installed by your system administrator.",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Your content",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "Your details",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Full name",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Email",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Member since",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "Last logged in",
+ * Activity river
+ */
+ 'river:all' => 'All Site Activity',
+ 'river:mine' => 'My Activity',
+ 'river:friends' => 'Friends Activty',
+ 'river:select' => 'Show %s',
+ 'river:comments:more' => '+%u more',
+ 'river:generic_comment' => 'commented on %s %s',
+ 'friends:widget:description' => "Displays some of your friends.",
+ 'friends:num_display' => "Number of friends to display",
+ 'friends:icon_size' => "Icon size",
+ 'friends:tiny' => "tiny",
+ 'friends:small' => "small",
+ * Generic action words
+ */
+ 'save' => "Save",
+ 'reset' => 'Reset',
+ 'publish' => "Publish",
+ 'cancel' => "Cancel",
+ 'saving' => "Saving ...",
+ 'update' => "Update",
+ 'preview' => "Preview",
+ 'edit' => "Edit",
+ 'delete' => "Delete",
+ 'accept' => "Accept",
+ 'load' => "Load",
+ 'upload' => "Upload",
+ 'ban' => "Ban",
+ 'unban' => "Unban",
+ 'banned' => "Banned",
+ 'enable' => "Enable",
+ 'disable' => "Disable",
+ 'request' => "Request",
+ 'complete' => "Complete",
+ 'open' => 'Open',
+ 'close' => 'Close',
+ 'reply' => "Reply",
+ 'more' => 'More',
+ 'comments' => 'Comments',
+ 'import' => 'Import',
+ 'export' => 'Export',
+ 'untitled' => 'Untitled',
+ 'help' => 'Help',
+ 'send' => 'Send',
+ 'post' => 'Post',
+ 'submit' => 'Submit',
+ 'comment' => 'Comment',
+ 'upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
+ 'sort' => 'Sort',
+ 'filter' => 'Filter',
+ 'site' => 'Site',
+ 'activity' => 'Activity',
+ 'members' => 'Members',
+ 'up' => 'Up',
+ 'down' => 'Down',
+ 'top' => 'Top',
+ 'bottom' => 'Bottom',
+ 'more' => 'more',
+ 'invite' => "Invite",
+ 'resetpassword' => "Reset password",
+ 'makeadmin' => "Make admin",
+ 'removeadmin' => "Remove admin",
+ 'option:yes' => "Yes",
+ 'option:no' => "No",
+ 'unknown' => 'Unknown',
+ 'active' => 'Active',
+ 'total' => 'Total',
+ 'learnmore' => "Click here to learn more.",
+ 'content' => "content",
+ 'content:latest' => 'Latest activity',
+ 'content:latest:blurb' => 'Alternatively, click here to view the latest content from across the site.',
+ 'link:text' => 'view link',
+ * Generic questions
+ */
+ 'question:areyousure' => 'Are you sure?',
+ * Generic data words
+ */
+ 'title' => "Title",
+ 'description' => "Description",
+ 'tags' => "Tags",
+ 'spotlight' => "Spotlight",
+ 'all' => "All",
+ 'mine' => "Mine",
+ 'by' => 'by',
+ 'none' => 'none',
+ 'annotations' => "Annotations",
+ 'relationships' => "Relationships",
+ 'metadata' => "Metadata",
+ 'tagcloud' => "Tag cloud",
+ 'tagcloud:allsitetags' => "All site tags",
+ * Entity actions
+ */
+ 'edit:this' => 'Edit this',
+ 'delete:this' => 'Delete this',
+ 'comment:this' => 'Comment on this',
+ * Input / output strings
+ */
+ 'deleteconfirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
+ 'fileexists' => "A file has already been uploaded. To replace it, select it below:",
+ * User add
+ */
+ 'useradd:subject' => 'User account created',
+ 'useradd:body' => '
+A user account has been created for you at %s. To log in, visit:
+And log in with these user credentials:
+Username: %s
+Password: %s
+Once you have logged in, we highly recommend that you change your password.
+ * System messages
+ **/
+ 'systemmessages:dismiss' => "click to dismiss",
+ * Import / export
+ */
+ 'importsuccess' => "Import of data was successful",
+ 'importfail' => "OpenDD import of data failed.",
+ * Time
+ */
+ 'friendlytime:justnow' => "just now",
+ 'friendlytime:minutes' => "%s minutes ago",
+ 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "a minute ago",
+ 'friendlytime:hours' => "%s hours ago",
+ 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "an hour ago",
+ 'friendlytime:days' => "%s days ago",
+ 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "yesterday",
+ 'friendlytime:date_format' => 'j F Y @ g:ia',
+ 'date:month:01' => 'January %s',
+ 'date:month:02' => 'February %s',
+ 'date:month:03' => 'March %s',
+ 'date:month:04' => 'April %s',
+ 'date:month:05' => 'May %s',
+ 'date:month:06' => 'June %s',
+ 'date:month:07' => 'July %s',
+ 'date:month:08' => 'August %s',
+ 'date:month:09' => 'September %s',
+ 'date:month:10' => 'October %s',
+ 'date:month:11' => 'November %s',
+ 'date:month:12' => 'December %s',
+ * System settings
+ */
+ 'installation:sitename' => "The name of your site:",
+ 'installation:sitedescription' => "Short description of your site (optional):",
+ 'installation:wwwroot' => "The site URL:",
+ 'installation:path' => "The full path of the Elgg installation:",
+ 'installation:dataroot' => "The full path of the data directory:",
+ 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "You must create this directory manually. It should be in a different directory to your Elgg installation.",
+ 'installation:sitepermissions' => "The default access permissions:",
+ 'installation:language' => "The default language for your site:",
+ 'installation:debug' => "Debug mode provides extra information which can be used to diagnose faults. However, it can slow your system down so should only be used if you are having problems:",
+ 'installation:debug:none' => 'Turn off debug mode (recommended)',
+ 'installation:debug:error' => 'Display only critical errors',
+ 'installation:debug:warning' => 'Display errors and warnings',
+ 'installation:debug:notice' => 'Log all errors, warnings and notices',
+ // Walled Garden support
+ 'installation:registration:description' => 'User registration is enabled by default. Turn this off if you do not want new users to be able to register on their own.',
+ 'installation:registration:label' => 'Allow new users to register',
+ 'installation:walled_garden:description' => 'Enable the site to run as a private network. This will not allow non logged-in users to view any site pages other than those specifically marked as public.',
+ 'installation:walled_garden:label' => 'Restrict pages to logged-in users',
+ 'installation:httpslogin' => "Enable this to have user logins performed over HTTPS. You will need to have https enabled on your server for this to work.",
+ 'installation:httpslogin:label' => "Enable HTTPS logins",
+ 'installation:view' => "Enter the view which will be used as the default for your site or leave this blank for the default view (if in doubt, leave as default):",
+ 'installation:siteemail' => "Site email address (used when sending system emails):",
+ 'installation:disableapi' => "Elgg provides an API for building web services so that remote applications can interact with your site.",
+ 'installation:disableapi:label' => "Enable Elgg's web services API",
+ 'installation:allow_user_default_access:description' => "If checked, individual users will be allowed to set their own default access level that can over-ride the system default access level.",
+ 'installation:allow_user_default_access:label' => "Allow user default access",
+ 'installation:simplecache:description' => "The simple cache increases performance by caching static content including some CSS and JavaScript files. Normally you will want this on.",
+ 'installation:simplecache:label' => "Use simple cache (recommended)",
+ 'installation:viewpathcache:description' => "The view filepath cache decreases the loading times of plugins by caching the location of their views.",
+ 'installation:viewpathcache:label' => "Use view filepath cache (recommended)",
+ 'upgrading' => 'Upgrading...',
+ 'upgrade:db' => 'Your database was upgraded.',
+ 'upgrade:core' => 'Your elgg installation was upgraded.',
+ 'upgrade:unable_to_upgrade' => 'Unable to upgrade.',
+ 'upgrade:unable_to_upgrade_info' =>
+ 'This installation cannot be upgraded because legacy views
+ were detected in the Elgg core views directory. These views have been deprecated and need to be
+ removed for Elgg to function correctly. If you have not made changes to Elgg core, you can
+ simply delete the views directory and replace it with the one from the latest
+ package of Elgg downloaded from <a href="http://elgg.org">elgg.org</a>.<br /><br />
+ If you need detailed instructions, please visit the <a href="http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Upgrading_Elgg">
+ Upgrading Elgg documentation</a>. If you require assistance, please post to the
+ <a href="http://community.elgg.org/pg/groups/discussion/">Community Support Forums</a>.',
+ 'update:twitter_api:deactivated' => 'Twitter API (previously Twitter Service) was deactivated during the upgrade. Please activate it manually if required.',
+ 'update:oauth_api:deactivated' => 'OAuth API (previously OAuth Lib) was deactivated during the upgrade. Please activate it manually if required.',
+ 'deprecated:function' => '%s() was deprecated by %s()',
+ * Welcome
+ */
+ 'welcome' => "Welcome",
+ 'welcome:user' => 'Welcome %s',
+ * Emails
+ */
+ 'email:settings' => "Email settings",
+ 'email:address:label' => "Your email address",
+ 'email:save:success' => "New email address saved, verification requested.",
+ 'email:save:fail' => "Your new email address could not be saved.",
+ 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s has made you a friend!",
+ 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s has made you a friend!
+To view their profile, click here:
+You cannot reply to this email.",
+ 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "Password reset!",
+ 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Hi %s,
+Your password has been reset to: %s",
+ 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Request for new password.",
+ 'email:resetreq:body' => "Hi %s,
+Somebody (from the IP address %s) has requested a new password for their account.
+If you requested this click on the link below, otherwise ignore this email.
