path: root/actions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actions')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/actions/upload.php b/actions/upload.php
index fae8f8eae..d9129aef7 100644
--- a/actions/upload.php
+++ b/actions/upload.php
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
global $CONFIG;
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/resize.php";
+ include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/watermark.php";
// Get common variables
$access_id = (int) get_input("access_id");
@@ -150,54 +151,9 @@
$album = get_entity($container_guid);
- $user = get_user_entity_as_row($album->owner_guid);
- $username = $user->username;
- $im_path = get_plugin_setting('convert_command', 'tidypics');
- if(!$im_path) {
- $im_path = "/usr/bin/";
- }
- if(substr($im_path, strlen($im_path)-1, 1) != "/") $im_path .= "/";
- $viewer = get_loggedin_user();
- $watermark_text = get_plugin_setting('watermark_text', 'tidypics');
- $watermark_text = str_replace("%username%", $viewer->username, $watermark_text);
- $watermark_text = str_replace("%sitename%", $CONFIG->sitename, $watermark_text);
- if( $watermark_text ) { //get this value from the plugin settings
- if( $thumbs["thumblarge"] ) {
- $ext = ".png";
- $watermark_filename = strtolower($watermark_text);
- $watermark_filename = preg_replace("/[^\w-]+/", "-", $watermark_filename);
- $watermark_filename = trim($watermark_filename, '-');
- $user_stamp_base = strtolower(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $viewer->name . "_" . $watermark_filename . "_stamp");
- $user_stamp_base = preg_replace("/[^\w-]+/", "-", $user_stamp_base);
- $user_stamp_base = trim($user_stamp_base, '-');
- if( !file_exists( $user_stamp_base . $ext )) { //create the watermark if it doesn't exist
- $commands = array();
- $commands[] = $im_path . 'convert -size 300x50 xc:grey30 -pointsize 20 -gravity center -draw "fill grey70 text 0,0 \''. $watermark_text . '\'" "'. $user_stamp_base . '_fgnd' . $ext . '"';
- $commands[] = $im_path . 'convert -size 300x50 xc:black -pointsize 20 -gravity center -draw "fill white text 1,1 \''. $watermark_text . '\' text 0,0 \''. $watermark_text . '\' fill black text -1,-1 \''. $watermark_text . '\'" +matte ' . $user_stamp_base . '_mask' . $ext;
- $commands[] = $im_path . 'composite -compose CopyOpacity "' . $user_stamp_base . "_mask" . $ext . '" "' . $user_stamp_base . '_fgnd' . $ext . '" "' . $user_stamp_base . $ext . '"';
- $commands[] = $im_path . 'mogrify -trim +repage "' . $user_stamp_base . $ext . '"';
- $commands[] = 'rm "' . $user_stamp_base . '_mask' . $ext . '"';
- $commands[] = 'rm "' . $user_stamp_base . '_fgnd' . $ext . '"';
- foreach( $commands as $command ) {
- exec( $command );
- }
- }
- //apply the watermark
- $commands = array();
- $commands[] = $im_path . 'composite -gravity south -geometry +0+10 "' . $user_stamp_base . $ext . '" "' . $thumbs["thumblarge"] . '" "' . $thumbs["thumblarge"] . '_watermarked"';
- $commands[] = "mv \"$thumbs[thumblarge]" . "_watermarked\" \"$thumbs[thumblarge]\"";
- foreach( $commands as $command ) {
- exec( $command );
- }
- }
- }
+ tp_watermark($thumbs);
} // end of image library selector
array_push($uploaded_images, $file->guid);