path: root/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Discover_OpenID.php
diff options
authorCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2011-12-11 06:38:23 -0500
committerCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2011-12-11 06:38:23 -0500
commitd9bf22a0e29c2a70049443a0ae8521a2c0492c8b (patch)
treec7599a9169d5def7df56c480ad6d67f312443d6f /models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Discover_OpenID.php
initial commit for git repository
Diffstat (limited to 'models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Discover_OpenID.php')
1 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Discover_OpenID.php b/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Discover_OpenID.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..740548d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openid-php-openid-782224d/Tests/Auth/OpenID/Discover_OpenID.php
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+require_once 'TestUtil.php';
+require_once 'Auth/OpenID.php';
+require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Discover.php';
+require_once 'Auth/Yadis/Manager.php';
+require_once 'Auth/Yadis/Misc.php';
+require_once 'Auth/Yadis/XRI.php';
+ * Tests for the core of the PHP Yadis library discovery logic.
+ */
+class _SimpleMockFetcher {
+ function _SimpleMockFetcher($responses)
+ {
+ $this->responses = $responses;
+ }
+ function get($url)
+ {
+ $response = array_pop($this->responses);
+ assert($response[1] == $url);
+ return $response;
+ }
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ function setUp() {
+ $this->endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
+ }
+ function test_getDisplayIdentifier_noFragment() {
+ $urls = array("http://foo.bar.com/something",
+ "http://foo.bar.com/something?else=what&nothing=0",
+ "https://smoker.myopenid.com/"
+ );
+ foreach ($urls as $url) {
+ $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $url;
+ $this->assertEquals($url, $this->endpoint->getDisplayIdentifier());
+ }
+ }
+ function test_getDisplayIdentifier_withFragment() {
+ $urls = array("http://foo.bar.com/something#fragged",
+ "http://foo.bar.com/something?else=what&nothing=0#ow",
+ "https://smoker.myopenid.com/#myentirelife"
+ );
+ foreach ($urls as $url) {
+ $this->endpoint->claimed_id = $url;
+ $split = explode('#', $url);
+ $this->assertEquals($split[0],
+ $this->endpoint->getDisplayIdentifier());
+ }
+ }
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_DiscoveryFailure extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ function Tests_Auth_OpenID_DiscoveryFailure($responses)
+ {
+ // Response is ($code, $url, $body).
+ $this->cases = array(
+ array(null, 'http://network.error/', ''),
+ array(404, 'http://not.found/', ''),
+ array(400, 'http://bad.request/', ''),
+ array(500, 'http://server.error/', ''),
+ array(200, 'http://header.found/', 200,
+ array('x-xrds-location' => 'http://xrds.missing/')),
+ array(404, 'http://xrds.missing/', ''));
+ $this->url = $responses[0]->final_url;
+ $this->responses = $responses;
+ $this->fetcher = new _SimpleMockFetcher($this->responses);
+ }
+ function runTest()
+ {
+ foreach ($this->cases as $case) {
+ list($status, $url, $body) = $case;
+ $expected_status = $status;
+ $result = Auth_OpenID_discover($this->url, $this->fetcher);
+ list($id_url, $svclist) = $result;
+ $this->assertEquals($svclist, array());
+ }
+ }
+### Tests for raising/catching exceptions from the fetcher through the
+### discover function
+class _ErrorRaisingFetcher {
+ // Just raise an exception when fetch is called
+ function _ErrorRaisingFetcher($thing_to_raise)
+ {
+ $this->thing_to_raise = $thing_to_raise;
+ }
+ function post($body = null)
+ {
+ __raiseError($this->thing_to_raise);
+ }
+ function get($url)
+ {
+ __raiseError($this->thing_to_raise);
+ }
+define('E_AUTH_OPENID_EXCEPTION', 'e_exception');
+define('E_AUTH_OPENID_DIDFETCH', 'e_didfetch');
+define('E_AUTH_OPENID_VALUE_ERROR', 'e_valueerror');
+define('E_AUTH_OPENID_RUNTIME_ERROR', 'e_runtimeerror');
+define('E_AUTH_OPENID_OI', 'e_oi');
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Discover_FetchException extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ // Make sure exceptions get passed through discover function from
+ // fetcher.