+ * user default access
+ */
+'default_access:settings' => "Your default access level",
+'default_access:label' => "Default access",
+'user:default_access:success' => "Your new default access level was saved.",
+'user:default_access:failure' => "Your new default access level could not be saved.",
+ */
+ 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Input data missing",
+ * Comments
+ */
+ 'comments:count' => "%s comments",
+ 'riveraction:annotation:generic_comment' => '%s commented on %s',
+ 'generic_comments:add' => "Leave a comment",
+ 'generic_comments:post' => "Post comment",
+ 'generic_comments:text' => "Comment",
+ 'generic_comments:latest' => "Latest comments",
+ 'generic_comment:posted' => "Your comment was successfully posted.",
+ 'generic_comment:deleted' => "The comment was successfully deleted.",
+ 'generic_comment:blank' => "Sorry, you need to actually put something in your comment before we can save it.",
+ 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Sorry, we could not find the specified item.",
+ 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Sorry, we could not delete this comment.",
+ 'generic_comment:failure' => "An unexpected error occurred when adding your comment. Please try again.",
+ 'generic_comment:none' => 'No comments',
+ 'generic_comment:email:subject' => 'You have a new comment!',
+ 'generic_comment:email:body' => "You have a new comment on your item \"%s\" from %s. It reads:
+To reply or view the original item, click here:
+To view %s's profile, click here:
+You cannot reply to this email.",
+ * Entities
+ */
+ 'byline' => 'By %s',
+ 'entity:default:strapline' => 'Created %s by %s',
+ 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'This entity cannot be displayed correctly. This may be because it requires support provided by a plugin that is no longer installed.',
+ 'entity:delete:success' => 'Entity %s has been deleted',
+ 'entity:delete:fail' => 'Entity %s could not be deleted',
+ * Action gatekeeper
+ */
+ 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'Form is missing __token or __ts fields',
+ 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => "We encountered an error (token mismatch). This probably means that the page you were using expired. Please try again.",
+ 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'The page you were using has expired. Please refresh and try again.',
+ 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'A extension has prevented this form from being submitted.',
+ * Word blacklists
+ */
+ 'word:blacklist' => 'and, the, then, but, she, his, her, him, one, not, also, about, now, hence, however, still, likewise, otherwise, therefore, conversely, rather, consequently, furthermore, nevertheless, instead, meanwhile, accordingly, this, seems, what, whom, whose, whoever, whomever',
+ * Tag labels
+ */
+ 'tag_names:tags' => 'Tags',
+ 'tags:site_cloud' => 'Site Tag Cloud',
+ * Javascript
+ */
+ 'js:security:token_refresh_failed' => 'Cannot contact %s. You may experience problems saving content.',
+ 'js:security:token_refreshed' => 'Connection to %s restored!',
+ * Languages according to ISO 639-1
+ */
+ "aa" => "Afar",
+ "ab" => "Abkhazian",
+ "af" => "Afrikaans",
+ "am" => "Amharic",
+ "ar" => "Arabic",
+ "as" => "Assamese",
+ "ay" => "Aymara",
+ "az" => "Azerbaijani",
+ "ba" => "Bashkir",
+ "be" => "Byelorussian",
+ "bg" => "Bulgarian",
+ "bh" => "Bihari",
+ "bi" => "Bislama",
+ "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
+ "bo" => "Tibetan",
+ "br" => "Breton",
+ "ca" => "Catalan",
+ "co" => "Corsican",
+ "cs" => "Czech",
+ "cy" => "Welsh",
+ "da" => "Danish",
+ "de" => "German",
+ "dz" => "Bhutani",
+ "el" => "Greek",
+ "en" => "English",
+ "eo" => "Esperanto",
+ "es" => "Spanish",
+ "et" => "Estonian",
+ "eu" => "Basque",
+ "fa" => "Persian",
+ "fi" => "Finnish",
+ "fj" => "Fiji",
+ "fo" => "Faeroese",
+ "fr" => "French",
+ "fy" => "Frisian",
+ "ga" => "Irish",
+ "gd" => "Scots / Gaelic",
+ "gl" => "Galician",
+ "gn" => "Guarani",
+ "gu" => "Gujarati",
+ "he" => "Hebrew",
+ "ha" => "Hausa",
+ "hi" => "Hindi",
+ "hr" => "Croatian",
+ "hu" => "Hungarian",
+ "hy" => "Armenian",
+ "ia" => "Interlingua",
+ "id" => "Indonesian",
+ "ie" => "Interlingue",
+ "ik" => "Inupiak",
+ //"in" => "Indonesian",
+ "is" => "Icelandic",
+ "it" => "Italian",
+ "iu" => "Inuktitut",
+ "iw" => "Hebrew (obsolete)",
+ "ja" => "Japanese",
+ "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
+ "jw" => "Javanese",
+ "ka" => "Georgian",
+ "kk" => "Kazakh",
+ "kl" => "Greenlandic",
+ "km" => "Cambodian",
+ "kn" => "Kannada",
+ "ko" => "Korean",
+ "ks" => "Kashmiri",
+ "ku" => "Kurdish",
+ "ky" => "Kirghiz",
+ "la" => "Latin",
+ "ln" => "Lingala",
+ "lo" => "Laothian",
+ "lt" => "Lithuanian",
+ "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
+ "mg" => "Malagasy",
+ "mi" => "Maori",
+ "mk" => "Macedonian",
+ "ml" => "Malayalam",
+ "mn" => "Mongolian",
+ "mo" => "Moldavian",
+ "mr" => "Marathi",
+ "ms" => "Malay",
+ "mt" => "Maltese",
+ "my" => "Burmese",
+ "na" => "Nauru",
+ "ne" => "Nepali",
+ "nl" => "Dutch",
+ "no" => "Norwegian",
+ "oc" => "Occitan",
+ "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
+ "or" => "Oriya",
+ "pa" => "Punjabi",
+ "pl" => "Polish",
+ "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
+ "pt" => "Portuguese",
+ "qu" => "Quechua",
+ "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
+ "rn" => "Kirundi",
+ "ro" => "Romanian",
+ "ru" => "Russian",
+ "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
+ "sa" => "Sanskrit",
+ "sd" => "Sindhi",
+ "sg" => "Sangro",
+ "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian",
+ "si" => "Singhalese",
+ "sk" => "Slovak",
+ "sl" => "Slovenian",
+ "sm" => "Samoan",
+ "sn" => "Shona",
+ "so" => "Somali",
+ "sq" => "Albanian",
+ "sr" => "Serbian",
+ "ss" => "Siswati",
+ "st" => "Sesotho",
+ "su" => "Sundanese",
+ "sv" => "Swedish",
+ "sw" => "Swahili",
+ "ta" => "Tamil",
+ "te" => "Tegulu",
+ "tg" => "Tajik",
+ "th" => "Thai",
+ "ti" => "Tigrinya",
+ "tk" => "Turkmen",
+ "tl" => "Tagalog",
+ "tn" => "Setswana",
+ "to" => "Tonga",
+ "tr" => "Turkish",
+ "ts" => "Tsonga",
+ "tt" => "Tatar",
+ "tw" => "Twi",
+ "ug" => "Uigur",
+ "uk" => "Ukrainian",
+ "ur" => "Urdu",
+ "uz" => "Uzbek",
+ "vi" => "Vietnamese",
+ "vo" => "Volapuk",
+ "wo" => "Wolof",
+ "xh" => "Xhosa",
+ //"y" => "Yiddish",
+ "yi" => "Yiddish",
+ "yo" => "Yoruba",
+ "za" => "Zuang",
+ "zh" => "Chinese",
+ "zu" => "Zulu",
diff --git a/languages/es.php b/languages/es.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdd1133e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/es.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+ * Core Spanish Language
+ *
+ * @package Elgg.Core
+ * @subpackage Languages.Spanish
+ */
+$spanish = array(
+ * Sites
+ */
+ 'item:site' => 'Sitios',
+ * Sessions
+ */
+ 'login' => "Iniciar sesi&oacute;n",
+ 'loginok' => "Ha iniciado sesi&oacute;n",
+ 'loginerror' => "Inicio de sesi&oacute;n incorrecto. Verifique sus credenciales e intente nuevamente",
+ 'login:empty' => "El nombre de usuario y contrase&ntilde;a son requeridos",
+ 'login:baduser' => "No se pudo cargar su cuenta de usuario",
+ 'auth:nopams' => "Error interno. No se encuentra un m&eacute;todo de autenticaci&oacute;n instalado",
+ 'logout' => "Cerrar sesi&oacute;n",
+ 'logoutok' => "Se ha cerrado la sesi&oacute;n",
+ 'logouterror' => "No se pudo cerrar la sesi&oacute;n, por favor intente nuevamente",
+ 'loggedinrequired' => "Debe estar autenticado para poder visualizar esta p&aacute;gina",
+ 'adminrequired' => "Debe ser un administrador para poder visualizar esta p&aacute;gina",
+ 'membershiprequired' => "Debe ser miembro del grupo para poder visualizar esta p&aacute;gina",
+ * Errors
+ */
+ 'exception:title' => "Error Fatal",
+ 'actionundefined' => "La acci&oacute;n (%s) solicitada no se encuentra definida en el sistema",
+ 'actionnotfound' => "El log de acciones para %s no se ha encontrado",
+ 'actionloggedout' => "Lo sentimos, no puede realizar esta acci&oacute;n sin identificarse",
+ 'actionunauthorized' => 'Usted no posee los permisos necesarios para realizar esta acci&oacute;n',
+ 'InstallationException:SiteNotInstalled' => 'No se pudo procesar la solicitud. El sitio '
+ . ' no se encuentra configurado o la base de datos se encuentra ca&iacute;da',
+ 'InstallationException:MissingLibrary' => 'No se pudo cargar %s',
+ 'InstallationException:CannotLoadSettings' => 'No se pudo cargar el archivo de configuracion, puede que no exista o que se deba a un error de configuraci&oacute;n de permisos',
+ 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Acceso denegado para la ejecuci&oacute;n de bloque de c&oacute;digo privilegiado",
+ 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "No se pudo conectar a la base de datos con las credenciales provistas. Verifique el archivo de configuraci&oacute;n",
+ 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "No se puede consultar la base de datos '%s', por favor verifique que dicha base de datos exista y que posea permisos sobre la misma",
+ 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Acceso denegado a la funci&oacute;n privilegiada '%s'",
+ 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "Se encontr&oacute; una cantidad de errores: ",
+ 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "No se pudo encontrar el script de base de datos %s",
+ 'DatabaseException:InvalidQuery' => "Consulta inv&aacute;lida",
+ 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Error al cargar una nueva %s de GUID: %d",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Pasando un no-ElggObject a un constructor ElggObject!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "No se reconoce el valor pasado al constructor",
+ 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID: %d no es un %s v&aacute;lido",
+ 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s (guid: %s) es un plugin desconfigurado que ha sido deshabilitado. Por favor revise la Wiki de Elgg para m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n (http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/)",
+ 'PluginException:CannotStart' => '%s (guid: %s) no puede iniciarse. Motivo: %s',
+ 'PluginException:InvalidID' => "%s no es un ID de plugin v&aacute;lido",
+ 'PluginException:InvalidPath' => "%s es un path de plugin inv&aacute;lido",
+ 'PluginException:InvalidManifest' => 'Archivo de manifesto inv&aacute;lido para el plugin %s',
+ 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin' => '%s no es un plugin v&aacute;lido',
+ 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin:Details' => '%s no es un plugin v&aacute;lido: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:MissingID' => 'No se encuentra el ID del plugin (guid %s)',
