path: root/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups
diff options
authorbrettp <brettp@36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9b5a30f544>2010-03-03 17:53:05 +0000
committerbrettp <brettp@36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9b5a30f544>2010-03-03 17:53:05 +0000
commit4766f36a4d74924f21ff329c4318ce4e069ffa04 (patch)
tree969b84632f2a8b0db79788a8a6db8e41d63e5cb4 /mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups
parent57a217fd6b708844407486046a1faa23b46cac08 (diff)
Pulled in the interface changes.
git-svn-id: http://code.elgg.org/elgg/trunk@5257 36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9b5a30f544
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups')
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/alert.gifbin0 -> 818 bytes
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/button.gifbin0 -> 280 bytes
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/buttons.gifbin0 -> 1195 bytes
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/confirm.gifbin0 -> 915 bytes
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/corners.gifbin0 -> 911 bytes
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/horizontal.gifbin0 -> 769 bytes
-rw-r--r--mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/vertical.gifbin0 -> 92 bytes
11 files changed, 1101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin.js b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ddf43ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(function(){var DOM=tinymce.DOM,Element=tinymce.dom.Element,Event=tinymce.dom.Event,each=tinymce.each,is=tinymce.is;tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups',{init:function(ed,url){ed.onBeforeRenderUI.add(function(){ed.windowManager=new tinymce.InlineWindowManager(ed);DOM.loadCSS(url+'/skins/'+(ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin||'clearlooks2')+"/window.css");});},getInfo:function(){return{longname:'InlinePopups',author:'Moxiecode Systems AB',authorurl:'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',infourl:'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/inlinepopups',version:tinymce.majorVersion+"."+tinymce.minorVersion};}});tinymce.create('tinymce.InlineWindowManager:tinymce.WindowManager',{InlineWindowManager:function(ed){var t=this;t.parent(ed);t.zIndex=300000;t.count=0;},open:function(f,p){var t=this,id,opt='',ed=t.editor,dw=0,dh=0,vp,po,mdf,clf,we,w,u;f=f||{};p=p||{};if(!f.inline)return t.parent(f,p);if(!f.type)t.bookmark=ed.selection.getBookmark('simple');id=DOM.uniqueId();vp=DOM.getViewPort();f.width=parseInt(f.width||320);f.height=parseInt(f.height||240)+(tinymce.isIE?8:0);f.min_width=parseInt(f.min_width||150);f.min_height=parseInt(f.min_height||100);f.max_width=parseInt(f.max_width||2000);f.max_height=parseInt(f.max_height||2000);f.left=f.left||Math.round(Math.max(vp.x,vp.x+(vp.w/ 2.0) - (f.width /2.0)));f.top=f.top||Math.round(Math.max(vp.y,vp.y+(vp.h/ 2.0) - (f.height /2.0)));f.movable=f.resizable=true;p.mce_width=f.width;p.mce_height=f.height;p.mce_inline=true;p.mce_window_id=id;p.mce_auto_focus=f.auto_focus;t.features=f;t.params=p;t.onOpen.dispatch(t,f,p);if(f.type){opt+=' mceModal';if(f.type)opt+=' mce'+f.type.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+f.type.substring(1);f.resizable=false;}if(f.statusbar)opt+=' mceStatusbar';if(f.resizable)opt+=' mceResizable';if(f.minimizable)opt+=' mceMinimizable';if(f.maximizable)opt+=' mceMaximizable';if(f.movable)opt+=' mceMovable';t._addAll(DOM.doc.body,['div',{id:id,'class':ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin||'clearlooks2',style:'width:100px;height:100px'},['div',{id:id+'_wrapper','class':'mceWrapper'+opt},['div',{id:id+'_top','class':'mceTop'},['div',{'class':'mceLeft'}],['div',{'class':'mceCenter'}],['div',{'class':'mceRight'}],['span',{id:id+'_title'},f.title||'']],['div',{id:id+'_middle','class':'mceMiddle'},['div',{id:id+'_left','class':'mceLeft'}],['span',{id:id+'_content'}],['div',{id:id+'_right','class':'mceRight'}]],['div',{id:id+'_bottom','class':'mceBottom'},['div',{'class':'mceLeft'}],['div',{'class':'mceCenter'}],['div',{'class':'mceRight'}],['span',{id:id+'_status'},'Content']],['a',{'class':'mceMove',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{'class':'mceMin',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;',onmousedown:'return false;'}],['a',{'class':'mceMax',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;',onmousedown:'return false;'}],['a',{'class':'mceMed',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;',onmousedown:'return false;'}],['a',{'class':'mceClose',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;',onmousedown:'return false;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_n','class':'mceResize mceResizeN',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_s','class':'mceResize mceResizeS',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_w','class':'mceResize mceResizeW',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_e','class':'mceResize mceResizeE',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_nw','class':'mceResize mceResizeNW',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_ne','class':'mceResize mceResizeNE',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_sw','class':'mceResize mceResizeSW',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}],['a',{id:id+'_resize_se','class':'mceResize mceResizeSE',tabindex:'-1',href:'javascript:;'}]]]);DOM.setStyles(id,{top:-10000,left:-10000});if(tinymce.isGecko)DOM.setStyle(id,'overflow','auto');if(!f.type){dw+=DOM.get(id+'_left').clientWidth;dw+=DOM.get(id+'_right').clientWidth;dh+=DOM.get(id+'_top').clientHeight;dh+=DOM.get(id+'_bottom').clientHeight;}DOM.setStyles(id,{top:f.top,left:f.left,width:f.width+dw,height:f.height+dh});u=f.url||f.file;if(u){if(tinymce.relaxedDomain)u+=(u.indexOf('?')