path: root/doc/s6/jquery.slideshow.js
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2016-05-14 09:51:13 -0300
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2016-05-14 09:51:13 -0300
commitc0accb84196d996d4ddc66d1c02b7e7cc3ed9765 (patch)
treed996f86e90ebf19b335349b90b64133d8d8fcddc /doc/s6/jquery.slideshow.js
parent342686e80dd37d3f18fed7dbb27c0feb31f087e6 (diff)
Slides location
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/s6/jquery.slideshow.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/doc/s6/jquery.slideshow.js b/doc/s6/jquery.slideshow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d6c560..0000000
--- a/doc/s6/jquery.slideshow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-var Slideshow = {};
- * lets you define your own "global" transition function
- * passes in a reference to from and to slide wrapped in jQuery wrapper
- */
-Slideshow.transition = function( $from, $to ) {
- // $from.hide();
- // $to.show();
- $from.hide('fast');
- $to.show('fast');
- * sample custom transition using scrollUp effect
- * inspired by Karl Swedberg's Scroll Up Headline Reader jQuery Tutorial[1]
- * [1] http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Scroll_Up_Headline_Reader
- */
-function transitionSlideUpSlideDown( $from, $to ) {
- $from.slideUp( 500, function() { $to.slideDown( 1000 ); } );
-function transitionFadeOutFadeIn( $from, $to ) {
- $from.fadeOut( 500 );
- $to.fadeIn( 500 );
-function transitionScrollUp( $from, $to ) {
- var cheight = $from.outerHeight();
- // hide scrollbar during animation
- $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow-y', 'hidden' );
- $to.css( 'top', cheight+'px' );
- $to.show();
- $from.animate( {top: -cheight}, 'slow' );
- $to.animate( {top: 0}, 'slow', function() {
- $from.hide().css( 'top', '0px');
- // restore possible scrollbar
- $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow-y', 'auto' );
- });
-Slideshow.init = function( options ) {
- var settings = $.extend({
- mode : 'slideshow', // slideshow | outline | autoplay
- projectionStyleId : '#styleProjection',
- screenStyleId : '#styleScreen',
- titleSelector : 'h1',
- slideSelector : '.slide', // dummy (not yet working)
- stepSelector : '.step', // dummy (not yet working)
- debug : false,
- change : null // todo: change to use a custom event and trigger
- }, options || {});
- settings.isProjection = true; // are we in projection (slideshow) mode (in contrast to screen (outline) mode)?
- settings.snum = 1; // current slide # (non-zero based index e.g. starting with 1)
- settings.smax = 1; // max number of slides
- settings.incpos = 0; // current step in slide
- settings.steps = null;
- settings.autoplayInterval = null;
- function debug( msg )
- {
- if( settings.debug && window.console && window.console.log )
- window.console.log( '[debug] ' + msg );
- }
- function showHide( action )
- {
- var $navLinks = $( '#navLinks' )
- switch( action ) {
- case 's': $navLinks.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); break;
- case 'h': $navLinks.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); break;
- case 'c': /* toggle control panel */
- if( $navLinks.css( 'visibility' ) != 'visible' )
- $navLinks.css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
- else
- $navLinks.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
- break;
- }
- }
- function updateCurrentSlideCounter()
- {
- $( '#currentSlide' ).html( settings.snum + '/' + settings.smax );
- }
- function updateJumpList()
- {
- $('#jumplist').get(0).selectedIndex = (settings.snum-1);
- }
- function updatePermaLink()
- {
- // todo: unify hash marks??; use #1 for div ids instead of #slide1?