+ 'ElggPlugin:NoPluginPackagePackage' => 'ElggPluginPackage faltante para el plugin con ID %s (guid %s)',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:MissingFile' => 'Archivo %s faltante en el package',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidDependency' => 'Tipo de dependencia "%s" inv&aacute;lida',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidProvides' => 'Tipo "%s" provisto inv&aacute;lido',
+ 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:CircularDep' => 'Dependencia %s inv&aacute;lida "%s" en plugin %s. Los plugins no pueden entrar en conlicto con otros requeridos!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotIncludeFile' => 'No puede incluirse %s para el plugin %s (guid: %s) en %s. Verifique los permisos!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterViews' => 'No puede cargarse el directorio "views" para el plugin %s (guid: %s) en %s. Verifique los permisos!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterLanguages' => 'No pueden registrarse lenguajes para el plugin %s (guid: %s) en %s. Verifique los permisos!',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Exception:NoID' => 'No se encontr&oacute; el ID para el plugin con guid %s!',
+ 'PluginException:ParserError' => 'Error procesando el manifiesto con versi&oacute;n de API %s en plugin %s',
+ 'PluginException:NoAvailableParser' => 'No se encuentra un procesador para el manifiesto de la versi&oacute;n de la API %s en plugin %s',
+ 'PluginException:ParserErrorMissingRequiredAttribute' => "Atributo '%s' faltante en manifiesto del el plugin %s",
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Requires' => 'Requiere',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests' => 'Sugiere',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicts' => 'Conflictos',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicted' => 'En conflicto',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Provides' => 'Provee',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority' => 'Prioridad',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Elgg' => 'Versi&oacute;n Elgg',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpExtension' => 'Extensi&oacute;n PHP: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpIni' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n PHP ini: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Plugin' => 'Plugin: %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:After' => 'Luego %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Before' => 'Antes %s',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Uninstalled' => '%s no instalado',
+ 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests:Unsatisfied' => 'Faltante',
+ 'ElggPlugin:InvalidAndDeactivated' => '%s no es un plugin v&aacute;lido y se ha deshabilitado',
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Pasando un no-ElggUser a un constructor ElggUser!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Pasando un no-ElggSite a un constructor ElggSite!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Pasando un no-ElggGroup a un constructor ElggGroup!",
+ 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "No se pudo guardar un nuevo %s",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "No se ha especificado un GUID durante la exportaci&oacute;n, esto no deber&iacute;a ocurrir",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "Funci&oacute;n de serializaci&oacute;n de entidad pasada a un par&aacute;metro de retorno no-array",
+ 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Path de Cache seteado en Null!",
+ 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s no es un directorio",
+ 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "No se pudo guardar una nueva entidad!",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() pasado a una clase ODD inesperado",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Debe setearse el tipo de entidad",
+ 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s no es un %s",
+ 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Clase '%s' no encontrada, hay alg&uacute;n plugin faltante?",
+ 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "No se reconoce el tipo %s. Esto indica un error en la instalaci&oacute;n, seguramente causado por una actualizaci&oacute;n incompleta",
+ 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "No pudo importarse el elemento %d",
+ 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "Se encontr&oacute; un problema al guardar %s",
+ 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "Se cre&oacute; una nueva entidad sin GUID, esto no debe ocurrir",
+ 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "No se pudo encontrar la entidad '%d'",
+ 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "Ocurri&oacute; un error al actualizar '%s' en la entidad '%d'",
+ 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "GUID de entidad inv&aacute;lido: %d",
+ 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "No se encontraron elementos OpenDD para la importaci&oacute;n, la importaci&oacute;n ha fallado",
+ 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "No se importaron todos los elementos",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Modo de archivo '%s' no reconocido",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "El archivo %s (guid: %d) (guid del due&ntilde;o: %d) no tiene un due&ntilde;o!",
+ 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "No puede realizarse %s",
+ 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "Debe especificar un nombre antes de abrir un archivo",
+ 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "No pudo cargarse la clase de repositorio %s para el archivo %u",
+ 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "No se especific&oacute; un m&eacute;todo de notificaci&oacute;n",
+ 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "No se encuentra un controlador '%s' o no es ejecutable",
+ 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "Ocurri&oacute; un error al notificar %d",
+ 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "No pudo cargarse la direcci&oacute;n de Email para el GUID:%d",
+ 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Par&aacute;metro requerido faltante: '%s'",
+ 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Donde no contenga WhereQueryComponent",
+ 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Campos faltantes en el estilo de consulta",
+ 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Tipo de consulta no reconocido o no especificado",
+ 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "No se especificaron las tablas para la consulta",
+ 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "No se especific&oacute; el control de acceso en la consulta",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "No se encuentra la entidad, puede que esta no exista o que no tenga los permisos necesarios sobre ella",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "No se pudo encontrar el GUID: %s, o no tiene acceso a ella",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Lo sentimos, '%s' no existe para el guid: %d",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Lo sentimos, no se encuentra implementada la exportaci&oacute;n de '%s'",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "No se encontraron resultados",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "No pertenece a la entidad",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "No pertenece o se refiere a la entidad",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Par&aacute;metro faltante, debe proveer un GUID",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:LibraryNotRegistered' => '%s no es una librer&iacute;a registrada',
+ 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "Los resultados de la API no son conocidos, esto no debe ocurrir",
+ 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "No se especific&oacute; un ID del sitio",
+ 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Lo sentimos, el acceso a la API ha sido deshabilitado para el administrador",
+ 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "No se encontraron m&eacute;todos de autenticaci&oacute;n para procesar la solicitud",
+ 'SecurityException:UnexpectedOutputInGatekeeper' => 'Salida inesperada en resultado gatekeeper. Deteniendo la ejecuci&oacute;n por seguridad. Revise http://docs.elgg.org/ para m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n',
+ 'InvalidParameterException:APIMethodOrFunctionNotSet' => "M&eacute;todo o funci&oacute;n no especificado en el llamado a expose_method()",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:APIParametersArrayStructure' => "Estructuras de Array son inv&aacute;lidas en llamados a la funci&oacute;n '%s'",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedHttpMethod' => "M&eacute;todo http %s no reconocido para el m&eacute;todo '%s' de la API",
+ 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Par&aacute;metro %s faltante en m&eacute;todo %s",
+ 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s no es un Array",
+ 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Tipo no reconocido en casteo %s para la variable '%s' en el m&eacute;todo '%s'",
+ 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Se encontr&oacute; un par&aacute;metro inv&aacute;lido para '%s' en el m&eacute;todo '%s'",
+ 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) posee un error de procesamiento",
+ 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) no retorn&oacute; ning&uacute;n valor",
+ 'APIException:APIAuthenticationFailed' => "El llamado al m&eacute;todo fall&oacute; en la autenticaci&oacute;n de la API",
+ 'APIException:UserAuthenticationFailed' => "El llamado al m&eacute;todo fall&oacute; en la autenticaci&oacute;n del usuario",
+ 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "El token de autenticaci&oacute;n no se encuentra o bien se encuentra expirado",
+ 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s debe llamarse utilizando '%s'",
+ 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "La llamada al m&eacute;todo '%s' no se encuentra implementada",
+ 'APIException:FunctionDoesNotExist' => "La funci&oacute;n para el m&eacute;todo '%s' no es ejecutable",
+ 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "No se soporta o se ha deshabilitado el algoritmo '%s'",
+ 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Directorio de Cache 'cache_path' no establecido",
+ 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "El m&eacute;todo de Request debe ser GET o POST",
+ 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Clave API faltante",
+ 'APIException:BadAPIKey' => "Clave API incorrecta",
+ 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Encabezado X-Elgg-hmac faltante",