==-1?'?':'&')+'mce_rdomain='+tinymce.relaxedDomain;u=tinymce._addVer(u);}if(!f.type){DOM.add(id+'_content','iframe',{id:id+'_ifr',src:'javascript:""',frameBorder:0,style:'border:0;width:10px;height:10px'});DOM.setStyles(id+'_ifr',{width:f.width,height:f.height});DOM.setAttrib(id+'_ifr','src',u);}else{DOM.add(id+'_wrapper','a',{id:id+'_ok','class':'mceButton mceOk',href:'javascript:;',onmousedown:'return false;'},'Ok');if(f.type=='confirm')DOM.add(id+'_wrapper','a',{'class':'mceButton mceCancel',href:'javascript:;',onmousedown:'return false;'},'Cancel');DOM.add(id+'_middle','div',{'class':'mceIcon'});DOM.setHTML(id+'_content',f.content.replace('\n','<br />'));}mdf=Event.add(id,'mousedown',function(e){var n=e.target,w,vp;w=t.windows[id];t.focus(id);if(n.nodeName=='A'||n.nodeName=='a'){if(n.className=='mceMax'){w.oldPos=w.element.getXY();w.oldSize=w.element.getSize();vp=DOM.getViewPort();vp.w-=2;vp.h-=2;w.element.moveTo(vp.x,vp.y);w.element.resizeTo(vp.w,vp.h);DOM.setStyles(id+'_ifr',{width:vp.w-w.deltaWidth,height:vp.h-w.deltaHeight});DOM.addClass(id+'_wrapper','mceMaximized');}else if(n.className=='mceMed'){w.element.moveTo(w.oldPos.x,w.oldPos.y);w.element.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w,w.oldSize.h);w.iframeElement.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w-w.deltaWidth,w.oldSize.h-w.deltaHeight);DOM.removeClass(id+'_wrapper','mceMaximized');}else if(n.className=='mceMove')return t._startDrag(id,e,n.className);else if(DOM.hasClass(n,'mceResize'))return t._startDrag(id,e,n.className.substring(13));}});clf=Event.add(id,'click',function(e){var n=e.target;t.focus(id);if(n.nodeName=='A'||n.nodeName=='a'){switch(n.className){case'mceClose':t.close(null,id);return Event.cancel(e);case'mceButton mceOk':case'mceButton mceCancel':f.button_func(n.className=='mceButton mceOk');return Event.cancel(e);}}});t.windows=t.windows||{};w=t.windows[id]={id:id,mousedown_func:mdf,click_func:clf,element:new Element(id,{blocker:1,container:ed.getContainer()}),iframeElement:new Element(id+'_ifr'),features:f,deltaWidth:dw,deltaHeight:dh};w.iframeElement.on('focus',function(){t.focus(id);});if(t.count==0&&t.editor.getParam('dialog_type')=='modal'){DOM.add(DOM.doc.body,'div',{id:'mceModalBlocker','class':(t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin||'clearlooks2')+'_modalBlocker',style:{left:vp.x,top:vp.y,zIndex:t.zIndex-1}});DOM.show('mceModalBlocker');}else DOM.setStyle('mceModalBlocker','z-index',t.zIndex-1);t.focus(id);t._fixIELayout(id,1);if(DOM.get(id+'_ok'))DOM.get(id+'_ok').focus();t.count++;return w;},focus:function(id){var t=this,w=t.windows[id];w.zIndex=this.zIndex++;w.element.setStyle('zIndex',w.zIndex);w.element.update();id=id+'_wrapper';DOM.removeClass(t.lastId,'mceFocus');DOM.addClass(id,'mceFocus');t.lastId=id;},_addAll:function(te,ne){var i,n,t=this,dom=tinymce.DOM;if(is(ne,'string'))te.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(ne));else if(ne.length){te=te.appendChild(dom.create(ne[0],ne[1]));for(i=2;i<ne.length;i++)t._addAll(te,ne[i]);}},_startDrag:function(id,se,ac){var t=this,mu,mm,d=DOM.doc,eb,w=t.windows[id],we=w.element,sp=we.getXY(),p,sz,ph,cp,vp,sx,sy,sex,sey,dx,dy,dw,dh;cp={x:0,y:0};vp=DOM.getViewPort();vp.w-=2;vp.h-=2;sex=se.screenX;sey=se.screenY;dx=dy=dw=dh=0;mu=Event.add(d,'mouseup',function(e){Event.remove(d,'mouseup',mu);Event.remove(d,'mousemove',mm);if(eb)eb.remove();we.moveBy(dx,dy);we.resizeBy(dw,dh);sz=we.getSize();DOM.setStyles(id+'_ifr',{width:sz.w-w.deltaWidth,height:sz.h-w.deltaHeight});t._fixIELayout(id,1);return Event.cancel(e);});if(ac!='Move')startMove();function startMove(){if(eb)return;t._fixIELayout(id,0);DOM.add(d.body,'div',{id:'mceEventBlocker','class':'mceEventBlocker '+(t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin||'clearlooks2'),style:{left:vp.x,top:vp.y,zIndex:t.zIndex+1}});eb=new Element('mceEventBlocker');eb.update();p=we.getXY();sz=we.getSize();sx=cp.x+p.x-vp.x;sy=cp.y+p.y-vp.y;DOM.add(eb.get(),'div',{id:'mcePlaceHolder','class':'mcePlaceHolder',style:{left:sx,top:sy,width:sz.w,height:sz.h}});ph=new Element('mcePlaceHolder');};mm=Event.add(d,'mousemove',function(e){var x,y,v;startMove();x=e.screenX-sex;y=e.screenY-sey;switch(ac){case'ResizeW':dx=x;dw=0-x;break;case'ResizeE':dw=x;break;case'ResizeN':case'ResizeNW':case'ResizeNE':if(ac=="ResizeNW"){dx=x;dw=0-x;}else if(ac=="ResizeNE")dw=x;dy=y;dh=0-y;break;case'ResizeS':case'ResizeSW':case'ResizeSE':if(ac=="ResizeSW"){dx=x;dw=0-x;}else if(ac=="ResizeSE")dw=x;dh=y;break;case'mceMove':dx=x;dy=y;break;}if(dw<(v=w.features.min_width-sz.w)){if(dx!==0)dx+=dw-v;dw=v;}if(dh<(v=w.features.min_height-sz.h)){if(dy!