#!/usr/bin/env bash # Change the screen brightness. # See the output of "$0 -h" for details. # # Script obtained at https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/61256/how-to-change-lcd-intensivity-brightness # Minor fixes by rhatto # Exit immediately on each error and unset variable; # see: https://vaneyckt.io/posts/safer_bash_scripts_with_set_euxo_pipefail/ #set -Eeuo pipefail set -Eeu # This script is locale-dependent export LC_ALL=C APP_NAME="Screen Brightness Changer" cmd=${1:-get} bl_dir=/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight function print_help() { script_name="$(basename "$0")" echo "${APP_NAME} - Allows to change the screen brightness." echo "It may do so using the hardware backlight or through software manipulation of pixel values sent to the screen." echo echo "Usage:" echo " $script_name [OPTIONS] COMMAND" echo "Commands:" echo " [on|off] set the brightness to either 100% or 0%" echo " [0.0, 1.0] set the brightness to the given fraction" echo " [+-][0.0, 1.0] increase/decrease the brightness by the given fraction" echo " [0, 100]% set the brightness to the given percentage" echo " [+-][0, 100]% increase/decrease the brightness by the given percentage" echo "Options:" echo " -h, --help Print this usage help and exit" echo "Examples:" echo " $script_name # Returns the current brightness" echo " $script_name 1.0 # Set to full brightness" echo " $script_name 100% # Set to full brightness" echo " $script_name +0.1 # Increase brightness by 10%" echo " $script_name -10% # Reduce brightness by 10%" echo " $script_name --help # Print this usage help and exit" } # read command-line args POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do arg="${1}" shift # $2 -> $1, $3 -> $2, ... case "${arg}" in -h|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; *) # non-/unknown option POSITIONAL+=("${arg}") # save it in an array for later ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters # Check if first number is larger then the second. # This can do floating-point comparison. function _isLarger() { return "$(awk -v n1="$1" -v n2="$2" \ 'BEGIN { if (n1 >= n2) { print("0") } else { print("1") } }')" } # Convert potentially relative (+|-X) into new absolute value. # If relative=false, return the value. # Else, return current +|- the value. function _makeAbs() { local _cur="$1" local _rel="$2" local _rel_sign="$3" local _val="$4" local _new="" if $_rel then _new=$(printf "%.3f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print($_cur + ($_rel_sign * $_val)) }")") else _new="$_val" fi echo -n "$_new" } # Limits the input value (float) to the range [0.0, 1.0] (inclusive). function _limit01() { local _val="$1" local _new="" if _isLarger "$_val" 1 then _new="1.0" elif _isLarger 0 "$_val" then _new="0.0" else _new="$_val" fi echo -n "$_new" } # Post-process/parse the input command/value. val_rel=$(echo "$cmd" | grep -q '^[+-]' && echo -n "true" || echo -n "false") val_rel_sign=$(echo "$cmd" | grep -q '^+' && echo -n "1" || echo -n "-1") cmd=$(echo "$cmd" | sed -e 's|^[+-]||') # Calculate the (float) fractional value - # absolute or relative - # indicated by the given command. if [ "$cmd" == "on" ]; then # turn fully bright val_new=1.0 elif [ "$cmd" == "off" ]; then # turn the screen backlight off val_new=0.0 elif echo "$cmd" | grep -q '%$'; then val_new=${cmd/\%/} val_new=$(printf "%.3f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print($val_new / 100) }")") elif _isLarger "$cmd" 0 && _isLarger 1 "$cmd"; then val_new=$cmd elif [ "$cmd" == "get" ]; then val_new="0" val_rel="true" val_rel_sign="1" else >&2 echo "Invalid command '$cmd'!" exit 1 fi # Evaluate which backlight/brightness changeing method to use mth_xbacklight=false mth_bare=false mth_xrandr=false if which xbacklight > /dev/null 2>&1 && xbacklight -get > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "Using 'xbacklight' (hardware) ..." # This requires the `xbacklight` utility installed # and the systems backlight to be suported by it. # This method actually changes the backlight brightness (hardware). mth_xbacklight=true elif [ -d "$bl_dir" ] && [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ] then echo "Using '$bl_dir' (hardware) ..." # This requires the $bl_dir directory to be present # and this script to be run with root priviledges # in order to be able to write ot that dir. # This method actually changes the backlight brightness (hardware). mth_bare=true elif which xrandr > /dev/null 2>&1 then #echo "Using xrandr (software) ..." # This has no prerequisite; it should always work. # This method only manipulates the pixel values sent to the screen, imitating more/less brightness (software). mth_xrandr=true else >&2 echo "No low-level-method chosen!" exit 1 fi # Fetch the current brightness value as fraction in [0.0, 1.0] if $mth_xbacklight then val_cur_perc=$(xbacklight -get) val_cur=$(printf "%.3f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print($val_cur_perc / 100) }")") elif $mth_bare then val_max=$(cat "$bl_dir/max_brightness") val_cur_abs=$(cat "$bl_dir/brightness") val_cur=$(printf "%.3f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print(1.0 * $val_cur_abs / $val_max) }")") elif $mth_xrandr then val_cur=$(xrandr --verbose | grep -i "brightness" | sed -e 's|.*: ||' | head -1) else >&2 echo "No low-level-method chosen!" exit 1 fi # Calculate the new brightness value as fraction in [0.0, 1.0] val_new=$(_limit01 "$(_makeAbs "$val_cur" "$val_rel" "$val_rel_sign" "$val_new")") val_new_perc=$(printf "%.0f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print($val_new * 100) }")") # Just print the (new == old) current brightness percentage and exit if [ "$cmd" == "get" ] then echo "${val_new_perc}%" exit 0 fi # Set the new brightness value if $mth_xbacklight then xbacklight -set "$val_new_perc" elif $mth_bare then val_max=$(cat "$bl_dir/max_brightness") val_new_abs=$(printf "%.0f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print($val_new * $val_max) }")") echo -n "$val_new_abs" | tee "$bl_dir/brightness"> /dev/null elif $mth_xrandr then displays=$(xrandr -q | grep " connected" | sed -e 's| .*||') for display in $displays; do xrandr --output "$display" --brightness "$val_new" done else >&2 echo "No low-level-method chosen!" exit 1 fi