+ 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Encabezado X-Elgg-hmac-algo faltante",
+ 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Encabezado X-Elgg-time faltante",
+ 'APIException:MissingNonce' => "Encabezado X-Elgg-nonce faltante",
+ 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time es muy lejano en el pasado o en el futuro. Fallo Epoch",
+ 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No hay datos en la query string",
+ 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Encabezado X-Elgg-posthash faltante",
+ 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Encabezado X-Elgg-posthash_algo faltante",
+ 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Content type faltante para post data",
+ 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "Hash de POST data inv&aacute;lido - Se esperaba %s pero se recibi&oacute; %s",
+ 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Firma de paquete ya vista",
+ 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Clave API inv&aacute;lida o faltante",
+ 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "El llamado al m&eacute;todo '%s' no es soportado",
+ 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "Llamado al m&eacute;todo XML-RPC '%s' no implementada",
+ 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "La llamada al m&eacute;todo '%s' devolvi&oacute; un resultado inesperado",
+ 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "La llamada no parece ser una llamada XML-RPC v&aacute;lida",
+ 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "No se pudo encontrar el nombre del plugin",
+ 'SecurityException:authenticationfailed' => "No se pudo autenticar el usuario",
+ 'CronException:unknownperiod' => '%s no es un per&iacute;odo reconocible',
+ 'SecurityException:deletedisablecurrentsite' => 'No puede eliminar o deshabilitar el sitio que est&aacute; viendo en este momento!',
+ 'RegistrationException:EmptyPassword' => 'Los campos de contrase&ntilde;as son obligatorios',
+ 'RegistrationException:PasswordMismatch' => 'Las contrase&ntilde;as deben coincidir',
+ 'LoginException:BannedUser' => 'Su ingreso ha sido bloqueado moment&aacute;neamente',
+ 'LoginException:UsernameFailure' => 'No pudo iniciarse la sesi&oacute;n. Por favor verifique su nombre de usuario y contrase&ntilde;a',
+ 'LoginException:PasswordFailure' => 'No pudo iniciarse la sesi&oacute;n. Por favor verifique su nombre de usuario y contrase&ntilde;a',
+ 'LoginException:AccountLocked' => 'Su cuenta ha sido bloqueada por la cantidad de intentos fallidos de inicio de sesion',
+ 'memcache:notinstalled' => 'M&oacute;dulo memcache del PHP no instalado, debe instalar el m&oacute;dulo php5-memcache',
+ 'memcache:noservers' => 'No hay servers memcache definidos, por favor popule la variable $CONFIG->memcache_servers',
+ 'memcache:versiontoolow' => 'Memcache requiere al menos la versi&oacute;n %s para su funcionamiento, se est&aacute; ejecutando la versi&oacute;n %s',
+ 'memcache:noaddserver' => 'Soporte para m&uacute;ltiples servidores deshabilitados, debe actualizar la librer&iacute;a memcache PECL',
+ 'deprecatedfunction' => 'Precauci&oacute;n: Este c&oacute;digo utiliza la funci&oacute;n obsoleta \'%s\' que no es compatible con esta versi&oacute;n de Elgg',
+ 'pageownerunavailable' => 'Precauci&oacute;n: El administrador de p&aacute;gina %d no se encuentra accesible!',
+ 'viewfailure' => 'Ocurri&oacute; un error interno en la vista %s',
+ 'changebookmark' => 'Por favor modifique su &iacute;ndice para esta vista',
+ * API
+ */
+ 'system.api.list' => "Lista todas las llamadas API disponibles en el sistema",
+ 'auth.gettoken' => "Esta llamada API le permite al usuario obtener un token de autenticaci&oacute;n el cual puede ser utilizado para autenticar futuras llamadas a la API. Enviarlo como par&aacute;metro auth_token",
+ * User details
+ */
+ 'name' => "Nombre",
+ 'email' => "Direcci&oacute;n de Email",
+ 'username' => "Nombre de usuario",
+ 'loginusername' => "Nombre de usuario o Email",
+ 'password' => "Contrase&ntilde;a",
+ 'passwordagain' => "Contrase&ntilde;a (nuevamente, para verificaci&oacute;n)",
+ 'admin_option' => "Hacer administrador a este usuario?",
+ * Access
+ */
+ 'PRIVATE' => "Privado",
+ 'LOGGED_IN' => "Usuarios logueados",
+ 'PUBLIC' => 'Todos',
+ 'access:friends:label' => "Amigos",
+ 'access' => "Acceso",
+ * Dashboard and widgets
+ */
+ 'dashboard' => "Panel de control",
+ 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Su panel de control le permite seguir la actividad y el contenido que le interesan de este sitio",
+ 'widgets:add' => 'Agregar widget',
+ 'widgets:add:description' => "Haga click en el bot&oacute;n de alg&uacute;n widget para agregarlo a la p&aacute;gina",
+ 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Posici&oacute;n fija en la p&aacute;gina)',
+ 'widget:unavailable' => 'Ya agreg&oacute; este widget',
+ 'widget:numbertodisplay' => 'Cantidad de elementos para mostrar',
+ 'widget:delete' => 'Quitar %s',
+ 'widget:edit' => 'Personalizar este widget',
+ 'widgets' => "Widgets",
+ 'widget' => "Widget",
+ 'item:object:widget' => "Widgets",
+ 'widgets:save:success' => "El widget se guard&oacute; correctamente",
+ 'widgets:save:failure' => "No se pudo guardar el widget, por favor intente nuevamente",
+ 'widgets:add:success' => "Se agreg&oacute; correctamente el widget",
+ 'widgets:add:failure' => "No se pudo a&ntilde;adir el widget",
+ 'widgets:move:failure' => "No se pudo guardar la nueva posici&oacute;n del widget",
+ 'widgets:remove:failure' => "No se pudo quitar el widget",
+ * Groups
+ */
+ 'group' => "Grupo",
+ 'item:group' => "Grupos",
+ * Users
+ */
+ 'user' => "Usuario",
+ 'item:user' => "Usuarios",
+ * Friends
+ */
+ 'friends' => "Amigos",
+ 'friends:yours' => "Tus Amigos",
+ 'friends:owned' => "Amigos de %s",
+ 'friend:add' => "Nuevo amigo",
+ 'friend:remove' => "Quitar amigo",
+ 'friends:add:successful' => "Se ha a&ntilde;adido a %s como amigo",
+ 'friends:add:failure' => "No se pudo a&ntilde;adir a %s como amigo. Por favor intente nuevamente",
+ 'friends:remove:successful' => "Se quit&oacute; a %s de sus amigos",
+ 'friends:remove:failure' => "No se pudo quitar a %s de sus amigos. Por favor intente nuevamente",
+ 'friends:none' => "Este usuario no tiene amigos a&uacute;n",
+ 'friends:none:you' => "No tienes amigos a&uacute;n",
+ 'friends:none:found' => "No se encontraron amigos",
+ 'friends:of:none' => "Nadie ha agragado a este usuario como amigo a&uacute;n",
+ 'friends:of:none:you' => "Nadie te ha agragado como amigo a&uacute;n. Comienza a a&ntilde;adir contenido y completar tu perfil para que la gente te encuentre!",
+ 'friends:of:owned' => "Amigos de %s",
+ 'friends:of' => "Amigos de",
+ 'friends:collections' => "Colecciones de amigos",
+ 'collections:add' => "Nueva colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:collections:add' => "Nueva colecci&oacute;n de amigos",
+ 'friends:addfriends' => "Seleccionar amigos",
+ 'friends:collectionname' => "Nombre de la colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Amigos en la colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:collectionedit' => "Editar esta colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:nocollections' => "No tienes colecciones a&uacute;n",
+ 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "La colecci&oacute;n ha sido eliminada",
+ 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "No se puede eliminar la colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:collectionadded' => "La colecci&oacute;n se ha creado correctamente",
+ 'friends:nocollectionname' => "Debes ponerle un nombre a la colecci&oacute;n antes de crearla",
+ 'friends:collections:members' => "Miembros de esta colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:collections:edit' => "Editar colecci&oacute;n",
+ 'friends:collections:edited' => "Colecci&oacute;n guardada",
+ 'friends:collection:edit_failed' => 'No se pudo guardar la colecci&oacute;n',
+ 'friendspicker:chararray' => 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
+ 'avatar' => 'Imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:create' => 'Cree su imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:edit' => 'Editar imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:preview' => 'Previsualizar',
+ 'avatar:upload' => 'Subir nueva imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:current' => 'Imagen de perfil actual',
+ 'avatar:crop:title' => 'Herramienta de recorte de imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:upload:instructions' => "Su imagen de perfil se mostrar&aacute; en la red. Podr&aacute; modificarla siempre que lo desee (Formatos de archivo aceptados: GIF, JPG o PNG)",
+ 'avatar:create:instructions' => 'Haga click y arrastre un cuadrado debajo para seleccionar el recorte de la imagen. Aparecer&aacute; una previsualizaci&oacute;n en la caja de la deracha. Cuando est&eacute; conforme con la previsualizaci&oacute;n, haga click en \'Crear imagen de perfil\'. La versi&oacute;n recortada ser&aacute; la que se utilice para mostrar en la red',
+ 'avatar:upload:success' => 'Imagen de perfil subida correctamente',
+ 'avatar:upload:fail' => 'Fall&oacute; la subida de la imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:resize:fail' => 'Error al modificar el tama&ntilde;o de la imagen de perfil',
+ 'avatar:crop:success' => 'Recorte de la imagen de perfil finalizado correctamente',
+ 'avatar:crop:fail' => 'Error en el recorte de la imagen de perfil',
+ 'profile:edit' => 'Editar perfil',
+ 'profile:aboutme' => "Sobre mi",
+ 'profile:description' => "Sobre mi",
+ 'profile:briefdescription' => "Descripci&oacute;n corta",
+ 'profile:location' => "Ubicaci&oacute;n",
+ 'profile:skills' => "Habilidades",
+ 'profile:interests' => "Intereses",
+ 'profile:contactemail' => "Email de contacto",
+ 'profile:phone' => "Tel&eacute;fono",
+ 'profile:mobile' => "M&oacute;vil",
+ 'profile:website' => "Sitio Web",
+ 'profile:twitter' => "Usuario de Twitter",
+ 'profile:saved' => "Su perfil ha sido guardado correctamente",
+ 'admin:appearance:profile_fields' => 'Editar campos de perfil',
+ 'profile:edit:default' => 'Editar campos de perfil',
+ 'profile:label' => "Etiqueta de perfil",
+ 'profile:type' => "Tipo de perfil",
+ 'profile:editdefault:delete:fail' => 'Error al eliminar item de perfil por defecto',
+ 'profile:editdefault:delete:success' => 'Item de perfil por defecto eliminado!',
+ 'profile:defaultprofile:reset' => 'Reinicio de perfil de sistema por defecto',
+ 'profile:resetdefault' => 'Reiniciar perfil de sistema por defecto',