==0)dy+=dh-v;dh=v;}dw=Math.min(dw,w.features.max_width-sz.w);dh=Math.min(dh,w.features.max_height-sz.h);dx=Math.max(dx,vp.x-(sx+vp.x));dy=Math.max(dy,vp.y-(sy+vp.y));dx=Math.min(dx,(vp.w+vp.x)-(sx+sz.w+vp.x));dy=Math.min(dy,(vp.h+vp.y)-(sy+sz.h+vp.y));if(dx+dy!==0){if(sx+dx<0)dx=0;if(sy+dy<0)dy=0;ph.moveTo(sx+dx,sy+dy);}if(dw+dh!==0)ph.resizeTo(sz.w+dw,sz.h+dh);return Event.cancel(e);});return Event.cancel(se);},resizeBy:function(dw,dh,id){var w=this.windows[id];if(w){w.element.resizeBy(dw,dh);w.iframeElement.resizeBy(dw,dh);}},close:function(win,id){var t=this,w,d=DOM.doc,ix=0,fw,id;id=t._findId(id||win);t.count--;if(t.count==0)DOM.remove('mceModalBlocker');if(!id&&win){t.parent(win);return;}if(w=t.windows[id]){t.onClose.dispatch(t);Event.remove(d,'mousedown',w.mousedownFunc);Event.remove(d,'click',w.clickFunc);Event.clear(id);Event.clear(id+'_ifr');DOM.setAttrib(id+'_ifr','src','javascript:""');w.element.remove();delete t.windows[id];each(t.windows,function(w){if(w.zIndex>ix){fw=w;ix=w.zIndex;}});if(fw)t.focus(fw.id);}},setTitle:function(w,ti){var e;w=this._findId(w);if(e=DOM.get(w+'_title'))e.innerHTML=DOM.encode(ti);},alert:function(txt,cb,s){var t=this,w;w=t.open({title:t,type:'alert',button_func:function(s){if(cb)cb.call(s||t,s);t.close(null,w.id);},content:DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt,txt)),inline:1,width:400,height:130});},confirm:function(txt,cb,s){var t=this,w;w=t.open({title:t,type:'confirm',button_func:function(s){if(cb)cb.call(s||t,s);t.close(null,w.id);},content:DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt,txt)),inline:1,width:400,height:130});},_findId:function(w){var t=this;if(typeof(w)=='string')return w;each(t.windows,function(wo){var ifr=DOM.get(wo.id+'_ifr');if(ifr&&w==ifr.contentWindow){w=wo.id;return false;}});return w;},_fixIELayout:function(id,s){var w,img;if(!tinymce.isIE6)return;each(['n','s','w','e','nw','ne','sw','se'],function(v){var e=DOM.get(id+'_resize_'+v);DOM.setStyles(e,{width:s?e.clientWidth:'',height:s?e.clientHeight:'',cursor:DOM.getStyle(e,'cursor',1)});DOM.setStyle(id+"_bottom",'bottom','-1px');e=0;});if(w=this.windows[id]){w.element.hide();w.element.show();each(DOM.select('div,a',id),function(e,i){if(e.currentStyle.backgroundImage!='none'){img=new Image();img.src=e.currentStyle.backgroundImage.replace(/url\(\"(.+)\"\)/,'$1');}});DOM.get(id).style.filter='';}}});tinymce.PluginManager.add('inlinepopups',tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups);})(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin_src.js b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin_src.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c83078f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin_src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+ * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 809 2008-04-17 14:41:31Z spocke $
+ *
+ * @author Moxiecode
+ * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+(function() {
+ var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Element = tinymce.dom.Element, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, is = tinymce.is;
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups', {
+ init : function(ed, url) {
+ // Replace window manager
+ ed.onBeforeRenderUI.add(function() {
+ ed.windowManager = new tinymce.InlineWindowManager(ed);
+ DOM.loadCSS(url + '/skins/' + (ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2') + "/window.css");
+ });
+ },
+ getInfo : function() {
+ return {
+ longname : 'InlinePopups',
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
+ authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
+ infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/inlinepopups',
+ version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.InlineWindowManager:tinymce.WindowManager', {
+ InlineWindowManager : function(ed) {
+ var t = this;
+ t.parent(ed);
+ t.zIndex = 300000;
+ t.count = 0;
+ },
+ open : function(f, p) {
+ var t = this, id, opt = '', ed = t.editor, dw = 0, dh = 0, vp, po, mdf, clf, we, w, u;
+ f = f || {};
+ p = p || {};
+ // Run native windows
+ if (!f.inline)
+ return t.parent(f, p);
+ // Only store selection if the type is a normal window
+ if (!f.type)
+ t.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark('simple');
+ id = DOM.uniqueId();
+ vp = DOM.getViewPort();
+ f.width = parseInt(f.width || 320);
+ f.height = parseInt(f.height || 240) + (tinymce.isIE ? 8 : 0);
+ f.min_width = parseInt(f.min_width || 150);
+ f.min_height = parseInt(f.min_height || 100);
+ f.max_width = parseInt(f.max_width || 2000);
+ f.max_height = parseInt(f.max_height || 2000);
+ f.left = f.left || Math.round(Math.max(vp.x, vp.x + (vp.w / 2.0) - (f.width / 2.0)));
+ f.top = f.top || Math.round(Math.max(vp.y, vp.y + (vp.h / 2.0) - (f.height / 2.0)));
+ f.movable = f.resizable = true;
+ p.mce_width = f.width;
+ p.mce_height = f.height;
+ p.mce_inline = true;
+ p.mce_window_id = id;
+ p.mce_auto_focus = f.auto_focus;
+ // Transpose
+// po = DOM.getPos(ed.getContainer());
+// f.left -= po.x;
+// f.top -= po.y;
+ t.features = f;
+ t.params = p;
+ t.onOpen.dispatch(t, f, p);
+ if (f.type) {
+ opt += ' mceModal';
+ if (f.type)
+ opt += ' mce' + f.type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + f.type.substring(1);
+ f.resizable = false;
+ }
+ if (f.statusbar)
+ opt += ' mceStatusbar';
+ if (f.resizable)
+ opt += ' mceResizable';
+ if (f.minimizable)
