path: root/mod/thewire
diff options
authorSem <sembrestels@riseup.net>2012-01-14 01:28:21 +0100
committerSem <sembrestels@riseup.net>2012-01-14 01:28:21 +0100
commit6b5c3f11ac70fa8ccc08cbdfe905713c8e3d9849 (patch)
treefa15264f2d513bba57e2c3da2c94ba04c29c9855 /mod/thewire
parent46d1727f0e6e5dc32fa703157879be9ff65240be (diff)
Moved all files to languages folder.
for file in *; do mv $file/languages/es.php ../languages/es.$file.php; done
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/thewire')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/mod/thewire/languages/es.php b/mod/thewire/languages/es.php
deleted file mode 100644
index edddf297f..000000000
--- a/mod/thewire/languages/es.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-$spanish = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'thewire' => "Tweets",
- 'thewire:everyone' => "Todos los tweets",
- 'thewire:user' => "Tweets de %s",
- 'thewire:friends' => "Tweets de amigos",
- 'thewire:reply' => "Responder",
- 'thewire:replying' => "Responder a %s (@%s) quien escribe",
- 'thewire:thread' => "Debate",
- 'thewire:charleft' => "caracteres restantes",
- 'thewire:tags' => "Tweets que coinciden con el tag '%s'",
- 'thewire:noposts' => "No hay tweets a&uacute;n",
- 'item:object:thewire' => "Tweets",
- 'thewire:update' => 'Actualizar',
- 'thewire:previous' => "Anterior",
- 'thewire:hide' => "Ocultar",
- 'thewire:previous:help' => "Ver publicaci&oacute;n anterior",
- 'thewire:hide:help' => "Ocultar publicaci&oacute;n anterior",
- /**
- * The wire river
- */
- 'river:create:object:thewire' => "%s public&oacute; un nuevo %s",
- 'thewire:wire' => 'tweet',
- /**
- * Wire widget
- */
- 'thewire:widget:desc' => 'Mostrar tus &uacute;ltimos tweets',
- 'thewire:num' => 'Cantidad de comentarios a mostrar',
- 'thewire:moreposts' => 'M&aacute;s tweets',
- /**
- * Status messages
- */
- 'thewire:posted' => "El mensaje se public&oacute; correctamente.",
- 'thewire:deleted' => "El mensaje se elimin&oacute; correctamente.",
- 'thewire:blank' => "Debe ingresar contenido para poder publicar.",
- 'thewire:notfound' => "Lo sentimos, no se pudo encontrar la publicaci&oacute;n solicitada.",
- 'thewire:notdeleted' => "Lo sentimos, no se pudo eliminar el tweet.",
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
- 'thewire:notify:subject' => "Nuevo tweet",
- 'thewire:notify:reply' => '%s respondi&oacute; a %s con un tweet:',
- 'thewire:notify:post' => '%s public&oacute; un nuevo tweet:',