- window.location.hash = '#'+settings.snum;
- }
- function goTo( target )
- {
- if( target > settings.smax || target == settings.snum ) return;
- go( target - settings.snum );
- }
- function go( dir )
- {
- debug( 'go: ' + dir );
- if( dir == 0 ) return; /* same slide; nothing to do */
- var cid = '#slide' + settings.snum; /* current slide (selector) id */
- var csteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; /* current slide steps array */
- /* remove all step and stepcurrent classes from current slide */
- if( csteps.length > 0) {
- $( csteps ).each( function() {
- $(this).removeClass( 'step' ).removeClass( 'stepcurrent' );
- } );
- }
- /* set snum to next slide */
- settings.snum += dir;
- if( settings.snum > settings.smax ) settings.snum = settings.smax;
- if( settings.snum < 1 ) settings.snum = 1;
- var nid = '#slide' + settings.snum; /* next slide (selector) id */
- var nsteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; /* next slide steps array */
- if( dir < 0 ) /* go backwards? */
- {
- settings.incpos = nsteps.length;
- /* mark last step as current step */
- if( nsteps.length > 0 )
- $( nsteps[settings.incpos-1] ).addClass( 'stepcurrent' );
- }
- else /* go forwards? */
- {
- settings.incpos = 0;
- if( nsteps.length > 0 ) {
- $( nsteps ).each( function() {
- $(this).addClass( 'step' ).removeClass( 'stepcurrent' );
- } );
- }
- }
- if( !(cid == nid) ) {
- debug( "transition from " + cid + " to " + nid );
- Slideshow.transition( $( cid ), $( nid ) );
- }
- updateJumpList();
- updateCurrentSlideCounter();
- updatePermaLink();
- if (settings.change) { settings.change(); }
- function subgo( dir )
- {
- debug( 'subgo: ' + dir + ', incpos before: ' + settings.incpos + ', after: ' + (settings.incpos+dir) );
- var csteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; /* current slide steps array */
- if( dir > 0)
- { /* go forward? */
- if( settings.incpos > 0 )
- $( csteps[settings.incpos-1] ).removeClass( 'stepcurrent' );
- $( csteps[settings.incpos] ).removeClass( 'step').addClass( 'stepcurrent' );
- settings.incpos++;
- }
- else
- { /* go backwards? */
- settings.incpos--;
- $( csteps[settings.incpos] ).removeClass( 'stepcurrent' ).addClass( 'step' );
- if( settings.incpos > 0 )
- $( csteps[settings.incpos-1] ).addClass( 'stepcurrent' );
- }
-function notOperaFix()
- $( settings.projectionStyleId ).attr( 'media','screen' );
- var styleScreen = $( settings.screenStyleId ).get(0);
- styleScreen.disabled = true;
-function toggle()
- // toggle between projection (slide show) mode
- // and screen (outline) mode
- // get stylesheets
- var styleProjection = $( settings.projectionStyleId ).get(0);
- var styleScreen = $( settings.screenStyleId ).get(0);
- if( !styleProjection.disabled )
- {
- styleProjection.disabled = true;
- styleScreen.disabled = false;
- settings.isProjection = false;
- $('.slide').each( function() { $(this).show(); } );
- }
- else
- {
- styleProjection.disabled = false;
- styleScreen.disabled = true;
- settings.isProjection = true;
- $('.slide').each( function(i) {
- if( i == (settings.snum-1) )
- $(this).show();
- else
- $(this).hide();
- });
- }
- function populateJumpList() {
- var list = $('#jumplist').get(0);
- $( '.slide' ).each( function(i) {
- var text = $(this).find( settings.titleSelector ).text();
- list.options[list.length] = new Option( (i+1)+' : '+ text, (i+1) );
- });
- }
- function createControls()
- {
- // todo: make layout into an id (not class?)
- // do we need or allow more than one element?
- // if no div.layout exists, create one
- if( $( '.layout' ).length == 0 )
- $( "<div class='layout'></div>").appendTo( 'body' );
- $( '.layout' )
- .append( "<div id='controls'>" )
- .append( "<div id='currentSlide'>" );
- var $controls = $( '#controls' )
- $controls.html( '<div id="navLinks">'
- + '<a accesskey="t" id="toggle" href="#">&#216;<\/a>'
- + '<a accesskey="z" id="prev" href="#">&laquo;<\/a>'
- + '<a accesskey="x" id="next" href="#">&raquo;<\/a>'
- + '<div id="navList"><select id="jumplist" /><\/div>'
- + '<\/div>' );
- $controls.hover( function() { showHide('s') }, function() { showHide('h') });
- $('#toggle').click( function() { toggle(); } );
- $('#prev').click( function() { go(-1); } );
- $('#next').click( function() { go(1); } );
- $('#jumplist').change( function() { goTo( parseInt( $( '#jumplist' ).val() )); } );
- populateJumpList();
- updateCurrentSlideCounter();
- updatePermaLink();
- }
- function toggleSlideNumber()
- {
- // toggle slide number/counter
- $( '#currentSlide' ).toggle();
- }
- function toggleFooter()
- {
- $( '#footer').toggle();
- }
- function keys(key)
- {
- if (!key) {
- key = event;
- key.which = key.keyCode;
- }
- if (key.which == 84) {
- toggle(); // toggle between project and screen css media mode
- return;
- }
- if( settings.isProjection ) {
- switch (key.which) {
- case 32: // spacebar