+ opt += ' mceMinimizable';
+ if (f.maximizable)
+ opt += ' mceMaximizable';
+ if (f.movable)
+ opt += ' mceMovable';
+ // Create DOM objects
+ t._addAll(DOM.doc.body,
+ ['div', {id : id, 'class' : ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2', style : 'width:100px;height:100px'},
+ ['div', {id : id + '_wrapper', 'class' : 'mceWrapper' + opt},
+ ['div', {id : id + '_top', 'class' : 'mceTop'},
+ ['div', {'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
+ ['div', {'class' : 'mceCenter'}],
+ ['div', {'class' : 'mceRight'}],
+ ['span', {id : id + '_title'}, f.title || '']
+ ],
+ ['div', {id : id + '_middle', 'class' : 'mceMiddle'},
+ ['div', {id : id + '_left', 'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
+ ['span', {id : id + '_content'}],
+ ['div', {id : id + '_right', 'class' : 'mceRight'}]
+ ],
+ ['div', {id : id + '_bottom', 'class' : 'mceBottom'},
+ ['div', {'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
+ ['div', {'class' : 'mceCenter'}],
+ ['div', {'class' : 'mceRight'}],
+ ['span', {id : id + '_status'}, 'Content']
+ ],
+ ['a', {'class' : 'mceMove', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {'class' : 'mceMin', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
+ ['a', {'class' : 'mceMax', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
+ ['a', {'class' : 'mceMed', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
+ ['a', {'class' : 'mceClose', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_n', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeN', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_s', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeS', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_w', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_e', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_nw', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeNW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_ne', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeNE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_sw', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeSW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
+ ['a', {id : id + '_resize_se', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeSE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}]
+ ]
+ ]
+ );
+ DOM.setStyles(id, {top : -10000, left : -10000});
+ // Fix gecko rendering bug, where the editors iframe messed with window contents
+ if (tinymce.isGecko)
+ DOM.setStyle(id, 'overflow', 'auto');
+ // Measure borders
+ if (!f.type) {
+ dw += DOM.get(id + '_left').clientWidth;
+ dw += DOM.get(id + '_right').clientWidth;
+ dh += DOM.get(id + '_top').clientHeight;
+ dh += DOM.get(id + '_bottom').clientHeight;
+ }
+ // Resize window
+ DOM.setStyles(id, {top : f.top, left : f.left, width : f.width + dw, height : f.height + dh});
+ u = f.url || f.file;
+ if (u) {
+ if (tinymce.relaxedDomain)
+ u += (u.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'mce_rdomain=' + tinymce.relaxedDomain;
+ u = tinymce._addVer(u);
+ }
+ if (!f.type) {
+ DOM.add(id + '_content', 'iframe', {id : id + '_ifr', src : 'javascript:""', frameBorder : 0, style : 'border:0;width:10px;height:10px'});
+ DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : f.width, height : f.height});
+ DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', u);
+ } else {
+ DOM.add(id + '_wrapper', 'a', {id : id + '_ok', 'class' : 'mceButton mceOk', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}, 'Ok');
+ if (f.type == 'confirm')
+ DOM.add(id + '_wrapper', 'a', {'class' : 'mceButton mceCancel', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}, 'Cancel');
+ DOM.add(id + '_middle', 'div', {'class' : 'mceIcon'});
+ DOM.setHTML(id + '_content', f.content.replace('\n', '<br />'));
+ }
+ // Register events
+ mdf = Event.add(id, 'mousedown', function(e) {
+ var n = e.target, w, vp;
+ w = t.windows[id];
+ t.focus(id);
+ if (n.nodeName == 'A' || n.nodeName == 'a') {
+ if (n.className == 'mceMax') {
+ w.oldPos = w.element.getXY();
+ w.oldSize = w.element.getSize();
+ vp = DOM.getViewPort();
+ // Reduce viewport size to avoid scrollbars
+ vp.w -= 2;
+ vp.h -= 2;
+ w.element.moveTo(vp.x, vp.y);
+ w.element.resizeTo(vp.w, vp.h);
+ DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : vp.w - w.deltaWidth, height : vp.h - w.deltaHeight});
+ DOM.addClass(id + '_wrapper', 'mceMaximized');
+ } else if (n.className == 'mceMed') {
+ // Reset to old size
+ w.element.moveTo(w.oldPos.x, w.oldPos.y);
+ w.element.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w, w.oldSize.h);
+ w.iframeElement.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w - w.deltaWidth, w.oldSize.h - w.deltaHeight);
+ DOM.removeClass(id + '_wrapper', 'mceMaximized');
+ } else if (n.className == 'mceMove')
+ return t._startDrag(id, e, n.className);
+ else if (DOM.hasClass(n, 'mceResize'))
+ return t._startDrag(id, e, n.className.substring(13));
+ }
+ });
+ clf = Event.add(id, 'click', function(e) {
+ var n = e.target;
+ t.focus(id);
+ if (n.nodeName == 'A' || n.nodeName == 'a') {
+ switch (n.className) {
+ case 'mceClose':
+ t.close(null, id);
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ case 'mceButton mceOk':
+ case 'mceButton mceCancel':
+ f.button_func(n.className == 'mceButton mceOk');