+ 'profile:explainchangefields' => "Puede reemplazar los campos de perfil existentes con sus propios utilizando el formulario de abajo. \n\n Ingrese un nuevo nombre de campo de perfil, por ejemplo, 'Equipo favorito', luego seleccione el tipo de campo (eg. texto, url, tags), y haga click en el bot&oacute;n de 'Agregar'. Para re ordenar los campos arrastre el control al lado de la etiqueta del campo. Para editar la etiqueta del campo haga click en el texto de la etiqueta para volverlo editable. \n\n Puede volver a la disposici&oacute;n original del perfil en cualquier momento, pero perder&aacute; la informaci&oacute;n creada en los campos personalizados del perfil hasta el momento",
+ 'profile:editdefault:success' => 'Elemento agregado al perfil por defecto correctamente',
+ 'profile:editdefault:fail' => 'No se pudo guardar el perfil por defecto',
+ * Feeds
+ */
+ 'feed:rss' => 'Canal RSS para esta p&aacute;gina',
+ * Links
+ */
+ 'link:view' => 'Ver enlace',
+ 'link:view:all' => 'Ver todos',
+ * River
+ */
+ 'river' => "River",
+ 'river:friend:user:default' => "%s ahora es amigo de %s",
+ 'river:update:user:avatar' => '%s tiene una nueva imagen de perfil',
+ 'river:noaccess' => 'No posee permisos para visualizar este elemento',
+ 'river:posted:generic' => '%s publicado',
+ 'riveritem:single:user' => 'un usuario',
+ 'riveritem:plural:user' => 'algunos usuarios',
+ 'river:ingroup' => 'en el grupo %s',
+ 'river:none' => 'Sin actividad',
+ 'river:widget:title' => "Actividad",
+ 'river:widget:description' => "Mostrar la &uacute;ltima actividad",
+ 'river:widget:type' => "Tipo de actividad",
+ 'river:widgets:friends' => 'Actividad de amigos',
+ 'river:widgets:all' => 'Toda la actividad del sitio',
+ * Notifications
+ */
+ 'notifications:usersettings' => "Configuraci&oacute;n de notifiaciones",
+ 'notifications:methods' => "Por favor, indique los m&eacute;todos que desea habilitar",
+ 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "Su configuraci&oacute;n de notificaciones se guard&oacute; correctamente",
+ 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "Ocurri&oacute; un error al guardar la configuraci&oacute;n de notificaciones",
+ 'user.notification.get' => 'Retornar la configuraci&oacute;n de notificaciones para un usuario dado',
+ 'user.notification.set' => 'Establecer la configuraci&oacute;n de notificaciones para un usuario dado',
+ * Search
+ */
+ 'search' => "Buscar",
+ 'searchtitle' => "Buscar: %s",
+ 'users:searchtitle' => "Buscar para usuarios: %s",
+ 'groups:searchtitle' => "Buscar para grupos: %s",
+ 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s con coincidencias en resultados %s",
+ 'notfound' => "No se encontraron resultados",
+ 'next' => "Siguiente",
+ 'previous' => "Anterior",
+ 'viewtype:change' => "Modificar tipo de lista",
+ 'viewtype:list' => "Vista de lista",
+ 'viewtype:gallery' => "Galer&iacute;a",
+ 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Items con tags que coincidan con '%s':",
+ 'user:search:startblurb' => "Usuarios que coincidan con '%s':",
+ 'user:search:finishblurb' => "Click aqu&iacute; para ver mas",
+ 'group:search:startblurb' => "Grupos que coinciden con '%s':",
+ 'group:search:finishblurb' => "Click aqu&iacute; para ver mas",
+ 'search:go' => 'Ir',
+ 'userpicker:only_friends' => 'S&oacute;lo amigos',
+ * Account
+ */
+ 'account' => "Cuenta",
+ 'settings' => "Configuraci&oacute;n",
+ 'tools' => "Herramientas",
+ 'register' => "Registrarse",
+ 'registerok' => "Se registr&oacute; correctamente para %s",
+ 'registerbad' => "No se pudo registrar debido a un error desconocido",
+ 'registerdisabled' => "La registraci&oacute;n se deshabilit&oacute; por el administrador del sistema",
+ 'registration:notemail' => 'No ha ingresado una direcci&oacute;n de Email v&aacute;lida',
+ 'registration:userexists' => 'El nombre de usuario ya existe',
+ 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'El nombre de usuario debe tener un m&iacute;nimo de %u caracteres',
+ 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'La contrase&ntilde;a debe tener un m&iacute;nimo de %u caracteres',
+ 'registration:dupeemail' => 'Ya se encuentra registrada la direcci&oacute;n de Email',
+ 'registration:invalidchars' => 'Lo sentimos, su nombre de usuario posee los caracteres inv&aacute;lidos: %s. Estos son todos los caracteres que se encuentran invalidados: %s',
+ 'registration:emailnotvalid' => 'Lo sentimos, la direcci&oacute;n de email que ha ingresado es inv&aacute;lida en el sistema',
+ 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => 'Lo sentimos, la contrase&ntilde;a que ha ingresado es inv&aacute;lida en el sistema',
+ 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => 'Lo sentimos, el nombre de usuario que ha ingresado es inv&aacute;lida en el sistema',
+ 'adduser' => "Nuevo usuario",
+ 'adduser:ok' => "Se agreg&oacute; correctamente un nuevo usuario",
+ 'adduser:bad' => "No se pudo agregar el nuevo usuario",
+ 'user:set:name' => "Configuraci&oacute;n del nombre de cuenta",
+ 'user:name:label' => "Mi nombre para mostrar",
+ 'user:name:success' => "Se modific&oacute; correctamente su nombre en la red",
+ 'user:name:fail' => "No se pudo modificar su nombre en la red. Por favor, aseg&uacute;rese de que no es demasiado largo e intente nuevamente",
+ 'user:set:password' => "Contrase&ntilde;a de la cuenta",
+ 'user:current_password:label' => 'Contrase&ntilde;a actual',
+ 'user:password:label' => "Nueva contrase&ntilde;a",
+ 'user:password2:label' => "Confirmar nueva contrase&ntilde;a",
+ 'user:password:success' => "Contrase&ntilde;a modificada",
+ 'user:password:fail' => "No se pudo modificar la contrase&ntilde;a en la red",
+ 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "Las dos contrase&ntilde;as no coinciden!",
+ 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "La contrase&ntilde;a es demasiado corta!",
+ 'user:password:fail:incorrect_current_password' => 'La contrase&ntilde;a actual ingresada es incorrecta',
+ 'user:resetpassword:unknown_user' => 'Usuario inv&aacute;lido',
+ 'user:resetpassword:reset_password_confirm' => 'Al modificar la contrase&ntilde;a se le enviar&aacute; la nueva a la direcci&oacute;n de Email registrada',
+ 'user:set:language' => "Configuraci&oacute;n de lenguaje",
+ 'user:language:label' => "Su lenguaje",
+ 'user:language:success' => "Se actualiz&oacute; su configuraci&oacute;n de lenguaje",
+ 'user:language:fail' => "No se pudo actualizar su configuraci&oacute;n de lenguaje",
+ 'user:username:notfound' => 'No se encuentra el usuario %s',
+ 'user:password:lost' => 'Olvid&eacute; mi contrase&ntilde;a',
+ 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Solicitud de nueva contrase&ntilde;a confirmada, se le ha enviado un Email',
+ 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'No se pudo solicitar una nueva contrase&ntilde;a',
+ 'user:password:text' => 'Para solicitar una nueva contrase&ntilde;a ingrese su nombre de usuario y presione el bot&oacute;n debajo',
+ 'user:persistent' => 'Recordarme',
+ 'walled_garden:welcome' => 'Bienvenido a',
+ * Administration
+ */
+ 'menu:page:header:administer' => 'Administrar',
+ 'menu:page:header:configure' => 'Configurar',
+ 'menu:page:header:develop' => 'Desarrollar',
+ 'menu:page:header:default' => 'Otro',
+ 'admin:view_site' => 'Ver sitio',
+ 'admin:loggedin' => 'Sesi&oacute;n iniciada como %s',
+ 'admin:menu' => 'Men&uacute;',
+ 'admin:configuration:success' => "Su configuraci&oacute;n ha sido guardada",
+ 'admin:configuration:fail' => "No se pudo guardar su configuraci&oacute;n",
+ 'admin:unknown_section' => 'Secci&oacute;n de administraci&oacute;n inv&aacute;lida',
+ 'admin' => "Administraci&oacute;n",
+ 'admin:description' => "El panel de administraci&oacute;n le permite organizar todos los aspectos del sistema, desde la gesti&oacute;n de usuarios hasta el comportamiento de los plugins. Seleccione una opci&oacute;n debajo para comenzar",
+ 'admin:statistics' => "Estad&iacute;sticas",
+ 'admin:statistics:overview' => 'Resumen',
+ 'admin:appearance' => 'Apariencia',
+ 'admin:utilities' => 'Utilidades',
+ 'admin:users' => "Usuarios",
+ 'admin:users:online' => 'Conectados actualmente',
+ 'admin:users:newest' => 'Los mas nuevos',
+ 'admin:users:add' => 'Agregar Nuevo Usuario',
+ 'admin:users:description' => "Este panel de administraci&oacute;n le permite gestionar la configuraci&oacute;n de usuarios de la red. Seleccione una opci&oacute;n debajo para comenzar",
+ 'admin:users:adduser:label' => "Click aqu&iacute; para agregar un nuevo usuario..",
+ 'admin:users:opt:linktext' => "Configurar usuarios..",
+ 'admin:users:opt:description' => "Configurar usuarios e informaci&oacute;n de cuentas",
+ 'admin:users:find' => 'Buscar',
+ 'admin:settings' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:settings:basic' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n B&aacute;sica',
+ 'admin:settings:advanced' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n Avanzada',
+ 'admin:site:description' => "Este panel de administraci&oacute;n le permite gestionar la configuraci&oacute;n global de la red. Selecciona una opci&oacute;n debajo para comenzar",
+ 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Configurar sitio..",
+ 'admin:site:access:warning' => "Las modificaciones en el control de accesos s&oacute;lo tendr&aacute; impacto en los accesos futuros",
+ 'admin:dashboard' => 'Panel de control',
+ 'admin:widget:online_users' => 'Usuarios conectados',
+ 'admin:widget:online_users:help' => 'Lista los usuarios conectados actualmente en la red',
+ 'admin:widget:new_users' => 'Usuarios Nuevos',
+ 'admin:widget:new_users:help' => 'Lista los usuarios m&aacute;s nuevos',
+ 'admin:widget:content_stats' => 'Estad&iacute;sticas de contenido',
+ 'admin:widget:content_stats:help' => 'Seguimiento del contenido creado por los usuarios de la red',
+ 'widget:content_stats:type' => 'Tipo de contenido',
+ 'widget:content_stats:number' => 'N&uacute;mero',
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome' => 'Bienvenido',
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:help' => "Esta es el &aacute;rea de administraci&oacute;n",
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:intro' =>
+'Bienvenido! Se encuentra viendo el panel de control de la administraci&oacute;n. Es &uacute;til para visualizar las novedades en la red',
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:admin_overview' =>
+"La navegaci&oacute;n para el &aacute;rea de administraci&oacute;n se encuentra en el men&uacute; de la derecha. El mismo se organiza en"
+. " tres secciones:
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Administrar</dt><dd>Tareas diarias como monitorear contenido reportado, verificar qui&eacute;n se encuentra conectado y visualizar estad&iacute;sticas.</dd>
+ <dt>Configurar</dt><dd>Tareas ocasionales como establecer el nombre de la red social o activar y desactivar plugins.</dd>
+ <dt>Desarrollar</dt><dd>Para desarrolladores quienes construyen plugins o dise&ntilde;an temas personalizados. (Requiere el plugin de desarrollador.)</dd>
