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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/awesompd.lua b/awesompd.lua
index 9eb24cc..50c2446 100644
--- a/awesompd.lua
+++ b/awesompd.lua
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ function awesompd:create()
instance.status_text = "Stopped"
instance.to_notify = false
instance.connected = true
- instance.promptbox = {}
- for s = 1, screen.count() do
- instance.promptbox[s] = awful.widget.prompt({ layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright })
- end
+-- instance.promptbox = {}
+-- for s = 1, screen.count() do
+-- instance.promptbox[s] = awful.widget.prompt({ layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright })
+-- end
instance.recreate_menu = true
instance.recreate_playback = true
instance.recreate_list = true
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ function awesompd:command_show_menu()
table.insert(new_menu, { "Options", self:get_options_menu() })
table.insert(new_menu, { "List", self:get_list_menu() })
table.insert(new_menu, { "Playlists", self:get_playlists_menu() })
+ table.insert(new_menu, { "Jamendo Top 100", self:add_jamendo_top() })
table.insert(new_menu, { "Servers", self:get_servers_menu() })
self.main_menu = awful.menu({ items = new_menu,
@@ -274,6 +275,38 @@ function awesompd:command_show_menu()
+--function awesompd:try_run_inter()
+-- return function()
+-- awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Not used yet: " },
+-- self.promptbox[1],
+-- test_nau, nil,
+-- nil)
+-- end
+function awesompd:add_jamendo_top()
+ return function ()
+ top_list = "curl -A 'Mozilla/4.0' -fsm 5 \"http://api.jamendo.com/get2/id+name+url+stream+album_name+album_url+album_id+artist_id+artist_name/track/jsonpretty/track_album+album_artist/?n=100&order=ratingweek_desc\""
+ bus = io.popen(top_list)
+ r = bus:read("*all")
+ parse_table = {}
+ string.gsub(r, "\"id\":(%d+),%s+\"name\":\"([^\"]+)[^%}]*\"artist_name\":\"([^\"]+)\"",function(_id,_track,_artist)
+ table.insert(parse_table,
+ { id = _id,
+ track = (_track or ""),
+ artist = (_artist or "")})
+ end)
+ self.jamendo_list = {}
+ for i = 1,table.getn(parse_table) do
+ track_link = "http://stream32.jamendo.com/stream/" .. parse_table[i].id .."/mp31/"
+ self:command("add " .. track_link)
+ self.jamendo_list[track_link] = parse_table[i].artist .. " - " .. parse_table[i].track
+ end
+ self.recreate_menu = true
+ self.recreate_list = true
+ end
-- Returns the playback menu. Menu contains of:
-- Play\Pause - always
-- Previous - if the current track is not the first in the list and playback is not stopped
@@ -309,11 +342,20 @@ function awesompd:get_list_menu()
local start_num = (self.current_number - 15 > 0) and self.current_number - 15 or 1
local end_num = (self.current_number + 15 < total_count ) and self.current_number + 15 or total_count
for i = start_num, end_num do
- table.insert(new_menu, { awesompd.protect_string(self.list_array[i]),
- self:command_play_specific(i),
- self.current_number == i and
- (self.status == "Playing" and self.ICONS.PLAY or self.ICONS.PAUSE)
- or nil} )
+ print(self.list_array[i])
+ if (string.find(self.list_array[i],"jamendo.com")) then
+ table.insert(new_menu, { self.jamendo_list[(self.list_array[i])],
+ self:command_play_specific(i),
+ self.current_number == i and
+ (self.status == "Playing" and self.ICONS.PLAY or self.ICONS.PAUSE)
+ or nil} )
+ else
+ table.insert(new_menu, { awesompd.protect_string(self.list_array[i]),
+ self:command_play_specific(i),
+ self.current_number == i and
+ (self.status == "Playing" and self.ICONS.PLAY or self.ICONS.PAUSE)
+ or nil} )
+ end
self.recreate_list = false
@@ -540,6 +582,7 @@ function awesompd:update_track()
local info_ar = self.split(info,"\n")
if string.len(info) == 0 then
self.text = "Disconnected"
+ self.unique_text = self.text
if self.connected then
self.connected = false
@@ -554,6 +597,7 @@ function awesompd:update_track()
if string.find(info_ar[1],"volume:") then
self.text = "MPD stopped"
+ self.unique_text = self.text
if self.status ~= "Stopped" then
self.status = "Stopped"
self.current_number = 0
@@ -563,8 +607,13 @@ function awesompd:update_track()
local new_track = awesompd.protect_string(info_ar[1])
- if new_track ~= self.text then
- self.text = new_track
+ if new_track ~= self.unique_text then
+ if (string.find(new_track,"jamendo.com")) then
+ self.text = self.jamendo_list[new_track]
+ else
+ self.text = new_track
+ end
+ self.unique_text = new_track
self.to_notify = true
self.recreate_menu = true
self.recreate_playback = true