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Add window
+ t.windows = t.windows || {};
+ w = t.windows[id] = {
+ id : id,
+ mousedown_func : mdf,
+ click_func : clf,
+ element : new Element(id, {blocker : 1, container : ed.getContainer()}),
+ iframeElement : new Element(id + '_ifr'),
+ features : f,
+ deltaWidth : dw,
+ deltaHeight : dh
+ };
+ w.iframeElement.on('focus', function() {
+ t.focus(id);
+ });
+ // Setup blocker
+ if (t.count == 0 && t.editor.getParam('dialog_type') == 'modal') {
+ DOM.add(DOM.doc.body, 'div', {
+ id : 'mceModalBlocker',
+ 'class' : (t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2') + '_modalBlocker',
+ style : {left : vp.x, top : vp.y, zIndex : t.zIndex - 1}
+ });
+ DOM.show('mceModalBlocker'); // Reduces flicker in IE
+ } else
+ DOM.setStyle('mceModalBlocker', 'z-index', t.zIndex - 1);
+ t.focus(id);
+ t._fixIELayout(id, 1);
+ // Focus ok button
+ if (DOM.get(id + '_ok'))
+ DOM.get(id + '_ok').focus();
+ t.count++;
+ return w;
+ },
+ focus : function(id) {
+ var t = this, w = t.windows[id];
+ w.zIndex = this.zIndex++;
+ w.element.setStyle('zIndex', w.zIndex);
+ w.element.update();
+ id = id + '_wrapper';
+ DOM.removeClass(t.lastId, 'mceFocus');
+ DOM.addClass(id, 'mceFocus');
+ t.lastId = id;
+ },
+ _addAll : function(te, ne) {
+ var i, n, t = this, dom = tinymce.DOM;
+ if (is(ne, 'string'))
+ te.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(ne));
+ else if (ne.length) {
+ te = te.appendChild(dom.create(ne[0], ne[1]));
+ for (i=2; i<ne.length; i++)
+ t._addAll(te, ne[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ _startDrag : function(id, se, ac) {
+ var t = this, mu, mm, d = DOM.doc, eb, w = t.windows[id], we = w.element, sp = we.getXY(), p, sz, ph, cp, vp, sx, sy, sex, sey, dx, dy, dw, dh;
+ // Get positons and sizes
+// cp = DOM.getPos(t.editor.getContainer());
+ cp = {x : 0, y : 0};
+ vp = DOM.getViewPort();
+ // Reduce viewport size to avoid scrollbars while dragging
+ vp.w -= 2;
+ vp.h -= 2;
+ sex = se.screenX;
+ sey = se.screenY;
+ dx = dy = dw = dh = 0;
+ // Handle mouse up
+ mu = Event.add(d, 'mouseup', function(e) {
+ Event.remove(d, 'mouseup', mu);
+ Event.remove(d, 'mousemove', mm);
+ if (eb)
+ eb.remove();
+ we.moveBy(dx, dy);
+ we.resizeBy(dw, dh);
+ sz = we.getSize();
+ DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : sz.w - w.deltaWidth, height : sz.h - w.deltaHeight});
+ t._fixIELayout(id, 1);
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ });
+ if (ac != 'Move')
+ startMove();
+ function startMove() {
+ if (eb)
+ return;
+ t._fixIELayout(id, 0);
+ // Setup event blocker
+ DOM.add(d.body, 'div', {
+ id : 'mceEventBlocker',
+ 'class' : 'mceEventBlocker ' + (t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2'),
+ style : {left : vp.x, top : vp.y, zIndex : t.zIndex + 1}
+ });
+ eb = new Element('mceEventBlocker');
+ eb.update();
+ // Setup placeholder
+ p = we.getXY();
+ sz = we.getSize();
+ sx = cp.x + p.x - vp.x;
+ sy = cp.y + p.y - vp.y;
+ DOM.add(eb.get(), 'div', {id : 'mcePlaceHolder', 'class' : 'mcePlaceHolder', style : {left : sx, top : sy, width : sz.w, height : sz.h}});
+ ph = new Element('mcePlaceHolder');
+ };
+ // Handle mouse move/drag
+ mm = Event.add(d, 'mousemove', function(e) {
+ var x, y, v;
+ startMove();
+ x = e.screenX - sex;
+ y = e.screenY - sey;
+ switch (ac) {
+ case 'ResizeW':
+ dx = x;
+ dw = 0 - x;
+ break;
+ case 'ResizeE':
+ dw = x;
+ break;
+ case 'ResizeN':
+ case 'ResizeNW':
+ case 'ResizeNE':
+ if (ac == "ResizeNW") {
+ dx = x;
+ dw = 0 - x;
+ } else if (ac == "ResizeNE")
+ dw = x;
+ dy = y;
+ dh = 0 - y;
+ break;
+ case 'ResizeS':
+ case 'ResizeSW':
+ case 'ResizeSE':
+ if (ac == "ResizeSW") {
+ dx = x;
+ dw = 0 - x;
+ } else if (ac == "ResizeSE")
+ dw = x;
+ dh = y;
+ break;
+ case 'mceMove':
+ dx = x;
+ dy = y;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Boundary check
+ if (dw < (v = w.features.min_width - sz.w)) {
+ if (dx !== 0)
+ dx += dw - v;
+ dw = v;
+ }
+ if (dh < (v = w.features.min_height - sz.h)) {
+ if (dy !== 0)
+ dy += dh - v;
+ dh = v;
+ }
+ dw = Math.min(dw, w.features.max_width - sz.w);
+ dh = Math.min(dh, w.features.max_height - sz.h);
+ dx = Math.max(dx, vp.x - (sx + vp.x));
+ dy = Math.max(dy, vp.y - (sy + vp.y));
+ dx = Math.min(dx, (vp.w + vp.x) - (sx + sz.w + vp.x));
+ dy = Math.min(dy, (vp.h + vp.y) - (sy + sz.h + vp.y));
+ // Move if needed
+ if (dx + dy !== 0) {
+ if (sx + dx < 0)
+ dx = 0;
+ if (sy + dy < 0)
+ dy = 0;
+ ph.moveTo(sx + dx, sy + dy);
+ }
+ // Resize if needed
+ if (dw + dh !== 0)
+ ph.resizeTo(sz.w + dw, sz.h + dh);
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ });
+ return Event.cancel(se);
+ },
+ resizeBy : function(dw, dh, id) {
+ var w = this.windows[id];
+ if (w) {
+ w.element.resizeBy(dw, dh);
+ w.iframeElement.resizeBy(dw, dh);
+ }
+ },
+ close : function(win, id) {
+ var t = this, w, d = DOM.doc, ix = 0, fw, id;
+ id = t._findId(id || win);
+ t.count--;
+ if (t.count == 0)
+ DOM.remove('mceModalBlocker');
+ // Probably not inline
+ if (!id && win) {
+ t.parent(win);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (w = t.windows[id]) {
+ t.onClose.dispatch(t);
+ Event.remove(d, 'mousedown', w.mousedownFunc);
+ Event.remove(d, 'click', w.clickFunc);
+ Event.clear(id);
+ Event.clear(id + '_ifr');
+ DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', 'javascript:""'); // Prevent leak
+ w.element.remove();
+ delete t.windows[id];
+ // Find front most window and focus that
+ each (t.windows, function(w) {
+ if (w.zIndex > ix) {
+ fw = w;
+ ix = w.zIndex;
+ }
+ });
+ if (fw)
+ t.focus(fw.id);
+ }
+ },
+ setTitle : function(w, ti) {
+ var e;
+ w = this._findId(w);
+ if (e = DOM.get(w + '_title'))
+ e.innerHTML = DOM.encode(ti);
+ },
+ alert : function(txt, cb, s) {
+ var t = this, w;
+ w = t.open({
+ title : t,
+ type : 'alert',
+ button_func : function(s) {
+ if (cb)
+ cb.call(s || t, s);
+ t.close(null, w.id);
+ },
+ content : DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt, txt)),
+ inline : 1,
+ width : 400,
+ height : 130
+ });
+ },
+ confirm : function(txt, cb, s) {
+ var t = this, w;
+ w = t.open({
+ title : t,
+ type : 'confirm',
+ button_func : function(s) {
+ if (cb)
+ cb.call(s || t, s);
+ t.close(null, w.id);
+ },
+ content : DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt, txt)),
+ inline : 1,
+ width : 400,
+ height : 130
+ });
+ },
+ // Internal functions
+ _findId : function(w) {
+ var t = this;
+ if (typeof(w) == 'string')
+ return w;
+ each(t.windows, function(wo) {
+ var ifr = DOM.get(wo.id + '_ifr');
+ if (ifr && w == ifr.contentWindow) {
+ w = wo.id;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return w;
+ },
+ _fixIELayout : function(id, s) {
+ var w, img;
+ if (!tinymce.isIE6)
+ return;
+ // Fixes the bug where hover flickers and does odd things in IE6
+ each(['n','s','w','e','nw','ne','sw','se'], function(v) {
+ var e = DOM.get(id + '_resize_' + v);
+ DOM.setStyles(e, {
+ width : s ? e.clientWidth : '',
+ height : s ? e.clientHeight : '',
+ cursor : DOM.getStyle(e, 'cursor', 1)
+ });
+ DOM.setStyle(id + "_bottom", 'bottom', '-1px');
+ e = 0;
+ });
+ // Fixes graphics glitch
+ if (w = this.windows[id]) {
+ // Fixes rendering bug after resize
+ w.element.hide();
+ w.element.show();
+ // Forced a repaint of the window
+ //DOM.get(id).style.filter = '';
+ // IE has a bug where images used in CSS won't get loaded
+ // sometimes when the cache in the browser is disabled
+ // This fix tries to solve it by loading the images using the image object
+ each(DOM.select('div,a', id), function(e, i) {
+ if (e.currentStyle.backgroundImage != 'none') {
+ img = new Image();
+ img.src = e.currentStyle.backgroundImage.replace(/url\(\"(.+)\"\)/, '$1');
+ }
+ });
+ DOM.get(id).style.filter = '';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Register plugin
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add('inlinepopups', tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups);
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/alert.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/alert.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94abd0876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/alert.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/button.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/button.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e671094cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/button.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/buttons.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/buttons.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6baf64ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/buttons.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/confirm.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/confirm.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..497307a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/confirm.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/corners.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/corners.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c894b2e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/corners.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/horizontal.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/horizontal.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2a2ad454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/horizontal.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/vertical.gif b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/vertical.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43a735f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/img/vertical.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/window.css b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/window.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..403692283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/skins/clearlooks2/window.css
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* Clearlooks 2 */
+/* Reset */
+.clearlooks2, .clearlooks2 div, .clearlooks2 span, .clearlooks2 a {vertical-align:baseline; text-align:left; position:absolute; border:0; padding:0; margin:0; background:transparent; font-family:Arial,Verdana; font-size:11px; color:#000; text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; width:auto; height:auto; overflow:hidden; display:block}
+/* General */
+.clearlooks2 {position:absolute; direction:ltr}
+.clearlooks2 .mceWrapper {position:static}
+.mceEventBlocker {position:absolute; left:0; top:0; background:url(img/horizontal.gif) no-repeat 0 -75px; width:100%; height:100%}
