path: root/views
diff options
authorCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2010-04-25 12:45:30 +0000
committerCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2010-04-25 12:45:30 +0000
commit56b871bbe4981d51ca4f62e4059ce0dc45de5fa5 (patch)
tree06fdedd45d5b62983f434885be915077b8a20ac7 /views
parent40587e2bae0e7985815c2e5e534ef4fb926123bb (diff)
okay - not quite done - this finishes the javascript reorg
Diffstat (limited to 'views')
2 files changed, 306 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/views/default/tidypics/js/slideshow.php b/views/default/tidypics/js/slideshow.php
index 20eafd7c4..d134ca809 100644
--- a/views/default/tidypics/js/slideshow.php
+++ b/views/default/tidypics/js/slideshow.php
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot . 'mod/tidypics/vendors/PicLensLite/piclens_optimized.js'; ?>"></script> \ No newline at end of file
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>mod/tidypics/vendors/PicLensLite/piclens_optimized.js"></script>
diff --git a/views/default/tidypics/js/tagging.php b/views/default/tidypics/js/tagging.php
index e69de29bb..3ffa20cfb 100644
--- a/views/default/tidypics/js/tagging.php
+++ b/views/default/tidypics/js/tagging.php
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ $photo_tags_json = $vars['photo_tags_json'];
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $vars['url'] ?>mod/tidypics/vendors/jquery.imgareaselect-0.7.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $vars['url'] ?>mod/tidypics/vendors/jquery.quicksearch.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ var coordinates = "";
+ var user_id = 0;
+ var tagging = 0;
+ // add to DOM as soon as ready
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ $('ul#tidypics_phototag_list li').quicksearch({
+ position: 'before',
+ attached: 'ul#tidypics_phototag_list',
+ loaderText: '',
+ inputClass: 'input-filter',
+ delay: 100
+ });
+ $('#quicksearch').submit( function () { addTag() } );
+ }
+ );
+ // images are loaded so process tags
+ $(window).load(function () {
+ $('#tidypics_image').setupTags();
+ }
+ );
+ // get tags over image ready for mouseover
+ // based on code by Tarique Sani tarique at sanisoft.com - MIT and GPL licenses
+ $.fn.setupTags = function()
+ {
+ image = this;
+ imgOffset = $(image).offset();
+ imgOffset.left = parseInt(imgOffset.left) + parseInt($(image).css("border-left-width")) + parseInt($(image).css("padding-left"));
+ imgOffset.top = parseInt(imgOffset.top) + parseInt($(image).css("border-top-width")) + parseInt($(image).css("padding-top"));
+ tags = <?php echo $photo_tags_json; ?>;
+ $(tags).each(function(){
+ appendTag(imgOffset, this);
+ });
+ $(image).hover(
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').show();
+ },
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ }
+ );
+ addTagEvents();
+ $('.tidypics_phototag_links').hover(
+ function(){
+ code = this.id.substr(7); // cut off taglink to get unique id
+ $('#tag'+code).show();
+ },
+ function(){
+ code = this.id.substr(7);
+ $('#tag'+code).hide();
+ }
+ );
+ // make sure we catch and handle when the browser is resized
+ $(window).resize(function () {
+ $('.tidypics_tag').remove();
+ imgOffset = $(image).offset();
+ $(tags).each(function(){
+ appendTag(imgOffset, this);
+ });
+ addTagEvents();
+ });
+ }
+ function appendTag(offset, tag)
+ {
+ // catch for IE when no tags available
+ if (tag.id == undefined)
+ return;
+ tag_top = parseInt(imgOffset.top) + parseInt(tag.y1);
+ tag_left = parseInt(imgOffset.left) + parseInt(tag.x1);
+ tag_div = $('<div class="tidypics_tag" id="tag'+tag.id+'"></div>').css({ left: tag_left + 'px', top: tag_top + 'px', width: tag.width + 'px', height: tag.height + 'px' });
+ text_top = parseInt(tag_top) + parseInt(tag.height) + 5;
+ tag_text_div = $('<div class="tidypics_tag_text">'+tag.text+'</div>').css({ left: tag_left + 'px', top: text_top + 'px', width: '120px'});
+ $('body').append(tag_div);
+ $('body').append(tag_text_div);
+ }
+ function addTagEvents()
+ {
