path: root/actions/videolist/tubesearch.php
diff options
authorSem <sembrestels@riseup.net>2011-11-06 01:30:19 +0100
committerSem <sembrestels@riseup.net>2011-11-06 01:30:19 +0100
commitc2a680f932b589ada25a5c4c95523ffe07976b79 (patch)
treea00bef321918ea9cd567a3a4759805ab16912e08 /actions/videolist/tubesearch.php
parentd7ac68a7db932618c051442210614b9b6484c702 (diff)
Reordered actions (deleted some).
Diffstat (limited to 'actions/videolist/tubesearch.php')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actions/videolist/tubesearch.php b/actions/videolist/tubesearch.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..761bbb41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actions/videolist/tubesearch.php
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ * Elgg Video Plugin
+ * This plugin allows users to create a library of youtube/vimeo/metacafe videos
+ * @file - allows search for video from vimeo/youtube/and metacafe
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Prateek Choudhary <synapticfield@gmail.com>
+ * @copyright Prateek Choudhary
+ */
+// Get the current page's owner
+$page_ownerx = get_entity(get_input('container'));
+if(!$page_ownerx) {
+ $page_ownerx = get_user_by_username(get_input('container'));
+$page_owner = page_owner_entity();
+if($page_owner->type == "group") {
+ $container = "group:".$page_ownerx->getGUID();
+} else {
+ $container = $page_ownerx->username;
+if ($page_owner === false || is_null($page_owner)) {
+ $page_owner = $_SESSION['user'];
+ set_page_owner($_SESSION['guid']);
+$queryFeed = get_input('q');
+$start_index = get_input('start_index');
+$results_perpage = 10;
+$queryCatgory = get_input('page');
+if (!isset($queryFeed) || empty($queryFeed)) {
+} else {
+ $q = $queryFeed;
+ if($queryCatgory == "youtube") {
+ $feedURL = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?vq=".$queryFeed."&orderby=relevance&start-index=".$start_index."&max-results=10";
+ $sxml = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);
+ $counts = $sxml->children('http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/');
+ $total = $counts->totalResults;
+ $startOffset = $counts->startIndex;
+ $endOffset = ($startOffset-1) + $counts->itemsPerPage;
+ $body = '<div class="pagination">';
+ $rem = floor($total/10);
+ $rem*=10;
+ if($rem<$total)
+ $last = $rem+1;
+ $lpVid = $total - $rem;
+ if($startOffset==1 && ($endOffset)==$total){}
+ else if($startOffset==1 && ($endOffset)<$total){
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($endOffset+1).');">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.$last.');">last</a>';
+ }
+ else if($startOffset>1 && ($endOffset)<$total){
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest(1);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($startOffset-10).');">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($endOffset+1).');">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.$last.');">last</a>';
+ }
+ else if($startOffset>1 && ($endOffset+$lpVid)>=$total){
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest(1);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($startOffset-10).');">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">last</a>';
+ }
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ $body .= '<div id="videosearch_results">';
+ $k = 0;$counter = 0;
+ foreach ($sxml->entry as $entry) {
+ $k++;
+ $media = $entry->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
+ $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes();
+ $watch = $attrs['url'];
+ $vid_array = explode("?v=", $watch);
+ if(preg_match("/&/", $vid_array[1])){
+ $vid_array = explode("&", $vid_array[1]);
+ $vid_array[1] = $vid_array[0];
+ }
+ $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes();
+ $thumbnail = $attrs['url'];
+ $yt = $media->children('http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007');
+ $attrs = $yt->duration->attributes();
+ $length = $attrs['seconds'];
+ $gd = $entry->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005');
+ if ($gd->rating) {
+ $attrs = $gd->rating->attributes();
+ $rating = $attrs['average'];
+ } else {
+ $rating = 0;
+ }
+ $tags = array();
+ $tags[] = $media->group->keywords;
+ $showEncodedVideo = preg_replace('/(http:)(\/\/)(www.)([^ \/"]*)([^ >"]*)watch\?(v=)([^ >"]*)/i', '$1$2$3$4$5v/$7', $watch);
+ $body .= '<div class="video_entity clearfloat"><table id="parentTab" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
+ $body .= '<tr class="searchvideorow">';
+ $body .= '<td class="tabcellText" width="15%">';