+.clearlooks2 .mcePlaceHolder {border:1px solid #000; background:#888; top:0; left:0; opacity:0.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50)}
+.clearlooks2_modalBlocker {position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%; background:#FFF; opacity:0.6; filter:alpha(opacity=60); display:none}
+/* Top */
+.clearlooks2 .mceTop, .clearlooks2 .mceTop div {top:0; width:100%; height:23px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceTop .mceLeft {width:6px; background:url(img/corners.gif)}
+.clearlooks2 .mceTop .mceCenter {right:6px; width:100%; height:23px; background:url(img/horizontal.gif) 12px 0; clip:rect(auto auto auto 12px)}
+.clearlooks2 .mceTop .mceRight {right:0; width:6px; height:23px; background:url(img/corners.gif) -12px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceTop span {width:100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; line-height:23px; font-weight:bold}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceTop .mceLeft {background:url(img/corners.gif) -6px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceTop .mceCenter {background:url(img/horizontal.gif) 0 -23px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceTop .mceRight {background:url(img/corners.gif) -18px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceTop span {color:#FFF}
+/* Middle */
+.clearlooks2 .mceMiddle, .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle div {top:0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMiddle {width:100%; height:100%; clip:rect(23px auto auto auto)}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceLeft {left:0; width:5px; height:100%; background:url(img/vertical.gif) -5px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMiddle span {top:23px; left:5px; width:100%; height:100%; background:#FFF}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceRight {right:0; width:5px; height:100%; background:url(img/vertical.gif)}
+/* Bottom */
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom, .clearlooks2 .mceBottom div {height:6px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom {left:0; bottom:0; width:100%}
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom div {top:0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceLeft {left:0; width:5px; background:url(img/corners.gif) -34px -6px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceCenter {left:5px; width:100%; background:url(img/horizontal.gif) 0 -46px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceRight {right:0; width:5px; background: url(img/corners.gif) -34px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceBottom span {display:none}
+.clearlooks2 .mceStatusbar .mceBottom, .clearlooks2 .mceStatusbar .mceBottom div {height:23px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceStatusbar .mceBottom .mceLeft {background:url(img/corners.gif) -29px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceStatusbar .mceBottom .mceCenter {background:url(img/horizontal.gif) 0 -52px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceStatusbar .mceBottom .mceRight {background:url(img/corners.gif) -24px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceStatusbar .mceBottom span {display:block; left:7px; font-family:Arial, Verdana; font-size:11px; line-height:23px}
+/* Actions */
+.clearlooks2 a {width:29px; height:16px; top:3px;}
+.clearlooks2 .mceClose {right:6px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -87px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMin {display:none; right:68px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) 0 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMed {display:none; right:37px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -29px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMax {display:none; right:37px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -58px 0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMove {display:none;width:100%;cursor:move;background:url(img/corners.gif) no-repeat -100px -100px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMovable .mceMove {display:block}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceClose {right:6px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -87px -16px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceMin {right:68px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) 0 -16px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceMed {right:37px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -29px -16px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceMax {right:37px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -58px -16px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceClose:hover {right:6px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -87px -32px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceClose:hover {right:6px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -87px -32px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceMin:hover {right:68px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) 0 -32px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceMed:hover {right:37px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -29px -32px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceMax:hover {right:37px; background:url(img/buttons.gif) -58px -32px}