+ </dl>
+ ",
+ // argh, this is ugly
+ 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:outro' => '<br />Aseg&uacute;rese de verificar los recursos disponibles en los enlaces del pi&eacute; de p&aacute;gina y gracias por utilizar Elgg!',
+ 'admin:footer:faq' => 'FAQs de Administraci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:footer:manual' => 'Manual de Administraci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:footer:community_forums' => 'Foros de la Comunidad Elgg',
+ 'admin:footer:blog' => 'Blog Elgg',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:all' => 'Todos los plugins',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:active' => 'Plugins activos',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:inactive' => 'Plugins inactivos',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:admin' => 'Admin',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:bundled' => 'Inclu&iacute;do',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:content' => 'Contenido',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:development' => 'Desarrollo',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:enhancement' => 'Mejoras',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:api' => 'Servicio/API',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:communication' => 'Comunicaci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:security' => 'Seguridad and Spam',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:social' => 'Social',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:multimedia' => 'Multimedia',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:theme' => 'Temas',
+ 'admin:plugins:category:widget' => 'Widgets',
+ 'admin:plugins:sort:priority' => 'Prioridad',
+ 'admin:plugins:sort:alpha' => 'Alfab&eacute;tico',
+ 'admin:plugins:sort:date' => 'Los m&aacute;s nuevos',
+ 'admin:plugins:markdown:unknown_plugin' => 'Plugin desconocido',
+ 'admin:plugins:markdown:unknown_file' => 'Archivo desconocido',
+ 'admin:notices:could_not_delete' => 'Notificaci&oacute;n de no se pudo eliminar',
+ 'admin:options' => 'Opciones de Admin',
+ * Plugins
+ */
+ 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "Configuraci&oacute;n para el plugin %s guardada correctamente",
+ 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "Ocurri&oacute; un error al intentar guardar la configuraci&oacute;n para el plugin %s",
+ 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "Configuraci&oacute;n del usuario para el plugin %s guardada",
+ 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "Ocurri&oacute; un error al intentar guardar la configuraci&oacute;n del usuario para el plugin %s",
+ 'item:object:plugin' => 'Plugins',
+ 'admin:plugins' => "Plugins",
+ 'admin:plugins:activate_all' => 'Activar todos',
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate_all' => 'Desactivar todos',
+ 'admin:plugins:activate' => 'Activar',
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate' => 'Desactivar',
+ 'admin:plugins:description' => "Este panel le permite controlar y configurar las herramientas instaladas en su sitio",
+ 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configurar herramientas..",
+ 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Configurar las herramientas instaladas en el sitio. ",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Autor",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Copyright",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:categories' => 'Categor&iacute;as',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "Licencia",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
+ 'admin:plugins:label:moreinfo' => 'mas informaci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:version' => 'Versi&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:location' => 'Ubicacion',
+ 'admin:plugins:label:dependencies' => 'Dependencias',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:elgg_version_unknown' => 'Este plugin utiliza un archivo de manifiesto obsoleto y no especifica una versi&oacute;n de Elgg compatibla. Es muy probable que no funcione!',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:unmet_dependencies' => 'Este plugin tiene dependencias desconocidas y no se activar&aacute;. Consulte las dependencias debajo de mas informaci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:invalid' => '%s no es un plugin Elgg v&aacute;lido. Visite <a href="http://docs.elgg.org/Invalid_Plugin">la Documentaci&oacute;n Elgg</a> para consejos de soluci&oacute;n de problemas',
+ 'admin:plugins:cannot_activate' => 'no se puede activar',
+ 'admin:plugins:set_priority:yes' => "Reordenar %s",
+ 'admin:plugins:set_priority:no' => "No se puede reordenar %s",
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate:yes' => "Desactivar %s",
+ 'admin:plugins:deactivate:no' => "No se puede desactivar %s",
+ 'admin:plugins:activate:yes' => "Activado %s",
+ 'admin:plugins:activate:no' => "No se puede activar %s",
+ 'admin:plugins:categories:all' => 'Todas las categor&iacute;as',
+ 'admin:plugins:plugin_website' => 'Sitio del plugin',
+ 'admin:plugins:author' => '%s',
+ 'admin:plugins:version' => 'Versi&oacute;n %s',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple' => 'Simple',
+ 'admin:plugins:advanced' => 'Avanzado',
+ 'admin:plugin_settings' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n del plugin',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple_simple_fail' => 'No se pudo guardar la configuraci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple_simple_success' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n guardada',
+ 'admin:plugins:simple:cannot_activate' => 'No se puede activar el plugin. Verifique el &aacute;rea de administraci&oacute;n avanzada del plugin para mas informaci&oacute;n',
+ 'admin:plugins:warning:unmet_dependencies_active' => 'El plugin se ecnuentra activo pero posee dependencias desconocidas. Puede que se encuentren problemas en su funcionamiento. Vea "mas informaci&oacute;n" debajo para detalles',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:type' => 'Tipo',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:name' => 'Nombre',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:expected_value' => 'Valor de Test',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:local_value' => 'Valor Actual',
+ 'admin:plugins:dependencies:comment' => 'Comentario',
+ 'admin:statistics:description' => "Este es un resumen de las estad&iacute;sticas del sitio. Si necesita estad&iacute;sticas mas avanzadas, hay dispoinble una funcionalidad de administraci&oacute;n profesional",
+ 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "Ver informaci&oacute;n estad&iacute;stica sobre usuarios y objetos en el sitio",
+ 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Ver estad&iacute;sticas..",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Estad&iacute;sticas b&aacute;sicas del sitio",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Entidades del sitio",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Cantidad de usuarios",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Cantidad de usuarios conectados",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Usuarios conectados en este momento",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Versi&oacute;n de Elgg",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Release",
+ 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Versi&oacute;n",
+ 'admin:user:label:search' => "Encontrar usuarios:",
+ 'admin:user:label:searchbutton' => "Buscar",
+ 'admin:user:ban:no' => "No puede bloquear al usuario",
+ 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "Usuario bloqueado",
+ 'admin:user:self:ban:no' => "No puede bloquearse a usted mismo",
+ 'admin:user:unban:no' => "No puede desbloquear al usuario",
+ 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "Usuario desbloqueado",
+ 'admin:user:delete:no' => "No puede eliminar al usuario",
+ 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "El usuario %s ha sido eliminado",
+ 'admin:user:self:delete:no' => "No puede eliminarse a usted mismo",
+ 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Contrase&ntilde;a restablecida, se notifica al usuario",
+ 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "No se puede restablecer la contrase&ntilde;a",
+ 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "El usuario ahora es un administrador",
+ 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "No se pudo establecer al usuario como administrador",
+ 'admin:user:removeadmin:yes' => "El usuario ya no es administrador",
+ 'admin:user:removeadmin:no' => "No se pueden quitar los privilegios de administrador de este usuario",
+ 'admin:user:self:removeadmin:no' => "No puede quitar sus privilegios de administrador",
+ 'admin:appearance:menu_items' => 'Elementos del Men&uacute;',
+ 'admin:menu_items:configure' => 'Configurar los elementos del men&uacute; principal',
+ 'admin:menu_items:description' => 'Seleccione qu&eacute; elementos del men&uacute; desea mostrar como enlaces favoritos. Los items no utilizados se encontrar&aacute;n en el item "Mas" al final de la lista',
+ 'admin:menu_items:hide_toolbar_entries' => 'Quitar enlaces del men&uacute; de la barra de herramientas?',
+ 'admin:menu_items:saved' => 'Elementos del men&uacute; guardados',
+ 'admin:add_menu_item' => 'Agregar un elemento del men&uacute; personalizado',
+ 'admin:add_menu_item:description' => 'Complete el nombre para mostrar y la direcci&oacute;n url para agregar un elemento de men&uacute; personalizado',
+ 'admin:appearance:default_widgets' => 'Widgets por defecto',
+ 'admin:default_widgets:unknown_type' => 'Tipo de widget desconocido',
+ 'admin:default_widgets:instructions' => 'Agregar, quitar, mover y configurar los widgets por defecto en la p&aacute;gina de widget seleccionada'
+ . ' Estos cambios s&oacute;lo tendr&aacute;n impacto en los nuevos usuarios',
+ * User settings
+ */
+ 'usersettings:description' => "El panel de configuraci&oacute;n permite parametrizar sus preferencias personales, desde la administraci&oacute;n de usuarios al comportamiento de los plugins. Seleccione una opci&oacute;n debajo para comenzar",
+ 'usersettings:statistics' => "Sus estad&iacute;sticas",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "Ver informaci&oacute;n estad&iacute;stica de usuarios y objectos en la red",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Estad&iacute;sticas de la cuenta",
+ 'usersettings:user' => "Sus preferencias",
+ 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "Esto le permite establecer sus preferencias",
+ 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Modificar sus preferencias",
+ 'usersettings:plugins' => "Herramientas",