+ $body .= "<span><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"showV_idFeed('".$showEncodedVideo."', ".$k.")\"><img src=\"".$thumbnail."\" width=\"90%\" height=\"90%\"/></a></span>";
+ $body .= '<div id="vidContainer'.$k.'" class="video_popup"></div></td>';
+ $body .= '<td class="tabcellDesc" width="60%">';
+ $body .= "<p class='entity_title'><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"showV_idFeed('".$showEncodedVideo."', ".$k.")\">".$media->group->title."</a></p>";
+ $body .= "<p class='entity_subtext'><b>Duration : </b>" . sprintf("%0.2f", $length/60) . " min.<br /><b>user rating : </b>".$rating."<br/>";
+ $body .= "<b>Description : </b>".substr($media->group->description, 0, 140)." ...</p>";
+ $body .= '</td>';
+ $body .= "<td class='video_actions'><a class='action_button small' onclick=\"javascript:showV_idFeed('".$showEncodedVideo."', ".$k.")\">".elgg_echo('videolist:play:video')."</a> <a class='action_button small' href=\"".elgg_get_site_url()."videolist/new/".$container."/title_videourl/".$vid_array[1]."/page/".$queryCatgory."\">".elgg_echo('videolist:add:video')."</a></td>";
+ $body .= '</tr>';
+ $body .= '</table></div>';
+ }
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ print $body;
+ } else if($queryCatgory == "metacafe") {
+ $feedURL = "http://www.metacafe.com/api/videos/?vq=".$queryFeed."&orderby=rating&start-index=".$start_index."&max-results=10";
+ $sxml = new DomDocument;
+ $sxml->load($feedURL);
+ $total = 999;
+ $startOffset = $start_index;
+ $endOffset = ($startOffset-1) + $results_perpage;
+ $body = '<div class="pagination">';
+ $rem = floor($total/10);
+ $rem*=10;
+ if($rem<$total) {
+ $last = $rem+1;
+ }
+ $lpVid = $total - $rem;
+ if($startOffset==1 && ($endOffset)==$total) {
+ } else if($startOffset==1 && ($endOffset)<$total){
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($endOffset+1).');">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.$last.');">last</a>';
+ } else if($startOffset>1 && ($endOffset)<$total) {
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest(1);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($startOffset-10).');">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($endOffset+1).');">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.$last.');">last</a>';
+ } else if($startOffset>1 && ($endOffset+$lpVid)>=$total) {
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest(1);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($startOffset-10).');">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">last</a>';
+ }
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ $k = 0;
+ $body .= '<div id="videosearch_results">';
+ $myitem = $sxml->getElementsByTagName('item');
+ foreach($myitem as $searchNode) {
+ $k++;
+ $xmlTitle = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("title");
+ $valueTitle = $xmlTitle->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $xmlLink = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("link");
+ $valueLink = $xmlLink->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $xmlDesc = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("description");
+ $valueDesc = $xmlDesc->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+src[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ if(preg_match($pattern,$valueDesc,$match)){
+ $thumbnail = $match[1];
+ }
+ $pattern = '/<a[^>]+href[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ if(preg_match($pattern,$valueDesc,$match)){
+ $anchor_src = $match[1];
+ }
+ $encodedVideoUrlArray = explode("/watch/", $valueLink);
+ $showEncodedVideo = $encodedVideoUrlArray[1];
+ $metacafevideoIdArray = explode("/", $showEncodedVideo);
+ $ot = "<p>";
+ $ct = "</p>";
+ $string = trim($valueDesc);
+ $start = intval(strpos($string, $ot) + strlen($ot));
+ $desc_src = substr($string,$start,intval(strpos($string,$ct) - $start));
+ $body .= '<div class="video_entity clearfloat">';
+ $body .= '<table id="parentTab" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
+ $body .= '<tr class="searchvideorow">';
+ $body .= '<td class="tabcellText" width="15%">';
+ $body .= "<span><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"showV_idFeedMetacafe('".$showEncodedVideo."', ".$k.")\"><img src=\"".$thumbnail."\" width=\"90%\" height=\"90%\"/></a></span>";
+ $body .= '<div id="vidContainer'.$k.'" class="video_popup"></div></td>';
+ $body .= '<td class="tabcellDesc" width="60%">';
+ $body .= "<p class='entity_title'><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"showV_idFeedMetacafe('".$showEncodedVideo."', ".$k.")\">".$valueTitle."</a></p>";
+ $body .= "<p class='entity_subtext'><b>Description : </b>".$desc_src."</p>";
+ $body .= '</td>';
