path: root/views/default/object
diff options
authorCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2009-02-25 12:16:53 +0000
committerCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2009-02-25 12:16:53 +0000
commit4e0c1576475390faa2f1fb4c4dc2902a953f440e (patch)
treecd3a47df019344d7f6c938ebe31c60cfa9b03677 /views/default/object
First commit
Diffstat (limited to 'views/default/object')
2 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/views/default/object/album.php b/views/default/object/album.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b95d55eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/default/object/album.php
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ /**
+ * Elgg file browser.
+ * File renderer.
+ *
+ * @package ElggFile
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.com/
+ */
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $file = $vars['entity'];
+ $file_guid = $file->getGUID();
+ $tags = $file->tags;
+ $title = $file->title;
+ $desc = $file->description;
+ $owner = $vars['entity']->getOwnerEntity();
+ $friendlytime = friendly_time($vars['entity']->time_created);
+ $mime = $file->mimetype;
+ if (get_context() == "search") {
+ if (get_input('search_viewtype') == "gallery") {
+ //default gallery view for album listing @ /photos/owned/
+ //get album cover if one was set
+ if($file->cover)
+ $album_cover = '<img src="'.$vars['url'].'mod/tidypics/thumbnail.php?file_guid='.$file->cover.'&size=small" border="0" class="album_cover" alt="thumbnail"/>';
+ else
+ $album_cover = '<img src="'.$vars['url'].'mod/tidypics/graphics/img_error.jpg" class="album_cover" alt="new album">';
+ ?>
+ <div class="album_gallery_item">
+ <a href="<?php echo $file->getURL();?>"><?php echo $title;?></a><br>
+ <a href="<?php echo $file->getURL();?>"><?php echo $album_cover;?></a><br>
+ <small><a href="<?php echo $vars['url'];?>pg/profile/<?php echo $owner->username;?>"><?php echo $owner->name;?></a> <?php echo $friendlytime;?><br>
+ <?php
+ //get the number of comments
+ $numcomments = elgg_count_comments($file);
+ if ($numcomments)
+ echo "<a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")</a>";
+ ?>
+ </small>
+ </div>
+ <?php
+ } else {
+ //album list-entity view
+ $info = '<p><a href="' .$file->getURL(). '">'.$title.'</a></p>';
+ $info .= "<p class=\"owner_timestamp\"><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/file/{$owner->username}\">{$owner->name}</a> {$friendlytime}";
+ $numcomments = elgg_count_comments($file);
+ if ($numcomments)
+ $info .= ", <a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")</a>";
+ $info .= "</p>";
+ $icon = "<a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">" . elgg_view("tidypics/icon", array('album' => true, 'size' => 'small')) . "</a>";
+ echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // individual album view
+ <div id="pages_breadcrumbs">
+ if (is_null(page_owner_entity()->username) || empty(page_owner_entity()->username)) { //when no owner available, link to world photos
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/world'; ?>"><?php echo elgg_echo("albums"); ?></a>&nbsp;&#62;&nbsp;
+ } else {
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/owned/' . page_owner_entity()->username; ?>"><?php echo sprintf(elgg_echo("album:user"), page_owner_entity()->name); ?></a>&nbsp;&#62;&nbsp;
+ }
+ <?php echo $title; ?>
+ </div>
+ echo '<div id="tidypics_title">'.$title.'</div>';
+ echo '<div id="tidypics_desc">'.autop($desc).'</div>';
+ if ($file->canEdit()) { // add edits
+ // specific to my theme only
+ //add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('album:addpix'), $vars['url'] . "pg/photos/upload/". $file_guid , '', 'jade');
+ //add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('album:edit'), $vars['url'] . "mod/tidypics/edit.php?file_guid=". $file_guid , '', 'jade');
+ //add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('album:delete'), $vars['url'] . "action/tidypics/delete?file=". $file_guid , '', 'jade');
+ <div id="tidypics_controls">
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url'] . "pg/photos/upload/" . $file_guid ;?>"><?php echo elgg_echo('album:addpix');?></a>
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>mod/tidypics/edit.php?file_guid=<?php echo $file->getGUID(); ?>"><?php echo elgg_echo('album:edit'); ?></a>&nbsp;
+ <?php echo elgg_view('output/confirmlink',array(
+ 'href' => $vars['url'] . "action/tidypics/delete?file=" . $file->getGUID(),
+ 'text' => elgg_echo("album:delete"),
+ 'confirm' => elgg_echo("album:delete:confirm"),
+ ));
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ }
+ // display the simple image views. Uses: via 'object/image.php'
+ $count = get_entities("object","image", $file_guid, '', 999);
+ //build array for back | next links
+ $_SESSION['image_sort'] = array();
+ foreach($count as $image){
+ array_push($_SESSION['image_sort'], $image->guid);
+ }
+ if(count($count) > 0)
+ echo list_entities("object","image", $file_guid, 24, false);
+ else
+ echo elgg_echo('image:none');
+ <div class="clearfloat"></div>
+ <div id="tidypics_info">
+ <div class="object_tag_string"><?php echo elgg_view('output/tags',array('value' => $tags));?></div>
+ <?php echo elgg_echo('album:by');?> <b><a href="<?php echo $vars['url'] ;?>pg/profile/<?php echo $owner->username; ?>"><?php echo $owner->name; ?></a></b> <?php echo $friendlytime; ?><br>
+ <?php echo elgg_echo('image:total');?> <b><?php echo count($count);?></b><br>
+ </div>
+ if ($vars['full']) {
+ echo elgg_view_comments($file);
