TODO ==== * Bazaar: * README with basic info and HOWTO * Rename de project to "boilerplater" or "skeletor"? * Licenses: * Public domain * Creative Commons * Perl * Metafiles: * Changelog formats * Semver * Standards: * Robotstxt * Securitytxt * Modules: * Python * Flask * Debian package * Website checklist * Manpage * Multilicense * Code: * Check/verify mode, telling which modules are installed and checking for missing things (like LICENSE) * If git is in use, commit all changes, but check first it there are non-commited changes in the repo * Hugo: tell the user about adding a theme: * Be verbose about the need to review and edit files, adding LICENSE headers into source files, etc * Try an alternative command-line format, like "module:option1=value,option2=value with spaces" * Git: optionally configure user.signingkey, commit.gpgsign, etc * Makefile * Debian package