+ function Tests_Auth_OpenID_Discover_FetchException($exc)
+ {
+ $this->cases = array(E_AUTH_OPENID_EXCEPTION,
+ }
+ function runTest()
+ {
+ foreach ($this->cases as $thing_to_raise) {
+ $fetcher = ErrorRaisingFetcher($thing_to_raise);
+ Auth_OpenID_discover('http://doesnt.matter/', $fetcher);
+ $exc = __getError();
+ if ($exc !== $thing_to_raise) {
+ $this->fail('FetchException expected %s to be raised',
+ $thing_to_raise);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Tests for openid.consumer.discover.discover
+class _DiscoveryMockFetcher extends Auth_Yadis_HTTPFetcher {
+ function _DiscoveryMockFetcher($documents)
+ {
+ $this->redirect = null;
+ $this->documents = $documents;
+ $this->fetchlog = array();
+ }
+ function supportsSSL()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ function post($url, $body = null, $headers = null)
+ {
+ return $this->get($url, $headers, $body);
+ }
+ function get($url, $headers = null, $body = null)
+ {
+ $this->fetchlog[] = array($url, $body, $headers);
+ if ($this->redirect) {
+ $final_url = $this->redirect;
+ } else {
+ $final_url = $url;
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($url, $this->documents)) {
+ list($ctype, $body) = $this->documents[$url];
+ $status = 200;
+ } else {
+ $status = 404;
+ $ctype = 'text/plain';
+ $body = '';
+ }
+ return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($final_url, $status,
+ array('content-type' => $ctype), $body);
+ }
+class _DiscoveryBase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ var $id_url = "http://someuser.unittest/";
+ var $fetcherClass = '_DiscoveryMockFetcher';
+ function _checkService($s,
+ $server_url,
+ $claimed_id=null,
+ $local_id=null,
+ $canonical_id=null,
+ $types=null,
+ $used_yadis=false,
+ $display_identifier=null)
+ {
+ $this->assertEquals($server_url, $s->server_url);
+ if ($types == array('2.0 OP')) {
+ $this->assertFalse($claimed_id);
+ $this->assertFalse($local_id);
+ $this->assertFalse($s->claimed_id);
+ $this->assertFalse($s->local_id);
+ $this->assertFalse($s->getLocalID());
+ $this->assertFalse($s->compatibilityMode());
+ $this->assertTrue($s->isOPIdentifier());
+ $this->assertEquals($s->preferredNamespace(),
+ Auth_OpenID_OPENID2_NS);
+ } else {
+ $this->assertEquals($claimed_id, $s->claimed_id);
+ $this->assertEquals($local_id, $s->getLocalID());
+ }
+ if ($used_yadis) {
+ $this->assertTrue($s->used_yadis, "Expected to use Yadis");
+ } else {
+ $this->assertFalse($s->used_yadis,
+ "Expected to use old-style discovery");
+ }
+ $openid_types = array(
+ '1.1' => Auth_OpenID_TYPE_1_1,
+ '1.0' => Auth_OpenID_TYPE_1_0,
+ '2.0' => Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0,
+ '2.0 OP' => Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0_IDP);
+ $type_uris = array();
+ foreach ($types as $t) {
+ $type_uris[] = $openid_types[$t];
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($type_uris, $s->type_uris);
+ $this->assertEquals($canonical_id, $s->canonicalID);
+ if ($s->canonicalID) {
+ $this->assertTrue($s->getDisplayIdentifier() != $claimed_id);
+ $this->assertTrue($s->getDisplayIdentifier() !== null);
+ $this->assertEquals($display_identifier, $s->getDisplayIdentifier());
+ $this->assertEquals($s->claimed_id, $s->canonicalID);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($s->display_identifier ? $s->display_identifier : $s->claimed_id,
+ $s->getDisplayIdentifier());
+ }
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ $cls = $this->fetcherClass;
+ // D is for Dumb.
+ $d = array();
+ $this->fetcher = new $cls($d);
+ }
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Discover_OpenID extends _DiscoveryBase {
+ function _discover($content_type, $data,
+ $expected_services, $expected_id=null)
+ {
+ if ($expected_id === null) {
+ $expected_id = $this->id_url;
+ }
+ $this->fetcher->documents[$this->id_url] = array($content_type, $data);
+ list($id_url, $services) = Auth_OpenID_discover($this->id_url,
+ $this->fetcher);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_services, count($services));
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_id, $id_url);
+ return $services;
+ }
+ function test_404()
+ {
+ list($url, $services) = Auth_OpenID_discover($this->id_url . '/404',
+ $this->fetcher);
+ $this->assertTrue($services == array());
+ }
+ function test_noOpenID()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('text/plain',
+ "junk",
+ 0);
+ $services = $this->_discover(
+ 'text/html',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_no_delegate.html'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService($services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ $this->id_url,
+ null,
+ array('1.1'),
+ false);
+ }
+ function test_html1()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('text/html',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid.html'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService($services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array('1.1'),
+ false,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Ensure that the Claimed Identifier does not have a fragment if
+ * one is supplied in the User Input.
