BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
adapt-to-jessieinclude munin in proxy roledrebs9 years
developManages firejail and convmvSilvio Rhatto7 years
feature/autoloadKeep some imports for a whileSilvio Rhatto9 years
feature/cleanupAdds nodo::utils::baseSilvio Rhatto8 years
feature/crypttabUpdating crypttab/fstab/resume to new layoutSilvio Rhatto10 years
feature/muninIntroduces nodo::munin_node::ensureSilvio Rhatto9 years
masterFix: disable monkeysphere as it's currently not availableSilvio Rhatto12 days
productionFix backup::users managementSilvio Rhatto8 years
refactorAdding new rolesSilvio Rhatto11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
12 daysFix: disable monkeysphere as it's currently not availableHEADmasterSilvio Rhatto
2024-03-08Fx: nodo::utils::office::console: ensure pandoc-citeproc is absent on newer D...Silvio Rhatto
2024-03-07Feat: nodo::utils::development::ide: manage mkdocs-material and mkdocs-materi...Silvio Rhatto
2024-02-28Feat: nodo::subsystem::apt: new parameters controlling contrib, non-free and ...Silvio Rhatto
2024-02-27Fix: nodo::utils::office::console: duplicate definition for pandoc-citeprocSilvio Rhatto
2024-02-27Fix: APT: enable non-free-firmware componentSilvio Rhatto
2024-02-24Fix: update package list for Debian bookwormSilvio Rhatto
2024-01-26Fix: bump infectionSilvio Rhatto
2023-10-19Fix: bump inceptionSilvio Rhatto
2023-10-19Fix: bump inceptionSilvio Rhatto