+/* Resize */
+.clearlooks2 .mceResize {top:auto; left:auto; display:none; width:5px; height:5px; background:url(img/horizontal.gif) no-repeat 0 -75px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceResizable .mceResize {display:block}
+.clearlooks2 .mceResizable .mceMin, .clearlooks2 .mceMax {display:none}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMinimizable .mceMin {display:block}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMaximizable .mceMax {display:block}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMaximized .mceMed {display:block}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMaximized .mceMax {display:none}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeN {top:0; left:0; width:100%; cursor:n-resize}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeNW {top:0; left:0; cursor:nw-resize}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeNE {top:0; right:0; cursor:ne-resize}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeW {top:0; left:0; height:100%; cursor:w-resize;}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeE {top:0; right:0; height:100%; cursor:e-resize}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeS {bottom:0; left:0; width:100%; cursor:s-resize}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeSW {bottom:0; left:0; cursor:sw-resize}
+.clearlooks2 a.mceResizeSE {bottom:0; right:0; cursor:se-resize}
+/* Alert/Confirm */
+.clearlooks2 .mceButton {font-weight:bold; bottom:10px; width:80px; height:30px; background:url(img/button.gif); line-height:30px; vertical-align:middle; text-align:center; outline:0}
+.clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceIcon {left:15px; top:35px; width:32px; height:32px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceAlert .mceMiddle span, .clearlooks2 .mceConfirm .mceMiddle span {background:transparent;left:60px; top:35px; width:320px; height:50px; font-weight:bold; overflow:auto; white-space:normal}
+.clearlooks2 a:hover {font-weight:bold;}
+.clearlooks2 .mceAlert .mceMiddle, .clearlooks2 .mceConfirm .mceMiddle {background:#D6D7D5}
+.clearlooks2 .mceAlert .mceOk {left:50%; top:auto; margin-left: -40px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceAlert .mceIcon {background:url(img/alert.gif)}
+.clearlooks2 .mceConfirm .mceOk {left:50%; top:auto; margin-left: -90px}
+.clearlooks2 .mceConfirm .mceCancel {left:50%; top:auto}
+.clearlooks2 .mceConfirm .mceIcon {background:url(img/confirm.gif)} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/template.htm b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/template.htm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9ec64219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/template.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
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+<title>Template for dialogs</title>
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+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <span>Content</span>
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+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <div class="clearlooks2" style="width:400px; height:100px; left:420px; top:230px;">
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+ <span>Blurred, Maximizable, Statusbar, Resizable</span>
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+ <span>Content</span>
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+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <div class="clearlooks2" style="width:400px; height:100px; left:10px; top:340px;">
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+ <span>Maximized, Maximizable, Minimizable</span>
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+ <span>Content</span>
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+ </div>
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+ <div class="mceCenter"></div>
+ <div class="mceRight"></div>
+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <div class="clearlooks2" style="width:400px; height:100px; left:420px; top:340px;">
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+ <div class="mceCenter"></div>
+ <div class="mceRight"></div>
+ <span>Statusbar text.</span>
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+ <div class="mceRight"></div>
+ <span>Alert</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="mceMiddle">
+ <div class="mceLeft"></div>
+ <span>
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ </span>
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+ <div class="mceIcon"></div>
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+ <a class="mceClose" href="#"></a>
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+ <div class="mceRight"></div>
+ <span>Confirm</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="mceMiddle">
+ <div class="mceLeft"></div>
+ <span>
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ This is a very long error message. This is a very long error message.
+ </span>
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+ <div class="mceIcon"></div>
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+ <a class="mceButton mceOk" href="#">Ok</a>
+ <a class="mceButton mceCancel" href="#">Cancel</a>
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