+ */
+ function test_html1Fragment()
+ {
+ $data = Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('openid.html');
+ $content_type = 'text/html';
+ $expected_services = 1;
+ $this->fetcher->documents[$this->id_url] = array($content_type, $data);
+ $expected_id = $this->id_url;
+ $this->id_url = $this->id_url . '#fragment';
+ list($id_url, $services) = Auth_OpenID_discover($this->id_url, $this->fetcher);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_services, count($services));
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_id, $id_url);
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $expected_id,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array('1.1'),
+ false,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_html2()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('text/html',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid2.html'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService($services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array('2.0'),
+ false,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_html1And2()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('text/html',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_1_and_2.html'),
+ 2);
+ $types = array('2.0', '1.1');
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($types); $i++) {
+ $t = $types[$i];
+ $s = $services[$i];
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $s,
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array($t),
+ false,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ }
+ function test_yadisEmpty()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_yadis_0entries.xml'),
+ 0);
+ }
+ function test_htmlEmptyYadis()
+ {
+ // HTML document has discovery information, but points to an
+ // empty Yadis document.
+ // The XRDS document pointed to by "openid_and_yadis.html"
+ $this->fetcher->documents[$this->id_url . 'xrds'] =
+ array('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_yadis_0entries.xml'));
+ $services = $this->_discover('text/html',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_and_yadis.html'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService($services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array('1.1'),
+ false,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_yadis1NoDelegate()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_yadis_no_delegate.xml'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ $this->id_url,
+ null,
+ array('1.0'),
+ true,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_yadis2NoLocalID()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid2_xrds_no_local_id.xml'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ $this->id_url,
+ null,
+ array('2.0'),
+ true,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_yadis2()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid2_xrds.xml'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService($services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array('2.0'),
+ true,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_yadis2OP()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_yadis_idp.xml'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService($services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ array('2.0 OP'),
+ true,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_yadis2OPDelegate()
+ {
+ // The delegate tag isn't meaningful for OP entries.
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_yadis_idp_delegate.xml'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ null, null, null,
+ array('2.0 OP'),
+ true,
+ $this->id_url);
+ }
+ function test_yadis2BadLocalID()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_yadis_2_bad_local_id.xml'),
+ 0);
+ }
+ function test_yadis1And2()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_1_and_2_xrds.xml'),
+ 1);
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ $this->id_url,
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ null,
+ array('2.0', '1.1'),
+ true);
+ }
+ function test_yadis1And2BadLocalID()
+ {
+ $services = $this->_discover('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_1_and_2_xrds_bad_delegate.xml'),
+ 0);
+ }
+class _MockFetcherForXRIProxy extends Auth_Yadis_HTTPFetcher {
+ function _MockFetcherForXRIProxy($documents)
+ {
+ $this->documents = $documents;
+ $this->fetchlog = array();
+ }
+ function get($url, $headers=null)
+ {
+ return $this->fetch($url, $headers);
+ }
+ function post($url, $body)
+ {
+ return $this->fetch($url, $body);
+ }
+ function fetch($url, $body=null, $headers=null)
+ {
+ $this->fetchlog[] = array($url, $body, $headers);
+ $u = parse_url($url);
+ $proxy_host = $u['host'];
+ $xri = $u['path'];
+ $query = Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($u, 'query');
+ if ((!$headers) && (!$query)) {
+ trigger_error('Error in mock XRI fetcher: no headers or query');
+ }
+ if (Auth_Yadis_startswith($xri, '/')) {
+ $xri = substr($xri, 1);
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($xri, $this->documents)) {
+ list($ctype, $body) = $this->documents[$xri];
+ $status = 200;
