diff options
authorCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2009-07-03 01:43:30 +0000
committerCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2009-07-03 01:43:30 +0000
commit0f7a79ee3ff8b6ade335bfb4ce9d4f8b62c2c3c0 (patch)
parent4ef110ba8214ab16277a03ab4439df4ec3b03ab9 (diff)
languages updated for slideshow (Tidypics 1.7)
2 files changed, 57 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/languages/de.php b/languages/de.php
index 582590c7f..f1723131c 100644
--- a/languages/de.php
+++ b/languages/de.php
@@ -9,16 +9,19 @@
$german = array(
// Menu items and titles
'image' => "Bild",
'images' => "Bilder",
'caption' => "Untertitel",
'photos' => "Photos",
'images:upload' => "Bilder hochladen",
+ 'images:multiupload' => "Flash Multi Upload Tool",
+ 'images:multiupload:todo' => "Ein oder mehrere Bilder zum Hochladen wählen!",
'album' => "Fotoalbum",
'albums' => "Fotoalben",
+ 'album:slideshow' => "Diashow ansehen",
'album:yours' => "Deine Fotoalben",
'album:yours:friends' => "Fotoalben von Freunden",
'album:user' => "Fotoalben von %s",
@@ -28,11 +31,11 @@
'item:object:image' => "Photos",
'item:object:album' => "Alben",
'tidypics:settings:maxfilesize' => "Maximale Dateigröße in Kilobytes (KB):",
- 'tidypics:enablephotos' => "Erlaube Gruppen-Galerie",
+ 'tidypics:enablephotos' => "Erlaube Gruppen-Galerie",
'tidypics:editprops' => "Bildeigenschaften Bearbeiten",
'album:create' => "Neues Album",
'album:add' => "Fotoalbum hinzufügen",
'album:addpix' => "Fotos hinzufügen",
@@ -42,18 +45,18 @@
'image:edit' => "Bild bearbeiten",
'image:delete' => "Bild löschen",
'image:download' => "Bild herunterladen",
'album:title' => "Titel",
'album:desc' => "Beschreibung",
'album:tags' => "Stichwörter",
'album:cover' => "Albumcover erstellen?",
'album:cover:yes' => "Ja",
'image:access:note' => "Info: Zugriffsberechtigung wird vom Album übernommen",
- //views
+ //views
'image:total' => "Bilder im Album:",
'image:by' => "Bild hinzugefügt von",
'album:by' => "Album erstellt von:",
@@ -61,22 +64,22 @@
'image:none' => "Noch keine Bilder hinzugefügt.",
'image:back' => "Zurück",
'image:next' => "Weiter",
'album:widget' => "Fotoalben",
'album:more' => "Alle Alben ansehen",
'album:widget:description' => "Zeige Deine neuesten Fotoalben",
'album:display:number' => "Anzahl der Alben, die angezeigt werden sollen",
'album:num_albums' => "Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Alben",
// river
'image:river:created' => "%s hat hochgeladen:",
'image:river:item' => "ein Bild",
'image:river:annotate' => "%s kommentierte",
'album:river:created' => "%s erstellte",
'album:river:item' => "ein Album",
@@ -85,14 +88,14 @@
'tidypics:newalbum' => 'Neues Foto-Album',
// Status messages
'image:saved' => "Dein Bild wurde gespeichert.",
'images:saved' => "Alle Bilder wurden gespeichert.",
'image:deleted' => "Dein Bild wurde gelöscht.",
'image:delete:confirm' => "Willst du das Bild wirklich löschen?",
'images:edited' => "Dein Bild wurde aktualisiert.",
'album:edited' => "Dein Album wurde aktualisiert.",
'album:saved' => "Dein Album wurde gespeichert.",
@@ -100,22 +103,22 @@
'album:delete:confirm' => "Willst du das Album wirklich löschen?",
'album:created' => "Ihr neues Album ist hergestellt worden.",
'tidypics:status:processing' => "Warten Sie bitte, während wir verarbeiten Ihre Abbildung....",
//Error messages
'image:none' => "Kein Bilder gefunden.",
'image:uploadfailed' => "Dateien konnten nicht hochgeladen werden:",
'image:deletefailed' => "Bild konnte nicht gelöscht werden.",
'image:downloadfailed' => "Dieses Bild ist nicht diesmal vorhanden.",
'image:notimage' => 'Wir akzeptieren nur jpeg, gif, und png Dateien der erlaubten Dateigröße an.',
'images:notedited' => 'Nicht alle Bilder konnten hochgeladen werden',
'album:none' => "Keine Alben gefunden.",
'album:uploadfailed' => "Dein Album konnte nicht gespeichert werden.",
'album:deletefailed' => "Dein Album konnte nicht gelöscht werden.",
'album:blank' => "Gib diesem Album einen Titel und eine Beschreibung bitte."