+ 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Preferencias de Configuraci&oacute;n para sus herramientas activas",
+ 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configure sus herramientas",
+ 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "Este panel le permite establecer sus preferencias personales para las herramientas habilitadas por el administrador del sistema",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Su contenido",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "Sus detalles",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Nombre completo",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Email",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Membro desde",
+ 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "&uacute;ltimo acceso",
+ * Activity river
+ */
+ 'river:all' => 'Actividad de toda la red',
+ 'river:mine' => 'Mi Actividad',
+ 'river:friends' => 'Actividad de Amigos',
+ 'river:select' => 'Mostrar %s',
+ 'river:comments:more' => '+%u m&aacute;s',
+ 'river:generic_comment' => 'comentado en %s %s',
+ 'friends:widget:description' => "Muestra algunos de tus amigos",
+ 'friends:num_display' => "Cantidad de amigos a mostrar",
+ 'friends:icon_size' => "Tama&ntilde;o del &iacute;cono",
+ 'friends:tiny' => "peque&ntilde;o",
+ 'friends:small' => "chico",
+ * Generic action words
+ */
+ 'save' => "Guardar",
+ 'reset' => 'Reiniciar',
+ 'publish' => "Publicar",
+ 'cancel' => "Cancelar",
+ 'saving' => "Guardando..",
+ 'update' => "Actualizar",
+ 'preview' => "Previsualizar",
+ 'edit' => "Editar",
+ 'delete' => "Eliminar",
+ 'accept' => "Aceptar",
+ 'load' => "Cargar",
+ 'upload' => "Subir",
+ 'ban' => "Bloquear",
+ 'unban' => "Desbloquar",
+ 'banned' => "Bloqueado",
+ 'enable' => "Habilitar",
+ 'disable' => "Deshabilitar",
+ 'request' => "Solicitud",
+ 'complete' => "Completa",
+ 'open' => 'Abrir',
+ 'close' => 'Cerrar',
+ 'reply' => "Responder",
+ 'more' => 'M&aacute;s',
+ 'comments' => 'Comentarios',
+ 'import' => 'Importar',
+ 'export' => 'Exportar',
+ 'untitled' => 'Sin T&iacute;tulo',
+ 'help' => 'Ayuda',
+ 'send' => 'Enviar',
+ 'post' => 'Publicar',
+ 'submit' => 'Enviar',
+ 'comment' => 'Comentar',
+ 'upgrade' => 'Actualizar',
+ 'sort' => 'Ordenar',
+ 'filter' => 'Filtrar',
+ 'site' => 'Sitio',
+ 'activity' => 'Actividad',
+ 'members' => 'Miembros',
+ 'up' => 'Arriba',
+ 'down' => 'Abajo',
+ 'top' => 'Primero',
+ 'bottom' => 'Ultimo',
+ 'more' => 'm&aacute;s',
+ 'invite' => "Invitar",
+ 'resetpassword' => "Restablecer contrase&ntilde;a",
+ 'makeadmin' => "Hacer administrador",
+ 'removeadmin' => "Quitar administrador",
+ 'option:yes' => "Si",
+ 'option:no' => "No",
+ 'unknown' => 'Desconocido',
+ 'active' => 'Activo',
+ 'total' => 'Total',
+ 'learnmore' => "Click aqu&iacute; para ver m&aacute;s",
+ 'content' => "contenido",
+ 'content:latest' => '&uacute;ltima actividad',
+ 'content:latest:blurb' => 'Alternativamente, click aqu&iacute; para ver el &uacute;ltimo contenido en toda la red',
+ 'link:text' => 'ver link',
+ * Generic questions
+ */
+ 'question:areyousure' => 'Est&aacute; seguro?',
+ * Generic data words
+ */
+ 'title' => "T&iacute;tulo",
+ 'description' => "Descripci&oacute;n",
+ 'tags' => "Tags",
+ 'spotlight' => "Enfoque",
+ 'all' => "Todo",
+ 'mine' => "M&iacute;o",
+ 'by' => 'por',
+ 'none' => 'nada',
+ 'annotations' => "Anotaciones",
+ 'relationships' => "Relaciones",
+ 'metadata' => "Metadata",
+ 'tagcloud' => "Nube de tags",
+ 'tagcloud:allsitetags' => "Tags de todo el sitio",
+ * Entity actions
+ */
+ 'edit:this' => 'Editar',
+ 'delete:this' => 'Eliminar',
+ 'comment:this' => 'Comentar',
+ * Input / output strings
+ */
+ 'deleteconfirm' => "Est&aacute; seguro de eliminar este item?",
+ 'fileexists' => "El archivo ya se ha subido. Para reemplazarlo, seleccione:",
+ * User add
+ */
+ 'useradd:subject' => 'Cuenta de usuario creada',
+ 'useradd:body' => '
+Su cuenta de usuario ha sido creada en %s. Para iniciar sesi&oacute;n visite:
+e inicie sesi&oacute;n con las siguientes credenciales:
+Username: %s
+Password: %s
+Una vez autenticado, le recomendamos que modifique su contrase&ntilde;a.
+ * System messages
+ **/
+ 'systemmessages:dismiss' => "click para cerrar",
+ * Import / export
+ */
+ 'importsuccess' => "Importaci&oacute;n exitosa",
+ 'importfail' => "Error al importar datos de OpenDD",
+ * Time
+ */
+ 'friendlytime:justnow' => "ahora",
+ 'friendlytime:minutes' => "hace %s minutos",
+ 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "hace un minuto",
+ 'friendlytime:hours' => "hace %s horas",
+ 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "hace una hora",
+ 'friendlytime:days' => "hace %s d&iacute;as",
+ 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "ayer",
+ 'friendlytime:date_format' => 'j F Y @ g:ia',
+ 'date:month:01' => 'Enero %s',
+ 'date:month:02' => 'Febrero %s',
+ 'date:month:03' => 'Marzo %s',
+ 'date:month:04' => 'Abril %s',
+ 'date:month:05' => 'Mayo %s',
+ 'date:month:06' => 'Junio %s',
+ 'date:month:07' => 'Julio %s',
+ 'date:month:08' => 'Agosto %s',
+ 'date:month:09' => 'Septiembre %s',
+ 'date:month:10' => 'Octubre %s',
+ 'date:month:11' => 'Noviembre %s',
+ 'date:month:12' => 'Diciembre %s',
+ * System settings
+ */
+ 'installation:sitename' => "El nombre del sitio:",
+ 'installation:sitedescription' => "Breve descripci&oacute;n del sitio (opcional):",
+ 'installation:wwwroot' => "URL del sitio:",
+ 'installation:path' => "El path completo a la instalaci&oacute;n de Elgg:",
+ 'installation:dataroot' => "El path completo al directorio de datos:",
+ 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "Debe crear este directorio manualmente. Debe encontrarse en un directorio diferente al de la instalaci&oacute;n de Elgg",
+ 'installation:sitepermissions' => "Permisos de acceso por defecto:",
+ 'installation:language' => "Lenguaje por defecto para el sitio:",
+ 'installation:debug' => "El modo Debug provee informaci&oacute;n extra que puede utilizarse para evaluar eventualidades. Puede enlentecer el funcionamiento del sistema y debe utilizarse s&oacute;lo cuando se detectan problemas:",
+ 'installation:debug:none' => 'Desactivar modo Debug (reomendado)',
+ 'installation:debug:error' => 'Mostrar s&oacute;lo errores cr&iacute;ticos',
+ 'installation:debug:warning' => 'Mostrar s&oacute;lo alertas cr&iacute;ticas',
+ 'installation:debug:notice' => 'Mostrar todos los errores, alertas e informaciones de eventos',
+ // Walled Garden support
+ 'installation:registration:description' => 'La registraci&oacute;n de usuarios se encuentra habilitada por defecto. Puede deshabilitarla para impedir que nuevos usuarios se registren por s&iacute; mismos',
+ 'installation:registration:label' => 'Permitir el registro de nuevos usuarios',
+ 'installation:walled_garden:description' => 'Habilitar al sitio para ejecutarse como una red privada. Esto impedir&aacute; a usuarios no registrados visualizar cualquier p&aacute;gina del sitio, exceptuando las establecidas como p&uacute;blicas',
+ 'installation:walled_garden:label' => 'Restringir p&aacute;ginas a usuarios registrados',
+ 'installation:httpslogin' => "Habilitar esta opci&oacute;n para que los usuarios se autentiquen mediante HTTPS. Necesitar&aacute; habilitar HTTPS en el server tambi&eacute;n para que esto funcione",
+ 'installation:httpslogin:label' => "Habilitar autenticaci&oacute;n HTTPS",
+ 'installation:view' => "Ingrese la vista que se visualizar&aacute; por defecto en el sitio o deje esto en blanco para la vista por defecto (si tiene dudas, d&eacute;jelo por defecto):",
+ 'installation:siteemail' => "Direcci&oacute;n de Email del sitio (utilizada para enviar mails desde el sistema):",
+ 'installation:disableapi' => "Elgg provee una API para el desarrollo de servicios web de modo que aplicaciones remotas puedan interactuar con el sitio",
+ 'installation:disableapi:label' => "Habilitar la API de servicios web de Elgg",
+ 'installation:allow_user_default_access:description' => "Si se selecciona, se les permitir&aacute; a los usuarios establecer su propio nivel de acceso por defecto que puede sobreescribir los niveles de acceso del sistema",
+ 'installation:allow_user_default_access:label' => "Permitir el acceso por defecto de los usuarios",
+ 'installation:simplecache:description' => "La cache simple aumenta el rentimiento almacenando contenido est&aacute;tico, como hojas CSS y archivos JavaScript. Normalmente se desea esto activado",
+ 'installation:simplecache:label' => "Utilizar cache simple (recomendado)",
+ 'installation:viewpathcache:description' => "La cache de paths de views reduce los tiempos de carga de plugins almacenando la ubicaci&oacute;n de sus archivos",
+ 'installation:viewpathcache:label' => "Utilizar cache de paths de views (recomendado)",
+ 'upgrading' => 'Actualizando..',
+ 'upgrade:db' => 'La base de datos ha sido actualizada',
+ 'upgrade:core' => 'La instalaci&oacute;n de Elgg ha sido actualizada',
+ 'upgrade:unable_to_upgrade' => 'No se puede actualizar',
+ 'upgrade:unable_to_upgrade_info' =>
+ 'La instalaci&oacute;n no se puede actualizar debido a que se detectaron views antiguas
+ en el directorio de views del core de Elgg. Estas views han quedado obsoletas y deben removerse
+ para que Elgg funcione correctamente. Si no ha efectuado cambios al core de Elgg, puede
+ simplemente eliminar el directorio de views y reemplazarlo con el del &uacute;ltimo paquete de instalaci&oacute;n
+ de Elgg descargado de <a href="http://elgg.org">elgg.org</a>.<br /><br />
+ Si necesita instrucciones detalladas, por favor visite la <a href="http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Upgrading_Elgg">
+ Documentaci&oacute;n de actualizaci&oacute;n de Elgg</a>. Si necesita asistencia, por favor acuda a los
+ <a href="http://community.elgg.org/pg/groups/discussion/">Foros de Soporte de la Comunidad</a>',
+ 'update:twitter_api:deactivated' => 'La API de Twitter (anteriormente Twitter Service) se ha desactivado durante la actualizaci&oacute;n. Por favor act&iacute;vela manualmente si se requiere',
+ 'update:oauth_api:deactivated' => 'La API OAuth (anteriormente OAuth Lib) se ha desactivado durante la actualizaci&oacute;n. Por favor act&iacute;vela manualmente si se requiere',
+ 'deprecated:function' => '%s() ha quedado obsoleta por %s()',
+ * Welcome
+ */
+ 'welcome' => "Bienvenido",
+ 'welcome:user' => 'Bienvenido %s',
+ * Emails
+ */
+ 'email:settings' => "Configuraci&oacute;n de Email",
+ 'email:address:label' => "Direcci&oacute;n de Email",
+ 'email:save:success' => "Nueva direcci&oacute;n de Email guardada, se solicit&oacute; la verificaci&oacute;n",
+ 'email:save:fail' => "No se pudo guardar la nueva direcci&oacute;n de Email",
+ 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s te ha puesto como amigo suyo!",
+ 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s te ha puesto como amigo suyo!