+ $body .= "<td class='video_actions'><a class='action_button small' onclick=\"javascript:showV_idFeedMetacafe('".$showEncodedVideo."', ".$k.")\">".elgg_echo('videolist:play:video')."</a> <a class='action_button small' href=\"".elgg_get_site_url()."videolist/new/".$container."/title_videourl/".$metacafevideoIdArray[0]."/page/".$queryCatgory."\">".elgg_echo('videolist:add:video')."</a></td>";
+ $body .= '</tr>';
+ $body .= '</table>';
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ }
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ print $body;
+ } else if($queryCatgory == "vimeo") {
+ require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/models/lib/class.vimeo.php");
+ // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
+ $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::search($queryFeed);
+ // We want the result videos as an array of objects
+ $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideos();
+ // Just for code completion
+ $oVideo = new VimeoVideoEntity();
+ $total = count($aoVideos);
+ $startOffset = $start_index;
+ $endOffset = ($startOffset-1) + $results_perpage;
+ $body = '<div class="pagination">';
+ $rem = floor($total/10);
+ $rem*=10;
+ if($rem<$total) {
+ $last = $rem+1;
+ }
+ $lpVid = $total - $rem;
+ if($startOffset==1 && ($endOffset)==$total) {
+ } else if($startOffset==1 && ($endOffset)<$total) {
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($endOffset+1).');">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.$last.');">last</a>';
+ } else if($startOffset>1 && ($endOffset)<$total) {
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest(1);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($startOffset-10).');">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($endOffset+1).');">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.$last.');">last</a>';
+ } else if($startOffset>1 && ($endOffset+$lpVid)>=$total) {
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest(1);">first</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:sendSearchRequest('.($startOffset-10).');">previous</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">next</a> | ';
+ $body .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);">last</a>';
+ }
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ $body .= '<div id="videosearch_results">';
+ $counter = 0;$k = 0;
+ foreach($aoVideos as $oVideo) {
+ $k++;
+ if(($counter > $startOffset) && ($counter < $endOffset)) {
+ //get all thumbnails
+ $aThumbnails = array();
+ foreach($oVideo->getThumbnails() as $oThumbs) {
+ $aThumbnails[] = $oThumbs->getImageContent();
+ }
+ foreach($aThumbnails as $thumbnailArray){
+ $thumbnail = $thumbnailArray;
+ break;
+ }
+ //print_r($oVideo);
+ $title = $oVideo->getTitle();
+ $description = $oVideo->getCaption();
+ $url = $oVideo->getUrl();
+ $rating = $oVideo->getNumberOfLikes();
+ $playedTimes = $oVideo->getNumberOfPlays();
+ // Print all tags
+ $aTags = array();
+ foreach($oVideo->getTags() as $oTag) {
+ $aTags[] = $oTag->getTag();
+ }
+ $play_idArray = explode("http://vimeo.com/", $url);
+ $embedidArray = explode("/", $play_idArray[1]);
+ $body .= '<div class="video_entity clearfloat">';
+ $body .= '<table id="parentTab" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
+ $body .= '<tr class="searchvideorow">';
+ $body .= '<td class="tabcellText" width="15%">';
+ $body .= "<span><a href=\"javascript:showV_idFeedVimeo('".$embedidArray[0]."', ".$k.")\"><img src=\"".$thumbnail."\" width=\"90%\" height=\"90%\"/></a></span>";
+ $body .= '<div id="vidContainer'.$k.'" class="video_popup"></div></td>';
+ $body .= '<td class="tabcellDesc" width="60%">';
+ $body .= "<p class='entity_title'><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"javascript:showV_idFeedVimeo('".$embedidArray[0]."', ".$k.")\">".$title."</a></p>";
+ $body .= "<p class='entity_subtext'><b>User Likes : </b>".$rating."<br/>";
+ $body .= "<b>Played : </b>".$playedTimes." times<br/>";
+ $body .= "<b>Description : </b>".$description." ...<br/>";
+ $body .= "<b>Tags : </b>".implode(', ', $aTags)."</p>";
+ $body .= '</td>';
+ $body .= "<td class='video_actions'><a class='action_button small' onclick=\"javascript:showV_idFeedVimeo('".$embedidArray[0]."', ".$k.")\">".elgg_echo('videolist:play:video')."</a> <a class='action_button small' href=\"".elgg_get_site_url()."videolist/new/".$container."/title_videourl/".$embedidArray[0]."/page/".$queryCatgory."\">".elgg_echo('videolist:add:video')."</a></td>";
+ $body .= '</tr>';
+ $body .= '</table>';
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ }
+ $body .= '</div>';
+ print $body;
+ }