diff --git a/languages/en.php b/languages/en.php
index 360de8b87..114fa3eff 100644
--- a/languages/en.php
+++ b/languages/en.php
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
$english = array(
// Menu items and titles
'image' => "Image",
'images' => "Images",
'caption' => "Caption",
'photos' => "Photos",
'images:upload' => "Upload Images",
+ 'images:multiupload' => "Flash Multi Upload Tool",
+ 'images:multiupload:todo' => "Choose one or more files for upload.",
'album' => "Photo Album",
'albums' => "Photo Albums",
+ 'album:slideshow' => "View Slideshow",
'album:yours' => "Your photo albums",
'album:yours:friends' => "Friends' photo albums",
'album:user' => "%s's photo albums",
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@
'tidypics:viewsbyothers' => "Views: %s (%s by you)",
'tidypics:administration' => 'Tidypics Administration',
'tidypics:stats' => 'Stats',
'tidypics:settings' => 'Settings',
'tidypics:admin:instructions' => 'These are the core Tidypics settings. Change them for your setup and then click save.',
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@
'tidypics:settings:thumbsize' => "Thumbnail image size",
'album:create' => "Create new album",
'album:add' => "Add Photo Album",
'album:addpix' => "Add photos to album",
@@ -73,17 +76,17 @@
'image:edit' => "Edit image",
'image:delete' => "Delete image",
'image:download' => "Download image",
'album:title' => "Title",
'album:desc' => "Description",
'album:tags' => "Tags",
'album:cover' => "Make image album cover?",
'tidypics:quota' => "Quota usage:",
- //views
+ //views
'image:total' => "Images in album:",
'image:by' => "Image added by",
'album:by' => "Album created by",
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@
'image:none' => "No images have been added yet.",
'image:back' => "Previous",
'image:next' => "Next",
// tagging
'tidypics:taginstruct' => 'Select area that you want to tag',
'tidypics:deltag_title' => 'Select tags to delete',
@@ -106,44 +109,44 @@
'tidypics:phototagging:success' => 'Photo tag was successfully added',
'tidypics:phototagging:error' => 'Unexpected error occurred during tagging',
'tidypics:deletetag:success' => 'Selected tags were successfully deleted',
'tidypics:posted' => 'posted a photo:',
'album:widget' => "Photo Albums",
'album:more' => "View all albums",
'album:widget:description' => "Showcase your latest photo albums",
'album:display:number' => "Number of albums to display",
'album:num_albums' => "Number of albums to display",
// river
'image:river:created' => "%s added the image %s to album %s",
'image:river:item' => "an image",
'image:river:annotate' => "a comment on the image",
'album:river:created' => "%s created a new photo album",
'album:river:group' => "in the group",
'album:river:item' => "an album",
'album:river:annotate' => "a comment on the photo album",
// notifications
'tidypics:newalbum' => 'New photo album',
// Status messages
'tidypics:upl_success' => "Your images uploaded successfully.",
'image:saved' => "Your image was successfully saved.",
'images:saved' => "All images were successfully saved.",
'image:deleted' => "Your image was successfully deleted.",
'image:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this image?",
'images:edited' => "Your images were successfully updated.",
'album:edited' => "Your album was successfully updated.",
'album:saved' => "Your album was successfully saved.",
@@ -151,11 +154,11 @@
'album:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this album?",
'album:created' => "Your new album has been created.",
'tidypics:settings:save:ok' => 'Successfully saved the Tidypics plugin settings',
'tidypics:upgrade:success' => 'Upgrade of Tidypics a success',
//Error messages
'tidypics:partialuploadfailure' => "There were errors uploading some of the images (%s of %s images).",
'tidypics:completeuploadfailure' => "Upload of images failed.",
'tidypics:exceedpostlimit' => "Too many large images - try to upload fewer or smaller images.",
@@ -170,14 +173,14 @@
'tidypics:nosettings' => "Admin of this site has not set photo album settings.",
'tidypics:exceed_quota' => "You have exceeded the quota set by the administrator",
'images:notedited' => "Not all images were successfully updated",
'album:none' => "No albums have been created yet.",
'album:uploadfailed' => "Sorry; we could not save your album.",
'album:deletefailed' => "Your album could not be deleted at this time.",
'album:blank' => "Please give this album a title and description.",
'tidypics:upgrade:failed' => "The upgrade of Tidypics failed",
?> \ No newline at end of file