+Para visualizar su perfil haz click aqu&iacute;:
+Por favor no responda a este mail",
+ 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "Contrase&ntilde;a restablecida!",
+ 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Hola %s,
+Tu contrase&ntilde;a ha sido restablecida a: %s",
+ 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Solicitud de nueva contrase&ntilde;a",
+ 'email:resetreq:body' => "Hola %s,
+Alguien (de la direcci&oacute;n IP %s) solicit&oacute; una nueva contrase&ntilde;a para su cuenta.
+Si fuiste tu quien realiz&oacute; la solicitud haz click en el link debajo, de otra forma ignora este mail.
+ * user default access
+ */
+'default_access:settings' => "Tu nivel de acceso por defecto",
+'default_access:label' => "Acceso por defecto",
+'user:default_access:success' => "El nivel de acceso por defecto ha sido guardado",
+'user:default_access:failure' => "El nivel de acceso por defecto no ha podido ser guardado",
+ */
+ 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Ingresos de datos faltantes",
+ * Comments
+ */
+ 'comments:count' => "%s comentarios",
+ 'riveraction:annotation:generic_comment' => '%s coment&oacute; en %s',
+ 'generic_comments:add' => "Comentar",
+ 'generic_comments:post' => "Publicar un comentario",
+ 'generic_comments:text' => "Comentar",
+ 'generic_comments:latest' => "&uacute;ltimos comentarios",
+ 'generic_comment:posted' => "Se ha publicado su comentario",
+ 'generic_comment:deleted' => "Se ha quitado su comentario",
+ 'generic_comment:blank' => "Lo sentimos, debe ingresar alg&uacute;n comentario antes de poder guardarlo",
+ 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Lo sentimos, no se pudo encontrer el item especificado",
+ 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Lo sentimos, no se pudo eliminar el comentario",
+ 'generic_comment:failure' => "Ocurri&oacute; un error inesperado al intentar agregar su comentario. Por favor intente nuevamente",
+ 'generic_comment:none' => 'Sin comentarios',
+ 'generic_comment:email:subject' => 'Tienes un nuevo comentario!',
+ 'generic_comment:email:body' => "Tiene un nuevo comentario en el item \"%s\" de %s. Dice:
+Para responder o ver el item original, haga click aqu&iacute;:
+Para ver el prfil de %s, haga click aqu&iacute;:
+Por favor no responda a este correo",
+ * Entities
+ */
+ 'byline' => 'Por %s',
+ 'entity:default:strapline' => 'Creado %s por %s',
+ 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'Esta entidad no puede mostrarse correctamente. Esto puede deberse a que el soporte provisto por un plugin ya no se encuentra instalado',
+ 'entity:delete:success' => 'La entidad %s ha sido eliminada',
+ 'entity:delete:fail' => 'La entidad %s no pudo ser eliminada',
+ * Action gatekeeper
+ */
+ 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'En el formulario faltan __token o campos __ts',
+ 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => "Se encontr&oacute; un error (no coincidencia de token). Esto probablemente indique que la p&aacute;gina que se encontraba utilizando haya expirado. Por favor intente nuevamente",
+ 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'La p&aacute;gina que se encontraba utilizando ha expirado. Por favor refresque la p&aacute;gina e intente nuevamente',
+ 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'Una extensi&oacute;n de este formulario ha evitado que se env&iacute;e el formulario',
+ * Word blacklists
+ */
+ 'word:blacklist' => 'and, the, then, but, she, his, her, him, one, not, also, about, now, hence, however, still, likewise, otherwise, therefore, conversely, rather, consequently, furthermore, nevertheless, instead, meanwhile, accordingly, this, seems, what, whom, whose, whoever, whomever',
+ * Tag labels
+ */
+ 'tag_names:tags' => 'Tags',
+ 'tags:site_cloud' => 'Nube de Tags del Sitio',
+ * Javascript
+ */
+ 'js:security:token_refresh_failed' => 'No se pudo contactar a %s. Puede experimentar problemas al guardar contenidos en el sitio',
+ 'js:security:token_refreshed' => 'La conexi&oacute;n a %s ha sido restaurada!',
+ * Languages according to ISO 639-1
+ */
+ "aa" => "Afar",
+ "ab" => "Abkhazian",
+ "af" => "Afrikaans",
+ "am" => "Amharic",
+ "ar" => "Arabic",
+ "as" => "Assamese",
+ "ay" => "Aymara",
+ "az" => "Azerbaijani",
+ "ba" => "Bashkir",
+ "be" => "Byelorussian",
+ "bg" => "Bulgarian",
+ "bh" => "Bihari",
+ "bi" => "Bislama",
+ "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
+ "bo" => "Tibetan",
+ "br" => "Breton",
+ "ca" => "Catalan",
+ "co" => "Corsican",
+ "cs" => "Czech",
+ "cy" => "Welsh",
+ "da" => "Danish",
+ "de" => "German",
+ "dz" => "Bhutani",
+ "el" => "Greek",
+ "en" => "English",
+ "eo" => "Esperanto",
+ "es" => "Espa&ntilde;ol",
+ "et" => "Estonian",
+ "eu" => "Basque",
+ "fa" => "Persian",
+ "fi" => "Finnish",
+ "fj" => "Fiji",
+ "fo" => "Faeroese",
+ "fr" => "French",
+ "fy" => "Frisian",
+ "ga" => "Irish",
+ "gd" => "Scots / Gaelic",
+ "gl" => "Galician",
+ "gn" => "Guarani",
+ "gu" => "Gujarati",
+ "he" => "Hebrew",
+ "ha" => "Hausa",
+ "hi" => "Hindi",
+ "hr" => "Croatian",
+ "hu" => "Hungarian",
+ "hy" => "Armenian",
+ "ia" => "Interlingua",
+ "id" => "Indonesian",
+ "ie" => "Interlingue",
+ "ik" => "Inupiak",
+ //"in" => "Indonesian",
+ "is" => "Icelandic",
+ "it" => "Italian",
+ "iu" => "Inuktitut",
+ "iw" => "Hebrew (obsolete)",
+ "ja" => "Japanese",
+ "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
+ "jw" => "Javanese",
+ "ka" => "Georgian",
+ "kk" => "Kazakh",
+ "kl" => "Greenlandic",
+ "km" => "Cambodian",
+ "kn" => "Kannada",
+ "ko" => "Korean",
+ "ks" => "Kashmiri",
+ "ku" => "Kurdish",
+ "ky" => "Kirghiz",
+ "la" => "Latin",
+ "ln" => "Lingala",
+ "lo" => "Laothian",
+ "lt" => "Lithuanian",
+ "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
+ "mg" => "Malagasy",
+ "mi" => "Maori",
+ "mk" => "Macedonian",
+ "ml" => "Malayalam",
+ "mn" => "Mongolian",
+ "mo" => "Moldavian",
+ "mr" => "Marathi",
+ "ms" => "Malay",
+ "mt" => "Maltese",
+ "my" => "Burmese",
+ "na" => "Nauru",
+ "ne" => "Nepali",
+ "nl" => "Dutch",
+ "no" => "Norwegian",
+ "oc" => "Occitan",
+ "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
+ "or" => "Oriya",
+ "pa" => "Punjabi",
+ "pl" => "Polish",
+ "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
+ "pt" => "Portuguese",
+ "qu" => "Quechua",
+ "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
+ "rn" => "Kirundi",
+ "ro" => "Romanian",
+ "ru" => "Russian",
+ "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
+ "sa" => "Sanskrit",
+ "sd" => "Sindhi",
+ "sg" => "Sangro",
+ "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian",
+ "si" => "Singhalese",
+ "sk" => "Slovak",
+ "sl" => "Slovenian",
+ "sm" => "Samoan",
+ "sn" => "Shona",
+ "so" => "Somali",
+ "sq" => "Albanian",
+ "sr" => "Serbian",
+ "ss" => "Siswati",
+ "st" => "Sesotho",
+ "su" => "Sundanese",
+ "sv" => "Swedish",
+ "sw" => "Swahili",
+ "ta" => "Tamil",
+ "te" => "Tegulu",
+ "tg" => "Tajik",
+ "th" => "Thai",
+ "ti" => "Tigrinya",
+ "tk" => "Turkmen",
+ "tl" => "Tagalog",
+ "tn" => "Setswana",
+ "to" => "Tonga",
+ "tr" => "Turkish",
+ "ts" => "Tsonga",
+ "tt" => "Tatar",
+ "tw" => "Twi",
+ "ug" => "Uigur",
+ "uk" => "Ukrainian",
+ "ur" => "Urdu",
+ "uz" => "Uzbek",
+ "vi" => "Vietnamese",
+ "vo" => "Volapuk",
+ "wo" => "Wolof",
+ "xh" => "Xhosa",
+ //"y" => "Yiddish",
+ "yi" => "Yiddish",
+ "yo" => "Yoruba",
+ "za" => "Zuang",
+ "zh" => "Chinese",
+ "zu" => "Zulu",
+add_translation("es",$spanish); \ No newline at end of file