
Hydra Suite - Cloud Command and Control

The Hydra Suite is a complete set of tools for orchestration and management of network of machines.

This suite is made of three commands:

  • hydractl: issues commands in the current host.
  • hydra: issues commands on multiple hosts.
  • hydras: issues commands to multiple sets of hosts.

It is also built around a set of Puppet modules which does the actual configuration of each system.


First, clone the code:

git clone git://git.sarava.org/hydra.git && cd hydra

Then check the source integrity of the latest release:

tag="`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`"
git tag -v $tag && git checkout $tag

Finally, add hydra folder to your $PATH or run the following command to install it under /usr/local:

./hydractl deploy

Managing an existing network

If you have enough credentials (ssh pubkey set in the server), you can fetch all the needed repositories and configurations to a local folder ~/file/example using simply the following command:

hydra example init ~/file/example git@admin.example.org:config.git

Creating a new network

Use the following commands to create the needed repositories when starting a new network:

hydra example init   ~/file/example
hydra example config domain example.org


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