+ }
diff --git a/views/default/object/image.php b/views/default/object/image.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..063ad09cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/default/object/image.php
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ /**
+ * image object views
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.com/
+ */
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $file = $vars['entity'];
+ $file_guid = $file->getGUID();
+ $tags = $file->tags;
+ $title = $file->title;
+ $desc = $file->description;
+ $owner = $vars['entity']->getOwnerEntity();
+ $friendlytime = friendly_time($vars['entity']->time_created);
+ $mime = $file->mimetype;
+if (get_context() == "search") { //if this is the search view
+ if (get_input('search_viewtype') == "gallery") {
+ ?>
+ <div class="album_images">
+ <a href="<?php echo $file->getURL();?>"><img src="<?php echo $vars['url'];?>mod/tidypics/thumbnail.php?file_guid=<?php echo $file_guid;?>&size=small" border="0" alt="thumbnail"/></a>
+ </div>
+ <?php
+ }
+ else{
+ //image list-entity view
+ $info = '<p><a href="' .$file->getURL(). '">'.$title.'</a></p>';
+ $info .= "<p class=\"owner_timestamp\"><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/photos/owned/{$owner->username}\">{$owner->name}</a> {$friendlytime}";
+ $numcomments = elgg_count_comments($file);
+ if ($numcomments)
+ $info .= ", <a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">" . sprintf(elgg_echo("comments")) . " (" . $numcomments . ")</a>";
+ $info .= "</p>";
+ $icon = "<a href=\"{$file->getURL()}\">" . elgg_view("tidypics/icon", array("mimetype" => $mime, 'thumbnail' => $file->thumbnail, 'file_guid' => $file_guid, 'size' => 'small')) . "</a>";
+ echo elgg_view_listing($icon, $info);
+ }
+else { //tidypics image display
+ if (!$vars['full']) { //simple gallery view
+ <div class="album_images">
+ <a href="<?php echo $file->getURL();?>"><img src="<?php echo $vars['url'];?>mod/tidypics/thumbnail.php?file_guid=<?php echo $file_guid;?>&size=small" border="0" alt="thumbnail"/></a>
+ </div>
+ }
+ else{ // individual full image view
+ $album = get_entity($file->container_guid);
+ //compile back | next links
+ $current = array_search($file_guid, $_SESSION['image_sort']);
+ if(!$current){ // means we are no longer using the correct album array
+ //rebuild the array ->
+ $count = get_entities("object","image", $album->guid, '', 999);
+ $_SESSION['image_sort'] = array();
+ foreach($count as $image){
+ array_push($_SESSION['image_sort'], $image->guid);
+ }
+ $current = array_search($file_guid, $_SESSION['image_sort']);
+ }
+ if(!$current == 0)
+ $back = '<a href="' .$vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/view/' . $_SESSION['image_sort'][$current-1] . '">&#60;&#60;' . elgg_echo('image:back') . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
+ if(array_key_exists(($current+1), $_SESSION['image_sort']))
+ $next = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . $vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/view/' . $_SESSION['image_sort'][$current+1] . '">' . elgg_echo('image:next') . '&#62;&#62;</a>';
+ <div id="pages_breadcrumbs">
+ if (is_null(page_owner_entity()->username) || empty(page_owner_entity()->username)) { //when no owner available, link to world photos
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/world'; ?>"><?php echo elgg_echo("albums"); ?></a>&nbsp;&#62;&nbsp;
+ } else {
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/owned/' . page_owner_entity()->username; ?>"><?php echo sprintf(elgg_echo("album:user"), page_owner_entity()->name); ?></a>&nbsp;&#62;&nbsp;
+ }
+ <a href="<?php echo $album->getURL(); ?>"><?php echo $album->title; ?></a>&nbsp;&#62;&nbsp;
+ <?php echo $current+1 . ' / ' . sizeof($_SESSION['image_sort']); ?>
+ </div>
+ echo '<div id="tidypics_title">' . $title . '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="tidypics_desc">' . autop($desc) . '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="image_full">';
+ echo '<div id="image_nav">' . $back . $next . '</div>';
+ if($next) echo '<a href="' . $vars['url'] . 'pg/photos/view/' . $_SESSION['image_sort'][$current+1] . '">';
+ echo '<img src="' . $vars['url'] . 'mod/tidypics/thumbnail.php?file_guid=' . $file_guid . '&size=large" border="0" alt="' . $title . '"/>';
+ if($next) echo '</a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ <div id="tidypics_controls">
+ <a target="_new" href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>action/tidypics/download?file_guid=<?php echo $file->getGUID(); ?>"><?php echo elgg_echo("image:download"); ?></a>&nbsp;
+ if ($file->canEdit()) { // add edit controls
+ <a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>mod/tidypics/edit.php?file_guid=<?php echo $file->getGUID(); ?>"><?php echo elgg_echo('image:edit'); ?></a>&nbsp;
+ <?php echo elgg_view('output/confirmlink',array(
+ 'href' => $vars['url'] . "action/tidypics/delete?file=" . $file->getGUID(),
+ 'text' => elgg_echo("image:delete"),
+ 'confirm' => elgg_echo("image:delete:confirm"),
+ ));
+ }
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ <div id="tidypics_info">
+ <div class="object_tag_string"><?php echo elgg_view('output/tags',array('value' => $tags));?></div>
+ <?php echo elgg_echo('image:by');?> <b><a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>pg/profile/<?php echo $owner->username; ?>"><?php echo $owner->name; ?></a></b> <?php echo $friendlytime; ?><br>
+ </div>
+ echo elgg_view_comments($file);
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file