+ } else {
+ $status = 404;
+ $ctype = 'text/plain';
+ $body = '';
+ }
+ return new Auth_Yadis_HTTPResponse($url, $status,
+ array('content-type' => $ctype),
+ $body);
+ }
+class TestXRIDiscovery extends _DiscoveryBase {
+ var $fetcherClass = '_MockFetcherForXRIProxy';
+ function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->fetcher->documents = array('=smoker' => array('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('yadis_2entries_delegate.xml')),
+ '=smoker*bad' => array('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('yadis_another_delegate.xml')));
+ }
+ function test_xri() {
+ list($user_xri, $services) = Auth_OpenID_discoverXRI('=smoker');
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[0],
+ "http://www.myopenid.com/server",
+ Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000"),
+ 'http://smoker.myopenid.com/',
+ Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000"),
+ array('1.0'),
+ true,
+ '=smoker');
+ $this->_checkService(
+ $services[1],
+ "http://www.livejournal.com/openid/server.bml",
+ Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000"),
+ 'http://frank.livejournal.com/',
+ Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000"),
+ array('1.0'),
+ true,
+ '=smoker');
+ }
+ function test_xriNoCanonicalID() {
+ list($user_xri, $services) = Auth_OpenID_discoverXRI('=smoker*bad');
+ $this->assertFalse($services);
+ }
+ function test_useCanonicalID() {
+ $endpoint = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
+ $endpoint->claimed_id = Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000");
+ $endpoint->canonicalID = Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000");
+ $htis->assertEquals($endpoint->getLocalID(), Auth_Yadis_XRI("=!1000"));
+ }
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_DiscoverSession {
+ function Tests_Auth_OpenID_DiscoverSession()
+ {
+ $this->data = array();
+ }
+ function set($name, $value)
+ {
+ $this->data[$name] = $value;
+ }
+ function get($name, $default=null)
+ {
+ if (array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) {
+ return $this->data[$name];
+ } else {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ }
+ function del($name)
+ {
+ unset($this->data[$name]);
+ }
+global $__Tests_BOGUS_SERVICE;
+$__Tests_BOGUS_SERVICE = new Auth_OpenID_ServiceEndpoint();
+$__Tests_BOGUS_SERVICE->claimed_id = "=really.bogus.endpoint";
+function __serviceCheck_discover_cb($url, $fetcher)
+ global $__Tests_BOGUS_SERVICE;
+ return array($url, array($__Tests_BOGUS_SERVICE));
+class _FetcherWithSSL extends _DiscoveryMockFetcher {
+ function supportsSSL()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+class _FetcherWithoutSSL extends _DiscoveryMockFetcher {
+ function supportsSSL()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+class _NonFetcher extends _DiscoveryMockFetcher {
+ var $used = false;
+ function _NonFetcher()
+ {
+ $a = array();
+ parent::_DiscoveryMockFetcher($a);
+ }
+ function supportsSSL()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function get($url, $headers)
+ {
+ $this->used = true;
+ }
+class Tests_Auth_OpenID_SSLSupport extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ function test_discoverDropSSL()
+ {
+ // In the absence of SSL support, the discovery process should
+ // drop endpoints whose server URLs are HTTPS.
+ $id_url = 'http://bogus/';
+ $d = array(
+ $id_url => array('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_ssl.xml'))
+ );
+ $f = new _FetcherWithoutSSL($d);
+ $result = Auth_OpenID_discover($id_url, $f);
+ list($url, $services) = $result;
+ $this->assertTrue($url == $id_url);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($services) == 1);
+ $e = $services[0];
+ $this->assertTrue($e->server_url == 'http://nossl.vroom.unittest/server');
+ }
+ function test_discoverRetainSSL()
+ {
+ // In the presence of SSL support, the discovery process
+ // should NOT drop endpoints whose server URLs are HTTPS.
+ // In the absence of SSL support, the discovery process should
+ // drop endpoints whose server URLs are HTTPS.
+ $id_url = 'http://bogus/';
+ $d = array(
+ $id_url => array('application/xrds+xml',
+ Tests_Auth_OpenID_readdata('test_discover_openid_ssl.xml'))
+ );
+ $f = new _FetcherWithSSL($d);
+ $result = Auth_OpenID_discover($id_url, $f);
+ list($url, $services) = $result;
+ $this->assertTrue($url == $id_url);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($services) == 2);
+ $e = $services[0];
+ $this->assertTrue($e->server_url == 'http://nossl.vroom.unittest/server');
+ $e = $services[1];
+ $this->assertTrue($e->server_url == 'https://ssl.vroom.unittest/server');
+ }
+ function test_discoverSSL()
+ {
+ // The consumer code should not attempt to perform discovery
+ // on an HTTPS identity URL in the absence of SSL support.
+ $id_url = 'https://unsupported/';
+ $f = new _NonFetcher();
+ $result = Auth_OpenID_discover($id_url, $f);
+ $this->assertTrue($result == array($id_url, array()));
+ $this->assertFalse($f->used);
+ }
+global $Tests_Auth_OpenID_Discover_OpenID_other;
+$Tests_Auth_OpenID_Discover_OpenID_other = array(
+ new Tests_Auth_OpenID_SSLSupport()
+ );