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hover(
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').show();
+ $(this).next('.tidypics_tag_text').show();
+ $(this).next('.tidypics_tag_text').css("z-index", 10000);
+ },
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').show();
+ $(this).next('.tidypics_tag_text').hide();
+ $(this).next('.tidypics_tag_text').css("z-index", 0);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function selectUser(id, name)
+ {
+ user_id = id;
+ $("input.input-filter").val(name);
+ }
+ function startTagging()
+ {
+ if (tagging != 0)
+ {
+ stopTagging();
+ return;
+ }
+ tagging = 1;
+ $('#tidypics_tag_control').text("<?php echo elgg_echo('tidypics:finish_tagging'); ?>");
+ showTagInstruct();
+ $('#tidypics_delete_tag_menu').hide();
+ $('#tidypics_image').hover(
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ },
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ }
+ );
+ $('img#tidypics_image').imgAreaSelect( {
+ borderWidth: 2,
+ borderColor1: 'white',
+ borderColor2: 'white',
+ disable: false,
+ hide: false,
+ onSelectEnd: showTagMenu,
+ onSelectStart: hideTagMenu
+ }
+ );
+ $('img#tidypics_image').css({"cursor" : "crosshair"});
+ }
+ function stopTagging()
+ {
+ tagging = 0;
+ hideTagInstruct();
+ hideTagMenu();
+ $('img#tidypics_image').imgAreaSelect( {hide: true, disable: true} );
+ $('#tidypics_tag_control').text("<?php echo elgg_echo('tidypics:tagthisphoto'); ?>");
+ // restart tag hovering
+ $('#tidypics_image').hover(
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').show();
+ },
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ }
+ );
+ $('img#tidypics_image').css({"cursor" : "pointer"});
+ }
+ function showTagMenu(oObject, oCoordenates)
+ {
+ offsetX = 6;
+ offsetY = 10;
+ imgOffset = $('#tidypics_image').offset();
+ // show the list of friends
+ if (oCoordenates.width != 0 && oCoordenates.height != 0) {
+ coordinates = oCoordenates;
+ _top = imgOffset.top + oCoordenates.y2 + offsetY;
+ _left = imgOffset.left + oCoordenates.x1 + offsetX;
+ $('#tidypics_tag_menu').show().css({
+ "top": _top + "px",
+ "left": _left + "px"
+ });
+ $(".input-filter").focus();
+ }
+ }
+ function hideTagMenu()
+ {
+ $('#tidypics_tag_menu').hide();
+ }
+ function showTagInstruct()
+ {
+ offsetY = -60;
+ divWidth = $('#tidypics_tag_instructions').width();
+ imgOffset = $('#tidypics_image').offset();
+ imgWidth = $('#tidypics_image').width();
+ offsetX = parseInt((imgWidth - divWidth)/2);
+ _top = imgOffset.top + offsetY;
+ _left = imgOffset.left + offsetX;
+ $('#tidypics_tag_instructions').show().css({
+ "top": _top + "px",
+ "left": _left + "px"
+ });
+ }
+ function hideTagInstruct()
+ {
+ $('#tidypics_tag_instructions').hide();
+ }
+ function addTag()
+ {
+ // do I need a catch for no tag?
+ $("input#user_id").val(user_id);
+ $("input#word").val( $("input.input-filter").val() );
+ coord_string = '"x1":"' + coordinates.x1 + '",';
+ coord_string += '"y1":"' + coordinates.y1 + '",';
+ coord_string += '"width":"' + coordinates.width + '",';
+ coord_string += '"height":"' + coordinates.height + '"';
+ $("input#coordinates").val(coord_string);
+ //Show loading
+ //$("#tag_menu").replaceWith('<div align="center" class="ajax_loader"></div>');
+ }
+ function deleteTags()
+ {
+ offsetY = 60;
+ stopTagging();
+ divWidth = $('#delete_tag_menu').width();
+ imgOffset = $('#tidypics_image').offset();
+ imgWidth = $('#tidypics_image').width();
+ offsetX = parseInt((imgWidth - divWidth)/2);
+ _top = imgOffset.top + offsetY;
+ _left = imgOffset.left + offsetX;
+ $('#tidypics_delete_tag_menu').show().css({
+ "top": _top + "px",
+ "left": _left + "px"
+ });
+ $('#tidypics_image').hover(
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ },
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function hideDeleteMenu()
+ {
+ $('#tidypics_delete_tag_menu').hide();
+ // restart tag hovering
+ $('#tidypics_image').hover(
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').show();
+ },
+ function(){
+ $('.tidypics_tag').hide();
+ }
+ );
+ }