- case 34: // page down
- case 39: // rightkey
- case 40: // downkey
- var csteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; /* current slide steps array */
- if ( !csteps || settings.incpos >= csteps.length ) {
- go(1);
- } else {
- subgo(1);
- }
- break;
- case 33: // page up
- case 37: // leftkey
- case 38: // upkey
- if( !settings.steps[settings.snum-1] || settings.incpos <= 0 ) {
- go(-1);
- } else {
- subgo(-1);
- }
- break;
- case 36: // home
- goTo(1);
- break;
- case 35: // end
- goTo(settings.smax);
- break;
- case 67: // c
- showHide('c'); // toggle controls (navlinks,navlist)
- break;
- case 65: //a
- case 80: //p
- case 83: //s
- toggleAutoplay();
- break;
- case 70: //f
- toggleFooter();
- break;
- case 78: // n
- toggleSlideNumber();
- break;
- case 68: // d
- toggleDebug();
- break;
- }
- }
-function autoplay()
- // suspend autoplay in outline view (just slideshow view)
- if( !settings.isProjection )
- return;
- // next slide/step, please
- var csteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; // current slide steps array
- if( !csteps || settings.incpos >= csteps.length ) {
- if( settings.snum >= settings.smax )
- goTo( 1 ); // reached end of show? start with 1st slide again (for endless cycle)
- else
- go(1);
- }
- else {
- subgo(1);
- }
-function toggleDebug()
- settings.debug = !settings.debug;
- doDebug();
-function doDebug()
- // fix/todo: save background into oldbackground
- // so we can restore later
- if( settings.debug == true )
- {
- $( '#header' ).css( 'background', '#FCC' );
- $( '#footer' ).css( 'background', '#CCF' );
- $( '#controls' ).css( 'background', '#BBD' );
- $( '#currentSlide' ).css( 'background', '#FFC' );
- }
- else
- {
- $( '#header' ).css( 'background', 'transparent' );
- $( '#footer' ).css( 'background', 'transparent' );
- $( '#controls' ).css( 'background', 'transparent' );
- $( '#currentSlide' ).css( 'background', 'transparent' );
- }
-function toggleAutoplay()
- if( settings.autoplayInterval )
- {
- clearInterval( settings.autoplayInterval );
- settings.autoplayInterval = null;
- }
- else
- {
- settings.autoplayInterval = setInterval ( autoplay, 2000 );
- }
-function collectStepsWorker(obj) {
- var steps = new Array();
- if( !obj )
- return steps;
- $(obj).children().each( function() {
- if( $(this).hasClass( 'step' ) ) {
- debug( 'step found for ' + this.tagName );
- $(this).removeClass( 'step' );
- /* don't add enclosing list; instead add step class to all list items/children */
- if( $(this).is( 'ol,ul' ) ) {
- debug( ' ol or ul found; adding auto steps' );
- $(this).children().addClass( 'step' );
- }
- else
- {
- steps.push( this )
- }
- }
- steps = steps.concat( collectStepsWorker(this) );
- });
- return steps;
-function collectSteps() {
- var steps = new Array();
- $slides.each( function(i) {
- debug ( 'collectSteps for ' + this.id + ':' );
- steps[i] = collectStepsWorker( this );
- });
- $( steps ).each( function(i) {
- debug( 'slide ' + (i+1) + ': found ' + this.length + ' steps' );
- });
- return steps;
-function addClicker() {
- // if you click on heading of slide -> go to next slide (or next step)
- $( settings.titleSelector, $slides ).click( function( ev ) {
- if(ev.which != 1) return; // only process left clicks (e.g 1; middle and rightclick use 2 and 3)
- if( !settings.isProjection ) // suspend clicker in outline view (just slideshow view)
- return;
- var csteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; // current slide steps array
- if ( !csteps || settings.incpos >= csteps.length )
- go(1);
- else
- subgo(1);
- } );
- $( settings.titleSelector, $slides ).bind('contextmenu', function() {
- if( !settings.isProjection ) // suspend clicker in outline view (just slideshow view)
- return;
- var csteps = settings.steps[settings.snum-1]; // current slide steps array
- if ( !csteps || settings.incpos >= csteps.length )
- go(-1);
- else
- subgo(-1);
- return false;
- } );
-function addSlideIds() {
- $slides.each( function(i) {
- this.id = 'slide'+(i+1);
- });
- }
- // init code here
- // store possible slidenumber from hash */
- // todo: use regex to extract number
- // might be #slide1 or just #1
- var gotoSlideNum = parseInt( window.location.hash.substring(1) );
- debug( "gotoSlideNum=" + gotoSlideNum );
- var $slides = $( '.slide' );
- settings.smax = $slides.length;
- addSlideIds();
- settings.steps = collectSteps();
- createControls();
- addClicker();
- /* opera is the only browser currently supporting css projection mode */
- /* if( !$.browser.opera ) */
- notOperaFix();
- if( !isNaN( gotoSlideNum ))
- {
- debug( "restoring slide on (re)load #: " + gotoSlideNum );
- goTo( gotoSlideNum );
- }
- if( settings.mode == 'outline' )
- toggle();
- else if( settings.mode == 'autoplay' )
- toggleAutoplay();
- if( settings.debug == true )
- doDebug();
- document.onkeyup = keys;
-} // end Slideshow