# # Makefile for a Drupal 8 Website # # Parameters CORE = 8 PROJECT = drupal ENV = dev DATE = $(shell date +%Y%m%d) CWD = $(shell pwd) DESTDIR ?= vendor DRUPAL = $(DESTDIR)/drupal-$(CORE) DRUSH = drush -r $(DRUPAL) -l $(PROJECT) # Setup production environment production: submodules post_receive drush settings ownership # Setup a development environment #develop: submodules vagrant develop: submodules kvmx rm -rf $(DRUPAL)/sites/default ln -s $(PROJECT) $(DRUPAL)/sites/default vagrant ssh -c "$(DRUSH) pm-enable devel -y" # Install the platform platform: drupal drush settings symlinks initdb cache # Keep code in sync sync-code: update drush cache import # Initialize and update git submodules submodules: git submodule sync --recursive git submodule update --init --recursive # Setup the virtual machine using vagrant vagrant: vagrant up # Setup the virtual machine using kvmx kvmx: kvmx up # Download drupal, setup folder structure and config file # # You might want to use "-n" to avoid _drush_recursive_copy cpu hog if previous # installation already exists when using 9p filesystem drupal: #rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/drupal-$(CORE)* && drush pm-download -y -v drupal-$(CORE) --destination=/tmp/drupal && mv /tmp/drupal/drupal-$(CORE).* $(DESTDIR)/ #drush pm-download -y -v drupal-$(CORE) --destination=$(DESTDIR) #( cd $(DRUPAL)/.. && ln -s drupal-$(CORE).* drupal-$(CORE) ) BASE=$(DESTDIR) drupal download 8 # Make the needed symlinks symlinks: ln -sf -t $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/ $(CWD)/files ln -sf -t $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/ $(CWD)/config ln -sf -t $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/ $(CWD)/themes ln -sf -t $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/ $(CWD)/modules ln -sf -t $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/ $(CWD)/libraries # Default settings default_settings: test -s sites.php || cp $(DRUPAL)/sites/example.sites.php sites.php test -s settings.dev.php || cp $(DRUPAL)/sites/default/default.settings.php settings.dev.php test -s services.dev.yml || cp $(DRUPAL)/sites/default/default.services.yml services.dev.yml # Setup drupal settings settings: default_settings test -s $(DRUPAL)/sites/sites.php || cp sites.php $(DRUPAL)/sites/sites.php mkdir -p $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT) test -s $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/settings.$(ENV).php || cp settings.dev.php $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/settings.$(ENV).php test -s $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/settings.php || ln -s settings.$(ENV).php $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/settings.php test -s $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/services.$(ENV).yml || cp services.dev.yml $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/services.$(ENV).yml test -s $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/services.yml || ln -s services.$(ENV).yml $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/services.yml chmod 640 $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/settings.php chmod 640 $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT)/services.yml # Fix ownership ownership: sudo chown -R $(PROJECT). $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT) sudo chmod 755 $(DRUPAL)/sites/$(PROJECT) # Run drush makefile drush: sudo drush make -n --no-core drupal.make.yml $(DRUPAL) # Update the database updatedb: $(DRUSH) updatedb -y # Load the database dump, clear the drupal cache and fix image paths # See https://www.drupal.org/node/628130 initdb: test -s sql/dumps/latest && gzip -dc sql/dumps/latest.sql.gz | $(DRUSH) sql-cli || true test -s sql/dumps/latest && $(DRUSH) updatedb -y || true # Dump the database dumpdb: mkdir -p sql/dumps rm -f sql/dumps/latest.sql.gz rm -f sql/dumps/$(DATE).sql.gz $(DRUSH) sql-dump > sql/dumps/$(DATE).sql ( cd sql/dumps && gzip $(DATE).sql && ln -s $(DATE).sql.gz latest.sql.gz ) # Clear drupal cache cache: $(DRUSH) cache-rebuild # Destroy the database destroydb: echo "DROP DATABASE $(PROJECT); CREATE DATABASE $(PROJECT);" | $(DRUSH) sql-cli # Reinitializes the database reinitdb: destroydb initdb # Cleanup develop environment clean: vagrant halt vagrant destroy -f kvmx stop kvmx destroy rm -rf vendor/drupal* # Export configuration export: $(DRUSH) config-export -y # Import configuration import: $(DRUSH) config-import -y # Diff configuration # Needs https://github.com/eriktufvesson/drush-config-diff diff: $(DRUSH) config-diff # Update the codebase update: pull submodules # Upgrade modules upgrade-modules: $(DRUSH) up # Upgrade drupal upgrade-drupal: BASE=$(DESTDIR) drupal upgrade $(OLD) $(NEW) # Configure update hook on remote host post_receive: git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../bin/post-receive # Pull changes pull: git pull # Reset the working copy reset: #git reset HEAD git checkout -f # Fix local folder permission perms: chmod 755 . # Deploy code pushed on remote host deploy: perms reset submodules drush cache-rebuild drush config-import -y